/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "programmemory.h" #include "astutils.h" #include "calculate.h" #include "infer.h" #include "library.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "settings.h" #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "token.h" #include "utils.h" #include "valueflow.h" #include "valueptr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include nonneg int ExprIdToken::getExpressionId() const { return tok ? tok->exprId() : exprid; } std::size_t ExprIdToken::Hash::operator()(ExprIdToken etok) const { return std::hash()(etok.getExpressionId()); } void ProgramMemory::setValue(const Token* expr, const ValueFlow::Value& value) { mValues[expr] = value; ValueFlow::Value subvalue = value; const Token* subexpr = solveExprValue( expr, [&](const Token* tok) -> std::vector { if (tok->hasKnownIntValue()) return {tok->values().front().intvalue}; MathLib::bigint result = 0; if (getIntValue(tok->exprId(), &result)) return {result}; return {}; }, subvalue); if (subexpr) mValues[subexpr] = subvalue; } const ValueFlow::Value* ProgramMemory::getValue(nonneg int exprid, bool impossible) const { const ProgramMemory::Map::const_iterator it = mValues.find(exprid); const bool found = it != mValues.end() && (impossible || !it->second.isImpossible()); if (found) return &it->second; else return nullptr; } // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction bool ProgramMemory::getIntValue(nonneg int exprid, MathLib::bigint* result) const { const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(exprid); if (value && value->isIntValue()) { *result = value->intvalue; return true; } return false; } void ProgramMemory::setIntValue(const Token* expr, MathLib::bigint value, bool impossible) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); if (impossible) v.setImpossible(); setValue(expr, v); } bool ProgramMemory::getTokValue(nonneg int exprid, const Token** result) const { const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(exprid); if (value && value->isTokValue()) { *result = value->tokvalue; return true; } return false; } // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction bool ProgramMemory::getContainerSizeValue(nonneg int exprid, MathLib::bigint* result) const { const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(exprid); if (value && value->isContainerSizeValue()) { *result = value->intvalue; return true; } return false; } bool ProgramMemory::getContainerEmptyValue(nonneg int exprid, MathLib::bigint* result) const { const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(exprid, true); if (value && value->isContainerSizeValue()) { if (value->isImpossible() && value->intvalue == 0) { *result = false; return true; } if (!value->isImpossible()) { *result = (value->intvalue == 0); return true; } } return false; } void ProgramMemory::setContainerSizeValue(const Token* expr, MathLib::bigint value, bool isEqual) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; if (!isEqual) v.valueKind = ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Impossible; setValue(expr, v); } void ProgramMemory::setUnknown(const Token* expr) { mValues[expr].valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::UNINIT; } bool ProgramMemory::hasValue(nonneg int exprid) { return mValues.find(exprid) != mValues.end(); } const ValueFlow::Value& ProgramMemory::at(nonneg int exprid) const { return mValues.at(exprid); } ValueFlow::Value& ProgramMemory::at(nonneg int exprid) { return mValues.at(exprid); } void ProgramMemory::erase_if(const std::function& pred) { for (auto it = mValues.begin(); it != mValues.end();) { if (pred(it->first)) it = mValues.erase(it); else ++it; } } void ProgramMemory::swap(ProgramMemory &pm) { mValues.swap(pm.mValues); } void ProgramMemory::clear() { mValues.clear(); } bool ProgramMemory::empty() const { return mValues.empty(); } void ProgramMemory::replace(const ProgramMemory &pm) { for (auto&& p : pm.mValues) { mValues[p.first] = p.second; } } void ProgramMemory::insert(const ProgramMemory &pm) { for (auto&& p : pm) mValues.insert(p); } static ValueFlow::Value execute(const Token* expr, ProgramMemory& pm, const Settings* settings = nullptr); static bool evaluateCondition(const std::string& op, MathLib::bigint r, const Token* condition, ProgramMemory& pm, const Settings* settings) { if (!condition) return false; if (condition->str() == op) { return evaluateCondition(op, r, condition->astOperand1(), pm, settings) || evaluateCondition(op, r, condition->astOperand2(), pm, settings); } MathLib::bigint result = 0; bool error = false; execute(condition, &pm, &result, &error, settings); return !error && result == r; } bool conditionIsFalse(const Token* condition, ProgramMemory pm, const Settings* settings) { return evaluateCondition("&&", 0, condition, pm, settings); } bool conditionIsTrue(const Token* condition, ProgramMemory pm, const Settings* settings) { return evaluateCondition("||", 1, condition, pm, settings); } static bool frontIs(const std::vector& v, bool i) { if (v.empty()) return false; if (v.front()) return i; return !i; } // If the scope is a non-range for loop static bool isBasicForLoop(const Token* tok) { if (!tok) return false; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "}")) return isBasicForLoop(tok->link()); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), ") {")) return false; const Token* start = tok->linkAt(-1); if (!start) return false; if (!Token::simpleMatch(start->previous(), "for (")) return false; if (!Token::simpleMatch(start->astOperand2(), ";")) return false; return true; } void programMemoryParseCondition(ProgramMemory& pm, const Token* tok, const Token* endTok, const Settings* settings, bool then) { auto eval = [&](const Token* t) -> std::vector { if (t->hasKnownIntValue()) return {t->values().front().intvalue}; MathLib::bigint result = 0; bool error = false; execute(t, &pm, &result, &error); if (!error) return {result}; return std::vector{}; }; if (Token::Match(tok, "==|>=|<=|<|>|!=")) { ValueFlow::Value truevalue; ValueFlow::Value falsevalue; const Token* vartok = parseCompareInt(tok, truevalue, falsevalue, eval); if (!vartok) return; if (vartok->exprId() == 0) return; if (!truevalue.isIntValue()) return; if (endTok && isExpressionChanged(vartok, tok->next(), endTok, settings, true)) return; const bool impossible = (tok->str() == "==" && !then) || (tok->str() == "!=" && then); const ValueFlow::Value& v = then ? truevalue : falsevalue; pm.setValue(vartok, impossible ? asImpossible(v) : v); const Token* containerTok = settings->library.getContainerFromYield(vartok, Library::Container::Yield::SIZE); if (containerTok) pm.setContainerSizeValue(containerTok, v.intvalue, !impossible); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "!")) { programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand1(), endTok, settings, !then); } else if (then && Token::simpleMatch(tok, "&&")) { programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand1(), endTok, settings, then); programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand2(), endTok, settings, then); } else if (!then && Token::simpleMatch(tok, "||")) { programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand1(), endTok, settings, then); programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand2(), endTok, settings, then); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "&&|%oror%")) { std::vector lhs = eval(tok->astOperand1()); std::vector rhs = eval(tok->astOperand2()); if (lhs.empty() || rhs.empty()) { if (frontIs(lhs, !then)) programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand2(), endTok, settings, then); if (frontIs(rhs, !then)) programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok->astOperand1(), endTok, settings, then); } } else if (tok->exprId() > 0) { if (endTok && isExpressionChanged(tok, tok->next(), endTok, settings, true)) return; pm.setIntValue(tok, 0, then); const Token* containerTok = settings->library.getContainerFromYield(tok, Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY); if (containerTok) pm.setContainerSizeValue(containerTok, 0, then); } } static void fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(ProgramMemory& pm, const Scope* scope, const Token* endTok, const Settings* settings) { if (!scope) return; if (!scope->isLocal()) return; assert(scope != scope->nestedIn); fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(pm, scope->nestedIn, endTok, settings); if (scope->type == Scope::eIf || scope->type == Scope::eWhile || scope->type == Scope::eElse || scope->type == Scope::eFor) { const Token* condTok = getCondTokFromEnd(scope->bodyEnd); if (!condTok) return; MathLib::bigint result = 0; bool error = false; execute(condTok, &pm, &result, &error); if (error) programMemoryParseCondition(pm, condTok, endTok, settings, scope->type != Scope::eElse); } } static void fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(ProgramMemory& pm, const Token* tok, const Settings* settings) { fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(pm, tok->scope(), tok, settings); } static void fillProgramMemoryFromAssignments(ProgramMemory& pm, const Token* tok, const