# Donate CPU # # A script a user can run to donate CPU to cppcheck project # # Syntax: donate-cpu.py [-jN] [--stop-time=HH:MM] [--work-path=path] # -jN Use N threads in compilation/analysis. Default is 1. # --stop-time=HH:MM Stop analysis when time has passed. Default is that you must terminate the script. # --work-path=path Work folder path. Default path is cppcheck-donate-cpu-workfolder in your home folder. # # What this script does: # 1. Check requirements # 2. Pull & compile Cppcheck # 3. Select a package # 4. Download package # 5. Analyze source code # 6. Upload results # 7. Repeat from step 2 # # Quick start: just run this script without any arguments import shutil import glob import os import subprocess import sys import socket import time import re import tarfile def checkRequirements(): result = True for app in ['g++', 'git', 'make', 'wget']: try: subprocess.call([app, '--version']) except OSError: print(app + ' is required') result = False return result def getCppcheck(cppcheckPath): print('Get Cppcheck..') for i in range(5): if os.path.exists(cppcheckPath): os.chdir(cppcheckPath) subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', '-f']) subprocess.call(['git', 'pull']) else: subprocess.call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/danmar/cppcheck.git', cppcheckPath]) if not os.path.exists(cppcheckPath): print('Failed to clone, will try again in 10 minutes..') time.sleep(600) continue time.sleep(2) return True return False def compile_version(workPath, jobs, version): if os.path.isfile(workPath + '/' + version + '/cppcheck'): return True os.chdir(workPath + '/cppcheck') subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', version]) subprocess.call(['make', 'clean']) subprocess.call(['make', jobs, 'SRCDIR=build', 'CXXFLAGS=-O2']) if os.path.isfile(workPath + '/cppcheck/cppcheck'): os.mkdir(workpath + '/' + version) destPath = workpath + '/' + version + '/' subprocess.call(['cp', '-R', workPath + '/cppcheck/cfg', destPath]) subprocess.call(['cp', 'cppcheck', destPath]) subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', 'master']) try: subprocess.call([workPath + '/' + version + '/cppcheck', '--version']) except OSError: return False return True def compile(cppcheckPath, jobs): print('Compiling Cppcheck..') try: os.chdir(cppcheckPath) subprocess.call(['make', jobs, 'SRCDIR=build', 'CXXFLAGS=-O2']) subprocess.call([cppcheckPath + '/cppcheck', '--version']) except OSError: return False return True def getPackage(): print('Connecting to server to get assigned work..') package = None sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_address = ('cppcheck.osuosl.org', 8000) try: sock.connect(server_address) sock.send(b'get\n') package = sock.recv(256) except socket.error: package = '' sock.close() return package.decode('utf-8') def handleRemoveReadonly(func, path, exc): import stat if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): # Is the error an access error ? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) func(path) def removeTree(folderName): if not os.path.exists(folderName): return count = 5 while count > 0: count -= 1 try: shutil.rmtree(folderName, onerror=handleRemoveReadonly) break except OSError as err: time.sleep(30) if count == 0: print('Failed to cleanup {}: {}'.format(folderName, err)) sys.exit(1) def wget(url, destfile): if os.path.exists(destfile): if os.path.isfile(destfile): os.remove(destfile) else: print('Error: ' + destfile + ' exists but it is not a file! Please check the path and delete it manually.') sys.exit(1) subprocess.call( ['wget', '--tries=10', '--timeout=300', '-O', destfile, url]) if os.path.isfile(destfile): return True print('Sleep for 10 seconds..') time.sleep(10) return False def downloadPackage(workPath, package): print('Download package ' + package) destfile = workPath + '/temp.tgz' if not wget(package, destfile): if not wget(package, destfile): return None return destfile def unpackPackage(workPath, tgz): print('Unpacking..') tempPath = workPath + '/temp' removeTree(tempPath) os.mkdir(tempPath) os.chdir(tempPath) if tarfile.is_tarfile(tgz): tf = tarfile.open(tgz) for member in tf: if member.name.startswith(('/', '..')): # Skip dangerous file names continue elif member.name.lower().endswith(('.c', '.cl', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c++', '.h', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.hh', '.tpp', '.txx')): try: tf.extract(member.name) except OSError: pass except AttributeError: pass tf.close() os.chdir(workPath) def scanPackage(workPath, cppcheck, jobs): print('Analyze..') os.chdir(workPath) cmd = 'nice ' + cppcheck + ' ' + jobs + ' -D__GCC__ --inconclusive --enable=style --library=posix --platform=unix64 --template=daca2 -rp=temp temp' print(cmd) startTime = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) comm = p.communicate() stopTime = time.time() stdout = comm[0].decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') stderr = comm[1].decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') if p.returncode != 0 and 'cppcheck: error: could not find or open any of the paths given.' not in stdout: # Crash! print('Crash!') return -1, '', -1 elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime count = 0 for line in stderr.split('\n'): if re.match(r'.