7849 lines
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7849 lines
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* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @brief This is the ValueFlow component in Cppcheck.
* Each @sa Token in the token list has a list of values. These are
* the "possible" values for the Token at runtime.
* In the --debug and --debug-normal output you can see the ValueFlow data. For example:
* int f()
* {
* int x = 10;
* return 4 * x + 2;
* }
* The --debug-normal output says:
* ##Value flow
* Line 3
* 10 always 10
* Line 4
* 4 always 4
* * always 40
* x always 10
* + always 42
* 2 always 2
* All value flow analysis is executed in the ValueFlow::setValues() function. The ValueFlow analysis is executed after
* the tokenizer/ast/symboldatabase/etc.. The ValueFlow analysis is done in a series of valueFlow* function calls, where
* each such function call can only use results from previous function calls. The function calls should be arranged so
* that valueFlow* that do not require previous ValueFlow information should be first.
* Type of analysis
* ================
* This is "flow sensitive" value flow analysis. We _usually_ track the value for 1 variable at a time.
* How are calculations handled
* ============================
* Here is an example code:
* x = 3 + 4;
* The valueFlowNumber set the values for the "3" and "4" tokens by calling setTokenValue().
* The setTokenValue() handle the calculations automatically. When both "3" and "4" have values, the "+" can be
* calculated. setTokenValue() recursively calls itself when parents in calculations can be calculated.
* Forward / Reverse flow analysis
* ===============================
* In forward value flow analysis we know a value and see what happens when we are stepping the program forward. Like
* normal execution. The valueFlowForward is used in this analysis.
* In reverse value flow analysis we know the value of a variable at line X. And try to "execute backwards" to determine
* possible values before line X. The valueFlowReverse is used in this analysis.
#include "valueflow.h"
#include "analyzer.h"
#include "astutils.h"
#include "calculate.h"
#include "checkuninitvar.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "errorlogger.h"
#include "errortypes.h"
#include "forwardanalyzer.h"
#include "library.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "programmemory.h"
#include "reverseanalyzer.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "standards.h"
#include "symboldatabase.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "tokenlist.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "valueptr.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
static void bailoutInternal(const std::string& type, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Token *tok, const std::string &what, const std::string &file, int line, std::string function)
if (function.find("operator") != std::string::npos)
function = "(valueFlow)";
std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callstack(1, ErrorMessage::FileLocation(tok, tokenlist));
ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, tokenlist->getSourceFilePath(), Severity::debug,
Path::stripDirectoryPart(file) + ":" + MathLib::toString(line) + ":" + function + " bailout: " + what, type, Certainty::normal);
#if (defined __cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
#define bailout2(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
#elif (defined __GNUC__) || (defined __clang__) || (defined _MSC_VER)
#define bailout2(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
#define bailout2(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(type, tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, "(valueFlow)")
#define bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailout2("valueFlowBailout", tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what)
#define bailoutIncompleteVar(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailout2("valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar", tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what)
static void changeKnownToPossible(std::list<ValueFlow::Value> &values, int indirect=-1)
for (ValueFlow::Value& v: values) {
if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect)
static void removeImpossible(std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, int indirect = -1)
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect)
return false;
return v.isImpossible();
static void lowerToPossible(std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, int indirect = -1)
changeKnownToPossible(values, indirect);
removeImpossible(values, indirect);
static void changePossibleToKnown(std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, int indirect = -1)
for (ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect)
if (!v.isPossible())
if (v.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point)
static void setValueUpperBound(ValueFlow::Value& value, bool upper)
if (upper)
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower;
static void setValueBound(ValueFlow::Value& value, const Token* tok, bool invert)
if (Token::Match(tok, "<|<=")) {
setValueUpperBound(value, !invert);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, ">|>=")) {
setValueUpperBound(value, invert);
static void setConditionalValues(const Token* tok,
bool lhs,
MathLib::bigint value,
ValueFlow::Value& true_value,
ValueFlow::Value& false_value)
if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=|>=|<=")) {
true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value};
const char* greaterThan = ">=";
const char* lessThan = "<=";
if (lhs)
std::swap(greaterThan, lessThan);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, greaterThan, strlen(greaterThan))) {
false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value - 1};
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, lessThan, strlen(lessThan))) {
false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value + 1};
} else {
false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value};
} else {
const char* greaterThan = ">";
const char* lessThan = "<";
if (lhs)
std::swap(greaterThan, lessThan);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, greaterThan, strlen(greaterThan))) {
true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value + 1};
false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value};
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, lessThan, strlen(lessThan))) {
true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value - 1};
false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value};
setValueBound(true_value, tok, lhs);
setValueBound(false_value, tok, !lhs);
static bool isSaturated(MathLib::bigint value)
return value == std::numeric_limits<MathLib::bigint>::max() || value == std::numeric_limits<MathLib::bigint>::min();
const Token *parseCompareInt(const Token *tok, ValueFlow::Value &true_value, ValueFlow::Value &false_value, const std::function<std::vector<MathLib::bigint>(const Token*)>& evaluate)
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2())
return nullptr;
if (tok->isComparisonOp()) {
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> value1 = evaluate(tok->astOperand1());
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> value2 = evaluate(tok->astOperand2());
if (!value1.empty() && !value2.empty()) {
if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (!value1.empty()) {
if (isSaturated(value1.front()))
return nullptr;
setConditionalValues(tok, true, value1.front(), true_value, false_value);
return tok->astOperand2();
} else if (!value2.empty()) {
if (isSaturated(value2.front()))
return nullptr;
setConditionalValues(tok, false, value2.front(), true_value, false_value);
return tok->astOperand1();
return nullptr;
const Token *parseCompareInt(const Token *tok, ValueFlow::Value &true_value, ValueFlow::Value &false_value)
return parseCompareInt(tok, true_value, false_value, [](const Token* t) -> std::vector<MathLib::bigint> {
if (t->hasKnownIntValue())
return {t->values().front().intvalue};
return std::vector<MathLib::bigint>{};
static bool isEscapeScope(const Token* tok, TokenList * tokenlist, bool unknown = false)
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{"))
return false;
// TODO this search for termTok in all subscopes. It should check the end of the scope.
