425 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
425 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# cppcheck addon for naming conventions
# An enhanced version. Configuration is taken from a json file
# It supports to check for type-based prefixes in function or variable names.
# Aside from include guard naming, include guard presence can also be tested.
# Example usage (variable name must start with lowercase, function name must start with uppercase):
# $ cppcheck --dump path-to-src/
# $ python namingng.py test.c.dump
# JSON format:
# {
# "RE_VARNAME": ["[a-z]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\Z"],
# "RE_FUNCTIONNAME": ["[a-z0-9A-Z]*\\Z"],
# "_comment": "comments can be added to the config with underscore-prefixed keys",
# "include_guard": {
# "input": "path",
# "prefix": "GUARD_",
# "case": "upper",
# "max_linenr": 5,
# "RE_HEADERFILE": "[^/].*\\.h\\Z",
# "required": true
# },
# "var_prefixes": {"uint32_t": "ui32"},
# "function_prefixes": {"uint16_t": "ui16",
# "uint32_t": "ui32"}
# }
# RE_VARNAME, RE_PRIVATE_MEMBER_VARIABLE and RE_FUNCTIONNAME are regular expressions to cover the basic names
# In var_prefixes and function_prefixes there are the variable-type/prefix pairs
import cppcheckdata
import sys
import os
import re
import argparse
import json
# Auxiliary class
class DataStruct:
def __init__(self, file, linenr, string):
self.file = file
self.linenr = linenr
self.str = string
self.column = 0
def reportNamingError(location,message,errorId='namingConvention',severity='style',extra=''):
def configError(error,fatal=True):
print('config error: %s'%error)
if fatal:
def loadConfig(configfile):
if not os.path.exists(configfile):
configError("cannot find config file '%s'"%configfile)
with open(configfile) as fh:
data = json.load(fh)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
configError("error parsing config file as JSON at line %d: %s"%(e.lineno,e.msg))
except Exception as e:
configError("error opening config file '%s': %s"%(configfile,e))
if not isinstance(data, dict):
configError('config file must contain a JSON object at the top level')
# All errors are emitted before bailing out, to make the unit test more
# effective.
have_error = False
# Put config items in a class, so that settings can be accessed using
# config.feature
class Config:
config = Config()
mapping = {
'file': ('RE_FILE', list),
'namespace': ('RE_NAMESPACE', list),
'include_guard': ('include_guard', dict),
'variable': ('RE_VARNAME', list),
'variable_prefixes': ('var_prefixes', dict, {}),
'private_member': ('RE_PRIVATE_MEMBER_VARIABLE', list),
'public_member': ('RE_PUBLIC_MEMBER_VARIABLE', list),
'global_variable': ('RE_GLOBAL_VARNAME', list),
'function_name': ('RE_FUNCTIONNAME', list),
'function_prefixes': ('function_prefixes', dict, {}),
'class_name': ('RE_CLASS_NAME', list),
'skip_one_char_variables': ('skip_one_char_variables', bool),
# parse defined keys and store as members of config object
for key,opts in mapping.items():
json_key = opts[0]
req_type = opts[1]
default = None if len(opts)<3 else opts[2]
value = data.pop(json_key,default)
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, req_type):
req_typename = req_type.__name__
got_typename = type(value).__name__
configError('%s must be %s (not %s), or not set'%(json_key,req_typename,got_typename),fatal=False)
have_error = True
if req_type == list and value is not None:
# type 'list' implies a list of regular expressions
for item in value:
except re.error as err:
configError("item '%s' of '%s' is not a valid regular expression: %s"%(item,json_key,err),fatal=False)
have_error = True
if have_error:
# check remaining keys, only accept underscore-prefixed comments
for key,value in data.items():
if key == '' or key[0] != '_':
configError("unknown config key '%s'"%key,fatal=False)
have_error = True
if have_error:
return config
def checkTrueRegex(data, expr, msg):
