
2609 lines
96 KiB

* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "symboldatabase.h"
#include "tokenize.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "errorlogger.h"
#include "check.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <climits>
// Define ULLONG_MAX and LLONG_MAX for Borland
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
// Define ULLONG_MAX and LLONG_MAX for SunCC on non-Solaris systems
#if (defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)) && \
!(defined (__sun) || defined (__sun__))
SymbolDatabase::SymbolDatabase(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger)
: _tokenizer(tokenizer), _settings(settings), _errorLogger(errorLogger)
// create global scope
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, NULL, NULL));
// pointer to current scope
Scope *scope = &scopeList.back();
// Store current access in each scope (depends on evaluation progress)
std::map<const Scope*, AccessControl> access;
std::map<const Token *, Scope *> back;
// find all scopes
for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
// Locate next class
if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union|namespace ::| %var% {|:|::") &&
tok->strAt(-1) != "friend") {
const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2);
if (tok->strAt(1) == "::")
tok2 = tok2->next();
while (tok2 && tok2->str() == "::")
tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2);
// make sure we have valid code
if (!tok2 || !Token::Match(tok2, "{|:"))
Scope *new_scope = findScope(tok->next(), scope);
if (new_scope) {
// only create base list for classes and structures
if (new_scope->isClassOrStruct()) {
// goto initial '{'
tok2 = new_scope->definedType->initBaseInfo(tok, tok2);
// make sure we have valid code
if (!tok2) {
// definition may be different than declaration
if (tok->str() == "class") {
access[new_scope] = Private;
new_scope->type = Scope::eClass;
} else if (tok->str() == "struct") {
access[new_scope] = Public;
new_scope->type = Scope::eStruct;
back[tok2->link()] = scope;
new_scope->classDef = tok;
new_scope->classStart = tok2;
new_scope->classEnd = tok2->link();
scope = new_scope;
tok = tok2;
} else {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope));
new_scope = &scopeList.back();
if (tok->str() == "class")
access[new_scope] = Private;
else if (tok->str() == "struct")
access[new_scope] = Public;
// fill typeList...
if (new_scope->isClassOrStruct() || new_scope->type == Scope::eUnion) {
Type* new_type = findType(tok->next(), scope);
if (!new_type) {
typeList.push_back(Type(new_scope->classDef, new_scope, scope));
new_type = &typeList.back();
} else
new_type->classScope = new_scope;
new_scope->definedType = new_type;
// only create base list for classes and structures
if (new_scope->isClassOrStruct()) {
// goto initial '{'
tok2 = new_scope->definedType->initBaseInfo(tok, tok2);
// make sure we have valid code
if (!tok2) {
new_scope->classStart = tok2;
new_scope->classEnd = tok2->link();
// make sure we have valid code
if (!new_scope->classEnd) {
// make the new scope the current scope
scope = new_scope;
tok = tok2;
// Namespace and unknown macro (#3854)
else if (Token::Match(tok, "namespace %var% %type% (") &&
_tokenizer->isCPP() &&
tok->tokAt(2)->isUpperCaseName() &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->linkAt(3), ") {")) {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope));
Scope *new_scope = &scopeList.back();
access[new_scope] = Public;
const Token *tok2 = tok->linkAt(3)->next();
new_scope->classStart = tok2;
new_scope->classEnd = tok2->link();
// make sure we have valid code
if (!new_scope->classEnd) {
// make the new scope the current scope
scope = &scopeList.back();
tok = tok2;
// forward declaration
else if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union %var% ;") &&
tok->strAt(-1) != "friend") {
if (!findType(tok->next(), scope)) {
// fill typeList..
typeList.push_back(Type(tok, 0, scope));
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
// using namespace
else if (Token::Match(tok, "using namespace ::| %type% ;|::")) {
Scope::UsingInfo using_info;
using_info.start = tok; // save location
using_info.scope = 0; // fill in later
// check for global namespace
if (tok->strAt(2) == "::")
tok = tok->tokAt(4);
tok = tok->tokAt(3);
// skip over qualification
while (tok && Token::Match(tok, "%type% ::"))
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
// unnamed struct and union
else if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union {") &&
Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), "} *|&| %var% ;|[")) {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope));
Scope *new_scope = &scopeList.back();
access[new_scope] = Public;
const Token* varNameTok = tok->next()->link()->next();
if (varNameTok->str() == "*") {
varNameTok = varNameTok->next();
} else if (varNameTok->str() == "&") {
varNameTok = varNameTok->next();
typeList.push_back(Type(tok, new_scope, scope));
new_scope->definedType = &typeList.back();
scope->addVariable(varNameTok, tok, tok, access[scope], new_scope->definedType, scope);
const Token *tok2 = tok->next();
new_scope->classStart = tok2;
new_scope->classEnd = tok2->link();
// make sure we have valid code
if (!new_scope->classEnd) {
// make the new scope the current scope
scope = new_scope;
tok = tok2;
// anonymous struct and union
else if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union {") &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->link(), "} ;")) {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope));
Scope *new_scope = &scopeList.back();
access[new_scope] = Public;
const Token *tok2 = tok->next();
new_scope->classStart = tok2;
new_scope->classEnd = tok2->link();
typeList.push_back(Type(tok, new_scope, scope));
new_scope->definedType = &typeList.back();
// make sure we have valid code
if (!new_scope->classEnd) {
// make the new scope the current scope
scope = new_scope;
tok = tok2;
else {
// check for end of scope
if (tok == scope->classEnd) {
if (back.find(tok) != back.end()) {
scope = back[tok];
} else
scope = const_cast<Scope*>(scope->nestedIn);
// check if in class or structure
else if (scope->type == Scope::eClass || scope->type == Scope::eStruct) {
const Token *funcStart = 0;
const Token *argStart = 0;
// What section are we in..
if (tok->str() == "private:")
access[scope] = Private;
else if (tok->str() == "protected:")
access[scope] = Protected;
else if (tok->str() == "public:" || tok->str() == "__published:")
access[scope] = Public;
else if (Token::Match(tok, "public|protected|private %var% :")) {
if (tok->str() == "private")
access[scope] = Private;
else if (tok->str() == "protected")
access[scope] = Protected;
access[scope] = Public;
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
// class function?