const Token * termTok = Token::findmatch(tok, "return|continue|break|throw|goto", tok->link());
if (termTok && termTok->scope() == tok->scope())
return true;
std::string unknownFunction;
if (tokenlist && tokenlist->getSettings()->library.isScopeNoReturn(tok->link(), &unknownFunction))
return unknownFunction.empty() || unknown;
return false;
static ValueFlow::Value castValue(ValueFlow::Value value, const ValueType::Sign sign, nonneg int bit)
if (value.isFloatValue()) {
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
if (value.floatValue >= std::numeric_limits<int>::min() && value.floatValue <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
value.intvalue = value.floatValue;
} else { // don't perform UB
value.intvalue = 0;
if (bit < MathLib::bigint_bits) {
const MathLib::biguint one = 1;
value.intvalue &= (one << bit) - 1;
if (sign == ValueType::Sign::SIGNED && value.intvalue & (one << (bit - 1))) {
value.intvalue |= ~((one << bit) - 1ULL);
return value;
static bool isNumeric(const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return value.isIntValue() || value.isFloatValue();
static void combineValueProperties(const ValueFlow::Value &value1, const ValueFlow::Value &value2, ValueFlow::Value *result)
if (value1.isKnown() && value2.isKnown())
else if (value1.isImpossible() || value2.isImpossible())
else if (value1.isInconclusive() || value2.isInconclusive())
if (value1.isSymbolicValue()) {
result->valueType = value1.valueType;
result->tokvalue = value1.tokvalue;
if (value2.isSymbolicValue()) {
result->valueType = value2.valueType;
result->tokvalue = value2.tokvalue;
if (value1.isIteratorValue())
result->valueType = value1.valueType;
if (value2.isIteratorValue())
result->valueType = value2.valueType;
result->condition = value1.condition ? value1.condition : value2.condition;
result->varId = (value1.varId != 0) ? value1.varId : value2.varId;
result->varvalue = (result->varId == value1.varId) ? value1.varvalue : value2.varvalue;
result->errorPath = (value1.errorPath.empty() ? value2 : value1).errorPath;
result->safe = value1.safe || value2.safe;
if (value1.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point || value2.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point) {
if (value1.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper || value2.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper)
result->bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
if (value1.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower || value2.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
result->bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower;
if (value1.path != value2.path)
result->path = -1;
result->path = value1.path;
static const Token *getCastTypeStartToken(const Token *parent)
// TODO: This might be a generic utility function?
if (!parent || parent->str() != "(")
return nullptr;
if (!parent->astOperand2() && Token::Match(parent,"( %name%"))
return parent->next();
if (parent->astOperand2() && Token::Match(parent->astOperand1(), "const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast <"))
return parent->astOperand1()->tokAt(2);
return nullptr;
static bool isComputableValue(const Token* parent, const ValueFlow::Value& value)
const bool noninvertible = parent->isComparisonOp() || Token::Match(parent, "%|/|&|%or%");
if (noninvertible && value.isImpossible())
return false;
if (!value.isIntValue() && !value.isFloatValue() && !value.isTokValue() && !value.isIteratorValue())
return false;
if (value.isIteratorValue() && !Token::Match(parent, "+|-"))
return false;
if (value.isTokValue() && (!parent->isComparisonOp() || value.tokvalue->tokType() != Token::eString))
return false;
return true;
/** Set token value for cast */
static void setTokenValueCast(Token *parent, const ValueType &valueType, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings);
static bool isCompatibleValueTypes(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType x, ValueFlow::Value::ValueType y)
static const std::unordered_map<ValueFlow::Value::ValueType,
std::unordered_set<ValueFlow::Value::ValueType, EnumClassHash>,
compatibleTypes = {
{ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT, {ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT}},
{ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK, {ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT}},
{ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_START, {ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT}},
{ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_END, {ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT}},
if (x == y)
return true;
auto it = compatibleTypes.find(x);
if (it == compatibleTypes.end())
return false;
return it->second.count(y) > 0;
static bool isCompatibleValues(const ValueFlow::Value& value1, const ValueFlow::Value& value2)
if (value1.isSymbolicValue() && value2.isSymbolicValue() && value1.tokvalue->exprId() != value2.tokvalue->exprId())
return false;
if (!isCompatibleValueTypes(value1.valueType, value2.valueType))
return false;
if (value1.isKnown() || value2.isKnown())
return true;
if (value1.isImpossible() || value2.isImpossible())
return false;
if (value1.varId == 0 || value2.varId == 0)
return true;
if (value1.varId == value2.varId && value1.varvalue == value2.varvalue && value1.isIntValue() && value2.isIntValue())
return true;
return false;
static ValueFlow::Value truncateImplicitConversion(Token* parent, const ValueFlow::Value& value, const Settings* settings)
if (!value.isIntValue() && !value.isFloatValue())
return value;
if (!parent)
return value;
if (!parent->isBinaryOp())
return value;
if (!parent->isConstOp())
return value;
if (!astIsIntegral(parent->astOperand1(), false))
return value;
if (!astIsIntegral(parent->astOperand2(), false))
return value;
const ValueType* vt1 = parent->astOperand1()->valueType();
const ValueType* vt2 = parent->astOperand2()->valueType();
// If the sign is the same there is no truncation
if (vt1->sign == vt2->sign)
return value;
size_t n1 = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*vt1, settings);
size_t n2 = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*vt2, settings);
ValueType::Sign sign = ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED;
if (n1 < n2)
sign = vt2->sign;
else if (n1 > n2)
sign = vt1->sign;
ValueFlow::Value v = castValue(value, sign, std::max(n1, n2) * 8);
v.wideintvalue = value.intvalue;
return v;
/** set ValueFlow value and perform calculations if possible */
static void setTokenValue(Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value value, const Settings* settings)
// Skip setting values that are too big since its ambiguous
if (!value.isImpossible() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue < 0 && astIsUnsigned(tok) &&
ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*tok->valueType(), settings) >= sizeof(MathLib::bigint))
if (!value.isImpossible() && value.isIntValue())
value = truncateImplicitConversion(tok->astParent(), value, settings);
if (!tok->addValue(value))
if (value.path < 0)
Token *parent = tok->astParent();
if (!parent)
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "=") && astIsRHS(tok) && !value.isLifetimeValue()) {
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
if (value.isContainerSizeValue()) {
