766 lines
31 KiB
766 lines
31 KiB
* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Generate Makefile for cppcheck
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "config.h"
#include "../cli/filelister.h"
#include "../lib/pathmatch.h"
#include "../lib/utils.h"
static std::string builddir(std::string filename)
if (filename.compare(0,4,"lib/") == 0)
filename = "$(libcppdir)" + filename.substr(3);
return filename;
static std::string objfile(std::string cppfile)
return builddir(cppfile + ".o");
static std::string objfiles(const std::vector<std::string> &files)
std::string allObjfiles;
for (const std::string &file : files) {
if (file != files.front())
allObjfiles += std::string(14, ' ');
allObjfiles += objfile(file);
if (file != files.back())
allObjfiles += " \\\n";
return allObjfiles;
static void getDeps(const std::string &filename, std::vector<std::string> &depfiles)
static const std::array<std::string, 3> externalfolders{"externals/picojson", "externals/simplecpp", "externals/tinyxml2"};
// Is the dependency already included?
if (std::find(depfiles.cbegin(), depfiles.cend(), filename) != depfiles.cend())
std::ifstream f(filename.c_str());
if (!f.is_open()) {
* Recursively search for includes in other directories.
* Files are searched according to the following priority:
* [test, tools] -> cli -> lib -> externals
if (filename.compare(0, 4, "cli/") == 0)
getDeps("lib" + filename.substr(filename.find('/')), depfiles);
else if (filename.compare(0, 5, "test/") == 0)
getDeps("cli" + filename.substr(filename.find('/')), depfiles);
else if (filename.compare(0, 6, "tools/") == 0)
getDeps("cli" + filename.substr(filename.find('/')), depfiles);
else if (filename.compare(0, 4, "lib/") == 0) {
for (const std::string & external : externalfolders)
getDeps(external + filename.substr(filename.find('/')), depfiles);
if (filename.find(".c") == std::string::npos)
std::string path(filename);
if (path.find('/') != std::string::npos)
path.erase(1 + path.rfind('/'));
std::string line;
while (std::getline(f, line)) {
std::string::size_type pos1 = line.find("#include \"");
char rightBracket = '\"';
if (pos1 == std::string::npos) {
pos1 = line.find("#include <");
rightBracket = '>';
if (pos1 == std::string::npos)
pos1 += 10;
const std::string::size_type pos2 = line.find(rightBracket, pos1);
std::string hfile(path);
hfile += line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);
const std::string::size_type traverse_pos = hfile.find("/../");
if (traverse_pos != std::string::npos) // TODO: Ugly fix
hfile.erase(0, 4 + traverse_pos);
// no need to look up extension-less headers
if (!endsWith(hfile, ".h"))
getDeps(hfile, depfiles);
static void compilefiles(std::ostream &fout, const std::vector<std::string> &files, const std::string &args)
for (const std::string &file : files) {
const bool external(file.compare(0,10,"externals/") == 0);
fout << objfile(file) << ": " << file;
std::vector<std::string> depfiles;
getDeps(file, depfiles);
std::sort(depfiles.begin(), depfiles.end());
for (const std::string &depfile : depfiles)
fout << " " << depfile;
fout << "\n\t$(CXX) " << args << " $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)" << (external?" -w":"") << " -c -o $@ " << builddir(file) << "\n\n";
static std::string getCppFiles(std::vector<std::string> &files, const std::string &path, bool recursive)
std::map<std::string,size_t> filemap;
const std::set<std::string> extra;
const std::vector<std::string> masks;
const PathMatch matcher(masks);
std::string err = FileLister::addFiles(filemap, path, extra, recursive, matcher);
if (!err.empty())
return err;
// add *.cpp files to the "files" vector..