ProgramMemory& state, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars) { int indentlevel = 0; for (const Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->previous()) { if ((Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "=") || Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "%var% (|{")) && tok2->astOperand1() && tok2->astOperand2()) { bool setvar = false; const Token* vartok = tok2->astOperand1(); const Token* valuetok = tok2->astOperand2(); for (const auto& p:vars) { if (p.first != vartok->exprId()) continue; if (vartok == tok) continue; pm.setValue(vartok, p.second); setvar = true; } if (!setvar) { if (!pm.hasValue(vartok->exprId())) { pm.setValue(vartok, execute(valuetok, pm)); } } } else if (tok2->exprId() > 0 && Token::Match(tok2, ".|(|[|*|%var%") && !pm.hasValue(tok2->exprId()) && isVariableChanged(tok2, 0, nullptr, true)) { pm.setUnknown(tok2); } if (tok2->str() == "{") { if (indentlevel <= 0) { const Token* cond = getCondTokFromEnd(tok2->link()); // Keep progressing with anonymous/do scopes and always true branches if (!Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "do|; {") && !conditionIsTrue(cond, state) && (cond || !isBasicForLoop(tok2))) break; } else --indentlevel; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->previous(), "else {")) tok2 = tok2->linkAt(-2)->previous(); } if (tok2->str() == "}") { const Token *cond = getCondTokFromEnd(tok2); const bool inElse = Token::simpleMatch(tok2->link()->previous(), "else {"); if (cond) { if (conditionIsFalse(cond, state)) { if (inElse) { ++indentlevel; continue; } } else if (conditionIsTrue(cond, state)) { if (inElse) tok2 = tok2->link()->tokAt(-2); ++indentlevel; continue; } } break; } } } static void removeModifiedVars(ProgramMemory& pm, const Token* tok, const Token* origin) { pm.erase_if([&](const ExprIdToken& e) { return isVariableChanged(origin, tok, e.getExpressionId(), false, nullptr, true); }); } static ProgramMemory getInitialProgramState(const Token* tok, const Token* origin, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars = ProgramMemory::Map {}) { ProgramMemory pm; if (origin) { fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(pm, origin, nullptr); const ProgramMemory state = pm; fillProgramMemoryFromAssignments(pm, tok, state, vars); removeModifiedVars(pm, tok, origin); } return pm; } ProgramMemoryState::ProgramMemoryState(const Settings* s) : state(), origins(), settings(s) {} void ProgramMemoryState::insert(const ProgramMemory &pm, const Token* origin) { if (origin) for (auto&& p : pm) origins.insert(std::make_pair(p.first.getExpressionId(), origin)); state.insert(pm); } void ProgramMemoryState::replace(const ProgramMemory &pm, const Token* origin) { if (origin) for (auto&& p : pm) origins[p.first.getExpressionId()] = origin; state.replace(pm); } static void addVars(ProgramMemory& pm, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars) { for (const auto& p:vars) { const ValueFlow::Value &value = p.second; pm.setValue(p.first.tok, value); } } void ProgramMemoryState::addState(const Token* tok, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars) { ProgramMemory pm = state; addVars(pm, vars); fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(pm, tok, settings); ProgramMemory local = pm; fillProgramMemoryFromAssignments(pm, tok, local, vars); addVars(pm, vars); replace(pm, tok); } void ProgramMemoryState::assume(const Token* tok, bool b, bool isEmpty) { ProgramMemory pm = state; if (isEmpty) pm.setContainerSizeValue(tok, 0, b); else programMemoryParseCondition(pm, tok, nullptr, settings, b); const Token* origin = tok; const Token* top = tok->astTop(); if (top && Token::Match(top->previous(), "for|while (")) origin = top->link(); replace(pm, origin); } void ProgramMemoryState::removeModifiedVars(const Token* tok) { state.erase_if([&](const ExprIdToken& e) { const Token* start = origins[e.getExpressionId()]; const Token* expr = e.tok; if (!expr || isExpressionChanged(expr, start, tok, settings, true)) { origins.erase(e.getExpressionId()); return true; } return false; }); } ProgramMemory ProgramMemoryState::get(const Token* tok, const Token* ctx, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars) const { ProgramMemoryState local = *this; if (ctx) local.addState(ctx, vars); const Token* start = previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(tok); if (!start) start = tok; if (!ctx || precedes(start, ctx)) { local.removeModifiedVars(start); local.addState(start, vars); } else { local.removeModifiedVars(ctx); } return local.state; } ProgramMemory getProgramMemory(const Token *tok, const ProgramMemory::Map& vars) { ProgramMemory