// .empty, .size, +"abc", +'a'
if (Token::Match(parent, "+|==|!=") && parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand2()) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (value1.isImpossible())
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) {
if (value2.isImpossible())
if (value1.path != value2.path)
ValueFlow::Value result;
if (Token::Match(parent, "%comp%"))
result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
if (value1.isContainerSizeValue() && value2.isContainerSizeValue())
result.intvalue = calculate(parent->str(), value1.intvalue, value2.intvalue);
else if (value1.isContainerSizeValue() && value2.isTokValue() && value2.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString)
result.intvalue = calculate(parent->str(), value1.intvalue, MathLib::bigint(Token::getStrLength(value2.tokvalue)));
else if (value2.isContainerSizeValue() && value1.isTokValue() && value1.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString)
result.intvalue = calculate(parent->str(), MathLib::bigint(Token::getStrLength(value1.tokvalue)), value2.intvalue);
combineValueProperties(value1, value2, &result);
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "==") && result.intvalue)
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "!=") && !result.intvalue)
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
else if (Token::Match(parent, ". %name% (") && parent->astParent() == parent->tokAt(2) &&
parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand1()->valueType()) {
const Library::Container *c = parent->astOperand1()->valueType()->container;
const Library::Container::Yield yields = c ? c->getYield(parent->strAt(1)) : Library::Container::Yield::NO_YIELD;
if (yields == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) {
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
setTokenValue(parent->astParent(), v, settings);
} else if (yields == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) {
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.intvalue = !v.intvalue;
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
setTokenValue(parent->astParent(), v, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(parent->previous(), "%name% (")) {
if (const Library::Function* f = settings->library.getFunction(parent->previous())) {
if (f->containerYield == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) {
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
} else if (f->containerYield == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) {
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.intvalue = !v.intvalue;
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
if (value.isLifetimeValue()) {
if (!isLifetimeBorrowed(parent, settings))
if (value.lifetimeKind == ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator && astIsIterator(parent)) {
} else if (astIsPointer(tok) && astIsPointer(parent) && !parent->isUnaryOp("*") &&
(parent->isArithmeticalOp() || parent->isCast())) {
if (value.isUninitValue()) {
ValueFlow::Value pvalue = value;
if (parent->isUnaryOp("&")) {
setTokenValue(parent, pvalue, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(parent, ". %var%") && parent->astOperand1() == tok) {
if (parent->originalName() == "->" && pvalue.indirect > 0)
setTokenValue(parent->astOperand2(), pvalue, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(parent->astParent(), ". %var%") && parent->astParent()->astOperand1() == parent) {
if (parent->astParent()->originalName() == "->" && pvalue.indirect > 0)
setTokenValue(parent->astParent()->astOperand2(), pvalue, settings);
} else if (parent->isUnaryOp("*") && pvalue.indirect > 0) {
setTokenValue(parent, pvalue, settings);
// cast..
if (const Token *castType = getCastTypeStartToken(parent)) {
if (((tok->valueType() == nullptr && value.isImpossible()) || astIsPointer(tok)) &&
value.valueType == ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT &&
Token::simpleMatch(parent->astOperand1(), "dynamic_cast"))
const ValueType &valueType = ValueType::parseDecl(castType, settings);
if (value.isImpossible() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue < 0 && astIsUnsigned(tok) &&
valueType.sign == ValueType::SIGNED && tok->valueType() &&
ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*tok->valueType(), settings) >= ValueFlow::getSizeOf(valueType, settings))
setTokenValueCast(parent, valueType, value, settings);
else if (parent->str() == ":") {
else if (parent->str() == "?" && tok->str() == ":" && tok == parent->astOperand2() && parent->astOperand1()) {
// is condition always true/false?
if (parent->astOperand1()->hasKnownValue()) {
const ValueFlow::Value &condvalue = parent->astOperand1()->values().front();
const bool cond(condvalue.isTokValue() || (condvalue.isIntValue() && condvalue.intvalue != 0));
if (cond && !tok->astOperand1()) { // true condition, no second operator
setTokenValue(parent, condvalue, settings);
} else {
const Token *op = cond ? tok->astOperand1() : tok->astOperand2();
if (!op) // #7769 segmentation fault at setTokenValue()
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value> &values = op->values();
if (std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), value) != values.end())
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
} else if (!value.isImpossible()) {
// is condition only depending on 1 variable?
// cppcheck-suppress[variableScope] #8541
nonneg int varId = 0;
bool ret = false;
[&](const Token *t) {
if (t->varId()) {
if (varId > 0 || value.varId != 0)
ret = true;
varId = t->varId();
} else if (t->str() == "(" && Token::Match(t->previous(), "%name%"))
ret = true; // function call
return ret ? ChildrenToVisit::done : ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
if (ret)
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.conditional = true;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
else if (parent->str() == "?" && value.isIntValue() && tok == parent->astOperand1() && value.isKnown() &&
parent->astOperand2() && parent->astOperand2()->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand2()->astOperand2()) {
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value> &values = (value.intvalue == 0
? parent->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->values()
: parent->astOperand2()->astOperand1()->values());
for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values)
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// Calculations..
else if ((parent->isArithmeticalOp() || parent->isComparisonOp() || (parent->tokType() == Token::eBitOp) || (parent->tokType() == Token::eLogicalOp)) &&
parent->astOperand1() &&
parent->astOperand2()) {
const bool noninvertible = parent->isComparisonOp() || Token::Match(parent, "%|/|&|%or%");
// Skip operators with impossible values that are not invertible
if (noninvertible && value.isImpossible())
// known result when a operand is 0.
if (Token::Match(parent, "[&*]") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue==0) {
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
// known result when a operand is true.
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "&&") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue==0) {
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
// known result when a operand is false.