for (const std::pair<const std::string&, size_t> file : filemap) {
if (endsWith(file.first, ".cpp"))
return "";
static void makeConditionalVariable(std::ostream &os, const std::string &variable, const std::string &defaultValue)
os << "ifndef " << variable << '\n'
<< " " << variable << '=' << defaultValue << '\n'
<< "endif\n"
<< "\n";
static int write_vcxproj(const std::string &proj_name, const std::function<void(std::string&)> &source_f, const std::function<void(std::string&)> &header_f)
std::string outstr;
// treat as binary to prevent inplicit line ending conversions
std::ifstream in(proj_name, std::ios::binary);
if (!in.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Could not open " << proj_name << std::endl;
std::string line;
bool in_itemgroup = false;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
if (in_itemgroup) {
if (line.find("</ItemGroup>") == std::string::npos)
in_itemgroup = false;
// strip all remaining line endings
const std::string::size_type pos = line.find_last_not_of("\r\n");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
line.resize(pos+1, '\0');
outstr += line;
outstr += "\r\n";
if (line.find("<ItemGroup Label=\"SourceFiles\">") != std::string::npos) {
in_itemgroup = true;
if (line.find("<ItemGroup Label=\"HeaderFiles\">") != std::string::npos) {
in_itemgroup = true;
// strip trailing \r\n
const std::string::size_type pos = outstr.find_last_not_of("\r\n");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
outstr.resize(pos+1, '\0');
// treat as binary to prevent inplicit line ending conversions
std::ofstream out(proj_name, std::ios::binary|std::ios::trunc);
out << outstr;
enum ClType { Compile, Include, Precompile, PrecompileNoPCRE };
static std::string make_vcxproj_cl_entry(const std::string& file, ClType type)
std::string outstr;
if (type == Precompile || type == PrecompileNoPCRE) {
outstr += R"( <ClCompile Include=")";
outstr += file;
outstr += R"(">)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
if (type == Precompile) {
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release-PCRE|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug-PCRE|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
if (type == Precompile) {
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release-PCRE|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += R"( <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug-PCRE|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>)";
outstr += "\r\n";
outstr += " </ClCompile>\r\n";
return outstr;
outstr += " <";
outstr += (type == Compile) ? "ClCompile" : "ClInclude";
outstr += R"( Include=")";
outstr += file;
outstr += R"(" />)";
outstr += "\r\n";
return outstr;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const bool release(argc >= 2 && std::string(argv[1]) == "--release");
// Get files..
std::vector<std::string> libfiles;
std::string err = getCppFiles(libfiles, "lib/", false);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> extfiles;
err = getCppFiles(extfiles, "externals/", true);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> clifiles;
err = getCppFiles(clifiles, "cli/", false);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> testfiles;
err = getCppFiles(testfiles, "test/", false);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> toolsfiles;
err = getCppFiles(toolsfiles, "tools/", false);
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
if (libfiles.empty() && clifiles.empty() && testfiles.empty()) {
std::cerr << "No files found. Are you in the correct directory?" << std::endl;
// TODO: add files without source via parsing
std::vector<std::string> libfiles_h;
for (const std::string &libfile : libfiles) {
std::string fname(libfile.substr(4));
libfiles_h.emplace_back(fname + ".h");
std::sort(libfiles_h.begin(), libfiles_h.end());
std::vector<std::string> clifiles_h;
for (const std::string &clifile : clifiles) {
std::string fname(clifile.substr(4));
if (fname == "main.cpp")
clifiles_h.emplace_back(fname + ".h");
std::vector<std::string> testfiles_h;
std::sort(testfiles_h.begin(), testfiles_h.end());
// TODO: write filter files
// Visual Studio projects
write_vcxproj("cli/cli.vcxproj", [&](std::string &outstr){
for (const std::string &clifile: clifiles) {
const std::string c = clifile.substr(4);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(c, c == "executor.cpp" ? Precompile : Compile);
}, [&](std::string &outstr){
for (const std::string &clifile_h: clifiles_h) {