*:[0-9]+:.*\]$', line): count += 1 print('Number of issues: ' + str(count)) return count, stderr, elapsedTime def splitResults(results): ret = [] w = None for line in results.split('\n'): if line.endswith(']') and re.search(r': (error|warning|style|performance|portability|information|debug):', line): if w is not None: ret.append(w.strip()) w = '' if w is not None: w += line + '\n' if w is not None: ret.append(w.strip()) return ret def diffResults(workPath, ver1, results1, ver2, results2): print('Diff results..') ret = '' r1 = sorted(splitResults(results1)) r2 = sorted(splitResults(results2)) i1 = 0 i2 = 0 while i1 < len(r1) and i2 < len(r2): if r1[i1] == r2[i2]: i1 += 1 i2 += 1 elif r1[i1] < r2[i2]: ret += ver1 + ' ' + r1[i1] + '\n' i1 += 1 else: ret += ver2 + ' ' + r2[i2] + '\n' i2 += 1 while i1 < len(r1): ret += ver1 + ' ' + r1[i1] + '\n' i1 += 1 while i2 < len(r2): ret += ver2 + ' ' + r2[i2] + '\n' i2 += 1 return ret def sendAll(connection, data): bytes = data.encode() while bytes: num = connection.send(bytes) if num < len(bytes): bytes = bytes[num:] else: bytes = None def uploadResults(package, results): print('Uploading results..') for retry in range(4): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_address = ('cppcheck.osuosl.org', 8000) sock.connect(server_address) sendAll(sock, 'write\n' + package + '\n' + results + '\nDONE') sock.close() return True except socket.error: print('Upload failed, retry in 60 seconds') time.sleep(30) pass return False jobs = '-j1' stopTime = None workpath = os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck-donate-cpu-workfolder') packageUrl = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: # --stop-time=12:00 => run until ~12:00 and then stop if arg.startswith('--stop-time='): stopTime = arg[-5:] print('Stop time:' + stopTime) elif arg.startswith('-j'): jobs = arg print('Jobs:' + jobs[2:]) elif arg.startswith('--package='): packageUrl = arg[arg.find('=')+1:] print('Package:' + packageUrl) elif arg.startswith('--work-path='): workpath = arg[arg.find('=')+1:] print('workpath:' + workpath) if not os.path.exists(workpath): print('work path does not exist!') sys.exit(1) elif arg == '--help': print('Donate CPU to Cppcheck project') print('') print('Syntax: donate-cpu.py [-jN] [--stop-time=HH:MM] [--work-path=path]') print(' -jN Use N threads in compilation/analysis. Default is 1.') print(' --stop-time=HH:MM Stop analysis when time has passed. Default is that you must terminate the script.') print(' --work-path=path Work folder path. Default path is ' + workpath) print('') print('Quick start: just run this script without any arguments') sys.exit(0) else: print('Unhandled argument: ' + arg) sys.exit(1) print('Thank you!') if not checkRequirements(): sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(workpath): os.mkdir(workpath) cppcheckPath = workpath + '/cppcheck' while True: if stopTime: print('stopTime:' + stopTime + '. Time:' + time.strftime('%H:%M') + '.') if stopTime < time.strftime('%H:%M'): print('Stopping. Thank you!') sys.exit(0) if not getCppcheck(cppcheckPath): print('Failed to clone Cppcheck, retry later') sys.exit(1) if compile_version(workpath, jobs, '1.85') == False: print('Failed to compile Cppcheck-1.85, retry later') sys.exit(1) if compile(cppcheckPath, jobs) == False: print('Failed to compile Cppcheck, retry later') sys.exit(1) if packageUrl: package = packageUrl else: package = getPackage() while len(package) == 0: print("network or server might be temporarily down.. will try again in 30 seconds..") time.sleep(30) package = getPackage() tgz = downloadPackage(workpath, package) unpackPackage(workpath, tgz) crash = False count = '' elapsedTime = '' resultsToDiff = [] for cppcheck in ['cppcheck/cppcheck', '1.85/cppcheck']: c,errout,t = scanPackage(workpath, cppcheck, jobs) if c < 0: crash = True count += ' Crash!' else: count += ' ' + str(c) elapsedTime += " {:.1f}".format(t) resultsToDiff.append(errout) if not crash and len(resultsToDiff[0]) + len(resultsToDiff[1]) == 0: print('No results') continue output = 'cppcheck: head 1.85\n' output += 'count:' + count + '\n' output += 'elapsed-time:' + elapsedTime + '\n' if not crash: output += 'diff:\n' + diffResults(workpath, 'head', resultsToDiff[0], '1.85', resultsToDiff[1]) + '\n' if packageUrl: print('=========================================================') print(output) print('=========================================================') break uploadResults(package, output) print('Results have been uploaded') print('Sleep 5 seconds..') time.sleep(5)