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "||") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue!=0) {
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (!isComputableValue(parent, value1))
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) {
if (value1.path != value2.path)
if (!isComputableValue(parent, value2))
if (value1.isIteratorValue() && value2.isIteratorValue())
if (!isCompatibleValues(value1, value2))
ValueFlow::Value result(0);
combineValueProperties(value1, value2, &result);
if (astIsFloat(parent, false)) {
if (!result.isIntValue() && !result.isFloatValue())
result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT;
const double floatValue1 = value1.isFloatValue() ? value1.floatValue : value1.intvalue;
const double floatValue2 = value2.isFloatValue() ? value2.floatValue : value2.intvalue;
const MathLib::bigint intValue1 =
value1.isFloatValue() ? static_cast<MathLib::bigint>(value1.floatValue) : value1.intvalue;
const MathLib::bigint intValue2 =
value2.isFloatValue() ? static_cast<MathLib::bigint>(value2.floatValue) : value2.intvalue;
if ((value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue()) && Token::Match(parent, "&|^|%|<<|>>|==|!=|%or%"))
if (Token::Match(parent, "==|!=")) {
if ((value1.isIntValue() && value2.isTokValue()) || (value1.isTokValue() && value2.isIntValue())) {
if (parent->str() == "==")
result.intvalue = 0;
else if (parent->str() == "!=")
result.intvalue = 1;
} else if (value1.isIntValue() && value2.isIntValue()) {
bool error = false;
result.intvalue = calculate(parent->str(), intValue1, intValue2, &error);
if (error)
} else {
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(parent, "%op%")) {
if (Token::Match(parent, "%comp%")) {
if (!result.isFloatValue() && !value1.isIntValue() && !value2.isIntValue())
} else {
if (value1.isTokValue() || value2.isTokValue())
bool error = false;
if (result.isFloatValue()) {
result.floatValue = calculate(parent->str(), floatValue1, floatValue2, &error);
} else {
result.intvalue = calculate(parent->str(), intValue1, intValue2, &error);
if (error)
// If the bound comes from the second value then invert the bound when subtracting
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "-") && value2.bound == result.bound &&
value2.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point)
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
// !
else if (parent->str() == "!") {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) {
if (!val.isIntValue())
if (val.isImpossible() && val.intvalue != 0)
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
v.intvalue = !v.intvalue;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// ~
else if (parent->str() == "~") {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) {
if (!val.isIntValue())
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
v.intvalue = ~v.intvalue;
int bits = 0;
if (settings &&
tok->valueType() &&
tok->valueType()->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED &&
tok->valueType()->pointer == 0) {
if (tok->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::INT)
bits = settings->int_bit;
else if (tok->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONG)
bits = settings->long_bit;
if (bits > 0 && bits < MathLib::bigint_bits)
v.intvalue &= (((MathLib::biguint)1)<<bits) - 1;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// unary minus
else if (parent->isUnaryOp("-")) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) {
if (!val.isIntValue() && !val.isFloatValue())
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
if (v.isIntValue()) {
if (v.intvalue == LLONG_MIN)
// Value can't be inverted
v.intvalue = -v.intvalue;
} else
v.floatValue = -v.floatValue;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// increment
else if (parent->str() == "++") {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) {
if (!val.isIntValue() && !val.isFloatValue())
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
if (parent == tok->previous()) {
if (v.isIntValue())
v.intvalue = v.intvalue + 1;
v.floatValue = v.floatValue + 1.0;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// decrement
else if (parent->str() == "--") {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) {
if (!val.isIntValue() && !val.isFloatValue())
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
if (parent == tok->previous()) {
if (v.isIntValue())
v.intvalue = v.intvalue - 1;
v.floatValue = v.floatValue - 1.0;
setTokenValue(parent, v, settings);
// Array element
else if (parent->str() == "[" && parent->isBinaryOp()) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (!value1.isTokValue())
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) {
if (!value2.isIntValue())
if (value1.varId == 0 || value2.varId == 0 ||
(value1.varId == value2.varId && value1.varvalue == value2.varvalue)) {
ValueFlow::Value result(0);
result.condition = value1.condition ? value1.condition : value2.condition;
result.setInconclusive(value1.isInconclusive() | value2.isInconclusive());
result.varId = (value1.varId != 0) ? value1.varId : value2.varId;
result.varvalue = (result.varId == value1.varId) ? value1.intvalue : value2.intvalue;
if (value1.valueKind == value2.valueKind)
result.valueKind = value1.valueKind;
if (value1.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) {
const std::string s = value1.tokvalue->strValue();
const MathLib::bigint index = value2.intvalue;
if (index == s.size()) {
result.intvalue = 0;
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
} else if (index >= 0 && index < s.size()) {
result.intvalue = s[index];
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
} else if (value1.tokvalue->str() == "{") {
MathLib::bigint index = value2.intvalue;
const Token *element = value1.tokvalue->next();
while (index > 0 && element->str() != "}") {
if (element->str() == ",")
if (Token::Match(element, "[{}()[]]"))
element = element->next();
if (Token::Match(element, "%num% [,}]")) {
result.intvalue = MathLib::toLongNumber(element->str());
setTokenValue(parent, result, settings);
else if (Token::Match(parent, ":: %name%") && parent->astOperand2() == tok) {
setTokenValue(parent, value, settings);
static void setTokenValueCast(Token *parent, const ValueType &valueType, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings)
if (valueType.pointer || value.isImpossible())
else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::CHAR)
setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->char_bit), settings);
else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::SHORT)
setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->short_bit), settings);
else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::INT)
setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->int_bit), settings);
else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONG)
setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->long_bit), settings);
else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG)
setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->long_long_bit), settings);
else if (valueType.isFloat() && isNumeric(value)) {
ValueFlow::Value floatValue = value;
floatValue.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT;
if (value.isIntValue())
floatValue.floatValue = value.intvalue;
setTokenValue(parent, floatValue, settings);
} else if (value.isIntValue()) {
const long long charMax = settings->signedCharMax();
const long long charMin = settings->signedCharMin();
if (charMin <= value.intvalue && value.intvalue <= charMax) {
// unknown type, but value is small so there should be no truncation etc
static nonneg int getSizeOfType(const Token *typeTok, const Settings *settings)
const ValueType &valueType = ValueType::parseDecl(typeTok, settings);
if (valueType.pointer > 0)
return settings->sizeof_pointer;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::BOOL || valueType.type == ValueType::Type::CHAR)
return 1;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::SHORT)
return settings->sizeof_short;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::INT)
return settings->sizeof_int;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONG)
return settings->sizeof_long;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG)
return settings->sizeof_long_long;
if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::WCHAR_T)
return settings->sizeof_wchar_t;
return 0;
size_t ValueFlow::getSizeOf(const ValueType &vt, const Settings *settings)
if (vt.pointer)
return settings->sizeof_pointer;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::CHAR)
return 1;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::SHORT)
return settings->sizeof_short;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::WCHAR_T)
return settings->sizeof_wchar_t;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::INT)
return settings->sizeof_int;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::LONG)
return settings->sizeof_long;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG)
return settings->sizeof_long_long;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::FLOAT)
return settings->sizeof_float;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::DOUBLE)
return settings->sizeof_double;
if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::LONGDOUBLE)
return settings->sizeof_long_double;
return 0;
// Handle various constants..