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(clifile_h, Include);
write_vcxproj("lib/cppcheck.vcxproj", [&](std::string &outstr){
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(R"(..\externals\simplecpp\simplecpp.cpp)", Compile);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(R"(..\externals\tinyxml2\tinyxml2.cpp)", Compile);
for (const std::string &libfile: libfiles) {
const std::string l = libfile.substr(4);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(l, l == "check.cpp" ? Precompile : Compile);
}, [&](std::string &outstr){
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(R"(..\externals\simplecpp\simplecpp.h)", Include);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(R"(..\externals\tinyxml2\tinyxml2.h)", Include);
for (const std::string &libfile_h: libfiles_h) {
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(libfile_h, Include);
write_vcxproj("test/testrunner.vcxproj", [&](std::string &outstr){
for (const std::string &clifile: clifiles) {
if (clifile == "cli/main.cpp")
const std::string c = R"(..\cli\)" + clifile.substr(4);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(c, Compile);
for (const std::string &testfile: testfiles) {
const std::string t = testfile.substr(5);
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(t, t == "fixture.cpp" ? PrecompileNoPCRE : Compile);
}, [&](std::string &outstr){
for (const std::string &clifile_h: clifiles_h) {
const std::string c = R"(..\cli\)" + clifile_h;
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(c, Include);
for (const std::string &testfile_h: testfiles_h) {
outstr += make_vcxproj_cl_entry(testfile_h, Include);
// QMAKE - lib/lib.pri
std::ofstream fout1("lib/lib.pri");
if (fout1.is_open()) {
fout1 << "# no manual edits - this file is autogenerated by dmake\n\n";
fout1 << "include($$PWD/pcrerules.pri)\n";
fout1 << "include($$PWD/../externals/externals.pri)\n";
fout1 << "INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD\n";
fout1 << "HEADERS += ";
for (const std::string &libfile_h : libfiles_h) {
fout1 << "$${PWD}/" << libfile_h;
if (libfile_h != libfiles_h.back())
fout1 << " \\\n" << std::string(11, ' ');
fout1 << "\n\nSOURCES += ";
for (const std::string &libfile : libfiles) {
fout1 << "$${PWD}/" << libfile.substr(4);
if (libfile != libfiles.back())
fout1 << " \\\n" << std::string(11, ' ');
fout1 << "\n";
static const char makefile[] = "Makefile";
std::ofstream fout(makefile, std::ios_base::trunc);
if (!fout.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "An error occurred while trying to open "
<< makefile
<< ".\n";
fout << "# This file is generated by tools/dmake, do not edit.\n\n";
fout << "ifndef VERBOSE\n"
<< " VERBOSE=\n"
<< "endif\n";
fout << "# To compile with rules, use 'make HAVE_RULES=yes'\n";
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "HAVE_RULES", "no");
fout << "ifdef SRCDIR\n"
<< " $(error Usage of SRCDIR to activate match compiler has been removed. Use MATCHCOMPILER=yes instead.)\n"
<< "endif\n";
// avoid undefined variable
fout << "ifndef MATCHCOMPILER\n"
<< "endif\n";
// TODO: bail out when matchcompiler.py fails (i.e. invalid PYTHON_INTERPRETER specified)
// use match compiler..
fout << "# use match compiler\n";
fout << "ifeq ($(MATCHCOMPILER),yes)\n"
<< " # Find available Python interpreter\n"
<< " ifeq ($(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),)\n"
<< " PYTHON_INTERPRETER := $(shell which python3)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " ifeq ($(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),)\n"
<< " PYTHON_INTERPRETER := $(shell which python)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " ifeq ($(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),)\n"
<< " $(error Did not find a Python interpreter)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " ifdef VERIFY\n"
<< " matchcompiler_S := $(shell $(PYTHON_INTERPRETER) tools/matchcompiler.py --verify)\n"
<< " else\n"
<< " matchcompiler_S := $(shell $(PYTHON_INTERPRETER) tools/matchcompiler.py)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " libcppdir:=build\n"
<< "else\n"
<< " libcppdir:=lib\n"
<< "endif\n\n";
// avoid undefined variable
fout << "ifndef CPPFLAGS\n"
<< " CPPFLAGS=\n"
<< "endif\n\n";
// explicit files dir..
fout << "ifdef FILESDIR\n"
<< "endif\n\n";
// enable backtrac
fout << "RDYNAMIC=-rdynamic\n";
// The _GLIBCXX_DEBUG doesn't work in cygwin or other Win32 systems.