else if (tok->previous()->str() != "::" && isFunction(tok, scope, &funcStart, &argStart)) {
Function function;
// save the function definition argument start '('
function.argDef = argStart;
// save the access type
function.access = access[scope];
// save the function name location
function.tokenDef = funcStart;
// save the function parent scope
function.nestedIn = scope;
// operator function
if (function.tokenDef->str().find("operator") == 0) {
function.isOperator = true;
// 'operator =' is special
if (function.tokenDef->str() == "operator=")
function.type = Function::eOperatorEqual;
// class constructor/destructor
else if (function.tokenDef->str() == scope->className) {
// destructor
if (function.tokenDef->previous()->str() == "~")
function.type = Function::eDestructor;
// copy constructor
else if ((Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( const %var% & %var%| )") ||
(Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( const %var% <") &&
Token::Match(function.tokenDef->linkAt(4), "> & %var%| )"))) &&
function.tokenDef->strAt(3) == scope->className)
function.type = Function::eCopyConstructor;
else if ((Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% <") &&
Token::Match(function.tokenDef->linkAt(1), "> (const %var% & %var%| )")) &&
function.tokenDef->linkAt(1)->strAt(3) == scope->className)
function.type = Function::eCopyConstructor;
// copy constructor with non-const argument
else if ((Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( %var% & %var%| )") ||
(Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( %var% <") &&
Token::Match(function.tokenDef->linkAt(4), "> & %var%| )"))) &&
function.tokenDef->strAt(2) == scope->className)
function.type = Function::eCopyConstructor;
else if ((Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% <") &&
Token::Match(function.tokenDef->linkAt(1), "> ( %var% & %var%| )")) &&
function.tokenDef->strAt(2) == scope->className)
function.type = Function::eCopyConstructor;
// regular constructor
function.type = Function::eConstructor;
if (function.tokenDef->previous()->str() == "explicit")
function.isExplicit = true;
// function returning function pointer
else if (tok->str() == "(") {
function.retFuncPtr = true;
const Token *tok1 = tok;
// look for end of previous statement
while (tok1->previous() && !Token::Match(tok1->previous(), ";|}|{|public:|protected:|private:")) {
// virtual function
if (tok1->previous()->str() == "virtual") {
function.isVirtual = true;
// static function
else if (tok1->previous()->str() == "static") {
function.isStatic = true;
// friend function
else if (tok1->previous()->str() == "friend") {
function.isFriend = true;
tok1 = tok1->previous();
const Token *end;
if (!function.retFuncPtr)
end = function.argDef->link();
end = tok->link()->next()->link();
// const function
if (end->next()->str() == "const")
function.isConst = true;
// count the number of constructors
if (function.type == Function::eConstructor ||
function.type == Function::eCopyConstructor)
// assume implementation is inline (definition and implementation same)
function.token = function.tokenDef;
function.arg = function.argDef;
// out of line function
if (Token::Match(end, ") const| ;")) {
// find the function implementation later
tok = end->next();
if (tok->str() != ";")
tok = tok->next();
// default or delete
else if (Token::Match(end, ") = default|delete ;")) {
if (end->strAt(2) == "default")
function.isDefault = true;
function.isDelete = true;
tok = end->tokAt(3);
// pure virtual function
else if (Token::Match(end, ") const| = %any% ;")) {
function.isPure = true;
if (end->next()->str() == "const")
tok = end->tokAt(4);
tok = end->tokAt(3);
// inline function
else {
function.isInline = true;
function.hasBody = true;
// find start of function '{'
while (end && end->str() != "{")
end = end->next();
if (!end)
Function* funcptr = &scope->functionList.back();
const Token *tok2 = funcStart;
addNewFunction(&scope, &tok2);
if (scope) {
scope->functionOf = function.nestedIn;
scope->function = funcptr;
scope->function->functionScope = scope;
tok = tok2;
// nested class or friend function?
else if (tok->previous()->str() == "::" && isFunction(tok, scope, &funcStart, &argStart)) {
/** @todo check entire qualification for match */
Scope * nested = scope->findInNestedListRecursive(tok->strAt(-2));
if (nested)
addClassFunction(&scope, &tok, argStart);
else {
/** @todo handle friend functions */
// friend class declaration?
else if (Token::Match(tok, "friend class| ::| %any% ;|::")) {
Type::FriendInfo friendInfo;
// save the name start
friendInfo.nameStart = tok->strAt(1) == "class" ? tok->tokAt(2) : tok->next();
friendInfo.nameEnd = friendInfo.nameStart;
// skip leading "::"
if (friendInfo.nameEnd->str() == "::")
friendInfo.nameEnd = friendInfo.nameEnd->next();
// skip qualification "name ::"
while (friendInfo.nameEnd && friendInfo.nameEnd->strAt(1) == "::")
friendInfo.nameEnd = friendInfo.nameEnd->tokAt(2);
// save the name
if (friendInfo.nameEnd)
friendInfo.name = friendInfo.nameEnd->str();
// fill this in after parsing is complete
friendInfo.type = 0;
} else if (scope->type == Scope::eNamespace || scope->type == Scope::eGlobal) {
const Token *funcStart = 0;
const Token *argStart = 0;
// function?
if (isFunction(tok, scope, &funcStart, &argStart)) {
// has body?
if (Token::Match(argStart->link(), ") const| {|:")) {
Scope *old_scope = scope;
// class function
if (tok->previous() && tok->previous()->str() == "::")
addClassFunction(&scope, &tok, argStart);
// class destructor
else if (tok->previous() && tok->previous()->str() == "~" &&
tok->tokAt(-2) && tok->strAt(-2) == "::")
addClassFunction(&scope, &tok, argStart);
// regular function
addGlobalFunction(scope, tok, argStart, funcStart);
// syntax error
if (!scope) {
scope = old_scope;
// function returning function pointer with body
else if (Token::simpleMatch(argStart->link(), ") ) (") &&
Token::Match(argStart->link()->linkAt(2), ") const| {")) {
tok = funcStart;
Scope *old_scope = scope;
// class function
if (tok->previous()->str() == "::")
addClassFunction(&scope, &tok, argStart);
// regular function
else {
Function* function = addGlobalFunction(scope, tok, argStart, funcStart);
function->retFuncPtr = true;
// syntax error?
if (!scope) {
scope = old_scope;
// function prototype
else if (Token::simpleMatch(argStart->link(), ") ;")) {
bool newFunc = true; // Is this function already in the database?
for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator i = scope->functionList.begin(); i != scope->functionList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->tokenDef->str() == tok->str() && Function::argsMatch(scope, i->argDef->next(), argStart->next(), "", 0)) {
newFunc = false;
// save function prototype in database
if (newFunc)
addGlobalFunctionDecl(scope, argStart, funcStart);
tok = argStart->link()->next();
// function returning function pointer prototype
else if (Token::simpleMatch(argStart->link(), ") ) (") &&
Token::simpleMatch(argStart->link()->linkAt(2), ") ;")) {
bool newFunc = true; // Is this function already in the database?
for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator i = scope->functionList.begin(); i != scope->functionList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->tokenDef->str() == tok->str() && Function::argsMatch(scope, i->argDef, argStart, "", 0))
newFunc = false;
// save function prototype in database
if (newFunc) {
Function* func = addGlobalFunctionDecl(scope, argStart, funcStart);
func->retFuncPtr = true;
tok = argStart->link()->linkAt(2)->next();
} else if (scope->isExecutable()) {
if (Token::Match(tok, "else|try|do {")) {
const Token* tok1 = tok->next();
if (tok->str() == "else")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eElse, tok1));
if (tok->str() == "do")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eDo, tok1));
else if (tok->str() == "try")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eTry, tok1));
tok = tok1;
scope = &scopeList.back();
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "if|for|while|catch|switch (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->link(), ") {")) {
const Token *tok1 = tok->next()->link()->next();
if (tok->str() == "if" && tok->strAt(-1) == "else")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok->previous(), scope, Scope::eElseIf, tok1));
else if (tok->str() == "if")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eIf, tok1));
else if (tok->str() == "for") {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eFor, tok1));
} else if (tok->str() == "while")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eWhile, tok1));
else if (tok->str() == "catch") {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eCatch, tok1));
} else if (tok->str() == "switch")
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eSwitch, tok1));
scope = &scopeList.back();
if (scope->type == Scope::eFor)
scope->checkVariable(tok->tokAt(2), Local); // check for variable declaration and add it to new scope if found
else if (scope->type == Scope::eCatch)
scope->checkVariable(tok->tokAt(2), Throw); // check for variable declaration and add it to new scope if found
tok = tok1;
} else if (tok->str() == "{") {
if (!Token::Match(tok->previous(), "=|,")) {
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok, scope, Scope::eUnconditional, tok));
scope = &scopeList.back();
} else {
tok = tok->link();
// fill in base class info
for (std::list<Type>::iterator it = typeList.begin(); it != typeList.end(); ++it) {
// finish filling in base class info
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < it->derivedFrom.size(); ++i)
it->derivedFrom[i].type = findType(it->derivedFrom[i].nameTok, it->enclosingScope);
// fill in friend info
for (std::list<Type>::iterator it = typeList.begin(); it != typeList.end(); ++it) {
for (std::list<Type::FriendInfo>::iterator i = it->friendList.begin(); i != it->friendList.end(); ++i) {
i->type = findType(i->nameStart, it->enclosingScope);
// fill in using info
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
for (std::list<Scope::UsingInfo>::iterator i = it->usingList.begin(); i != it->usingList.end(); ++i) {
// check scope for match
scope = findScope(i->start->tokAt(2), &(*it));
if (scope) {
// set found scope
i->scope = scope;
// fill in variable info
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
// find variables
// fill in function arguments
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
std::list<Function>::iterator func;
for (func = it->functionList.begin(); func != it->functionList.end(); ++func) {
// add arguments
func->addArguments(this, scope);
// fill in function scopes
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
if (it->type == Scope::eFunction)
// fill in class and struct scopes
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
if (it->isClassOrStruct())
// determine if user defined type needs initialization
unsigned int unknowns = 0; // stop checking when there are no unknowns
unsigned int retry = 0; // bail if we don't resolve all the variable types for some reason
do {
unknowns = 0;
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
scope = &(*it);
if (scope->isClassOrStruct() && scope->definedType->needInitialization == Type::Unknown) {
// check for default constructor
bool hasDefaultConstructor = false;
std::list<Function>::const_iterator func;
for (func = scope->functionList.begin(); func != scope->functionList.end(); ++func) {
if (func->type == Function::eConstructor) {
// check for no arguments: func ( )
if (func->argCount() == 0) {
hasDefaultConstructor = true;
/** check for arguments with default values */
else if (func->argCount() == func->initializedArgCount()) {
hasDefaultConstructor = true;
// User defined types with user defined default constructor doesn't need initialization.