static Token * valueFlowSetConstantValue(Token *tok, const Settings *settings, bool cpp)
if ((tok->isNumber() && MathLib::isInt(tok->str())) || (tok->tokType() == Token::eChar)) {
try {
ValueFlow::Value value(MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->str()));
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} catch (const std::exception & /*e*/) {
// Bad character literal
} else if (tok->isNumber() && MathLib::isFloat(tok->str())) {
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT;
value.floatValue = MathLib::toDoubleNumber(tok->str());
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} else if (tok->enumerator() && tok->enumerator()->value_known) {
ValueFlow::Value value(tok->enumerator()->value);
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} else if (tok->str() == "NULL" || (cpp && tok->str() == "nullptr")) {
ValueFlow::Value value(0);
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "sizeof (")) {
if (tok->next()->astOperand2() && !tok->next()->astOperand2()->isLiteral() && tok->next()->astOperand2()->valueType() &&
tok->next()->astOperand2()->valueType()->pointer == 0 && // <- TODO this is a bailout, abort when there are array->pointer conversions
!tok->next()->astOperand2()->valueType()->isEnum()) { // <- TODO this is a bailout, handle enum with non-int types
const size_t sz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*tok->next()->astOperand2()->valueType(), settings);
if (sz) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz);
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
return tok->linkAt(1);
const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2);
// skip over tokens to find variable or type
while (Token::Match(tok2, "%name% ::|.|[")) {
if (tok2->next()->str() == "[")
tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1)->next();
tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "sizeof ( *")) {
const ValueType *vt = tok->tokAt(2)->valueType();
const size_t sz = vt ? ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*vt, settings) : 0;
if (sz > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz);
if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
} else if (tok2->enumerator() && tok2->enumerator()->scope) {
long long size = settings->sizeof_int;
const Token * type = tok2->enumerator()->scope->enumType;
if (type) {
size = getSizeOfType(type, settings);
if (size == 0)
ValueFlow::Value value(size);
if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
} else if (tok2->type() && tok2->type()->isEnumType()) {
long long size = settings->sizeof_int;
if (tok2->type()->classScope) {
const Token * type = tok2->type()->classScope->enumType;
if (type) {
size = getSizeOfType(type, settings);
ValueFlow::Value value(size);
if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "sizeof ( %var% ) / sizeof (") && tok->next()->astParent() == tok->tokAt(4)) {
// Get number of elements in array
const Token *sz1 = tok->tokAt(2);
const Token *sz2 = tok->tokAt(7);
const nonneg int varid1 = sz1->varId();
if (varid1 &&
sz1->variable() &&
sz1->variable()->isArray() &&
!sz1->variable()->dimensions().empty() &&
sz1->variable()->dimensionKnown(0) &&
(Token::Match(sz2, "* %varid% )", varid1) || Token::Match(sz2, "%varid% [ 0 ] )", varid1))) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz1->variable()->dimension(0));
if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok->tokAt(4), value, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok2, "%var% )")) {
const Variable *var = tok2->variable();
// only look for single token types (no pointers or references yet)
if (var && var->typeStartToken() == var->typeEndToken()) {
// find the size of the type
size_t size = 0;
if (var->isEnumType()) {
size = settings->sizeof_int;
if (var->type()->classScope && var->type()->classScope->enumType)
size = getSizeOfType(var->type()->classScope->enumType, settings);
} else if (var->valueType()) {
size = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*var->valueType(), settings);
} else if (!var->type()) {
size = getSizeOfType(var->typeStartToken(), settings);
// find the number of elements
size_t count = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < var->dimensions().size(); ++i) {
if (var->dimensionKnown(i))
count *= var->dimension(i);
count = 0;
if (size && count > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(count * size);
if (settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
} else if (tok2->tokType() == Token::eString) {
size_t sz = Token::getStrSize(tok2, settings);
if (sz > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz);
setTokenValue(const_cast<Token *>(tok->next()), value, settings);
} else if (tok2->tokType() == Token::eChar) {
nonneg int sz = 0;
if (cpp && settings->standards.cpp >= Standards::CPP20 && tok2->isUtf8())
sz = 1;
else if (tok2->isUtf16())
sz = 2;
else if (tok2->isUtf32())
sz = 4;
else if (tok2->isLong())
sz = settings->sizeof_wchar_t;
else if ((tok2->isCChar() && !cpp) || (tok2->isCMultiChar()))
sz = settings->sizeof_int;
sz = 1;
if (sz > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz);
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
} else if (!tok2->type()) {
const ValueType &vt = ValueType::parseDecl(tok2,settings);
const size_t sz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(vt, settings);
if (sz > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(sz);
if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified)
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
// skip over enum
tok = tok->linkAt(1);
return tok->next();
static void valueFlowNumber(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok;) {
tok = valueFlowSetConstantValue(tok, tokenlist->getSettings(), tokenlist->isCPP());
if (tokenlist->isCPP()) {
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->isName() && !tok->varId() && Token::Match(tok, "false|true")) {
ValueFlow::Value value(tok->str() == "true");
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "[(,] NULL [,)]")) {
// NULL function parameters are not simplified in the
// normal tokenlist
ValueFlow::Value value(0);
if (!tok->isTemplateArg())
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowString(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->tokType() == Token::eString) {
ValueFlow::Value strvalue;
strvalue.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK;
strvalue.tokvalue = tok;
setTokenValue(tok, strvalue, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowArray(TokenList *tokenlist)
std::map<nonneg int, const Token *> constantArrays;
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->varId() > 0) {
// array
const std::map<nonneg int, const Token *>::const_iterator it = constantArrays.find(tok->varId());
if (it != constantArrays.end()) {
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK;
value.tokvalue = it->second;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
// pointer = array