fout << "# Set the CPPCHK_GLIBCXX_DEBUG flag. This flag is not used in release Makefiles.\n"
<< "# The _GLIBCXX_DEBUG define doesn't work in Cygwin or other Win32 systems.\n"
<< "ifndef COMSPEC\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info COMSPEC not found)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " ifdef ComSpec\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info ComSpec found)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " #### ComSpec is defined on some WIN32's.\n"
<< " WINNT=1\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info PATH=$(PATH))\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifneq (,$(findstring /cygdrive/,$(PATH)))\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info /cygdrive/ found in PATH)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " CYGWIN=1\n"
<< " endif # CYGWIN\n"
<< " endif # ComSpec\n"
<< "endif # COMSPEC\n"
<< "\n"
<< "ifdef WINNT\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info WINNT found)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " #### Maybe Windows\n"
<< " endif # !CPPCHK_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info MSYSTEM=$(MSYSTEM))\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifneq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32 MINGW64)\n"
<< " RDYNAMIC=\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " LDFLAGS+=-lshlwapi\n"
<< "else # !WINNT\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info WINNT not found)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " uname_S := $(shell sh -c 'uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo not')\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info uname_S=$(uname_S))\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifeq ($(uname_S),Linux)\n"
<< " endif # !CPPCHK_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n"
<< " endif # Linux\n"
<< "\n"
<< " ifeq ($(uname_S),GNU/kFreeBSD)\n"
<< " endif # !CPPCHK_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n"
<< " endif # GNU/kFreeBSD\n"
<< "\n"
<< " LDFLAGS+=-pthread\n"
<< "\n"
<< "endif # WINNT\n"
<< "\n";
// tinymxl2 requires __STRICT_ANSI__ to be undefined to compile under CYGWIN.
fout << "ifdef CYGWIN\n"
<< " ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)\n"
<< " $(info CYGWIN found)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "\n"
<< " # Set the flag to address compile time warnings\n"
<< " # with tinyxml2 and Cygwin.\n"
<< " \n"
<< " # Increase stack size for Cygwin builds to avoid segmentation fault in limited recursive tests.\n"
<< " CXXFLAGS+=-Wl,--stack,8388608\n"
<< "endif # CYGWIN\n"
<< "\n";
// skip "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG" if clang, since it breaks the build
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "CXX", "g++");
fout << "ifeq (clang++, $(findstring clang++,$(CXX)))\n"
<< "endif\n";
// Makefile settings..
if (release) {
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "CXXFLAGS", "-std=c++0x -O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wno-sign-compare");
} else {
// TODO: add more compiler warnings.
// -Wlogical-op : doesn't work on older GCC
// -Wsign-conversion : too many warnings
// -Wunreachable-code : some GCC versions report lots of warnings
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "CXXFLAGS",
"-pedantic "
"-Wall "
"-Wextra "
"-Wcast-qual "
// "-Wconversion " // danmar: gives fp. for instance: unsigned int sizeof_pointer = sizeof(void *);
"-Wno-deprecated-declarations "
"-Wfloat-equal "
// "-Wlogical-op "
"-Wmissing-declarations "
"-Wmissing-format-attribute "
"-Wno-long-long "
// "-Woverloaded-virtual " // danmar: we get fp when overloading analyseWholeProgram()
"-Wpacked "
"-Wredundant-decls "
"-Wundef "
"-Wno-shadow "
// "-Wsign-conversion "
// "-Wsign-promo "
"-Wno-missing-field-initializers "
"-Wno-missing-braces "
// "-Wunreachable-code "
"-Wno-sign-compare " // danmar: I don't like this warning, it's very rarely a bug
"-Wno-multichar "
fout << "ifeq (g++, $(findstring g++,$(CXX)))\n"
