@REM Script to run AStyle on the sources @REM The version check in this script is used to avoid commit battles @REM between different developers that use different astyle versions as @REM different versions might have different output (this has happened in @REM the past). @REM If project management wishes to take a newer astyle version into use @REM just change this string to match the start of astyle version string. @SET ASTYLE_VERSION="Artistic Style Version 3.0.1" @SET ASTYLE="astyle" @SET DETECTED_VERSION="" @FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('%ASTYLE% --version') DO SET DETECTED_VERSION=%%i @ECHO %DETECTED_VERSION% | FINDSTR /B /C:%ASTYLE_VERSION% > nul && ( ECHO "%DETECTED_VERSION%" matches %ASTYLE_VERSION% ) || ( ECHO You should use: %ASTYLE_VERSION% ECHO Detected: "%DETECTED_VERSION%" GOTO EXIT_ERROR ) @SET RCFILE=.astylerc %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% cli/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% cli/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% democlient/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% gui/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% gui/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r gui/test/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r gui/test/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% lib/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% lib/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% oss-fuzz/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% oss-fuzz/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% test/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% test/cfg/*.c %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% test/cfg/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% test/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r tools/*.cpp %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r tools/*.h %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r samples/*.c %ASTYLE% --options=%RCFILE% -r samples/*.cpp @REM Format configuration files @SET XMLLINT=xmllint WHERE %XMLLINT% @IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO WARNING: %XMLLINT% was not found. Skipping configuration file formatting! ) ELSE ( PUSHD "cfg" FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%f IN ('DIR /B *.cfg') DO @CALL :runxmllint "%%f" POPD ) @GOTO :EOF :EXIT_ERROR EXIT /B 1 @REM Function that formats one XML file @REM Argument: %1: XML-File to format :runxmllint xmllint --format -o "%~1_" "%~1" MOVE /Y "%~1_" "%~1" @GOTO :EOF