ProjectFile 0 0 642 585 Project File 0 Paths and Defines Import Project (Visual studio / compile database/ Borland C++ Builder 6) true false :/images/edit-clear.png Browse... <html><head/><body><p>You have a choice:</p><p> * Analyze all Debug and Release configurations</p><p> * Only analyze the first matching Debug configuration</p><p><br/></p></body></html> Analyze all Visual Studio configurations Paths: Qt::Vertical 20 40 Add... Edit Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Defines: mEditDefines Defines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: DEF1;DEF2=5;DEF3=int Undefines: mEditUndefines Undefines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: UNDEF1;UNDEF2;UNDEF3 Include Paths: Qt::Vertical 20 40 QAbstractItemView::SelectRows Add... Edit Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Up Down Qt::Vertical 20 0 Checking Cppcheck build dir (whole program analysis, incremental analysis, statistics, etc) Browse... Platform Analysis Check code in headers (slower analysis, more results) true Check code in unused templates (slower and less accurate analysis) Max CTU depth Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Libraries Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above. true Qt::Vertical 20 96 Custom Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff true 0 0 605 522 Here it will be possible to configure "human knowledge" about your project. Arbitrary input from file/network/user/... TODO: Select the functions that give your project "arbitrary input" .... Interface headers TODO: Select "interface" headers. All public functions/variables in these must be "safe". Possible values of function parameters Experimental: All function parameters can have arbitrary values TODO: Configure possible values of function parameters Note: It must be possible to define parameter values in the code using annotations in the code (SAL , code contracts, etc) true Classes All classes must have a "safe" public interface true "Safe" classes: Global variables TODO: Possible values of global variables Warning options Root path: Warning tags (separated by semicolon) Exclude source files in paths Add... Edit Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Suppressions Add Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Vertical 20 96 Addons and tools Addons Y2038 Thread safety Coding standards Cert MISRA C 2012 Misra rule texts <html><head/><body><p>Copy/paste the text from Appendix A &quot;Summary of guidelines&quot; from the MISRA C 2012 pdf to a text file.</p></body></html> ... External tools Clang-tidy Clang analyzer Qt::Vertical 20 368 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok mButtons mButtons accepted() ProjectFile accept() 270 352 157 158 mButtons rejected() ProjectFile reject() 338 352 286 158