About About Cppcheck 關於 Cppcheck Version %1 版本 %1 Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. Cppcheck - 一款靜態 C/C++ 程式碼分析工具。 Copyright © 2007-%1 Cppcheck team. 著作權 © 2007-%1 Cppcheck 團隊。 This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 該程式是根據 GNU 通用公眾授權條款第 3 版 的規定進行授權的 Visit Cppcheck homepage at %1 訪問 Cppcheck 主頁: %1 <html><head/><body><p>Many thanks to these libraries that we use:</p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">pcre</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">picojson</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">qt</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">tinyxml2</li></ul></body></html> ApplicationDialog Add an application 新增應用程式 Here you can add an application that can open error files. Specify a name for the application, the application executable and command line parameters for the application. The following texts in parameters are replaced with appropriate values when application is executed: (file) - Filename containing the error (line) - Line number containing the error (message) - Error message (severity) - Error severity Example opening a file with Kate and make Kate scroll to the correct line: Executable: kate Parameters: -l(line) (file) &Name: 名稱(&N): &Executable: 執行檔(&E): &Parameters: 參數(&P): Browse 瀏覽 Executable files (*.exe);;All files(*.*) 執行檔 (*.exe);;所有檔案 (*.*) Select viewer application 選取檢視器應用程式 Cppcheck Cppcheck You must specify a name, a path and optionally parameters for the application! 您必須為應用程式指定名稱、路徑與選用的參數! ComplianceReportDialog Compliance Report Project name 專案名稱 Project version 專案版本 Coding Standard Misra C Cert C Cert C++ List of files with md5 checksums Compliance report HTML files (*.html) HTML 檔案 (*.html) Save compliance report Failed to import '%1', can not show files in compliance report FileViewDialog Could not find the file: %1 無法找到檔案: %1 Cppcheck Cppcheck Could not read the file: %1 無法讀取檔案: %1 HelpDialog Cppcheck GUI help Cppcheck GUI 幫助 Contents 內容 Index 索引 Helpfile '%1' was not found 找不到幫助檔 '%1' Cppcheck Cppcheck LibraryAddFunctionDialog Add function 新增函式 Function name(s) 函式名稱 Number of arguments 引數數量 LibraryDialog Library Editor 程式庫編輯器 Open 開啟 Save 儲存 Save as 另存為 Functions 函式 Sort 排序 Add 新增 Filter: Comments 註釋 noreturn False True Unknown 未知 return value must be used ignore function in leaks checking Arguments 引數 Edit 編輯 Library files (*.cfg) 程式庫檔案 (*.cfg) Open library file 開啟程式庫檔案 Cppcheck Cppcheck Cannot open file %1. 無法開啟檔案 %1。 Failed to load %1. %2. 無法載入 %1. %2。 Cannot save file %1. 無法儲存檔案 %1。 Save the library as 另存程式庫為 LibraryEditArgDialog Edit argument 編輯引數 <html><head/><body> <p>Is bool value allowed? For instance result from comparison or from '!' operator.</p> <p>Typically, set this if the argument is a pointer, size, etc.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> memcmp(x, y, i == 123); // last argument should not have a bool value</pre> </body></html> Not bool <html><head/><body> <p>Is a null parameter value allowed?</p> <p>Typically this should be used on any pointer parameter that does not allow null.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> strcpy(x,y); // neither x or y is allowed to be null.</pre> </body></html> Not null Not uninit String 字串 Format string Min size of buffer Type 型別 None argvalue mul strlen Arg Arg2 and Valid values 有效值 MainWindow Cppcheck Cppcheck Checking for updates 檢查更新 Hide 隱藏 &File 檔案(&F) &View 檢視(&V) &Toolbars 工具條(&T) &Help 幫助(&H) A&nalyze 分析(&N) C++ standard C++ 標準 &C standard C 標準(&C) &Edit 編輯(&E) Standard 標準 Categories 分類 Filter 篩選 &License... 