// We assume the default constructor initializes everything.
// Another check will figure out if the constructor actually initializes everything.
if (hasDefaultConstructor)
scope->definedType->needInitialization = Type::False;
// check each member variable to see if it needs initialization
else {
bool needInitialization = false;
bool unknown = false;
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator var;
for (var = scope->varlist.begin(); var != scope->varlist.end(); ++var) {
if (var->isClass()) {
if (var->type()) {
// does this type need initialization?
if (var->type()->needInitialization == Type::True)
needInitialization = true;
else if (var->type()->needInitialization == Type::Unknown)
unknown = true;
} else
needInitialization = true;
if (!unknown) {
if (needInitialization)
scope->definedType->needInitialization = Type::True;
scope->definedType->needInitialization = Type::False;
if (scope->definedType->needInitialization == Type::Unknown)
} else if (scope->type == Scope::eUnion && scope->definedType->needInitialization == Type::Unknown)
scope->definedType->needInitialization = Type::True;
} while (unknowns && retry < 100);
// this shouldn't happen so output a debug warning
if (retry == 100 && _settings->debugwarnings) {
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
scope = &(*it);
if (scope->isClassOrStruct() && scope->definedType->needInitialization == Type::Unknown)
debugMessage(scope->classDef, "SymbolDatabase::SymbolDatabase couldn't resolve all user defined types.");
// create variable symbol table
_variableList.resize(_tokenizer->varIdCount() + 1);
std::fill_n(_variableList.begin(), _variableList.size(), (const Variable*)NULL);
// check all scopes for variables
for (std::list<Scope>::iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
scope = &(*it);
// add all variables
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator var;
for (var = scope->varlist.begin(); var != scope->varlist.end(); ++var) {
unsigned int varId = var->varId();
if (varId)
_variableList[varId] = &(*var);
// add all function parameters
std::list<Function>::const_iterator func;
for (func = scope->functionList.begin(); func != scope->functionList.end(); ++func) {
// ignore function without implementations
if (!func->hasBody)
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator arg;
for (arg = func->argumentList.begin(); arg != func->argumentList.end(); ++arg) {
// check for named parameters
if (arg->nameToken() && arg->varId()) {
unsigned int varId = arg->varId();
if (varId)
_variableList[varId] = &(*arg);
// fill in missing variables if possible
const std::size_t functions = functionScopes.size();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < functions; ++i) {
const Scope *func = functionScopes[i];
for (const Token *tok = func->classStart->next(); tok != func->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
// check for member variable
if (tok && tok->varId() && tok->next() && tok->next()->str() == ".") {
const Token *tok1 = tok->tokAt(2);
if (tok1 && tok1->varId() && _variableList[tok1->varId()] == 0) {
const Variable *var = _variableList[tok->varId()];
if (var && var->typeScope()) {
// find the member variable of this variable
const Variable *var1 = var->typeScope()->getVariable(tok1->str());
if (var1) {
// add this variable to the look up table
_variableList[tok1->varId()] = var1;
/* set all unknown array dimensions that are set by a variable to the maximum size of that variable type */
for (std::size_t i = 1; i <= _tokenizer->varIdCount(); i++) {
// check each array variable
if (_variableList[i] && _variableList[i]->isArray()) {
// check each array dimension
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < _variableList[i]->dimensions().size(); j++) {
Dimension &dimension = const_cast<Dimension &>(_variableList[i]->dimensions()[j]);
// check for a single token dimension that is a variable
if (dimension.num == 0) {
dimension.known = false;
if (!dimension.start || (dimension.start != dimension.end) || !dimension.start->varId())
// get maximum size from type
// find where this type is defined
const Variable *var = getVariableFromVarId(dimension.start->varId());
// make sure it is in the database
if (!var)
// get type token
const Token *index_type = var->typeEndToken();
if (index_type->str() == "char") {
if (index_type->isUnsigned())
dimension.num = UCHAR_MAX + 1;
else if (index_type->isSigned())
dimension.num = SCHAR_MAX + 1;
dimension.num = CHAR_MAX + 1;
} else if (index_type->str() == "short") {
if (index_type->isUnsigned())
dimension.num = USHRT_MAX + 1;
dimension.num = SHRT_MAX + 1;
// checkScope assumes size is signed int so we limit the following sizes to INT_MAX
else if (index_type->str() == "int") {
if (index_type->isUnsigned())
dimension.num = UINT_MAX + 1ULL;
dimension.num = INT_MAX + 1ULL;
} else if (index_type->str() == "long") {
if (index_type->isUnsigned()) {
if (index_type->isLong())
dimension.num = ULLONG_MAX; // should be ULLONG_MAX + 1ULL
dimension.num = ULONG_MAX; // should be ULONG_MAX + 1ULL
} else {
if (index_type->isLong())
dimension.num = LLONG_MAX; // should be LLONG_MAX + 1LL
dimension.num = LONG_MAX; // should be LONG_MAX + 1LL
bool SymbolDatabase::isFunction(const Token *tok, const Scope* outerScope, const Token **funcStart, const Token **argStart)
// function returning function pointer? '... ( ... %var% ( ... ))( ... ) {'
if (tok->str() == "(" &&
tok->link()->previous()->str() == ")" &&
tok->link()->next() &&
tok->link()->next()->str() == "(" &&
tok->link()->next()->link()->next() &&
Token::Match(tok->link()->next()->link()->next(), "{|;|const|=")) {
*funcStart = tok->link()->previous()->link()->previous();
*argStart = tok->link()->previous()->link();
return true;
// regular function?
else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% (") && tok->previous() &&
(tok->previous()->isName() || tok->strAt(-1) == ">" || tok->strAt(-1) == "&" || tok->strAt(-1) == "*" || // Either a return type in front of tok
tok->strAt(-1) == "::" || tok->strAt(-1) == "~" || // or a scope qualifier in front of tok
outerScope->isClassOrStruct()) && // or a ctor/dtor
(Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), ") const| ;|{|=") ||
Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), ") : ::| %var% (|::|<|{") ||
Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), ") = delete|default ;"))) {
*funcStart = tok;
*argStart = tok->next();
return true;
// template constructor?