<< " override CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++0x -pipe\n"
<< "else ifeq (clang++, $(findstring clang++,$(CXX)))\n"
<< " override CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x\n"
<< "else ifeq ($(CXX), c++)\n"
<< " ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)\n"
<< " override CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "endif\n"
<< "\n";
fout << "ifeq ($(HAVE_RULES),yes)\n"
<< " PCRE_CONFIG = $(shell which pcre-config)\n"
<< " ifeq ($(PCRE_CONFIG),)\n"
<< " $(error Did not find pcre-config)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< " override CXXFLAGS += -DHAVE_RULES -DTIXML_USE_STL $(shell $(PCRE_CONFIG) --cflags)\n"
<< " ifdef LIBS\n"
<< " LIBS += $(shell $(PCRE_CONFIG) --libs)\n"
<< " else\n"
<< " LIBS=$(shell $(PCRE_CONFIG) --libs)\n"
<< " endif\n"
<< "endif\n\n";
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "PREFIX", "/usr");
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "INCLUDE_FOR_LIB", "-Ilib -isystem externals -isystem externals/picojson -isystem externals/simplecpp -isystem externals/tinyxml2");
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "INCLUDE_FOR_CLI", "-Ilib -isystem externals/simplecpp -isystem externals/tinyxml2");
makeConditionalVariable(fout, "INCLUDE_FOR_TEST", "-Ilib -Icli -isystem externals/simplecpp -isystem externals/tinyxml2");
fout << "BIN=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin\n\n";
fout << "# For 'make man': sudo apt-get install xsltproc docbook-xsl docbook-xml on Linux\n";
fout << "DB2MAN?=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh/manpages/docbook.xsl\n";
fout << "XP=xsltproc -''-nonet -''-param man.charmap.use.subset \"0\"\n";
fout << "MAN_SOURCE=man/cppcheck.1.xml\n\n";
fout << "\n###### Object Files\n\n";
fout << "LIBOBJ = " << objfiles(libfiles) << "\n\n";
fout << "EXTOBJ = " << objfiles(extfiles) << "\n\n";
fout << "CLIOBJ = " << objfiles(clifiles) << "\n\n";
fout << "TESTOBJ = " << objfiles(testfiles) << "\n\n";
fout << ".PHONY: run-dmake tags\n\n";
fout << "\n###### Targets\n\n";
fout << "cppcheck: $(LIBOBJ) $(CLIOBJ) $(EXTOBJ)\n";
fout << "\t$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(RDYNAMIC)\n\n";
fout << "all:\tcppcheck testrunner\n\n";
fout << "testrunner: $(TESTOBJ) $(LIBOBJ) $(EXTOBJ) cli/executor.o cli/processexecutor.o cli/threadexecutor.o cli/cmdlineparser.o cli/cppcheckexecutor.o cli/cppcheckexecutorseh.o cli/cppcheckexecutorsig.o cli/stacktrace.o cli/filelister.o\n";
fout << "\t$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(RDYNAMIC)\n\n";
fout << "test:\tall\n";
fout << "\t./testrunner\n\n";
fout << "check:\tall\n";
fout << "\t./testrunner -q\n\n";
fout << "checkcfg:\tcppcheck validateCFG\n";
fout << "\t./test/cfg/runtests.sh\n\n";
fout << "dmake:\ttools/dmake.o cli/filelister.o $(libcppdir)/pathmatch.o $(libcppdir)/path.o $(libcppdir)/utils.o externals/simplecpp/simplecpp.o\n";
fout << "\t$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)\n\n";
fout << "run-dmake: dmake\n";
fout << "\t./dmake\n\n";
fout << "clean:\n";
fout << "\trm -f build/*.cpp build/*.o lib/*.o cli/*.o test/*.o tools/*.o externals/*/*.o testrunner dmake cppcheck cppcheck.exe cppcheck.1\n\n";
fout << "man:\tman/cppcheck.1\n\n";
fout << "man/cppcheck.1:\t$(MAN_SOURCE)\n\n";
fout << "\t$(XP) $(DB2MAN) $(MAN_SOURCE)\n\n";
fout << "tags:\n";
fout << "\tctags -R --exclude=doxyoutput --exclude=test/cfg cli externals gui lib test\n\n";
fout << "install: cppcheck\n";
fout << "\tinstall -d ${BIN}\n";
fout << "\tinstall cppcheck ${BIN}\n";
fout << "\tinstall htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport ${BIN}\n";
fout << "ifdef FILESDIR\n";
fout << "\tinstall -d ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}\n";
fout << "\tinstall -d ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/addons\n";
fout << "\tinstall -m 644 addons/*.py ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/addons\n";
fout << "\tinstall -d ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/cfg\n";