else if (tok->variable() &&
tok->variable()->isArray() &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "=") &&
tok == tok->astParent()->astOperand2() &&
tok->astParent()->astOperand1() &&
tok->astParent()->astOperand1()->variable() &&
tok->astParent()->astOperand1()->variable()->isPointer()) {
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK;
value.tokvalue = tok;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
if (Token::Match(tok, "const %type% %var% [ %num%| ] = {")) {
const Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(2);
const Token *rhstok = vartok->next()->link()->tokAt(2);
constantArrays[vartok->varId()] = rhstok;
tok = rhstok->link();
else if (Token::Match(tok, "const char %var% [ %num%| ] = %str% ;")) {
const Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(2);
const Token *strtok = vartok->next()->link()->tokAt(2);
constantArrays[vartok->varId()] = strtok;
tok = strtok->next();
static bool isNonZero(const Token *tok)
return tok && (!tok->hasKnownIntValue() || tok->values().front().intvalue != 0);
static const Token *getOtherOperand(const Token *tok)
if (!tok)
return nullptr;
if (!tok->astParent())
return nullptr;
if (tok->astParent()->astOperand1() != tok)
return tok->astParent()->astOperand1();
if (tok->astParent()->astOperand2() != tok)
return tok->astParent()->astOperand2();
return nullptr;
static void valueFlowArrayBool(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
const Variable *var = nullptr;
bool known = false;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value>::const_iterator val =
std::find_if(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue));
if (val == tok->values().end()) {
var = tok->variable();
known = true;
} else {
var = val->tokvalue->variable();
known = val->isKnown();
if (!var)
if (!var->isArray() || var->isArgument() || var->isStlType())
if (isNonZero(getOtherOperand(tok)) && Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%comp%"))
// TODO: Check for function argument
if ((astIsBool(tok->astParent()) && !Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "(|%name%")) ||
(tok->astParent() && Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while|for ("))) {
ValueFlow::Value value{1};
if (known)
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowPointerAlias(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
// not address of
if (!tok->isUnaryOp("&"))
// parent should be a '='
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "="))
// child should be some buffer or variable
const Token *vartok = tok->astOperand1();
while (vartok) {
if (vartok->str() == "[")
vartok = vartok->astOperand1();
else if (vartok->str() == "." || vartok->str() == "::")
vartok = vartok->astOperand2();
if (!(vartok && vartok->variable() && !vartok->variable()->isPointer()))
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK;
value.tokvalue = tok;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowUninitPointerAliasDeref(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->isUnaryOp("*"))
if (!astIsPointer(tok->astOperand1()))
const Token* lifeTok = nullptr;
ErrorPath errorPath;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v:tok->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue())
lifeTok = v.tokvalue;
errorPath = v.errorPath;
if (!lifeTok)
if (lifeTok->varId() == 0)
const Variable * var = lifeTok->variable();
if (!var)
if (!var->isConst() && isVariableChanged(lifeTok->next(), tok, lifeTok->varId(), !var->isLocal(), tokenlist->getSettings(), tokenlist->isCPP()))
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v:lifeTok->values()) {
// Forward uninit values since not all values can be forwarded directly
if (!v.isUninitValue())
ValueFlow::Value value = v;
value.errorPath.insert(value.errorPath.begin(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end());
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowBitAnd(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() != "&")
if (tok->hasKnownValue())
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2())
MathLib::bigint number;
if (MathLib::isInt(tok->astOperand1()->str()))
number = MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->astOperand1()->str());
else if (MathLib::isInt(tok->astOperand2()->str()))
number = MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->astOperand2()->str());
int bit = 0;
while (bit <= (MathLib::bigint_bits - 2) && ((((MathLib::bigint)1) << bit) < number))
if ((((MathLib::bigint)1) << bit) == number) {
setTokenValue(tok, ValueFlow::Value(0), tokenlist->getSettings());
setTokenValue(tok, ValueFlow::Value(number), tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowSameExpressions(TokenList *tokenlist)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2())
if (tok->astOperand1()->isLiteral() || tok->astOperand2()->isLiteral())
if (!astIsIntegral(tok->astOperand1(), false) && !astIsIntegral(tok->astOperand2(), false))
ValueFlow::Value val;
if (Token::Match(tok, "==|>=|<=|/")) {
val = ValueFlow::Value(1);
if (Token::Match(tok, "!=|>|<|%|-")) {
val = ValueFlow::Value(0);
if (!val.isKnown())
if (isSameExpression(tokenlist->isCPP(), false, tok->astOperand1(), tok->astOperand2(), tokenlist->getSettings()->library, true, true, &val.errorPath)) {
setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenlist->getSettings());
static bool getExpressionRange(const Token *expr, MathLib::bigint *minvalue, MathLib::bigint *maxvalue)
if (expr->hasKnownIntValue()) {
if (minvalue)
*minvalue = expr->values().front().intvalue;
if (maxvalue)
*maxvalue = expr->values().front().intvalue;
return true;
if (expr->str() == "&" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) {
MathLib::bigint vals[4];
bool lhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand1(), &vals[0], &vals[1]);
bool rhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand2(), &vals[2], &vals[3]);
if (!lhsHasKnownRange && !rhsHasKnownRange)
return false;
if (!lhsHasKnownRange || !rhsHasKnownRange) {
if (minvalue)
*minvalue = lhsHasKnownRange ? vals[0] : vals[2];
if (maxvalue)
*maxvalue = lhsHasKnownRange ? vals[1] : vals[3];
} else {
if (minvalue)
*minvalue = vals[0] & vals[2];
if (maxvalue)
*maxvalue = vals[1] & vals[3];
return true;
if (expr->str() == "%" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) {
MathLib::bigint vals[4];
if (!getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand2(), &vals[2], &vals[3]))
return false;
if (vals[2] <= 0)
return false;
bool lhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand1(), &vals[0], &vals[1]);
if (lhsHasKnownRange && vals[0] < 0)
return false;
// If lhs has unknown value, it must be unsigned
if (!lhsHasKnownRange && (!expr->astOperand1()->valueType() || expr->astOperand1()->valueType()->sign != ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED))
return false;
if (minvalue)
*minvalue = 0;
if (maxvalue)
*maxvalue = vals[3] - 1;
return true;
return false;