else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% <") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->link(), "> (") &&
(Token::Match(tok->next()->link()->next()->link(), ") const| ;|{|=") ||
Token::Match(tok->next()->link()->next()->link(), ") : ::| %var% (|::|<|{"))) {
*funcStart = tok;
*argStart = tok->next()->link()->next();
return true;
return false;
void Variable::evaluate()
const Token* tok = _start;
while (tok && tok->previous() && tok->previous()->isName())
tok = tok->previous();
for (const Token* const end = _name?_name:_end; tok != end;) {
if (tok->str() == "static")
setFlag(fIsStatic, true);
else if (tok->str() == "extern")
setFlag(fIsExtern, true);
else if (tok->str() == "mutable")
setFlag(fIsMutable, true);
else if (tok->str() == "const")
setFlag(fIsConst, true);
else if (tok->str() == "*") {
setFlag(fIsPointer, true);
setFlag(fIsConst, false); // Points to const, isn't necessarily const itself
} else if (tok->str() == "&")
setFlag(fIsReference, true);
if (tok->str() == "<")
tok = tok->next();
while (_start && _start->next() && (_start->str() == "static" || _start->str() == "const"))
_start = _start->next();
while (_end && _end->previous() && _end->str() == "const")
_end = _end->previous();
if (_name)
setFlag(fIsArray, arrayDimensions(_dimensions, _name->next()));
if (_start)
setFlag(fIsClass, !_start->isStandardType() && !isPointer() && !isReference());
if (_access == Argument) {
tok = _name;
if (!tok) {
// Argument without name
tok = _end;
// back up to start of array dimensions
while (tok && tok->str() == "]")
tok = tok->link()->previous();
// add array dimensions if present
if (tok->next()->str() == "[")
setFlag(fIsArray, arrayDimensions(_dimensions, tok->next()));
if (!tok)
tok = tok->next();
while (tok->str() == "[")
tok = tok->link();
setFlag(fHasDefault, tok->str() == "=");
// check for C++11 member initialization
if (_scope && _scope->isClassOrStruct()) {
// type var = x; gets simplified to: type var ; var = x ;
if (Token::Match(_name, "%var% ; %var% = %any% ;") && _name->strAt(2) == _name->str())
setFlag(fHasDefault, true);
bool Function::argsMatch(const Scope *scope, const Token *first, const Token *second, const std::string &path, unsigned int depth)
const bool isCPP = scope->check->isCPP();
// skip "struct" if it is C++
if (isCPP) {
if (first->str() == "struct")
first = first->next();
if (second->str() == "struct")
second = second->next();
// skip const on type passed by value
if (Token::Match(first, "const %type% %var%|,|)"))
first = first->next();
if (Token::Match(second, "const %type% %var%|,|)"))
second = second->next();
while (first->str() == second->str()) {
// at end of argument list
if (first->str() == ")") {
return true;
// skip default value assignment
else if (first->next()->str() == "=") {
first = first->nextArgument();
if (second->next()->str() == "=") {
second = second->nextArgument();
if (!first || !second) { // End of argument list (first or second)
return !first && !second;
} else if (!first) { // End of argument list (first)
return second->next() && second->next()->str() == ")";
// definition missing variable name
else if (first->next()->str() == "," && second->next()->str() != ",")
second = second->next();
else if (first->next()->str() == ")" && second->next()->str() != ")")
second = second->next();
else if (first->next()->str() == "[" && second->next()->str() != "[")
second = second->next();
// function missing variable name
else if (second->next()->str() == "," && first->next()->str() != ",")
first = first->next();
else if (second->next()->str() == ")" && first->next()->str() != ")")
first = first->next();
else if (second->next()->str() == "[" && first->next()->str() != "[")
first = first->next();
// argument list has different number of arguments
else if (second->str() == ")")
// variable names are different
else if ((Token::Match(first->next(), "%var% ,|)|=") &&
Token::Match(second->next(), "%var% ,|)")) &&
(first->next()->str() != second->next()->str())) {
// skip variable names
first = first->next();
second = second->next();
// variable with class path
else if (depth && Token::Match(first->next(), "%var%")) {
std::string param = path + first->next()->str();
if (Token::Match(second->next(), param.c_str())) {
second = second->tokAt(int(depth) * 2);
} else if (depth > 1) {
std::string short_path = path;
// remove last " :: "
short_path.resize(short_path.size() - 4);
// remove last name
while (!short_path.empty() && short_path[short_path.size() - 1] != ' ')
short_path.resize(short_path.size() - 1);
param = short_path + first->next()->str();
if (Token::Match(second->next(), param.c_str())) {
second = second->tokAt((int(depth) - 1) * 2);
// nested class variable
else if (depth == 0 && Token::Match(first->next(), "%var%") &&
second->next()->str() == scope->className && second->strAt(2) == "::" &&
first->next()->str() == second->strAt(3)) {
second = second->tokAt(2);
first = first->next();
second = second->next();
// skip "struct" if it is C++
if (isCPP) {
if (first->str() == "struct")
first = first->next();
if (second->str() == "struct")
second = second->next();
// skip const on type passed by value
if (Token::Match(first, "const %type% %var%|,|)"))
first = first->next();
if (Token::Match(second, "const %type% %var%|,|)"))
second = second->next();
return false;
Function* SymbolDatabase::addGlobalFunction(Scope*& scope, const Token*& tok, const Token *argStart, const Token* funcStart)
Function* function = 0;
for (std::list<Function>::iterator i = scope->functionList.begin(); i != scope->functionList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->tokenDef->str() == tok->str() && Function::argsMatch(scope, i->argDef->next(), argStart->next(), "", 0))
function = &*i;
if (!function)
function = addGlobalFunctionDecl(scope, argStart, funcStart);
function->arg = argStart;
function->token = funcStart;
function->hasBody = true;
addNewFunction(&scope, &tok);
if (scope) {
scope->function = function;
function->functionScope = scope;
return function;
return 0;
Function* SymbolDatabase::addGlobalFunctionDecl(Scope*& scope, const Token *argStart, const Token* funcStart)
Function function;
// save the function definition argument start '('
function.argDef = argStart;
// save the access type
function.access = Public;
// save the function name location
function.tokenDef = funcStart;
function.isInline = false;
function.hasBody = false;
function.type = Function::eFunction;
function.nestedIn = scope;
return &scope->functionList.back();
void SymbolDatabase::addClassFunction(Scope **scope, const Token **tok, const Token *argStart)
int count = 0;
std::string path;
unsigned int path_length = 0;
const Token *tok1;
const bool destructor((*tok)->previous()->str() == "~");
// skip class/struct name
if (destructor)
tok1 = (*tok)->tokAt(-3);
tok1 = (*tok)->tokAt(-2);
// syntax error?
if (!tok1)
// back up to head of path
while (tok1 && tok1->previous() && tok1->previous()->str() == "::" &&
tok1->tokAt(-2) && tok1->tokAt(-2)->isName()) {
path = tok1->str() + " :: " + path;
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2);
if (tok1 && count) {
path = tok1->str() + " :: " + path;
std::list<Scope>::iterator it1;
// search for match
for (it1 = scopeList.begin(); it1 != scopeList.end(); ++it1) {
Scope *scope1 = &(*it1);
bool match = false;
if (scope1->className == tok1->str() && (scope1->type != Scope::eFunction)) {
// do the scopes match (same scope) or do their names match (multiple namespaces)
if ((*scope == scope1->nestedIn) || (*scope && scope1 &&
(*scope)->className == scope1->nestedIn->className &&
!(*scope)->className.empty() &&
(*scope)->type == scope1->nestedIn->type)) {
// nested scopes => check that they match
const Scope *s1 = *scope;
const Scope *s2 = scope1->nestedIn;
while (s1 && s2) {
if (s1->className != s2->className)
s1 = s1->nestedIn;
s2 = s2->nestedIn;
// Not matching scopes
if (s1 || s2)
Scope *scope2 = scope1;
while (scope2 && count > 0) {
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(2);
scope2 = scope2->findInNestedList(tok1->str());
if (count == 0 && scope2) {
match = true;
scope1 = scope2;
if (match) {
std::list<Function>::iterator func;
for (func = scope1->functionList.begin(); func != scope1->functionList.end(); ++func) {
if (!func->hasBody && func->tokenDef->str() == (*tok)->str()) {
if (Function::argsMatch(scope1, func->argDef, (*tok)->next(), path, path_length)) {
if (func->type == Function::eDestructor && destructor) {
func->hasBody = true;
} else if (func->type != Function::eDestructor && !destructor) {
// normal function?