fout << "\tinstall -m 644 cfg/*.cfg ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/cfg\n";
fout << "\tinstall -d ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/platforms\n";
fout << "\tinstall -m 644 platforms/*.xml ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}/platforms\n";
fout << "else\n";
fout << "\t$(error FILESDIR must be set!)\n";
fout << "endif\n";
fout << "\n";
fout << "uninstall:\n";
fout << "\t@if test -d ${BIN}; then \\\n";
fout << "\t files=\"cppcheck cppcheck-htmlreport\"; \\\n";
fout << "\t echo '(' cd ${BIN} '&&' rm -f $$files ')'; \\\n";
fout << "\t ( cd ${BIN} && rm -f $$files ); \\\n";
fout << "\tfi\n";
fout << "ifdef FILESDIR \n";
fout << "\t@if test -d ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}; then \\\n";
fout << "\t echo rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}; \\\n";
fout << "\t rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}; \\\n";
fout << "\tfi\n";
fout << "endif\n";
fout << "ifdef CFGDIR \n";
fout << "\t@if test -d ${DESTDIR}${CFGDIR}; then \\\n";
fout << "\t files=\"`cd cfg 2>/dev/null && ls`\"; \\\n";
fout << "\t if test -n \"$$files\"; then \\\n";
fout << "\t echo '(' cd ${DESTDIR}${CFGDIR} '&&' rm -f $$files ')'; \\\n";
fout << "\t ( cd ${DESTDIR}${CFGDIR} && rm -f $$files ); \\\n";
fout << "\t fi; \\\n";
fout << "\tfi\n";
fout << "endif\n\n";
fout << "# Validation of library files:\n";
fout << "ConfigFiles := $(wildcard cfg/*.cfg)\n";
fout << "ConfigFilesCHECKED := $(patsubst %.cfg,%.checked,$(ConfigFiles))\n";
fout << ".PHONY: validateCFG\n";
fout << "%.checked:%.cfg\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout --relaxng cfg/cppcheck-cfg.rng $<\n";
fout << "validateCFG: ${ConfigFilesCHECKED}\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout cfg/cppcheck-cfg.rng\n\n";
fout << "# Validation of platforms files:\n";
fout << "PlatformFiles := $(wildcard platforms/*.xml)\n";
fout << "PlatformFilesCHECKED := $(patsubst %.xml,%.checked,$(PlatformFiles))\n";
fout << ".PHONY: validatePlatforms\n";
fout << "%.checked:%.xml\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout --relaxng platforms/cppcheck-platforms.rng $<\n";
fout << "validatePlatforms: ${PlatformFilesCHECKED}\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout platforms/cppcheck-platforms.rng\n";
fout << "\n";
fout << "# Validate XML output (to detect regressions)\n";
fout << "/tmp/errorlist.xml: cppcheck\n";
fout << "\t./cppcheck --errorlist >$@\n";
fout << "/tmp/example.xml: cppcheck\n";
fout << "\t./cppcheck --xml --enable=all --inconclusive --max-configs=1 samples 2>/tmp/example.xml\n";
fout << "createXMLExamples:/tmp/errorlist.xml /tmp/example.xml\n";
fout << ".PHONY: validateXML\n";
fout << "validateXML: createXMLExamples\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout cppcheck-errors.rng\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout --relaxng cppcheck-errors.rng /tmp/errorlist.xml\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout --relaxng cppcheck-errors.rng /tmp/example.xml\n";
fout << "\ncheckCWEEntries: /tmp/errorlist.xml\n";
fout << "\t$(eval PYTHON_INTERPRETER := $(if $(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(shell which python3)))\n";
fout << "\t$(eval PYTHON_INTERPRETER := $(if $(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(shell which python)))\n";
fout << "\t$(eval PYTHON_INTERPRETER := $(if $(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(PYTHON_INTERPRETER),$(error Did not find a Python interpreter)))\n";
fout << "\t$(PYTHON_INTERPRETER) tools/listErrorsWithoutCWE.py -F /tmp/errorlist.xml\n";
fout << ".PHONY: validateRules\n";
fout << "validateRules:\n";
fout << "\txmllint --noout rules/*.xml\n";
fout << "\n###### Build\n\n";
compilefiles(fout, libfiles, "${INCLUDE_FOR_LIB}");
compilefiles(fout, clifiles, "${INCLUDE_FOR_CLI}");
compilefiles(fout, testfiles, "${INCLUDE_FOR_TEST}");
compilefiles(fout, extfiles, emptyString);
compilefiles(fout, toolsfiles, "${INCLUDE_FOR_LIB}");
return 0;