/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "librarydialog.h" #include "ui_librarydialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const unsigned int LibraryDialog::Function::Arg::ANY = ~0U; // TODO: get/compare functions from header LibraryDialog::LibraryDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::LibraryDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); } LibraryDialog::~LibraryDialog() { delete ui; } static LibraryDialog::Function::Arg loadFunctionArg(const QDomElement &functionArgElement) { LibraryDialog::Function::Arg arg; if (functionArgElement.attribute("nr") == "any") arg.nr = LibraryDialog::Function::Arg::ANY; else arg.nr = functionArgElement.attribute("nr").toUInt(); for (QDomElement childElement = functionArgElement.firstChildElement(); !childElement.isNull(); childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement()) { if (childElement.tagName() == "not-bool") arg.notbool = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "not-null") arg.notnull = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "not-uninit") arg.notuninit = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "strz") arg.strz = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "formatstr") arg.formatstr = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "valid") arg.valid = childElement.text(); else if (childElement.tagName() == "minsize") { arg.minsize.type = childElement.attribute("type"); arg.minsize.arg = childElement.attribute("arg"); arg.minsize.arg2 = childElement.attribute("arg2"); } } return arg; } static LibraryDialog::Function loadFunction(const QDomElement &functionElement) { LibraryDialog::Function function; function.name = functionElement.attribute("name"); for (QDomElement childElement = functionElement.firstChildElement(); !childElement.isNull(); childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement()) { const QString tagName = childElement.tagName(); if (childElement.tagName() == "noreturn") function.noreturn = (childElement.text() == "true"); else if (childElement.tagName() == "pure") function.gccPure = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "const") function.gccConst = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "leak-ignore") function.leakignore = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "use-retval") function.useretval = true; else if (childElement.tagName() == "formatstr") { function.formatstr.scan = childElement.attribute("scan"); function.formatstr.secure = childElement.attribute("secure"); } else if (childElement.tagName() == "arg") { const LibraryDialog::Function::Arg fa = loadFunctionArg(childElement); function.args.append(fa); } else { int x = 123; x++; } } return function; } bool LibraryDialog::loadFile(QFile &file) { QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(&file)) return false; QDomElement rootElement = doc.firstChildElement("def"); for (QDomElement functionElement = rootElement.firstChildElement("function"); !functionElement.isNull(); functionElement = functionElement.nextSiblingElement("function")) { functions.append(loadFunction(functionElement)); } return true; } void LibraryDialog::openCfg() { const QSettings settings; const QString datadir = settings.value("DATADIR",QString()).toString(); QString selectedFilter; const QString filter(tr("Library files (*.cfg)")); const QString selectedFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open library file"), datadir, filter, &selectedFilter); if (!selectedFile.isEmpty()) { QFile file(selectedFile); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { loadFile(file); mFileName = selectedFile; ui->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); ui->functions->clear(); foreach (const struct Function &function, functions) ui->functions->addItem(function.name); } } } static QDomElement FunctionElement(QDomDocument &doc, const LibraryDialog::Function &function) { QDomElement functionElement = doc.createElement("function"); functionElement.setAttribute("name", function.name); if (!function.noreturn) { QDomElement e = doc.createElement("noreturn"); e.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("false")); functionElement.appendChild(e); } if (function.useretval) functionElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("useretval")); if (function.leakignore) functionElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("leak-ignore")); // Argument info.. foreach (const LibraryDialog::Function::Arg &arg, function.args) { QDomElement argElement = doc.createElement("arg"); functionElement.appendChild(argElement); if (arg.nr == LibraryDialog::Function::Arg::ANY) argElement.setAttribute("nr", "any"); else argElement.setAttribute("nr", arg.nr); if (arg.notbool) argElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("not-bool")); if (arg.notnull) argElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("not-null")); if (arg.notuninit) argElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("not-uninit")); if (arg.strz) argElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("strz")); if (arg.formatstr) argElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("formatstr")); if (!arg.valid.isEmpty()) { QDomElement e = doc.createElement("valid"); e.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(arg.valid)); argElement.appendChild(e); } if (!arg.minsize.type.isEmpty()) { QDomElement e = doc.createElement("minsize"); e.setAttribute("type", arg.minsize.type); e.setAttribute("arg", arg.minsize.arg); if (!arg.minsize.arg2.isEmpty()) e.setAttribute("arg2", arg.minsize.arg2); argElement.appendChild(e); } } return functionElement; } void LibraryDialog::saveCfg() { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("def"); doc.appendChild(root); root.setAttribute("format","2"); foreach (const Function &function, functions) { root.appendChild(FunctionElement(doc, function)); } QFile file(mFileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << doc.toString(); ui->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); } } void LibraryDialog::selectFunction(int row) { const Function &function = functions[row]; ui->functionreturn->setChecked(!function.noreturn); ui->useretval->setChecked(function.useretval); ui->leakignore->setChecked(function.leakignore); ui->arguments->clear(); foreach (const Function::Arg &arg, function.args) { QString s("arg"); if (arg.nr != Function::Arg::ANY) s += QString::number(arg.nr); if (arg.formatstr) s += " formatstr"; else if (arg.strz) s += " strz"; else if (!arg.valid.isNull()) s += " " + arg.valid; ui->arguments->addItem(s); } } void LibraryDialog::changeFunction() { foreach (const QListWidgetItem *item, ui->functions->selectedItems()) { Function &function = functions[ui->functions->row(item)]; function.noreturn = !ui->functionreturn->isChecked(); function.useretval = ui->useretval->isChecked(); function.leakignore = ui->leakignore->isChecked(); } ui->buttonSave->setEnabled(true); }