res = re.match(expr, data.str)
if res:
def checkFalseRegex(data, expr, msg):
res = re.match(expr, data.str)
if not res:
def evalExpr(conf, exp, mockToken, msgType):
if isinstance(conf, dict):
if conf[exp][0]:
msg = msgType + ' ' + mockToken.str + ' violates naming convention : ' + conf[exp][1]
checkTrueRegex(mockToken, exp, msg)
elif ~conf[exp][0]:
msg = msgType + ' ' + mockToken.str + ' violates naming convention : ' + conf[exp][1]
checkFalseRegex(mockToken, exp, msg)
msg = msgType + ' ' + mockToken.str + ' violates naming convention : ' + conf[exp][0]
checkFalseRegex(mockToken, exp, msg)
msg = msgType + ' ' + mockToken.str + ' violates naming convention'
checkFalseRegex(mockToken, exp, msg)
def check_include_guard_name(conf_include_guard,cfg,directive):
parts = directive.str.split()
if len(parts) != 2:
msg = 'syntax error'
return None
guard_name = parts[1]
filename = directive.file
if conf_include_guard.get('input','path') == 'basename':
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
use_case = conf_include_guard.get('case','upper')
if use_case == 'upper':
filename = filename.upper()
elif use_case == 'lower':
filename = filename.lower()
elif use_case == 'keep':
pass # keep filename case as-is
print("invalid config value for 'case': '%s'"%use_case,file=sys.stderr)
barename = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]','_',filename).strip('_')
expect_guard_name = conf_include_guard.get('prefix','') + barename + conf_include_guard.get('suffix','')
if expect_guard_name != guard_name:
msg = 'include guard naming violation; %s != %s'%(guard_name,expect_guard_name)
return guard_name
def check_include_guard(conf_include_guard,cfg,unguarded_include_files):
# Scan for '#ifndef FILE_H' as the first directive, in the first N lines.
# Then test whether the next directive #defines the found name.
# Various tests are done:
# - check include guards for their naming and consistency
# - test whether include guards are in place
max_linenr = conf_include_guard.get('max_linenr', 5)
def report(directive,msg,errorId):
def report_pending_ifndef(directive):
report(directive,'include guard #ifndef is not followed by #define','includeGuardIncomplete')
last_fn = None
pending_ifndef = None
phase = 0
for directive in cfg.directives:
if last_fn != directive.file:
if pending_ifndef:
pending_ifndef = None
last_fn = directive.file
phase = 0
if phase == -1:
# ignore (the remainder of) this file
if not re.match(include_guard_header_re,directive.file):
phase = -1
if directive.linenr > max_linenr:
if phase == 0 and conf_include_guard.get('required',1):
report(directive,'include guard not found before line %d'%max_linenr,'includeGuardMissing')
phase = -1
if phase == 0:
# looking for '#ifndef FILE_H'
if not directive.str.startswith('#ifndef'):
if conf_include_guard.get('required',1):
report(directive,'first preprocessor directive should be include guard #ifndef','includeGuardMissing')
phase = -1
guard_name = check_include_guard_name(conf_include_guard,cfg,directive)
if guard_name == None:
phase = -1
pending_ifndef = directive
phase = 1
elif phase == 1:
pending_ifndef = None
# looking for '#define FILE_H'
if not directive.str.startswith('#define'):
report(directive,'second preprocessor directive should be include guard #define','includeGuardIncomplete')
phase = -1
parts = directive.str.split()
if len(parts) == 1:
report(directive,'syntax error','syntax')
phase = -1
if guard_name != parts[1]:
report(directive,'include guard does not guard; %s != %s'%(guard_name,parts[1]),'includeGuardAwayFromDuty',severity='warning')
phase = -1
if pending_ifndef:
def process(dumpfiles, configfile, debugprint=False):
conf = loadConfig(configfile)
if conf.include_guard:
global include_guard_header_re
include_guard_header_re = conf.include_guard.get('RE_HEADERFILE',"[^/].*\\.h\\Z")
for afile in dumpfiles:
if not afile[-5:] == '.dump':
if not args.cli:
print('Checking ' + afile + '...')
