/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "tokenlist.h" #include "token.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "path.h" #include "preprocessor.h" #include "settings.h" #include "errorlogger.h" #include #include #include #include TokenList::TokenList(const Settings* settings) : _front(0), _back(0), _settings(settings) { } TokenList::~TokenList() { deallocateTokens(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deallocate lists.. void TokenList::deallocateTokens() { deleteTokens(_front); _front = 0; _back = 0; _files.clear(); } void TokenList::deleteTokens(Token *tok) { while (tok) { Token *next = tok->next(); delete tok; tok = next; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // add a token. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TokenList::addtoken(const char str[], const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno, bool split) { if (str[0] == 0) return; // If token contains # characters, split it up if (split && std::strstr(str, "##")) { std::string temp; for (unsigned int i = 0; str[i]; ++i) { if (std::strncmp(&str[i], "##", 2) == 0) { addtoken(temp.c_str(), lineno, fileno, false); temp.clear(); addtoken("##", lineno, fileno, false); ++i; } else temp += str[i]; } addtoken(temp.c_str(), lineno, fileno, false); return; } // Replace hexadecimal value with decimal std::ostringstream str2; if (MathLib::isHex(str) || MathLib::isOct(str) || MathLib::isBin(str)) { str2 << MathLib::toLongNumber(str); } else if (std::strncmp(str, "_Bool", 5) == 0) { str2 << "bool"; } else { str2 << str; } if (_back) { _back->insertToken(str2.str()); } else { _front = new Token(&_back); _back = _front; _back->str(str2.str()); } _back->linenr(lineno); _back->fileIndex(fileno); } void TokenList::addtoken(const Token * tok, const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno) { if (tok == 0) return; if (_back) { _back->insertToken(tok->str(), tok->originalName()); } else { _front = new Token(&_back); _back = _front; _back->str(tok->str()); _back->originalName(tok->originalName()); } _back->linenr(lineno); _back->fileIndex(fileno); _back->isUnsigned(tok->isUnsigned()); _back->isSigned(tok->isSigned()); _back->isLong(tok->isLong()); _back->isAttributeUnused(tok->isAttributeUnused()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InsertTokens - Copy and insert tokens //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TokenList::insertTokens(Token *dest, const Token *src, unsigned int n) { std::stack link; while (n > 0) { dest->insertToken(src->str(), src->originalName()); dest = dest->next(); // Set links if (Token::Match(dest, "(|[|{")) link.push(dest); else if (!link.empty() && Token::Match(dest, ")|]|}")) { Token::createMutualLinks(dest, link.top()); link.pop(); } dest->fileIndex(src->fileIndex()); dest->linenr(src->linenr()); dest->varId(src->varId()); dest->type(src->type()); dest->isUnsigned(src->isUnsigned()); dest->isSigned(src->isSigned()); dest->isPointerCompare(src->isPointerCompare()); dest->isLong(src->isLong()); dest->isAttributeUnused(src->isAttributeUnused()); src = src->next(); --n; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tokenize - tokenizes a given file. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TokenList::createTokens(std::istream &code, const std::string& file0) { _files.push_back(file0); // line number in parsed code unsigned int lineno = 1; // The current token being parsed std::string CurrentToken; // lineNumbers holds line numbers for files in fileIndexes // every time an include file is completely parsed, last item in the vector // is removed and lineno is set to point to that value. std::stack lineNumbers; // fileIndexes holds index for _files vector about currently parsed files // every time an include file is completely parsed, last item in the vector // is removed and FileIndex is set to point to that value. std::stack fileIndexes; // FileIndex. What file in the _files vector is read now? unsigned int FileIndex = 0; bool expandedMacro = false; // Read one byte at a time from code and create tokens for (char ch = (char)code.get(); code.good(); ch = (char)code.get()) { if (ch == Preprocessor::macroChar) { while (code.peek() == Preprocessor::macroChar) code.get(); ch = ' '; expandedMacro = true; } else if (ch == '\n') { expandedMacro = false; } // char/string.. // multiline strings are not handled. The preprocessor should handle that for us. else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"') { std::string line; // read char bool special = false; char c = ch; do { // Append token.. line += c; // Special sequence '\.' if (special) special = false; else special = (c == '\\'); // Get next character c = (char)code.get(); } while (code.good() && (special || c != ch)); line += ch; // Handle #file "file.h" if (CurrentToken == "#file") { // Extract the filename line = line.substr(1, line.length() - 2); // Has this file been tokenized already? ++lineno; bool foundOurfile = false; fileIndexes.push(FileIndex); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _files.size(); ++i) { if (Path::sameFileName(_files[i], line)) { // Use this index foundOurfile = true; FileIndex = i; } } if (!foundOurfile) { // The "_files" vector remembers what files have been tokenized.. _files.push_back(Path::simplifyPath(line.c_str())); FileIndex = static_cast(_files.size() - 1); } lineNumbers.push(lineno); lineno = 0; } else { // Add previous token addtoken(CurrentToken.c_str(), lineno, FileIndex); if (!CurrentToken.empty()) _back->isExpandedMacro(expandedMacro); // Add content of the string addtoken(line.c_str(), lineno, FileIndex); if (!line.empty()) _back->isExpandedMacro(expandedMacro); } CurrentToken.clear(); continue; } if (ch == '.' && CurrentToken.length() > 0 && std::isdigit(CurrentToken[0])) { // Don't separate doubles "5.4" } else if (std::strchr("+-", ch) && CurrentToken.length() > 0 && std::isdigit(CurrentToken[0]) && (CurrentToken[CurrentToken.length()-1] == 'e' || CurrentToken[CurrentToken.length()-1] == 'E') && !MathLib::isHex(CurrentToken)) { // Don't separate doubles "4.2e+10" } else if (CurrentToken.empty() && ch == '.' && std::isdigit(code.peek())) { // tokenize .125 into 0.125 CurrentToken = "0"; } else if (std::strchr("+-*/%&|^?!=<>[](){};:,.~\n ", ch)) { if (CurrentToken == "#file") { // Handle this where strings are handled continue; } else if (CurrentToken == "#line") { // Read to end of line std::string line; std::getline(code, line); // Update the current line number unsigned int row; if (!(std::stringstream(line) >> row)) ++lineno; else lineno = row; CurrentToken.clear(); continue; } else if (CurrentToken == "#endfile") { if (lineNumbers.empty() || fileIndexes.empty()) { // error deallocateTokens(); return false; } lineno = lineNumbers.top(); lineNumbers.pop(); FileIndex = fileIndexes.top(); fileIndexes.pop(); CurrentToken.clear(); continue; } addtoken(CurrentToken.c_str(), lineno, FileIndex, true); if (!CurrentToken.empty()) _back->isExpandedMacro(expandedMacro); CurrentToken.clear(); if (ch == '\n') { if (_settings->terminated()) return false; ++lineno; continue; } else if (ch == ' ') { continue; } CurrentToken += ch; // Add "++", "--", ">>" or ... token if (std::strchr("+-<>=:&|", ch) && (code.peek() == ch)) CurrentToken += (char)code.get(); addtoken(CurrentToken.c_str(), lineno, FileIndex); _back->isExpandedMacro(expandedMacro); CurrentToken.clear(); continue; } CurrentToken += ch; } addtoken(CurrentToken.c_str(), lineno, FileIndex, true); if (!CurrentToken.empty()) _back->isExpandedMacro(expandedMacro); _front->assignProgressValues(); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _files.size(); i++) _files[i] = Path::getRelativePath(_files[i], _settings->_basePaths); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool iscast(const Token *tok) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "( %var%")) return false; for (const Token *tok2 = tok->next(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok2, "%var%|*")) return Token::Match(tok2, ") %any%") && (!tok2->next()->isOp() && tok2->next()->str() != "["); } return false; } static void compileUnaryOp(Token *&tok, void (*f)(Token *&, std::stack &), std::stack &op) { Token *unaryop = tok; tok = tok->next(); f(tok,op); if (!op.empty()) { unaryop->astOperand1(op.top()); op.pop(); } op.push(unaryop); } static void compileBinOp(Token *&tok, void (*f)(Token *&, std::stack &), std::stack &op) { Token *binop = tok; tok = tok->next(); if (tok) f(tok,op); // TODO: Should we check if op is empty. // * Is it better to add assertion that it isn't? // * Write debug warning if it's empty? if (!op.empty()) { binop->astOperand2(op.top()); op.pop(); } if (!op.empty()) { binop->astOperand1(op.top()); op.pop(); } op.push(binop); } static void compileDot(Token *&tok, std::stack &op); static void compileExpression(Token *&tok, std::stack &op); static void compileTerm(Token *& tok, std::stack &op) { if (!tok) return; if (Token::Match(tok, "L %str%|%char%")) tok = tok->next(); if (tok->isLiteral()) { op.push(tok); tok = tok->next(); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "+|-|~|*|&|!")) { compileUnaryOp(tok, compileDot, op); } else if (tok->str() == "return") { compileUnaryOp(tok, compileExpression, op); } else if (tok->isName()) { if (Token::Match(tok->next(), "++|--")) { // post increment / decrement tok = tok->next(); tok->astOperand1(tok->previous()); op.push(tok); tok = tok->next(); } else if (!Token::Match(tok->next(), "(|[")) { op.push(tok); tok = tok->next(); } else { Token *name = tok; tok = tok->tokAt(2); if (Token::Match(tok, ")|]")) { name->next()->astOperand1(name); tok = tok->next(); } else { Token *prev = name; tok = tok->previous(); while (Token::Match(tok, "(|[")) { Token *tok1 = tok; tok = tok->next(); compileExpression(tok, op); if (!op.empty()) { tok1->astOperand2(op.top()); op.pop(); } tok1->astOperand1(prev); prev = tok1; if (Token::Match(tok, "]|)")) tok = tok->next(); } } op.push(name->next()); } } else if (Token::Match(tok, "++|--")) { if (!op.empty() && op.top()->isOp()) { // post increment/decrement tok->astOperand1(op.top()); op.pop(); op.push(tok); tok = tok->next(); } else { // pre increment/decrement compileUnaryOp(tok, compileDot, op); } } else if (tok->str() == "(") { if (iscast(tok)) { Token *unaryop = tok; tok = tok->link()->next(); compileDot(tok,op); if (!op.empty()) { unaryop->astOperand1(op.top()); op.pop(); } op.push(unaryop); } else if (Token::Match(tok,"( {")) { op.push(tok->next()); tok = tok->link()->next(); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->link(),") (")) { // Parenthesized sub-expression Token *nextpar = tok->link()->next(); tok = tok->next(); compileExpression(tok,op); tok = nextpar; compileBinOp(tok, compileExpression, op); tok = tok->next(); } else { // Parenthesized sub-expression tok = tok->next(); compileExpression(tok,op); tok = tok->next(); } } } static void compileScope(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileTerm(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "::") { compileBinOp(tok, compileTerm, op); } else break; } } static void compileParAndBrackets(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileScope(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "[") { compileBinOp(tok, compileScope, op); } else break; } } static void compileDot(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileParAndBrackets(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == ".") { compileBinOp(tok, compileParAndBrackets, op); } else break; } } static void compileMulDiv(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileDot(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "[*/%]")) { if (Token::Match(tok, "* [,)]")) break; compileBinOp(tok, compileDot, op); } else break; } } static void compileAddSub(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileMulDiv(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "+|-")) { compileBinOp(tok, compileMulDiv, op); } else break; } } static void compileShift(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileAddSub(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "<<|>>")) { compileBinOp(tok, compileAddSub, op); } else break; } } static void compileRelComp(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileShift(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "<|<=|>=|>")) { compileBinOp(tok, compileShift, op); } else break; } } static void compileEqComp(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileRelComp(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=")) { compileBinOp(tok, compileRelComp, op); } else break; } } static void compileAnd(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileEqComp(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "&") { compileBinOp(tok, compileEqComp, op); } else break; } } static void compileXor(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileAnd(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "^") { compileBinOp(tok, compileAnd, op); } else break; } } static void compileOr(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileXor(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "|") { compileBinOp(tok, compileXor, op); } else break; } } static void compileLogicAnd(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileOr(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "&&") { compileBinOp(tok, compileOr, op); } else break; } } static void compileLogicOr(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileLogicAnd(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "||") { compileBinOp(tok, compileLogicAnd, op); } else break; } } static void compileTernaryOp(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileLogicOr(tok,op); while (tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "[?:]")) { compileBinOp(tok, compileLogicOr, op); } else break; } } static void compileAssign(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileTernaryOp(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == "=") { compileBinOp(tok, compileTernaryOp, op); } else break; } } static void compileComma(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { compileAssign(tok,op); while (tok) { if (tok->str() == ",") { compileBinOp(tok, compileAssign, op); } else break; } } static void compileExpression(Token *&tok, std::stack &op) { if (tok) compileComma(tok,op); } void TokenList::createAst() { for (Token *tok = _front; tok; tok = tok ? tok->next() : NULL) { if (tok->str() == "return" || !tok->previous() || Token::Match(tok, "%var% (|[|.|=") || Token::Match(tok->previous(), "[;{}] %cop%")) { std::stack operands; compileExpression(tok, operands); } } } const std::string& TokenList::file(const Token *tok) const { return _files.at(tok->fileIndex()); } std::string TokenList::fileLine(const Token *tok) const { return ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation(tok, this).stringify(); }