if (!func->retFuncPtr && (*tok)->next()->link()) {
if ((func->isConst && (*tok)->next()->link()->next()->str() == "const") ||
(!func->isConst && (*tok)->next()->link()->next()->str() != "const")) {
func->hasBody = true;
// function returning function pointer?
else if (func->retFuncPtr) {
// todo check for const
func->hasBody = true;
if (func->hasBody) {
func->token = *tok;
func->arg = argStart;
addNewFunction(scope, tok);
if (*scope) {
(*scope)->functionOf = scope1;
(*scope)->function = &*func;
(*scope)->function->functionScope = *scope;
// class function of unknown class
addNewFunction(scope, tok);
void SymbolDatabase::addNewFunction(Scope **scope, const Token **tok)
const Token *tok1 = *tok;
scopeList.push_back(Scope(this, tok1, *scope));
Scope *new_scope = &scopeList.back();
// skip to start of function
while (tok1 && ((tok1->str() != "{") || (tok1->previous() && tok1->previous()->isName() && tok1->strAt(-1) != "const" && Token::Match(tok1->link()->next(), ",|{|%type%")))) {
if (tok1->str() == "(" || tok1->str() == "{")
tok1 = tok1->link();
tok1 = tok1->next();
if (tok1) {
new_scope->classStart = tok1;
new_scope->classEnd = tok1->link();
// syntax error?
if (!new_scope->classEnd) {
while (tok1->next())
tok1 = tok1->next();
*scope = NULL;
*tok = tok1;
*scope = new_scope;
*tok = tok1;
} else {
*scope = NULL;
*tok = NULL;
const Token *Type::initBaseInfo(const Token *tok, const Token *tok1)
// goto initial '{'
const Token *tok2 = tok1;
while (tok2 && tok2->str() != "{") {
// skip unsupported templates
if (tok2->str() == "<")
// check for base classes
else if (Token::Match(tok2, ":|,")) {
Type::BaseInfo base;
base.isVirtual = false;
tok2 = tok2->next();
// check for invalid code
if (!tok2 || !tok2->next())
return NULL;
if (tok2->str() == "virtual") {
base.isVirtual = true;
tok2 = tok2->next();
if (tok2->str() == "public") {
base.access = Public;
tok2 = tok2->next();
} else if (tok2->str() == "protected") {
base.access = Protected;
tok2 = tok2->next();
} else if (tok2->str() == "private") {
base.access = Private;
tok2 = tok2->next();
} else {
if (tok->str() == "class")
base.access = Private;
else if (tok->str() == "struct")
base.access = Public;
if (tok2->str() == "virtual") {
base.isVirtual = true;
tok2 = tok2->next();
base.nameTok = tok2;
// handle global namespace
if (tok2->str() == "::") {
tok2 = tok2->next();
// handle derived base classes
while (Token::Match(tok2, "%var% ::")) {
tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2);
base.name = tok2->str();
base.type = NULL;
// add unhandled templates
if (tok2->next() && tok2->next()->str() == "<") {
tok2 = tok2->next();
base.name += tok2->str();
int level1 = 1;
while (tok2->next()) {
base.name += tok2->next()->str();
if (tok2->next()->str() == ">") {
if (level1 == 0)
} else if (tok2->next()->str() == "<")
tok2 = tok2->next();
// save pattern for base class name
tok2 = tok2->next();
return tok2;
void SymbolDatabase::debugMessage(const Token *tok, const std::string &msg) const
if (tok && _settings->debugwarnings) {
const std::list<const Token*> locationList(1, tok);
const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(locationList, &_tokenizer->list,
if (_errorLogger)
bool Variable::arrayDimensions(std::vector<Dimension> &dimensions, const Token *tok)
bool isArray = false;
const Token *dim = tok;
while (dim && dim->next() && dim->str() == "[") {
Dimension dimension;
// check for empty array dimension []
if (dim->next()->str() != "]") {
dimension.start = dim->next();
dimension.end = dim->link()->previous();
if (dimension.start == dimension.end && dimension.start->isNumber())
dimension.num = MathLib::toLongNumber(dimension.start->str());
dim = dim->link()->next();
isArray = true;
return isArray;
static std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & s, Scope::ScopeType type)
s << (type == Scope::eGlobal ? "Global" :
type == Scope::eClass ? "Class" :
type == Scope::eStruct ? "Struct" :
type == Scope::eUnion ? "Union" :
type == Scope::eNamespace ? "Namespace" :
type == Scope::eFunction ? "Function" :
type == Scope::eIf ? "If" :
type == Scope::eElse ? "Else" :
type == Scope::eElseIf ? "ElseIf" :
type == Scope::eFor ? "For" :
type == Scope::eWhile ? "While" :
type == Scope::eDo ? "Do" :
type == Scope::eSwitch ? "Switch" :
type == Scope::eTry ? "Try" :
type == Scope::eCatch ? "Catch" :
type == Scope::eUnconditional ? "Unconditional" :
return s;
void SymbolDatabase::printVariable(const Variable *var, const char *indent) const
std::cout << indent << "_name: " << var->nameToken();
if (var->nameToken()) {
std::cout << " " << var->name() << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(var->nameToken()) << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " varId: " << var->varId() << std::endl;
} else
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_start: " << var->typeStartToken() << " " << var->typeStartToken()->str()
<< " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(var->typeStartToken()) << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_end: " << var->typeEndToken() << " " << var->typeEndToken()->str()
<< " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(var->typeEndToken()) << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_index: " << var->index() << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_access: " <<
(var->isPublic() ? "Public" :
var->isProtected() ? "Protected" :
var->isPrivate() ? "Private" :
var->isGlobal() ? "Global" :
var->isNamespace() ? "Namespace" :
var->isArgument() ? "Argument" :
var->isLocal() ? "Local" :
var->isThrow() ? "Throw" :
"???") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_flags: " << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isMutable: " << (var->isMutable() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isStatic: " << (var->isStatic() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isExtern: " << (var->isExtern() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isConst: " << (var->isConst() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isClass: " << (var->isClass() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isArray: " << (var->isArray() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isPointer: " << (var->isPointer() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " isReference: " << (var->isReference() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " hasDefault: " << (var->hasDefault() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_type: ";
if (var->type()) {
std::cout << var->type()->name();
if (var->typeScope())
std::cout << " " << var->typeScope()->type;
std::cout << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(var->type()->classDef) << std::endl;
} else
std::cout << "none" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_scope: ";
if (var->scope()) {
std::cout << var->scope()->className << " " << var->scope()->type;
if (var->scope()->classDef)
std::cout << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(var->scope()->classDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
} else
std::cout << "none" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << "_dimensions:";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < var->dimensions().size(); i++) {
std::cout << " " << var->dimension(i);
if (!var->dimensions()[i].known)
std::cout << "?";
std::cout << std::endl;
void SymbolDatabase::printOut(const char *title) const
if (title)
std::cout << "\n### " << title << " ###\n";
for (std::list<Scope>::const_iterator scope = scopeList.begin(); scope != scopeList.end(); ++scope) {
std::cout << "Scope: " << &*scope << std::endl;
std::cout << " type: " << scope->type << std::endl;
std::cout << " className: " << scope->className << std::endl;
std::cout << " classDef: " << scope->classDef;
if (scope->classDef)
std::cout << " " << scope->classDef->str() << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(scope->classDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " classStart: " << scope->classStart;
if (scope->classStart)
std::cout << " " << scope->classStart->str() << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(scope->classStart) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " classEnd: " << scope->classEnd;
