* Added scopeinfo member to token class Moved ScopeInfo2 declaration here as well because that's where it needs to be now. * Added scopeinfo accessors and declaration to class * Add new method for calculating scopes This replaces the methods in the TemplateSimplifier which calculate the current scope as the token list is iterated. The old method required checking if the scope had changed for every token multiple times (for multiple iterations), which was surprisingly costly. Calculating scopes in advance like this decreases runtime on a worst-case file by around thirty percent. ScopeInfo objects are disposed of when the TemplateSimplification is done as they are not used later. * Add calculateScopes method to header * Removed code that calculated current scope This has been replaced by code that calculates the scopes up front and stores them with each token, which is much faster. * Fixed compile errors from extra parentheses * Added missing code to fix memory leak * Added code to actually clean up ScopeInfo structs * Tidy up a dodgy for loop * Convert argument to const ref * Calculate missing scopes As the templatesimplificator expands templates and does multiple passes it needs to make sure all scopes are calculated. * Remove copying the scope to the next token This is now done properly when scopes are calculated. * Remove call to calculateScopes This is now done by the TemplateSimplifier. * Recalculate scopes for every pass of simplifyTemplates * Add code to calculate extra scopes as they are added I thought that this might be useful for calculating scopes when Tokens are created, but as there are several ways of creating Tokens that don't guarantee that they are placed in a list it is easier to just calculate scopes when you know you have a list and when you know you're adding to a list. * Fix several bugs and poorly designed code Remove the global scopes collection, and clean them up instead by iterating through the tokenlist to find them. This means scopes can be calculated by functions in the Token class as well as in the Tokenizer class without leaking the scope object. Fix a couple of bugs in the calculateScopes method and make it more efficient. * Remove unnecessary calls to calculateScopes * Move brace to correct position Calculating scopes during insertToken only needs to happen if we created a new Token. * Handle 'using namespace' declarations separately This fixes a bug caused by a statement matching 'struct B < 0 > ;' * Fix argument name mismatch * Actually use newScopeInfo when inserting Token * Switch to using shared_ptr to hold scopeInfos This means ScopeInfo2 objects get properly cleaned up when they are no longer needed. * Change ScopeInfo member to be a shared_ptr * Update code to use shared_ptr * Add missing include for shared_ptr * Remove unnecessary cleanup code This has been replaced by shared_ptr for ScopeInfo2 objects |
Cppcheck.xcodeproj | ||
addons | ||
cfg | ||
cli | ||
cmake | ||
cve-test-suite | ||
democlient | ||
externals | ||
gui | ||
htmlreport | ||
lib | ||
man | ||
oss-fuzz | ||
platforms | ||
rules | ||
samples | ||
snap | ||
test | ||
tools | ||
win_installer | ||
.astylerc | ||
.codacy.yml | ||
.gitignore | ||
.mailmap | ||
.travis.yml | ||
.travis_llvmcheck_suppressions | ||
.travis_suppressions | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
Makefile | ||
appveyor.yml | ||
benchmarks.txt | ||
build-pcre.txt | ||
build.bat | ||
console_common.pri | ||
cppcheck-errors.rng | ||
cppcheck.cbp | ||
cppcheck.cppcheck | ||
cppcheck.sln | ||
createrelease | ||
doxyfile | ||
generate_coverage_report | ||
philosophy.md | ||
readme.md | ||
readme.txt | ||
readmeja.md | ||
requirements.txt | ||
runastyle | ||
runastyle.bat | ||
webreport.sh |
Linux Build Status | Windows Build Status | Coverity Scan Build Status |
About the name
The original name of this program was "C++check", but it was later changed to "Cppcheck".
Despite the name, Cppcheck is designed for both C and C++.
A manual is available online.
Any C++11 compiler should work. For compilers with partial C++11 support it may work. If your compiler has the C++11 features that are available in Visual Studio 2013 / GCC 4.6 then it will work.
To build the GUI, you need Qt.
When building the command line tool, PCRE is optional. It is used if you build with rules.
There are multiple compilation choices:
- qmake - cross platform build tool
- cmake - cross platform build tool
- Windows: Visual Studio (VS 2013 and above)
- Windows: Qt Creator + mingw
- gnu make
- g++ 4.6 (or later)
- clang++
Example, compiling Cppcheck with cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
If you want to compile the GUI you can use the flag -DBUILD_GUI=ON
For rules support (requires pcre) use the flag -DHAVE_RULES=ON
For release builds it is recommended that you use: -DUSE_MATCHCOMPILER=ON
You can use the gui/gui.pro file to build the GUI.
cd gui
Visual Studio
Use the cppcheck.sln file. The file is configured for Visual Studio 2015, but the platform toolset can be changed easily to older or newer versions. The solution contains platform targets for both x86 and x64.
To compile with rules, select "Release-PCRE" or "Debug-PCRE" configuration. pcre.lib (pcre64.lib for x64 builds) and pcre.h are expected to be in /externals then.
Qt Creator + MinGW
The PCRE dll is needed to build the CLI. It can be downloaded here: http://software-download.name/pcre-library-windows/
GNU make
Simple, unoptimized build (no dependencies):
The recommended release build is:
make MATCHCOMPILER=yes CFGDIR=cfg HAVE_RULES=yes CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-function"
Python is used to optimise cppcheck. The Token::Match patterns are converted into C++ code at compile time. -
Specify folder where .cfg files are found -
Enable rules (PCRE is required if this is used) -
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-function"
Enables most compiler optimizations, disables cppcheck-internal debugging code and enables basic compiler warnings.
g++ (for experts)
If you just want to build Cppcheck without dependencies then you can use this command:
g++ -o cppcheck -std=c++11 -Iexternals -Iexternals/simplecpp -Iexternals/tinyxml -Ilib cli/*.cpp lib/*.cpp externals/simplecpp/simplecpp.cpp externals/tinyxml/*.cpp
If you want to use --rule
and --rule-file
then dependencies are needed:
g++ -o cppcheck -std=c++11 -lpcre -DHAVE_RULES -Ilib -Iexternals -Iexternals/simplecpp -Iexternals/tinyxml cli/*.cpp lib/*.cpp externals/simplecpp/simplecpp.cpp externals/tinyxml/*.cpp
mingw32-make LDFLAGS=-lshlwapi
Other Compiler/IDE
- Create an empty project file / makefile.
- Add all cpp files in the cppcheck cli and lib folders to the project file / makefile.
- Add all cpp files in the externals folders to the project file / makefile.
- Compile.
Cross compiling Win32 (CLI) version of Cppcheck in Linux
sudo apt-get install mingw32
make CXX=i586-mingw32msvc-g++ LDFLAGS="-lshlwapi" RDYNAMIC=""
mv cppcheck cppcheck.exe