static void valueFlowRightShift(TokenList *tokenList, const Settings* settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() != ">>")
if (tok->hasKnownValue())
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2())
if (!tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownValue())
const MathLib::bigint rhsvalue = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue;
if (rhsvalue < 0)
if (!tok->astOperand1()->valueType() || !tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->isIntegral())
if (!tok->astOperand2()->valueType() || !tok->astOperand2()->valueType()->isIntegral())
MathLib::bigint lhsmax=0;
if (!getExpressionRange(tok->astOperand1(), nullptr, &lhsmax))
if (lhsmax < 0)
int lhsbits;
if ((tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::CHAR) ||
(tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::SHORT) ||
(tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::WCHAR_T) ||
(tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::BOOL) ||
(tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::INT))
lhsbits = settings->int_bit;
else if (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONG)
lhsbits = settings->long_bit;
else if (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG)
lhsbits = settings->long_long_bit;
if (rhsvalue >= lhsbits || rhsvalue >= MathLib::bigint_bits || (1ULL << rhsvalue) <= lhsmax)
ValueFlow::Value val(0);
setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenList->getSettings());
static std::vector<MathLib::bigint> minUnsignedValue(const Token* tok, int depth = 8)
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> result = {};
if (!tok)
return result;
if (depth < 0)
return result;
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue()) {
result = {tok->values().front().intvalue};
} else if (!Token::Match(tok, "-|%|&|^") && tok->isConstOp() && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2()) {
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> op1 = minUnsignedValue(tok->astOperand1(), depth - 1);
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> op2 = minUnsignedValue(tok->astOperand2(), depth - 1);
if (!op1.empty() && !op2.empty()) {
result = calculate<std::vector<MathLib::bigint>>(tok->str(), op1.front(), op2.front());
if (result.empty() && astIsUnsigned(tok))
result = {0};
return result;
static void valueFlowImpossibleValues(TokenList* tokenList, const Settings* settings)
for (Token* tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (astIsUnsigned(tok) && !astIsPointer(tok)) {
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> minvalue = minUnsignedValue(tok);
if (minvalue.empty())
ValueFlow::Value value{std::max<MathLib::bigint>(0, minvalue.front()) - 1};
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "%") && tok->astOperand2() && tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
ValueFlow::Value value{tok->astOperand2()->values().front()};
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower;
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "abs|labs|llabs|fabs|fabsf|fabsl (")) {
ValueFlow::Value value{-1};
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings);
static void valueFlowEnumValue(SymbolDatabase * symboldatabase, const Settings * settings)
for (Scope & scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) {
if (scope.type != Scope::eEnum)
MathLib::bigint value = 0;
bool prev_enum_is_known = true;
for (Enumerator & enumerator : scope.enumeratorList) {
if (enumerator.start) {
Token *rhs = enumerator.start->previous()->astOperand2();
ValueFlow::valueFlowConstantFoldAST(rhs, settings);
if (rhs && rhs->hasKnownIntValue()) {
enumerator.value = rhs->values().front().intvalue;
enumerator.value_known = true;
value = enumerator.value + 1;
prev_enum_is_known = true;
} else
prev_enum_is_known = false;
} else if (prev_enum_is_known) {
enumerator.value = value++;
enumerator.value_known = true;
static void valueFlowGlobalConstVar(TokenList* tokenList, const Settings *settings)
// Get variable values...
std::map<const Variable*, ValueFlow::Value> vars;
for (const Token* tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->variable())
// Initialization...
if (tok == tok->variable()->nameToken() &&
!tok->variable()->isVolatile() &&
!tok->variable()->isArgument() &&
tok->variable()->isConst() &&
tok->valueType() &&
tok->valueType()->isIntegral() &&
tok->valueType()->pointer == 0 &&
tok->valueType()->constness == 1 &&
Token::Match(tok, "%name% =") &&
tok->next()->astOperand2() &&
tok->next()->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
vars[tok->variable()] = tok->next()->astOperand2()->values().front();
// Set values..
for (Token* tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->variable())
std::map<const Variable*, ValueFlow::Value>::const_iterator var = vars.find(tok->variable());
if (var == vars.end())
setTokenValue(tok, var->second, settings);
static void valueFlowGlobalStaticVar(TokenList *tokenList, const Settings *settings)
// Get variable values...
std::map<const Variable *, ValueFlow::Value> vars;
for (const Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->variable())
// Initialization...
if (tok == tok->variable()->nameToken() &&
tok->variable()->isStatic() &&
!tok->variable()->isConst() &&
tok->valueType() &&
tok->valueType()->isIntegral() &&
tok->valueType()->pointer == 0 &&
tok->valueType()->constness == 0 &&
Token::Match(tok, "%name% =") &&
tok->next()->astOperand2() &&
tok->next()->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
vars[tok->variable()] = tok->next()->astOperand2()->values().front();
} else {
// If variable is written anywhere in TU then remove it from vars
if (!tok->astParent())
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "++|--|&") && !tok->astParent()->astOperand2())
else if (tok->astParent()->isAssignmentOp()) {
if (tok == tok->astParent()->astOperand1())
else if (tokenList->isCPP() && Token::Match(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-2), "& %name% ="))
} else if (isLikelyStreamRead(tokenList->isCPP(), tok->astParent())) {
} else if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "[(,]"))
// Set values..
for (Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->variable())
std::map<const Variable *, ValueFlow::Value>::const_iterator var = vars.find(tok->variable());
if (var == vars.end())
setTokenValue(tok, var->second, settings);
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowForward(Token* startToken,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values,
TokenList* const tokenlist,
const Settings* settings);
static void valueFlowReverse(TokenList* tokenlist,
Token* tok,
const Token* const varToken,
ValueFlow::Value val,
ValueFlow::Value val2,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings);
static bool isConditionKnown(const Token* tok, bool then)
const char* op = "||";
if (then)
op = "&&";
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
while (parent && (parent->str() == op || parent->str() == "!"))