授權(&L)... A&uthors... 作者(&U)... &About... 關於(&A)... &Files... 檔案(&F)... Analyze files 分析檔案 Ctrl+F Ctrl+F &Directory... 目錄(&D)... Analyze directory 分析目錄 Ctrl+D Ctrl+D &Reanalyze modified files 重新分析已修改的檔案(&R) Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Reanal&yze all files 重新分析所有檔案(&Y) &Stop 停止(&S) Stop analysis 停止分析 Esc Esc &Save results to file... 儲存結果為檔案(&S)... Ctrl+S Ctrl+S &Quit 退出(&Q) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q &Clear results 清除結果(&C) &Preferences 偏好設定(&P) Style war&nings 樣式警告(&N) Show style warnings 顯示樣式警告 E&rrors 錯誤(&R) Show errors 顯示錯誤 &Check all 全部檢查(&C) &Uncheck all Collapse &all 全部摺疊(&A) &Expand all 全部展開(&E) &Standard 標準(&S) Standard items 標準項目 &Contents 內容(&C) Open the help contents 開啟幫助內容 F1 F1 Toolbar 工具條 &Categories 分類(&C) Error categories 錯誤分類 &Open XML... 開啟 XML(&O)... Open P&roject File... 開啟專案檔(&R)... Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Sh&ow Scratchpad... &New Project File... 新增專案檔(&N)... Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N &Log View 日誌檢視(&L) Log View 日誌檢視 C&lose Project File 關閉專案檔(&L) &Edit Project File... 編輯專案檔(&E)... &Statistics 統計資料(&S) &Warnings 警告(&W) Show warnings 顯示警告 Per&formance warnings 效能警告(&F) Show performance warnings 顯示下效能警告 Show &hidden 顯示隱藏項目(&H) &Information 資訊(&I) Show information messages 顯示資訊訊息 &Portability 可移植性(&P) Show portability warnings 顯示可移植性警告 Show Cppcheck results 顯示 Cppcheck 結果 Clang Clang Show Clang results 顯示 Clang 結果 &Filter 篩選(&F) Filter results 篩選結果 Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32 位元 ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 32 位元 Unicode Unix 32-bit Unix 32 位元 Unix 64-bit Unix 64 位元 Windows 64-bit Windows 64 位元 P&latforms 平臺(&L) C++&11 C++&11 C&99 C&99 &Posix C&11 C&11 &C89 &C89 &C++03 &C++03 &Print... 列印(&P)... Print the Current Report 列印當前報告 Print Pre&view... 列印預覽(&V)... Open a Print Preview Dialog for the Current Results 開啟當前結果的列印預覽視窗 &Library Editor... 程式庫編輯器(&L)... Open library editor 開啟程式庫編輯器 &Auto-detect language 自動偵測語言(&A) &Enforce C++ E&nforce C C++14 C++14 Reanalyze and check library 重新分析並檢查程式庫 Check configuration (defines, includes) 檢查組態 (定義、包含) C++17 C++17 C++20 C++20 Compliance report... Cppcheck GUI. Syntax: cppcheck-gui [OPTIONS] [files or paths] Options: -h, --help Print this help -p <file> Open given project file and start checking it -l <file> Open given results xml file -d <directory> Specify the directory that was checked to generate the results xml specified with -l -v, --version Show program version --data-dir=<directory> This option is for installation scripts so they can configure the directory where datafiles are located (translations, cfg). The GUI is not started when this option is used. Cppcheck GUI - Command line parameters Cppcheck GUI - 命令行參數 Quick Filter: 快速篩選: Project: 專案: There was a problem with loading the editor application settings. This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly. No suitable files found to analyze! 找不到適合的檔案來分析! You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories! 您必須在選取新檔案或目錄之前關閉該專案檔! C/C++ Source C/C++ 來源檔 Compile database 編譯資料庫 Visual Studio Visual Studio Borland C++ Builder 6 Borland C++ Builder 6 Select files to analyze 選取要分析的檔案 Select directory to analyze 選取要分析的目錄 Select configuration 選取組態 Select the configuration that will be analyzed 選取要分析的組態 Found project file: %1 Do you want to load this project file instead? Found project files from the directory. Do you want to proceed analysis without using any of these project files? Information 資訊 The library '%1' contains unknown elements: %2 File not found 找不到檔案 Bad XML Missing attribute Bad attribute value Unsupported format 未支援的格式 Duplicate platform type 重複的平臺型別 Platform type redefined 平臺型別重定義 Unknown element 未知的元素 Unknown issue 未知的議題 Failed to load the selected library '%1'. %2 無法載入選取的程式庫 '%1'。 %2 Error 錯誤 Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located. Please note that --data-dir is supposed to be used by installation scripts and therefore the GUI does not start when it is used, all that happens is that the setting is configured. Current results will be cleared. Opening a new XML file will clear current results. Do you want to proceed? XML files (*.xml) XML 檔案 (*.xml) Open the report file 開啟報告檔 Analyzer is running. Do you want to stop the analysis and exit Cppcheck? 分析正在執行 您想停止分析並離開 Cppcheck 嗎? About 關於 License 授權 Authors 作者 XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv) XML 檔案 (*.xml);;文字檔 (*.txt);;CSV 檔案 (*.csv) Save the report file 儲存報告檔 Text files (*.txt) 文字檔 (*.txt) CSV files (*.csv) CSV 檔案 (*.csv) Cannot generate a compliance report right now, an analysis must finish successfully. Try to reanalyze the code and ensure there are no critical errors. Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*) 專案檔 (*.cppcheck);;所有檔案 (*.*) Select Project File 選取專案檔 Build dir '%1' does not exist, create it? 建置目錄 '%1' 不存在,是否建立它? To check the project using addons, you need a build directory. Failed to open file 無法開啟檔案 Unknown project file format 未知的專案檔格式 Failed to import project file 無法匯入專案檔 Failed to import '%1': %2 Analysis is stopped. 無法匯入 '%1': %2 停止分析。 Failed to import '%1', analysis is stopped 無法匯入 '%1',停止分析 Project files (*.cppcheck) 專案檔 (*.cppcheck) Select Project Filename 選取專案檔案名稱 No project file loaded The project file %1 could not be found! Do you want to remove the file from the recently used projects -list? 專案檔 %1 找不到! 您要從最近使用的專案列表中移除該檔案嗎? Install 安章 New version available: %1. %2 可用的新版本: %1. %2 NewSuppressionDialog New suppression 新建抑制 Error ID 錯誤 ID File name 檔案名稱 Line number 行號 Symbol name 符號名稱 Edit suppression 編輯抑制 Platforms Native 原生 Unix 32-bit Unix 32 位元 Unix 64-bit Unix 64 位元 Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32 位元 ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 32 位元 Unicode Windows 64-bit Windows 64 位元 ProjectFile Project File 專案檔 Paths and Defines 路徑與定義 Import Project (Visual studio / compile database/ Borland C++ Builder 6) 匯入專案 (Visual Studio / 編譯資料庫 / Borland C++ Builder 6) Browse... 瀏覽... <html><head/><body><p>You have a choice:</p><p> * Analyze all Debug and Release configurations</p><p> * Only analyze the first matching Debug configuration</p><p><br/></p></body></html> Analyze all Visual Studio configurations 分析所有 Visual Studio 組態 Selected VS Configurations 選取 VS 組態 Paths: 路徑: Add... 新增... Edit 編輯 Remove 移除 Defines: 定義: Defines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: DEF1;DEF2=5;DEF3=int Undefines: 未定義: Undefines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: UNDEF1;UNDEF2;UNDEF3 Include Paths: 包含路徑: Up Down Types and Functions 型別與函式 Platform 平臺 Libraries 程式庫 Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above. Analysis 分析 Cppcheck build dir (whole program analysis, incremental analysis, statistics, etc) This is a workfolder that Cppcheck will use for various purposes. Parser 剖析器 Cppcheck (built in) Cppcheck (內建) Clang (experimental) Check level Normal -- meant for normal analysis in CI. Analysis should finish in reasonable time. Exhaustive -- meant for nightly builds etc. Analysis time can be longer (10x slower than compilation is OK). If you want to design your classes