The Wix Installer for Windows ============================= cppcheck Windows installer is created with WiX: You'll need: - latest Wix (3.6) - MSBuild (coming with Visual Studio (also with Express edition)) - VS 2010 CRT merge module Configuring ----------- Installer configuration is done in file config.wxi. Depending how you build cppcheck you may need to alter the paths for binaries. Product version and other info ------------------------------ Version number and product name are set in file productInfo.wxi. Building installer ------------------ Before building the installer make sure all the components are build: - LIB dynamic link library (cppcheck-core.dll) - CLI executable (cppcheck.exe) - GUI executable (cppcheck-gui.exe) - GUI translations (*.qm) - generated by the Qt's lrelease -tool And that runtime files are available: - Qt runtimes: QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll - MS CRT merge module (Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x86.msm) Build installer by giving this command line in VS command prompt (or run vcvars32.bat in DOS prompt first to setup environment): > msbuild cppcheck.wixproj /p:Platform=x86,ProductVersion=X.YY For example: > msbuild cppcheck.wixproj /p:Platform=x86,ProductVersion=1.40 Installer is created to Build -folder.