programMemory; for (const auto& p:vars) { const ValueFlow::Value &value = p.second; programMemory.replace(getInitialProgramState(tok, value.tokvalue)); programMemory.replace(getInitialProgramState(tok, value.condition)); } fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(programMemory, tok, nullptr); ProgramMemory state; for (const auto& p:vars) { const ValueFlow::Value &value = p.second; programMemory.setValue(p.first.tok, value); } state = programMemory; fillProgramMemoryFromAssignments(programMemory, tok, state, vars); return programMemory; } ProgramMemory getProgramMemory(const Token* tok, const Token* expr, const ValueFlow::Value& value, const Settings* settings) { ProgramMemory programMemory; programMemory.replace(getInitialProgramState(tok, value.tokvalue)); programMemory.replace(getInitialProgramState(tok, value.condition)); fillProgramMemoryFromConditions(programMemory, tok, settings); programMemory.setValue(expr, value); const ProgramMemory state = programMemory; fillProgramMemoryFromAssignments(programMemory, tok, state, {{expr, value}}); return programMemory; } static bool isNumericValue(const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isIntValue() || value.isFloatValue(); } static double asFloat(const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isFloatValue() ? value.floatValue : value.intvalue; } static std::string removeAssign(const std::string& assign) { return std::string{assign.begin(), assign.end() - 1}; } struct assign { template void operator()(T& x, const U& y) const { x = y; } }; static bool isIntegralValue(const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isIntValue() || value.isIteratorValue() || value.isSymbolicValue(); } static ValueFlow::Value evaluate(const std::string& op, const ValueFlow::Value& lhs, const ValueFlow::Value& rhs) { ValueFlow::Value result; if (lhs.isImpossible() && rhs.isImpossible()) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); if (lhs.isImpossible() || rhs.isImpossible()) { // noninvertible if (contains({"%", "/", "&", "|"}, op)) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); result.setImpossible(); } if (isNumericValue(lhs) && isNumericValue(rhs)) { if (lhs.isFloatValue() || rhs.isFloatValue()) { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT; bool error = false; result.floatValue = calculate(op, asFloat(lhs), asFloat(rhs), &error); if (error) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); return result; } } // Must be integral types if (!isIntegralValue(lhs) && !isIntegralValue(rhs)) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); // If not the same type then one must be int if (lhs.valueType != rhs.valueType && !lhs.isIntValue() && !rhs.isIntValue()) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); bool compareOp = contains({"==", "!=", "<", ">", ">=", "<="}, op); // Comparison must be the same type if (compareOp && lhs.valueType != rhs.valueType) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); // Only add, subtract, and compare for non-integers if (!compareOp && !contains({"+", "-"}, op) && !lhs.isIntValue() && !rhs.isIntValue()) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); // Both cant be iterators for non-compare if (!compareOp && lhs.isIteratorValue() && rhs.isIteratorValue()) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); // Symbolic values must be in the same ring if (lhs.isSymbolicValue() && rhs.isSymbolicValue() && lhs.tokvalue != rhs.tokvalue) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); if (!lhs.isIntValue() && !compareOp) { result.valueType = lhs.valueType; result.tokvalue = lhs.tokvalue; } else if (!rhs.isIntValue() && !compareOp) { result.valueType = rhs.valueType; result.tokvalue = rhs.tokvalue; } else { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT; } bool error = false; result.intvalue = calculate(op, lhs.intvalue, rhs.intvalue, &error); if (error) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); if (result.isImpossible()) { if ((result.intvalue == 0 && op == "!