
208 lines
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# python -m pytest test-helloworld.py
import os
import re
import tempfile
import pytest
from testutils import create_gui_project_file, cppcheck
# Run Cppcheck from project path
def cppcheck_local(args):
cwd = os.getcwd()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(args)
return ret, stdout, stderr
def getRelativeProjectPath():
return 'helloworld'
def getAbsoluteProjectPath():
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'helloworld')
# Get Visual Studio configurations checking a file
# Checking {file} {config}...
def getVsConfigs(stdout, filename):
ret = []
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
if not line.startswith('Checking %s ' % filename):
if not line.endswith('...'):
res = re.match(r'.* ([A-Za-z0-9|]+)...', line)
if res:
return ' '.join(ret)
def test_relative_path():
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', 'helloworld'])
filename = os.path.join('helloworld', 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_local_path():
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck_local(['--template=cppcheck1', '.'])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == '[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
def test_absolute_path():
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', prjpath])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_addon_local_path():
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck_local(['--addon=misra', '--template=cppcheck1', '.'])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ('[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
'[main.c:1]: (style) misra violation (use --rule-texts=<file> to get proper output)\n')
def test_addon_absolute_path():
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--addon=misra', '--template=cppcheck1', prjpath])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ('[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
'[%s:1]: (style) misra violation (use --rule-texts=<file> to get proper output)\n' % (filename, filename))
def test_addon_relative_path():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--platform=native', '--addon=misra', '--template=cppcheck1', prjpath])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stdout == ('Checking %s ...\n'
'Checking %s: SOME_CONFIG...\n' % (filename, filename))
assert stderr == ('[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
'[%s:1]: (style) misra violation (use --rule-texts=<file> to get proper output)\n' % (filename, filename))
def test_addon_with_gui_project():
project_file = 'helloworld/test.cppcheck'
create_gui_project_file(project_file, paths=['.'], addon='misra')
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--platform=native', '--template=cppcheck1', '--project=' + project_file])
filename = os.path.join('helloworld', 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stdout == 'Checking %s ...\n' % filename
assert stderr == ('[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
'[%s:1]: (style) misra violation (use --rule-texts=<file> to get proper output)\n' % (filename, filename))
def test_basepath_relative_path():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck([prjpath, '--template=cppcheck1', '-rp=' + prjpath])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == '[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
def test_basepath_absolute_path():
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', prjpath, '-rp=' + prjpath])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == '[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
def test_vs_project_local_path():
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck_local(['--template=cppcheck1', '--project=helloworld.vcxproj'])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, 'main.c') == 'Debug|Win32 Debug|x64 Release|Win32 Release|x64'
assert stderr == '[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
def test_vs_project_relative_path():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', '--project=' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'helloworld.vcxproj')])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, filename) == 'Debug|Win32 Debug|x64 Release|Win32 Release|x64'
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_vs_project_absolute_path():
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', '--project=' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'helloworld.vcxproj')])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, filename) == 'Debug|Win32 Debug|x64 Release|Win32 Release|x64'
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_cppcheck_project_local_path():
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck_local(['--template=cppcheck1', '--platform=win64', '--project=helloworld.cppcheck'])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, 'main.c') == 'Debug|x64'
assert stderr == '[main.c:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n'
def test_cppcheck_project_relative_path():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', '--platform=win64', '--project=' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'helloworld.cppcheck')])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, filename) == 'Debug|x64'
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_cppcheck_project_absolute_path():
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--template=cppcheck1', '--platform=win64', '--project=' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'helloworld.cppcheck')])
filename = os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c')
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert getVsConfigs(stdout, filename) == 'Debug|x64'
assert stderr == '[%s:5]: (error) Division by zero.\n' % filename
def test_suppress_command_line():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--suppress=zerodiv:' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c'), prjpath])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ''
prjpath = getAbsoluteProjectPath()
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--suppress=zerodiv:' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'main.c'), prjpath])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ''
def test_suppress_project():
project_file = os.path.join('helloworld', 'test.cppcheck')
suppressions=[{'fileName':'main.c', 'id':'zerodiv'}])
# Relative path
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--project=' + project_file])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ''
# Absolute path
ret, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(['--project=' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'helloworld', 'test.cppcheck')])
assert ret == 0, stdout
assert stderr == ''
def test_exclude():
prjpath = getRelativeProjectPath()
ret, stdout, _ = cppcheck(['-i' + prjpath, '--platform=win64', '--project=' + os.path.join(prjpath, 'helloworld.cppcheck')])
assert ret == 1
assert stdout == 'cppcheck: error: no C or C++ source files found.\n'
def test_build_dir_dump_output():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
args = f'--cppcheck-build-dir={tempdir} --addon=misra helloworld'
with open(f'{tempdir}/main.a1.dump', 'rt') as f:
dump = f.read()
assert '</dump>' in dump, 'invalid dump data: ...' + dump[-100:]
def __test_missing_include_system(use_j):
args = '--enable=missingInclude --suppress=zerodiv helloworld'
if use_j:
args = '-j2 ' + args
_, _, stderr = cppcheck(args.split())
assert stderr == 'nofile:0:0: information: Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details) [missingIncludeSystem]\n\n'
def test_missing_include_system():
def test_missing_include_system_j(): #11283