About About Cppcheck О Cppcheck Version %1 Версия %1 Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. Cppcheck - программа для статического анализа кода на языках С/С++ Copyright © 2007-2010 Daniel Marjamäki and cppcheck team. Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Daniel Marjamäki and cppcheck team. This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 Эта программа распространяется на условиях лицензии GNU General Public License, версии 3 Visit Cppcheck homepage at %1 Посетите домашнюю страницу: %1 ApplicationDialog Add an application Here you can add applications that can open error files. Specify a name for the application and the application to execute. The following texts are replaced with appropriate values when application is executed: (file) - Filename containing the error (line) - Line number containing the error (message) - Error message (severity) - Error severity Example opening a file with Kate and make Kate scroll to the correct line: kate -l(line) (file) Here you can add applications that can open error files. Specify a name for the application and the application to execute. The following texts are replaced with appriproate values when application is executed: (file) - Filename containing the error (line) - Line number containing the error (message) - Error message (severity) - Error severity Example opening a file with Kate and make Kate scroll to the correct line: kate -l(line) (file) Application's name: Command to execute: Browse Просмотреть Executable files (*.exe);;All files(*.*) Select viewer application Cppcheck Cppcheck You must specify a name and a path for the application! FileViewDialog Could not find the file: %1 Could not find the file: Невозможно найти файл: %1 Cppcheck Cppcheck Could not read the file: %1 Невозможно прочитать файл: %1 HelpWindow Cppcheck Help Go back Back Go forward Forward Start Home LogView Checking Log &Save Clear Close Save Log Text files (*.txt *.log);;All files (*.*) Cppcheck Cppcheck Could not open file for writing: "%1" MainWindow Cppcheck Cppcheck Standard &File Файл &View Вид &Toolbars &Check Проверить &Edit Правка &License... Лицензия... A&uthors... Авторы... &About... О программе... &Files... Файлы... Check files Ctrl+F Ctrl+F &Directory... Каталог... Check directory Ctrl+D Ctrl+D &Recheck files Ctrl+R Ctrl+R &Stop Остановить Stop checking Esc Esc &Save results to file... Сохранить отчёт в файл... Ctrl+S Ctrl+S &Quit Выход &Clear results Очистить отчёт &Preferences Параметры Errors Show errors Warnings Show warnings Performance warnings Show performance warnings Show &hidden Information Show information messages Portability Show portability warnings &Check all Отметить все &Uncheck all Сбросить все Collapse &all Свернуть все &Expand all Развернуть все &Standard Standard items Toolbar &Categories Error categories &Open XML... Open P&roject File... &New Project File... &Log View Log View C&lose Project File &Edit Project File... &Statistics &Contents Categories Style warnings Show style warnings Open the help contents F1 &Help Помощь Select files to check Выберите файлы для проверки Select directory to check Выберите каталог для проверки No suitable files found to check! License Лицензия Authors Авторы XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv) Save the report file XML files (*.xml) You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories! Project: Open the report file Checking is running. Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?. Text files (*.txt) Текстовые файлы (*.txt) CSV files (*.csv) Cppcheck - %1 Cppcheck - %1 Failed to change the language: %1 Failed to change language: %1 Невозможно изменить язык приложения: %1 Cppcheck Help Failed to load help file (not found) Failed to load help file Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*) Select Project File Select Project Filename No project file loaded Finnish Финский English Английский Dutch Swedish Швецкий German Немецкий Russian Русский Polish Japanese Japanease Serbian Project Cppcheck Cppcheck Could not read the project file. Could not write the project file. ProjectFile Project File Project: Paths: Browse... Include paths: Defines: ProjectFileDialog Project file: %1 Select include directory Select directory to check Выберите каталог для проверки QObject Incorrect language specified! Выбран неверный язык! Language file %1 not found! Language file %1.qm not found! Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2 Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2.qm Ошибка загрузки переводов для языка %1 из файла %2 ResultsTree File Файл Severity Важность Line Строка Summary Undefined file Copy filename Скопировать имя файла Copy full path Скопировать полный путь Copy message Hide Cppcheck Cppcheck Configure the text file viewer program in Cppcheck preferences/Applications. You can open this error by specifying applications in program's settings. Could not find the file! Could not start %1 Please check the application path and parameters are correct. Could not find file: %1 Please select the directory where file is located. Select Directory style error warning performance portability information ResultsView Cppcheck Cppcheck No errors found. Ошибок не найдено. Errors were found, but they are configured to be hidden. To toggle what kind of errors are shown, open view menu. Failed to read the report. Summary Message No errors found, nothing to save. Failed to save the report. Results Settings Preferences General Общие Include paths: Add... Number of threads: Количество потоков исполнения: Ideal count: TextLabel Force checking all #ifdef configurations Check all #ifdef configurations Проверять все варианты #ifdef конфигураций Show full path of files Показывать полные пути к файлам Show "No errors found" message when no errors found Показывать сообщение, если ошибок не найдено Show internal warnings in log Enable inline suppressions Applications Add application Delete application Modify application Set as default application Reports Отчёты Save all errors when creating report Сохранять все ошибки при создании отчёта Save full path to files in reports Сохранять полные пути к файлам в отчётах Language SettingsDialog N/A Add a new application Modify an application Select include directory StatsDialog Statistics Project Project: Paths: Include paths: Defines: Previous Scan Path Selected: Number of Files Scanned: Scan Duration: Errors: Warnings: Stylistic warnings: Portability warnings: TextLabel Performance issues: Information messages: Copy to Clipboard 1 day %1 days 1 hour %1 hours 1 minute %1 minutes 1 second %1 seconds 0.%1 seconds and Project Settings Project: %1 Paths: %2 Include paths: %3 Defines: %4 Previous Scan Path selected: %5 Number of files scanned: %6 Scan duration: %7 Statistics Errors: %8 Warnings: %9 Style warnings: %10 Portability warnings: %11 Performance warnings: %12 Information messages: %13 <h3>Project Settings<h3> <table> <tr><th>Project:</th><td>%1</td></tr> <tr><th>Paths:</th><td>%2</td></tr> <tr><th>Include paths:</th><td>%3</td></tr> <tr><th>Defines:</th><td>%4</td></tr> </table> <h3>Previous Scan</h3> <table> <tr><th>Path selected:</th><td>%5</td></tr> <tr><th>Number of files scanned:</th><td>%6</td></tr> <tr><th>Scan duration:</th><td>%7</td></tr> </table> <h3>Statistics</h3> <tr><th>Errors:</th><td>%8</td></tr> <tr><th>Warnings:</th><td>%9</td></tr> <tr><th>Style warnings:</th><td>%10</td></tr> <tr><th>Portability warnings:</th><td>%11</td></tr> <tr><th>Performance warnings:</th><td>%12</td></tr> <tr><th>Information messages:</th><td>%13</td></tr> </table>