=") || (result.intvalue != 0 && op == "==")) { result.setPossible(); result.intvalue = !result.intvalue; } } return result; } static ValueFlow::Value executeImpl(const Token* expr, ProgramMemory& pm, const Settings* settings) { ValueFlow::Value unknown = ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); const ValueFlow::Value* value = nullptr; if (!expr) return unknown; else if (expr->hasKnownIntValue() && !expr->isAssignmentOp()) { return expr->values().front(); } else if ((value = expr->getKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT)) || (value = expr->getKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_START)) || (value = expr->getKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_END)) || (value = expr->getKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE))) { return *value; } else if (expr->isNumber()) { if (MathLib::isFloat(expr->str())) return unknown; return ValueFlow::Value{MathLib::toLongNumber(expr->str())}; } else if (expr->isBoolean()) { return ValueFlow::Value{ expr->str() == "true" }; } else if (Token::Match(expr->tokAt(-2), ". %name% (") && astIsContainer(expr->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1())) { const Token* containerTok = expr->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1(); Library::Container::Yield yield = containerTok->valueType()->container->getYield(expr->strAt(-1)); if (yield == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) { ValueFlow::Value v = execute(containerTok, pm); if (!v.isContainerSizeValue()) return unknown; v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT; return v; } else if (yield == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) { ValueFlow::Value v = execute(containerTok, pm); if (!v.isContainerSizeValue()) return unknown; if (v.isImpossible() && v.intvalue == 0) return ValueFlow::Value{0}; else if (!v.isImpossible()) return ValueFlow::Value{v.intvalue == 0}; } } else if (expr->isAssignmentOp() && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2() && expr->astOperand1()->exprId() > 0) { ValueFlow::Value rhs = execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); if (rhs.isUninitValue()) return unknown; if (expr->str() != "=") { if (!pm.hasValue(expr->astOperand1()->exprId())) return unknown; ValueFlow::Value& lhs = pm.at(expr->astOperand1()->exprId()); rhs = evaluate(removeAssign(expr->str()), lhs, rhs); if (lhs.isIntValue()) ValueFlow::Value::visitValue(rhs, std::bind(assign{}, std::ref(lhs.intvalue), std::placeholders::_1)); else if (lhs.isFloatValue()) ValueFlow::Value::visitValue(rhs, std::bind(assign{}, std::ref(lhs.floatValue), std::placeholders::_1)); else return unknown; return lhs; } else { pm.setValue(expr->astOperand1(), rhs); return rhs; } } else if (expr->str() == "&&" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { ValueFlow::Value lhs = execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); if (!lhs.isIntValue()) return unknown; if (lhs.intvalue == 0) return lhs; return execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); } else if (expr->str() == "||" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { ValueFlow::Value lhs = execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); if (!lhs.isIntValue()) return unknown; if (lhs.intvalue != 0) return lhs; return execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); } else if (expr->str() == "," && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); return execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); } else if (expr->tokType() == Token::eIncDecOp && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand1()->exprId() != 0) { if (!pm.hasValue(expr->astOperand1()->exprId())) return unknown; ValueFlow::Value& lhs = pm.at(expr->astOperand1()->exprId()); if (!lhs.isIntValue()) return unknown; // overflow if (!lhs.isImpossible() && lhs.intvalue == 0 && expr->str() == "--" && astIsUnsigned(expr->astOperand1())) return unknown; if (expr->str() == "++") lhs.intvalue++; else lhs.intvalue--; return lhs; } else if (expr->str() == "[" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { const Token *tokvalue = nullptr; if (!pm.getTokValue(expr->astOperand1()->exprId(), &tokvalue)) { auto tokvalue_it = std::find_if(expr->astOperand1()->values().begin(), expr->astOperand1()->values().end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue)); if (tokvalue_it == expr->astOperand1()->values().end()) { return unknown; } tokvalue = tokvalue_it->tokvalue; } if (!tokvalue || !tokvalue->isLiteral()) { return unknown; } const std::string strValue = tokvalue->strValue(); ValueFlow::Value rhs = execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); if (!rhs.isIntValue()) return unknown; MathLib::bigint index = rhs.intvalue; if (index >= 0 && index < strValue.size()) return ValueFlow::Value{strValue[index]}; else if (index == strValue.size()) return ValueFlow::Value{}; } else if (Token::Match(expr, "%cop%") && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { ValueFlow::Value lhs = execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); ValueFlow::Value rhs = execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); if (!lhs.isUninitValue() && !rhs.isUninitValue()) return evaluate(expr->str(), lhs, rhs); if (expr->isComparisonOp()) { if (rhs.isIntValue()) { std::vector result = infer(makeIntegralInferModel(), expr->str(), expr->astOperand1()->values(), {rhs}); if (result.empty() || !result.front().isKnown()) return unknown; return result.front(); } else if (lhs.isIntValue()) { std::vector result = infer(makeIntegralInferModel(), expr->str(), {lhs}, expr->astOperand2()->values()); if (result.empty() || !result.front().isKnown()) return unknown; return result.front(); } } } // Unary ops else if (Token::Match(expr, "!