#!/usr/bin/env python3 import glob import os def checknonnull(cfg, functionName, nonnull): pos1 = cfg.find('<function name="' + functionName + '">') if pos1 < 0: return pos2 = cfg.find('</function>', pos1) if pos2 < 0: return functionCfg = cfg[pos1:pos2] s = None for argnr in range(10): argpos1 = functionCfg.find('<arg nr="' + str(argnr) + '">') if argpos1 < 0: continue argpos2 = functionCfg.find('</arg>', argpos1) notnullpos = functionCfg.find('not-null', argpos1) if 0 <= notnullpos < argpos2: if s: s += ', ' + str(argnr) else: s = str(argnr) if s != nonnull: if not nonnull: nonnull = '' if not s: s = '' print(functionName + '\tglibc:' + nonnull + '\tcfg:' + s) def parseheader(cppcheckpath, filename): f = open(filename, 'rt') data = f.read() f.close() f = open(cppcheckpath + '/cfg/std.cfg', 'rt') stdcfg = f.read() f.close() f = open(cppcheckpath + '/cfg/posix.cfg', 'rt') posixcfg = f.read() f.close() while '/*' in data: pos1 = data.find('/*') pos2 = data.find('*/', pos1 + 2) data = data[:pos1] + data[pos2 + 2:] data = data.replace('\\\n', '') while '\n#' in data: pos1 = data.find('\n#') pos2 = data.find('\n', pos1 + 1) data = data[:pos1] + data[pos2:] while '\n__BEGIN' in data: pos1 = data.find('\n__BEGIN') pos2 = data.find('\n', pos1 + 1) data = data[:pos1] + data[pos2:] while '\n__END' in data: pos1 = data.find('\n__END') pos2 = data.find('\n', pos1 + 1) data = data[:pos1] + data[pos2:] data = data.replace('\n\n', '\n') data = data.replace('\t', ' ') data = data.replace(',\n ', ',') data = data.replace(')\n ', ',') data = data.replace(' ', ' ') output = [] for line in data.split('\n'): if (line[:7] != 'extern ' and ' extern ' not in line) or line[-1] != ';': continue functionNameEnd = line.find('(') - 1 if functionNameEnd < 0: continue while line[functionNameEnd] == ' ': functionNameEnd -= 1 if functionNameEnd < 10: continue functionNameStart = functionNameEnd while line[functionNameStart] == '_' or line[functionNameStart].isalnum(): functionNameStart -= 1 if functionNameStart < 10: continue if line[functionNameStart] != '*' and line[functionNameStart] != ' ': continue functionNameStart += 1 if not line[functionNameStart].isalpha(): continue functionName = line[functionNameStart:functionNameEnd + 1] nonnull = None nonnullStart = line.find('__nonnull') if nonnullStart >= 0: nonnullStart += 9 while nonnullStart < len(line) and line[nonnullStart] == ' ': nonnullStart += 1 if nonnullStart >= len(line) or line[nonnullStart] != '(': continue while line[nonnullStart] == '(': nonnullStart += 1 nonnullEnd = line.find(')', nonnullStart) nonnull = line[nonnullStart:nonnullEnd] checknonnull(stdcfg, functionName, nonnull) checknonnull(posixcfg, functionName, nonnull) if nonnull: s = functionName + ' ' + nonnull if s not in output: output.append(s) for f in glob.glob('/usr/include/*.h'): parseheader(os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck'), f)