to be as flexible and robust as possible then the public interface must be very robust. Cppcheck will asumme that arguments can take *any* value. Check that each class has a safe public interface Limit analysis Check code in headers (should be ON normally. if you want a limited quick analysis then turn this OFF) Check code in unused templates (should be ON normally, however in theory you can safely ignore warnings in unused templates) Max CTU depth Max recursion in template instantiation Warning options 警告選項 Root path: 根路徑: Filepaths in warnings will be relative to this path Warning tags (separated by semicolon) 警告標記 (由分號分隔) If tags are added, you will be able to right click on warnings and set one of these tags. You can manually categorize warnings. Exclude source files 排除來源檔 Exclude folder... 排除資料夾... Exclude file... 排除檔案... Suppressions 抑制 Add 新增 Addons Note: Addons require <a href="https://www.python.org/">Python</a> being installed. Y2038 Y2038 Thread safety 執行緒安全 Coding standards Misra C 2012 2023 Misra C 2012 Misra C 2012 MISRA rule texts <html><head/><body><p>Copy/paste the text from Appendix A &quot;Summary of guidelines&quot; from the MISRA C 2012 pdf to a text file.</p></body></html> ... ... Misra C++ 2008 Misra C++ 2008 Cert C CERT-INT35-C: int precision (if size equals precision, you can leave empty) Cert C++ Autosar Bug hunting (Premium) Bug hunting External tools 外部工具 Clang-tidy Clang-tidy Clang analyzer Clang 分析器 ProjectFileDialog Project file: %1 專案檔: %1 Clang-tidy (not found) Clang-tidy (找不到) Select Cppcheck build dir 選取 Cppcheck 建置目錄 Visual Studio Visual Studio Compile database 編譯資料庫 Borland C++ Builder 6 Borland C++ Builder 6 Import Project 匯入專案 Select a directory to check 選取要檢查的目錄 Select include directory 選取包含目錄 Select directory to ignore 選取要忽略的目錄 Source files 來源檔 All files 所有檔案 Exclude file 排除檔案 Select MISRA rule texts file 選取 MISRA 規則文字檔 MISRA rule texts file (%1) MISRA 規則文字檔 (%1) QObject Thin ExtraLight Light Normal Medium DemiBold Bold ExtraBold Black Editor Foreground Color 編輯器前景色 Editor Background Color 編輯器背景色 Highlight Background Color 標明背景色 Line Number Foreground Color 行號前景色 Line Number Background Color 行號背景色 Keyword Foreground Color 關鍵字前景色 Keyword Font Weight Class Foreground Color 類別前景色 Class Font Weight 類別字型粗細 Quote Foreground Color Quote Font Weight Comment Foreground Color Comment Font Weight Symbol Foreground Color 符號前景色 Symbol Background Color 符號被景色 Symbol Font Weight 符號字型粗細 Set to Default Light Set to Default Dark line %1: Unhandled element %2 line %1: Mandatory attribute '%2' missing in '%3' (Not found) (找不到) Unknown language specified! 指定了未知語言! Language file %1 not found! 找不到語言檔 %1! Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2 QPlatformTheme OK 確認 Cancel 取消 Close 關閉 Save 儲存 ResultsTree Undefined file 未定義的檔案 note style 樣式 error 錯誤 warning 警告 performance 效能 portability information 資訊 debug Recheck Copy 複製 Hide 隱藏 Hide all with id Open containing folder Suppress selected id(s) Tag 標記 No tag 取消標記 Cppcheck Cppcheck No editor application configured. Configure the editor application for Cppcheck in preferences/Applications. No default editor application selected. Please select the default editor application in preferences/Applications. Could not find the file! 找不到該檔案! Could not start %1 Please check the application path and parameters are correct. Could not find file: Please select the folder '%1' 請選取資料夾 '%1' Select Directory '%1' 選取目錄 '%1' Please select the directory where file is located. 請選取資料夾所在的目錄。 