|+|-") && expr->astOperand1() && !expr->astOperand2()) { ValueFlow::Value lhs = execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); if (!lhs.isIntValue()) return unknown; if (expr->str() == "!") lhs.intvalue = !lhs.intvalue; if (expr->str() == "-") lhs.intvalue = -lhs.intvalue; return lhs; } else if (expr->str() == "?" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { ValueFlow::Value cond = execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); if (!cond.isIntValue()) return unknown; const Token* child = expr->astOperand2(); if (cond.intvalue == 0) return execute(child->astOperand2(), pm); else return execute(child->astOperand1(), pm); } else if (expr->str() == "(" && expr->isCast()) { if (Token::simpleMatch(expr->previous(), ">") && expr->previous()->link()) return execute(expr->astOperand2(), pm); else return execute(expr->astOperand1(), pm); } if (expr->exprId() > 0 && pm.hasValue(expr->exprId())) { ValueFlow::Value result = pm.at(expr->exprId()); if (result.isImpossible() && result.isIntValue() && result.intvalue == 0 && isUsedAsBool(expr)) { result.intvalue = !result.intvalue; result.setKnown(); } return result; } if (Token::Match(expr->previous(), ">|%name% {|(")) { const Token* ftok = expr->previous(); const Function* f = ftok->function(); // TODO: Evaluate inline functions as well if (!f && settings && expr->str() == "(") { std::unordered_map args; int argn = 0; for (const Token* tok : getArguments(expr)) { ValueFlow::Value result = execute(tok, pm, settings); if (!result.isUninitValue()) args[argn] = result; argn++; } // strlen is a special builtin if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "strlen")) { if (args.count(0) > 0) { ValueFlow::Value v = args.at(0); if (v.isTokValue() && v.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) { v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT; v.intvalue = Token::getStrLength(v.tokvalue); v.tokvalue = nullptr; return v; } } } else { const std::string& returnValue = settings->library.returnValue(ftok); if (!returnValue.empty()) return evaluateLibraryFunction(args, returnValue, settings); } } // Check if functon modifies argument visitAstNodes(expr->astOperand2(), [&](const Token* child) { if (child->exprId() > 0 && pm.hasValue(child->exprId())) { ValueFlow::Value& v = pm.at(child->exprId()); if (v.valueType == ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE) { if (isContainerSizeChanged(child, settings)) v = unknown; } else if (v.valueType != ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::UNINIT) { if (isVariableChanged(child, v.indirect, settings, true)) v = unknown; } } return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2; }); } return unknown; } static ValueFlow::Value execute(const Token* expr, ProgramMemory& pm, const Settings* settings) { ValueFlow::Value v = executeImpl(expr, pm, settings); if (!v.isUninitValue()) return v; if (!expr) return v; if (pm.hasValue(expr->exprId())) return pm.at(expr->exprId()); return v; } ValueFlow::Value evaluateLibraryFunction(const std::unordered_map& args, const std::string& returnValue, const Settings* settings) { static std::unordered_map& arg)>> functions = {}; if (functions.count(returnValue) == 0) { std::unordered_map lookupVarId; std::shared_ptr expr = createTokenFromExpression(returnValue, settings, &lookupVarId); functions[returnValue] = [lookupVarId, expr, settings](const std::unordered_map& xargs) { if (!expr) return ValueFlow::Value::unknown(); ProgramMemory pm{}; for (const auto& p : xargs) { auto it = lookupVarId.find(p.first); if (it != lookupVarId.end()) pm.setValue(it->second, p.second); } return execute(expr.get(), pm, settings); }; } return functions.at(returnValue)(args); } void execute(const Token* expr, ProgramMemory* const programMemory, MathLib::bigint* result, bool* error, const Settings* settings) { ValueFlow::Value v = execute(expr, *programMemory, settings); if (!v.isIntValue() || v.isImpossible()) { if (error) *error = true; } else if (result) *result = v.intvalue; }