if (scope->classEnd)
std::cout << " " << scope->classEnd->str() << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(scope->classEnd) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::list<Function>::const_iterator func;
// find the function body if not implemented inline
for (func = scope->functionList.begin(); func != scope->functionList.end(); ++func) {
std::cout << " Function: " << &*func << std::endl;
std::cout << " name: " << func->tokenDef->str() << " "
<< _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->tokenDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << " type: " << (func->type == Function::eConstructor? "Constructor" :
func->type == Function::eCopyConstructor ? "CopyConstructor" :
func->type == Function::eOperatorEqual ? "OperatorEqual" :
func->type == Function::eDestructor ? "Destructor" :
func->type == Function::eFunction ? "Function" :
"???") << std::endl;
std::cout << " access: " << (func->access == Public ? "Public" :
func->access == Protected ? "Protected" :
func->access == Private ? "Private" :
"???") << std::endl;
std::cout << " hasBody: " << (func->hasBody ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isInline: " << (func->isInline ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isConst: " << (func->isConst ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isVirtual: " << (func->isVirtual ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isPure: " << (func->isPure ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isStatic: " << (func->isStatic ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isFriend: " << (func->isFriend ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isExplicit: " << (func->isExplicit ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isDefault: " << (func->isDefault ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isDelete: " << (func->isDelete ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " isOperator: " << (func->isOperator ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " retFuncPtr: " << (func->retFuncPtr ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
std::cout << " tokenDef: " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->tokenDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << " argDef: " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->argDef) << std::endl;
if (func->hasBody) {
std::cout << " token: " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->token) << std::endl;
std::cout << " arg: " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->arg) << std::endl;
std::cout << " nestedIn: ";
if (func->nestedIn) {
std::cout << func->nestedIn->className << " " << func->nestedIn->type;
if (func->nestedIn->classDef)
std::cout << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->nestedIn->classDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
} else
std::cout << "Unknown" << std::endl;
std::cout << " functionScope: ";
if (func->functionScope) {
std::cout << func->functionScope->className << " "
<< _tokenizer->list.fileLine(func->functionScope->classDef) << std::endl;
} else
std::cout << "Unknown" << std::endl;
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator var;
for (var = func->argumentList.begin(); var != func->argumentList.end(); ++var) {
std::cout << " Variable: " << &*var << std::endl;
printVariable(&*var, " ");
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator var;
for (var = scope->varlist.begin(); var != scope->varlist.end(); ++var) {
std::cout << " Variable: " << &*var << std::endl;
printVariable(&*var, " ");
std::cout << " nestedIn: " << scope->nestedIn;
if (scope->nestedIn) {
std::cout << " " << scope->nestedIn->type << " "
<< scope->nestedIn->className;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " definedType: " << scope->definedType;
std::cout << " nestedList[" << scope->nestedList.size() << "] = (";
std::list<Scope *>::const_iterator nsi;
std::size_t count = scope->nestedList.size();
for (nsi = scope->nestedList.begin(); nsi != scope->nestedList.end(); ++nsi) {
std::cout << " " << (*nsi) << " " << (*nsi)->type << " " << (*nsi)->className;
if (count-- > 1)
std::cout << ",";
std::cout << " )" << std::endl;
std::list<Scope::UsingInfo>::const_iterator use;
for (use = scope->usingList.begin(); use != scope->usingList.end(); ++use) {
std::cout << " using: " << use->scope << " " << use->start->strAt(2);
const Token *tok1 = use->start->tokAt(3);
while (tok1 && tok1->str() == "::") {
std::cout << "::" << tok1->strAt(1);
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(2);
std::cout << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(use->start) << std::endl;
std::cout << " functionOf: " << scope->functionOf;
if (scope->functionOf) {
std::cout << " " << scope->functionOf->type << " " << scope->functionOf->className;
if (scope->functionOf->classDef)
std::cout << " " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(scope->functionOf->classDef);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " function: " << scope->function;
if (scope->function) {
std::cout << " " << scope->function->tokenDef->str() << " "
<< _tokenizer->list.fileLine(scope->function->tokenDef);
std::cout << std::endl;
for (std::list<Type>::const_iterator type = typeList.begin(); type != typeList.end(); ++type) {
std::cout << "Type: " << type->name() << std::endl;
std::cout << " classDef: " << _tokenizer->list.fileLine(type->classDef) << std::endl;
std::cout << " classScope: " << type->classScope << std::endl;
std::cout << " enclosingScope: " << type->enclosingScope << std::endl;
std::cout << " needInitialization: " << (type->needInitialization == Type::Unknown ? "Unknown" :
type->needInitialization == Type::True ? "True" :
type->needInitialization == Type::False ? "False" :
"Invalid") << std::endl;
std::cout << " derivedFrom[" << type->derivedFrom.size() << "] = (";
std::size_t count = type->derivedFrom.size();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < type->derivedFrom.size(); ++i) {
if (type->derivedFrom[i].isVirtual)
std::cout << "Virtual ";
std::cout << (type->derivedFrom[i].access == Public ? " Public " :
type->derivedFrom[i].access == Protected ? " Protected " :
type->derivedFrom[i].access == Private ? " Private " :
" Unknown");
if (type->derivedFrom[i].type)
std::cout << type->derivedFrom[i].type;
std::cout << " Unknown";
std::cout << " " << type->derivedFrom[i].name;
if (count-- > 1)
std::cout << ",";
std::cout << " )" << std::endl;
std::cout << " friendList[" << type->friendList.size() << "] = (";
std::list<Type::FriendInfo>::const_iterator fii;
count = type->friendList.size();
for (fii = type->friendList.begin(); fii != type->friendList.end(); ++fii) {
if (fii->type)
std::cout << fii->type;
std::cout << " Unknown";
std::cout << " " << fii->name;
if (count-- > 1)
std::cout << ",";
std::cout << " )" << std::endl;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < typeList.size(); i++) {
std::cout << "_variableList[" << i << "] = " << _variableList[i] << std::endl;
void Function::addArguments(const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase, const Scope *scope)
// check for non-empty argument list "( ... )"
const Token * start = arg ? arg : argDef;
if (start && start->link() != start->next() && !Token::simpleMatch(start, "( void )")) {
unsigned int count = 0;
for (const Token* tok = start->next(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
const Token* startTok = tok;
const Token* endTok = NULL;
const Token* nameTok = NULL;
if (tok->str() == "," || tok->str() == ")")
return; // Syntax error
do {
if (tok->varId() != 0) {
nameTok = tok;
endTok = tok->previous();
} else if (tok->str() == "[") {
// skip array dimension(s)
tok = tok->link();
while (tok->next()->str() == "[")
tok = tok->next()->link();
} else if (tok->str() == "<") {
bool success = tok->findClosingBracket(tok);
if (!tok || !success) // something is wrong so just bail out
tok = tok->next();
if (!tok) // something is wrong so just bail
} while (tok->str() != "," && tok->str() != ")" && tok->str() != "=");
const Token *typeTok = startTok->tokAt(startTok->str() == "const" ? 1 : 0);
if (typeTok->str() == "struct")
typeTok = typeTok->next();
// check for argument with no name or missing varid
if (!endTok) {