Select Directory 選取目錄 File 檔案 Severity 安全性 Line 行號 Id 識別號 Inconclusive Summary Since date ResultsView Results 結果 Critical errors Analysis Log 分析日誌 Warning Details 警告詳細資訊 Failed to save the report. 無法載入報告。 Print Report 列印報告 No errors found, nothing to print. %p% (%1 of %2 files checked) Cppcheck Cppcheck No errors found. 找不到錯誤。 Errors were found, but they are configured to be hidden. To toggle what kind of errors are shown, open view menu. Failed to read the report. 無法讀取報告。 XML format version 1 is no longer supported. 不再支援 XML 格式版本 1。 First included by Id 識別號 Bug hunting analysis is incomplete Clear Log 清除日誌 Copy this Log entry 複製該日誌條目 Copy complete Log 複製完整的日誌 Analysis was stopped There was a critical error with id '%1' when checking %1 Analysis was aborted. ScratchPad Scratchpad Copy or write some C/C++ code here: Optionally enter a filename (mainly for automatic language detection) and click on "Check": filename 檔案名稱 Check Settings Preferences 偏好設定 General 一般 Number of threads: 執行緒數量: Ideal count: Force checking all #ifdef configurations Show full path of files 顯示檔案的完整路徑 Show "No errors found" message when no errors found Display error Id in column "Id" Enable inline suppressions Check for inconclusive errors also Show statistics on check completion Check for updates 檢查更新 Show internal warnings in log 顯示日誌中的內部警告 Applications 應用程式 Add... 新增... Edit... 編輯... Remove 移除 Set as default 設定為預設值 Reports 報告 Save all errors when creating report Save full path to files in reports 在報告中儲存檔案的完整路徑 Language 語言 Addons Python binary (leave this empty to use python in the PATH) ... ... MISRA addon MISRA rule texts file MISRA 規則文字檔 <html><head/><body><p>Copy/paste the text from Appendix A &quot;Summary of guidelines&quot; from the MISRA C 2012 pdf to a text file.</p></body></html> Clang Clang Clang path (leave empty to use system PATH) Visual Studio headers Visual Studio 標頭檔 <html><head/><body><p>Paths to Visual Studio headers, separated by semicolon ';'.</p><p>You can open a Visual Studio command prompt, write &quot;SET INCLUDE&quot;. Then copy/paste the paths.</p></body></html> Code Editor 程式碼編輯器 Code Editor Style 程式碼編輯器樣式 System Style 系統樣式 Default Light Style Default Dark Style Custom 自訂 SettingsDialog N/A The executable file "%1" is not available Add a new application 新增一個新應用程式 Modify an application 修改一個應用程式 [Default] [Default] Select python binary 選取 python 二進位檔 Select MISRA File 選取 MISRA 檔案 Select clang path 選取 clang 路徑 StatsDialog Statistics 統計資料 Project 專案 Project: 專案: Paths: 路徑: Include paths: 包含路徑: Defines: 定義: Undefines: 未定義: Previous Scan 上一次掃描 Path Selected: 選取的路徑: Number of Files Scanned: 已掃描的檔案數量: Scan Duration: 掃描時間: Errors: 錯誤: Warnings: 警告: Stylistic warnings: Portability warnings: 可移植性警告: Performance issues: 效能議題: Information messages: 資訊訊息: Active checkers: Checkers History 歷史紀錄 File: 檔案: Copy to Clipboard 複製到剪貼簿 Pdf Export Pdf 匯出 File: 檔案: No cppcheck build dir 沒有 cppcheck 建置目錄 1 day 1 天 %1 days %1 天 1 hour 1 小時 %1 hours %1 小時 1 minute 1 分鐘 %1 minutes %1 分鐘 1 second 1 秒鐘 %1 seconds %1 秒鐘 0.%1 seconds 0.%1 秒鐘 and Errors 錯誤 Warnings 警告 Style warnings 樣式警告 Portability warnings 可移植性警告 Performance warnings 效能警告 Information messages 資訊訊息 Export PDF 匯出 PDF Project Settings 專案設定 Paths 路徑 Include paths 包含路徑 Defines 定義 Undefines 未定義 Path selected 選取的路徑 Number of files scanned 已掃描的檔案數量 Scan duration 掃描時間 ThreadResult %1 of %2 files checked TranslationHandler Failed to change the user interface language: %1 The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dialog to select any of the available languages. Cppcheck TxtReport inconclusive toFilterString All supported files (%1) 所有支援的檔案 (%1) All files (%1) 所有檔案 (%1)