data = cppcheckdata.CppcheckData(afile)
# Check File naming
if conf.file:
for source_file in data.files:
basename = os.path.basename(source_file)
good = False
for exp in conf.file:
good |= bool(re.match(exp, source_file))
good |= bool(re.match(exp, basename))
if not good:
mockToken = DataStruct(source_file, 0, basename)
reportNamingError(mockToken, 'File name ' + basename + ' violates naming convention')
# Check Namespace naming
if conf.namespace:
for tk in data.rawTokens:
if tk.str == 'namespace':
mockToken = DataStruct(tk.next.file, tk.next.linenr, tk.next.str)
msgType = 'Namespace'
for exp in conf.namespace:
evalExpr(conf.namespace, exp, mockToken, msgType)
unguarded_include_files = []
if conf.include_guard:
if conf.include_guard.get('required',1):
unguarded_include_files = [fn for fn in data.files if re.match(include_guard_header_re,fn)]
for cfg in data.configurations:
if not args.cli:
print('Checking %s, config %s...' % (afile, cfg.name))
if conf.variable:
for var in cfg.variables:
if var.nameToken and var.access != 'Global' and var.access != 'Public' and var.access != 'Private':
prev = var.nameToken.previous
varType = prev.str
while "*" in varType and len(varType.replace("*", "")) == 0:
prev = prev.previous
varType = prev.str + varType
if debugprint:
print("Variable Name: " + str(var.nameToken.str))
print("original Type Name: " + str(var.nameToken.valueType.originalTypeName))
print("Type Name: " + var.nameToken.valueType.type)
print("Sign: " + str(var.nameToken.valueType.sign))
print("variable type: " + varType)
print("\t-- {} {}".format(varType, str(var.nameToken.str)))
if conf.skip_one_char_variables and len(var.nameToken.str) == 1:
if varType in conf.variable_prefixes:
prefix = conf.variable_prefixes[varType]
if not var.nameToken.str.startswith(prefix):
'Variable ' +
var.nameToken.str +
' violates naming convention')
mockToken = DataStruct(var.typeStartToken.file, var.typeStartToken.linenr, var.nameToken.str)
msgType = 'Variable'
for exp in conf.variable:
evalExpr(conf.variable, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check Private Variable naming
if conf.private_member:
# TODO: Not converted yet
for var in cfg.variables:
if (var.access is None) or var.access != 'Private':
mockToken = DataStruct(var.typeStartToken.file, var.typeStartToken.linenr, var.nameToken.str)
msgType = 'Private member variable'
for exp in conf.private_member:
evalExpr(conf.private_member, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check Public Member Variable naming
if conf.public_member:
for var in cfg.variables:
if (var.access is None) or var.access != 'Public':
mockToken = DataStruct(var.typeStartToken.file, var.typeStartToken.linenr, var.nameToken.str)
msgType = 'Public member variable'
for exp in conf.public_member:
evalExpr(conf.public_member, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check Global Variable naming
if conf.global_variable:
for var in cfg.variables:
if (var.access is None) or var.access != 'Global':
mockToken = DataStruct(var.typeStartToken.file, var.typeStartToken.linenr, var.nameToken.str)
msgType = 'Public member variable'
for exp in conf.global_variable:
evalExpr(conf.global_variable, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check Functions naming
if conf.function_name:
for token in cfg.tokenlist:
if token.function:
if token.function.type in ('Constructor', 'Destructor', 'CopyConstructor', 'MoveConstructor'):
retval = token.previous.str
prev = token.previous
while "*" in retval and len(retval.replace("*", "")) == 0:
prev = prev.previous
retval = prev.str + retval
if debugprint:
print("\t:: {} {}".format(retval, token.function.name))
if retval and retval in conf.function_prefixes:
if not token.function.name.startswith(conf.function_prefixes[retval]):
reportNamingError(token, 'Function ' + token.function.name + ' violates naming convention')
mockToken = DataStruct(token.file, token.linenr, token.function.name)
msgType = 'Function'
for exp in conf.function_name:
evalExpr(conf.function_name, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check Class naming
if conf.class_name:
for fnc in cfg.functions:
# Check if it is Constructor/Destructor
if fnc.type == 'Constructor' or fnc.type == 'Destructor':
mockToken = DataStruct(fnc.tokenDef.file, fnc.tokenDef.linenr, fnc.name)
msgType = 'Class ' + fnc.type
for exp in conf.class_name:
evalExpr(conf.class_name, exp, mockToken, msgType)
# Check include guard naming
if conf.include_guard:
for fn in unguarded_include_files:
mockToken = DataStruct(fn,0,os.path.basename(fn))
reportNamingError(mockToken,'Missing include guard','includeGuardMissing')
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = cppcheckdata.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--debugprint", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Add debug prints")
parser.add_argument("--configfile", type=str, default="namingng.config.json",
help="Naming check config file")
args = parser.parse_args()
process(args.dumpfile, args.configfile, args.debugprint)