if (tok->previous()->isName()) {
if (tok->previous() != typeTok) {
nameTok = tok->previous();
endTok = nameTok->previous();
if (hasBody)
symbolDatabase->debugMessage(nameTok, "Function::addArguments found argument \'" + nameTok->str() + "\' with varid 0.");
} else
endTok = startTok;
} else
endTok = tok->previous();
const ::Type *argType = NULL;
if (!typeTok->isStandardType()) {
argType = symbolDatabase->findVariableType(scope, typeTok);
if (!argType) {
// look for variable type in any using namespace in this scope or above
const Scope *parent = scope;
while (parent) {
for (std::list<Scope::UsingInfo>::const_iterator ui = scope->usingList.begin();
ui != scope->usingList.end(); ++ui) {
if (ui->scope) {
argType = symbolDatabase->findVariableType(ui->scope, typeTok);
if (argType)
parent = parent->nestedIn;
// skip default values
if (tok->str() == "=") {
while (tok->str() != "," && tok->str() != ")") {
if (tok->link() && Token::Match(tok, "[{[(<]"))
tok = tok->link();
tok = tok->next();
argumentList.push_back(Variable(nameTok, startTok, endTok, count++, Argument, argType, functionScope));
if (tok->str() == ")")
// count deafult arguments
for (const Token* tok = argDef->next(); tok && tok != argDef->link(); tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() == "=")
bool Function::isImplicitlyVirtual(bool defaultVal) const
if (isVirtual)
return true;
else if (access == Private || access == Public || access == Protected) {
bool safe = true;
bool hasVirt = isImplicitlyVirtual_rec(nestedIn->definedType, safe);
if (hasVirt)
return true;
else if (safe)
return false;
return defaultVal;
} else
return false;
bool Function::isImplicitlyVirtual_rec(const ::Type* baseType, bool& safe) const
// check each base class
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < baseType->derivedFrom.size(); ++i) {
// check if base class exists in database
if (baseType->derivedFrom[i].type && baseType->derivedFrom[i].type->classScope) {
const Scope *parent = baseType->derivedFrom[i].type->classScope;
std::list<Function>::const_iterator func;
// check if function defined in base class
for (func = parent->functionList.begin(); func != parent->functionList.end(); ++func) {
if (func->isVirtual && func->tokenDef->str() == tokenDef->str()) { // Base is virtual and of same name
const Token *temp1 = func->tokenDef->previous();
const Token *temp2 = tokenDef->previous();
bool returnMatch = true;
// check for matching return parameters
while (temp1->str() != "virtual") {
if (temp1->str() != temp2->str()) {
returnMatch = false;
temp1 = temp1->previous();
temp2 = temp2->previous();
// check for matching function parameters
if (returnMatch && argsMatch(baseType->classScope, func->argDef, argDef, "", 0)) {
return true;
if (!baseType->derivedFrom[i].type->derivedFrom.empty())
if (isImplicitlyVirtual_rec(baseType->derivedFrom[i].type, safe))
return true;
} else {
// unable to find base class so assume it has no virtual function
safe = false;
return false;
return false;
const Variable* Function::getArgumentVar(unsigned int num) const
for (std::list<Variable>::const_iterator i = argumentList.begin(); i != argumentList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->index() == num)
else if (i->index() > num)
return 0;
return 0;
Scope::Scope(const SymbolDatabase *check_, const Token *classDef_, const Scope *nestedIn_, ScopeType type_, const Token *start_) :
Scope::Scope(const SymbolDatabase *check_, const Token *classDef_, const Scope *nestedIn_) :
const Token *nameTok = classDef;
if (!classDef) {
type = Scope::eGlobal;
} else if (classDef->str() == "class") {
type = Scope::eClass;
nameTok = nameTok->next();
} else if (classDef->str() == "struct") {
type = Scope::eStruct;
nameTok = nameTok->next();
} else if (classDef->str() == "union") {
type = Scope::eUnion;
nameTok = nameTok->next();
} else if (classDef->str() == "namespace") {
type = Scope::eNamespace;
nameTok = nameTok->next();
} else {
type = Scope::eFunction;
// skip over qualification if present
if (nameTok && nameTok->str() == "::")
nameTok = nameTok->next();
while (nameTok && Token::Match(nameTok, "%type% ::"))
nameTok = nameTok->tokAt(2);
if (nameTok && nameTok->str() != "{") // anonymous and unnamed structs/unions don't have a name
className = nameTok->str();
bool Scope::hasDefaultConstructor() const
if (numConstructors) {
std::list<Function>::const_iterator func;
for (func = functionList.begin(); func != functionList.end(); ++func) {
if (func->type == Function::eConstructor && func->argCount() == 0)
return true;
return false;
AccessControl Scope::defaultAccess() const
switch (type) {
case eGlobal:
return Global;
case eClass:
return Private;
case eStruct:
return Public;
case eUnion:
return Public;
case eNamespace:
return Namespace;
return Local;
// Get variable list..
void Scope::getVariableList()
AccessControl varaccess = defaultAccess();
const Token *start;
unsigned int level = 1;
if (classStart)
start = classStart->next();
// global scope
else if (className.empty())
start = check->_tokenizer->tokens();
// forward declaration
for (const Token *tok = start; tok; tok = tok->next()) {
// end of scope?
if (tok->str() == "}") {
if (level == 0)
// syntax error?
else if (tok->next() == NULL)
// Is it a function?
else if (tok->str() == "{") {
tok = tok->link();
// syntax error?
if (!tok)
// Is it a nested class or structure?
else if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union|namespace %type% :|{")) {
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
while (tok && tok->str() != "{")
tok = tok->next();
if (tok) {
// skip implementation
tok = tok->link();
} else
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union {") && Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), "} %var% ;|[")) {
tok = tok->next()->link()->tokAt(2);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union {") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->link(), "} ;")) {
tok = tok->next();
// Borland C++: Skip all variables in the __published section.
// These are automatically initialized.
else if (tok->str() == "__published:") {
for (; tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() == "{")
tok = tok->link();
if (Token::Match(tok->next(), "private:|protected:|public:"))
if (tok)
// "private:" "public:" "protected:" etc
else if (tok->str() == "public:") {
varaccess = Public;
} else if (tok->str() == "protected:") {
varaccess = Protected;
} else if (tok->str() == "private:") {
varaccess = Private;
// Is it a forward declaration?
else if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union %var% ;")) {
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
// Borland C++: Ignore properties..
else if (tok->str() == "__property")
// skip return and delete
else if (Token::Match(tok, "return|delete")) {
while (tok->next() && tok->next()->str() != ";")
tok = tok->next();
// Search for start of statement..
else if (tok->previous() && !Token::Match(tok->previous(), ";|{|}|public:|protected:|private:"))
else if (Token::Match(tok, ";|{|}"))
else if (Token::Match(tok, "goto %var% ;")) {
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
tok = checkVariable(tok, varaccess);
if (!tok)
const Token *Scope::checkVariable(const Token *tok, AccessControl varaccess)
// This is the start of a statement
const Token *vartok = NULL;
const Token *typetok = NULL;
// Is it a throw..?
if (Token::Match(tok, "throw %any% (") &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->linkAt(2), ") ;")) {
return tok->linkAt(2);
} else if ((Token::Match(tok, "throw %any% :: %any% (") &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->linkAt(4), ") ;"))) {
return tok->linkAt(4);
// friend?
if (Token::Match(tok, "friend %type%") && tok->next()->varId() == 0)
return Token::findsimplematch(tok->tokAt(2), ";");
// skip const|static|mutable|extern
while (Token::Match(tok, "const|static|mutable|extern")) {
tok = tok->next();
// the start of the type tokens does not include the above modifiers
const Token *typestart = tok;
if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union")) {
tok = tok->next();
if (tok && isVariableDeclaration(tok, vartok, typetok)) {
// If the vartok was set in the if-blocks above, create a entry for this variable..
tok = vartok->next();
while (tok && tok->str() == "[")
tok = tok->link()->next();
if (vartok->varId() == 0 && !vartok->isBoolean())
check->debugMessage(vartok, "Scope::checkVariable found variable \'" + vartok->str() + "\' with varid 0.");
const Type *vType = NULL;
if (typetok) {
vType = check->findVariableType(this, typetok);
if (!vType) {
// look for variable type in any using namespace in this scope or above
const Scope *parent = this;
while (parent) {
for (std::list<Scope::UsingInfo>::const_iterator ui = parent->usingList.begin();
ui != parent->usingList.end(); ++ui) {
if (ui->scope) {
vType = check->findVariableType(ui->scope, typetok);
if (vType)
parent = parent->nestedIn;
addVariable(vartok, typestart, vartok->previous(), varaccess, vType, this);
return tok;
const Variable *Scope::getVariable(const std::string &varname) const
std::list<Variable>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = varlist.begin(); iter != varlist.end(); ++iter) {
if (iter->name() == varname)
return &*iter;
return NULL;
static const Token* skipScopeIdentifiers(const Token* tok)
if (tok && tok->str() == "::") {
tok = tok->next();
while (Token::Match(tok, "%type% ::")) {
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
return tok;
static const Token* skipPointers(const Token* tok)
while (Token::Match(tok, "*|&")) {
tok = tok->next();
return tok;
bool Scope::isVariableDeclaration(const Token* tok, const Token*& vartok, const Token*& typetok) const
if (tok && tok->str() == "throw" && check->_tokenizer->isCPP())
return false;
const Token* localTypeTok = skipScopeIdentifiers(tok);
const Token* localVarTok = NULL;
if (Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%type% <")) {
const Token* closeTok = NULL;
bool found = localTypeTok->next()->findClosingBracket(closeTok);
if (found) {
localVarTok = skipPointers(closeTok->next());
if (Token::Match(localVarTok, ":: %type% %var% ;|=")) {
localTypeTok = localVarTok->next();
localVarTok = localVarTok->tokAt(2);
} else if (Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%type%")) {
localVarTok = skipPointers(localTypeTok->strAt(1)=="const"?localTypeTok->tokAt(2):localTypeTok->next());
if (localVarTok && localVarTok->str() == "const")
localVarTok = localVarTok->next();
if (Token::Match(localVarTok, "%var% ;|=")) {
vartok = localVarTok;
typetok = localTypeTok;
} else if (Token::Match(localVarTok, "%var% [") && localVarTok->str() != "operator") {
vartok = localVarTok;
typetok = localTypeTok;
} else if ((isLocal() || type == Scope::eFunction) &&
Token::Match(localVarTok, "%var% (") &&
Token::simpleMatch(localVarTok->next()->link(), ") ;")) {
vartok = localVarTok;
typetok = localTypeTok;
} else if (type == eCatch &&
(Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%var% )") ||
Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%var% &| %var% )"))) {
vartok = localVarTok;
typetok = localTypeTok;
return NULL != vartok;
const Type* SymbolDatabase::findVariableType(const Scope *start, const Token *typeTok) const
std::list<Type>::const_iterator type;
for (type = typeList.begin(); type != typeList.end(); ++type) {
// do the names match?
if (type->name() == typeTok->str()) {
// check if type does not have a namespace
if (typeTok->strAt(-1) != "::") {
const Scope *parent = start;
// check if in same namespace
while (parent) {
// out of line class function belongs to class
if (parent->type == Scope::eFunction && parent->functionOf)
parent = parent->functionOf;
else if (parent != type->enclosingScope)
parent = parent->nestedIn;
if (type->enclosingScope == parent)
return &(*type);
// type has a namespace
else {
// FIXME check if namespace path matches supplied path
return &(*type);
return NULL;
/** @todo This function only counts the number of arguments in the function call.
It does not take into account function constantness.
It does not take into account argument types. This can be difficult because of promotion and conversion operators and casts and because the argument can also be a function call.
const Function* Scope::findFunction(const Token *tok) const
for (std::list<Function>::const_iterator i = functionList.begin(); i != functionList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->tokenDef->str() == tok->str()) {
const Function *func = &*i;
if (tok->strAt(1) == "(" && tok->tokAt(2)) {
// check if function has no arguments
if (tok->strAt(2) == ")" && (func->argCount() == 0 || func->minArgCount() == 0))
return func;
// check the arguments
unsigned int args = 0;
const Token *arg = tok->tokAt(2);
while (arg && arg->str() != ")") {
/** @todo check argument type for match */
arg = arg->nextArgument();
// check for argument count match or default arguments
if (args == func->argCount() ||
(args < func->argCount() && args >= func->minArgCount()))
return func;
return 0;
const Function* SymbolDatabase::findFunction(const Token *tok) const
// find the scope this function is in
const Scope *currScope = tok->scope();
while (currScope && currScope->isExecutable()) {
if (currScope->functionOf)
currScope = currScope->functionOf;
currScope = currScope->nestedIn;
// check for a qualified name and use it when given
if (tok->strAt(-1) == "::") {
// find start of qualified function name
const Token *tok1 = tok;
while (Token::Match(tok1->tokAt(-2), "%type% ::"))
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2);
// check for global scope
if (tok1->strAt(-1) == "::") {
currScope = &scopeList.front();
currScope = currScope->findRecordInNestedList(tok1->str());
// find start of qualification
else {
while (currScope) {
if (currScope->className == tok1->str())
else {
const Scope *scope = currScope->findRecordInNestedList(tok1->str());
if (scope) {
currScope = scope;
} else
currScope = currScope->nestedIn;
if (currScope) {
while (currScope && !Token::Match(tok1, "%type% :: %any% (")) {
currScope = currScope->findRecordInNestedList(tok1->strAt(2));
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(2);
tok1 = tok1->tokAt(2);
if (currScope && tok1)
return currScope->findFunction(tok1);
// check for member function
else if (tok->strAt(-1) == ".") {
if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "%var% .")) {
const Token *tok1 = tok->tokAt(-2);
if (tok1->varId()) {
const Variable *var = getVariableFromVarId(tok1->varId());
if (var && var->typeScope())
return var->typeScope()->findFunction(tok);
// check in enclosing scopes
else {
while (currScope) {
const Function *func = currScope->findFunction(tok);
if (func)
return func;
currScope = currScope->nestedIn;
return 0;
const Scope *SymbolDatabase::findScopeByName(const std::string& name) const
for (std::list<Scope>::const_iterator it = scopeList.begin(); it != scopeList.end(); ++it) {
if (it->className == name)
return &*it;
return 0;
Scope *Scope::findInNestedList(const std::string & name)
std::list<Scope *>::iterator it;
for (it = nestedList.begin(); it != nestedList.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->className == name)
return (*it);
return 0;
const Scope *Scope::findRecordInNestedList(const std::string & name) const
std::list<Scope *>::const_iterator it;
for (it = nestedList.begin(); it != nestedList.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->className == name && (*it)->type != eFunction)
return (*it);
return 0;
const Type* Scope::findType(const std::string & name) const
std::list<Type*>::const_iterator it;
for (it = definedTypes.begin(); it != definedTypes.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->name() == name)
return (*it);
return 0;
Scope *Scope::findInNestedListRecursive(const std::string & name)
std::list<Scope *>::iterator it;
for (it = nestedList.begin(); it != nestedList.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->className == name)
return (*it);
for (it = nestedList.begin(); it != nestedList.end(); ++it) {
Scope *child = (*it)->findInNestedListRecursive(name);
if (child)
return child;
return 0;
const Function *Scope::getDestructor() const
std::list<Function>::const_iterator it;
for (it = functionList.begin(); it != functionList.end(); ++it) {
if (it->type == Function::eDestructor)
return &(*it);
return 0;
unsigned int Scope::getNestedNonFunctions() const
unsigned int nested = 0;
std::list<Scope *>::const_iterator ni;
for (ni = nestedList.begin(); ni != nestedList.end(); ++ni) {
if ((*ni)->type != Scope::eFunction)
return nested;
bool SymbolDatabase::isCPP() const
return _tokenizer->isCPP();
const Scope *SymbolDatabase::findScope(const Token *tok, const Scope *startScope) const
const Scope *scope = 0;
// absolute path
if (tok->str() == "::") {
tok = tok->next();
scope = &scopeList.front();
// relative path
else if (tok->isName()) {
scope = startScope;
while (scope && tok && tok->isName()) {
if (tok->strAt(1) == "::") {
scope = scope->findRecordInNestedList(tok->str());
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
} else
return scope->findRecordInNestedList(tok->str());
// not a valid path
return 0;
const Type* SymbolDatabase::findType(const Token *startTok, const Scope *startScope) const
// absolute path - directly start in global scope
if (startTok->str() == "::") {
startTok = startTok->next();
startScope = &scopeList.front();
const Token* tok = startTok;
const Scope* scope = startScope;
while (scope && tok && tok->isName()) {
if (tok->strAt(1) == "::") {
scope = scope->findRecordInNestedList(tok->str());
if (scope) {
tok = tok->tokAt(2);
} else {
startScope = startScope->nestedIn;
if (!startScope)
scope = startScope;
tok = startTok;
} else
return scope->findType(tok->str());
// not a valid path
return 0;