parent = parent->astParent();
return (parent && parent->str() == "(");
static const std::string& invertAssign(const std::string& assign)
static std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> lookup = {{"=", "="},
{"+=", "-="},
{"-=", "+="},
{"*=", "/="},
{"/=", "*="},
{"<<=", ">>="},
{">>=", "<<="},
{"^=", "^="}};
static std::string empty;
auto it = lookup.find(assign);
if (it == lookup.end())
return empty;
return it->second;
static std::string removeAssign(const std::string& assign) {
return std::string{assign.begin(), assign.end() - 1};
template<class T, class U>
static T calculateAssign(const std::string& assign, const T& x, const U& y, bool* error = nullptr)
if (assign.empty() || assign.back() != '=') {
if (error)
*error = true;
return T{};
if (assign == "=")
return y;
return calculate<T, T>(removeAssign(assign), x, y, error);
template<class T, class U>
static void assignValueIfMutable(T& x, const U& y)
x = y;
template<class T, class U>
static void assignValueIfMutable(const T&, const U&)
template<class Value, REQUIRES("Value must ValueFlow::Value", std::is_convertible<Value&, const ValueFlow::Value&> )>
static bool evalAssignment(Value& lhsValue, const std::string& assign, const ValueFlow::Value& rhsValue)
bool error = false;
if (lhsValue.isSymbolicValue() && rhsValue.isIntValue()) {
if (assign != "+=" && assign != "-=")
return false;
assignValueIfMutable(lhsValue.intvalue, calculateAssign(assign, lhsValue.intvalue, rhsValue.intvalue, &error));
} else if (lhsValue.isIntValue() && rhsValue.isIntValue()) {
assignValueIfMutable(lhsValue.intvalue, calculateAssign(assign, lhsValue.intvalue, rhsValue.intvalue, &error));
} else if (lhsValue.isFloatValue() && rhsValue.isIntValue()) {
calculateAssign(assign, lhsValue.floatValue, rhsValue.intvalue, &error));
} else {
return false;
return !error;
template<class T>
struct SingleRange {
T* x;
T* begin() const {
return x;
T* end() const {
return x+1;
template<class T>
SingleRange<T> MakeSingleRange(T& x)
return {&x};
class SelectValueFromVarIdMapRange {
using M = std::unordered_map<nonneg int, ValueFlow::Value>;
struct Iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = const ValueFlow::Value;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
explicit Iterator(const M::const_iterator &it)
: mIt(it) {}
reference operator*() const {
return mIt->second;
pointer operator->() {
return &mIt->second;
Iterator &operator++() {
// cppcheck-suppress postfixOperator - forward iterator needs to perform post-increment
return *this;
friend bool operator==(const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b) {
return a.mIt == b.mIt;
friend bool operator!=(const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b) {
return a.mIt != b.mIt;
M::const_iterator mIt;
explicit SelectValueFromVarIdMapRange(const M *m)
: mMap(m) {}
Iterator begin() const {
return Iterator(mMap->begin());
Iterator end() const {
return Iterator(mMap->end());
const M *mMap;
// Check if its an alias of the variable or is being aliased to this variable
template<typename V>
static bool isAliasOf(const Variable * var, const Token *tok, nonneg int varid, const V& values, bool* inconclusive = nullptr)
if (tok->varId() == varid)
return false;
if (tok->varId() == 0)
return false;
if (isAliasOf(tok, varid, inconclusive))
return true;
if (var && !var->isPointer())
return false;
// Search through non value aliases
for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : values) {
if (!val.isNonValue())
if (val.isInconclusive())
if (val.isLifetimeValue() && !val.isLocalLifetimeValue())
if (val.isLifetimeValue() && val.lifetimeKind != ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address)
if (!Token::Match(val.tokvalue, ".|&|*|%var%"))
if (astHasVar(val.tokvalue, tok->varId()))
return true;
return false;
static bool bifurcate(const Token* tok, const std::set<nonneg int>& varids, const Settings* settings, int depth = 20);
static bool bifurcateVariableChanged(const Variable* var,
const std::set<nonneg int>& varids,
const Token* start,
const Token* end,
const Settings* settings,
int depth = 20)
bool result = false;
const Token* tok = start;
while ((tok = findVariableChanged(
tok->next(), end, var->isPointer(), var->declarationId(), var->isGlobal(), settings, true))) {
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%assign%")) {
if (!bifurcate(tok->astParent()->astOperand2(), varids, settings, depth - 1))
return true;
} else {
result = true;
return result;
static bool bifurcate(const Token* tok, const std::set<nonneg int>& varids, const Settings* settings, int depth)
if (depth < 0)
return false;
if (!tok)
return true;
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
return true;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%cop%"))
return bifurcate(tok->astOperand1(), varids, settings, depth) && bifurcate(tok->astOperand2(), varids, settings, depth);
if (Token::Match(tok, "%var%")) {
if (varids.count(tok->varId()) > 0)
return true;
const Variable* var = tok->variable();
if (!var)
return false;
const Token* start = var->declEndToken();
if (!start)
return false;
if (start->strAt(-1) == ")" || start->strAt(-1) == "}")
return false;
if (Token::Match(start, "; %varid% =", var->declarationId()))
start = start->tokAt(2);
if (var->isConst() || !bifurcateVariableChanged(var, varids, start, tok, settings, depth))
return var->isArgument() || bifurcate(start->astOperand2(), varids, settings, depth - 1);
return false;
return false;
struct ValueFlowAnalyzer : Analyzer {
const TokenList* tokenlist;
ProgramMemoryState pms;
ValueFlowAnalyzer() : tokenlist(nullptr), pms(nullptr) {}
explicit ValueFlowAnalyzer(const TokenList* t) : tokenlist(t), pms(tokenlist->getSettings()) {}
virtual const ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token* tok) const = 0;
virtual ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token* tok) = 0;
virtual void makeConditional() = 0;
virtual void addErrorPath(const Token* tok, const std::string& s) = 0;
virtual bool match(const Token* tok) const = 0;
virtual bool isAlias(const Token* tok, bool& inconclusive) const = 0;
using ProgramState = std::unordered_map<nonneg int, ValueFlow::Value>;
virtual ProgramState getProgramState() const = 0;
virtual const ValueType* getValueType(const Token*) const {
return nullptr;
virtual int getIndirect(const Token* tok) const {
const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(tok);
if (value)
return value->indirect;
return 0;
virtual bool isGlobal() const {
return false;
virtual bool dependsOnThis() const {
return false;
virtual bool invalid() const {
return false;
bool isCPP() const {
return tokenlist->isCPP();
const Settings* getSettings() const {
return tokenlist->getSettings();
struct ConditionState {
bool dependent = true;
bool unknown = true;
bool isUnknownDependent() const {
return unknown && dependent;
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Token*> getSymbols(const Token* tok) const
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Token*> result;
if (!tok)
return result;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : tok->values()) {
if (!v.isSymbolicValue())
if (v.isImpossible())
if (!v.tokvalue)
if (v.tokvalue->exprId() == 0)
if (match(v.tokvalue))
result[v.tokvalue->exprId()] = v.tokvalue;
return result;
ConditionState analyzeCondition(const Token* tok, int depth = 20) const
ConditionState result;
if (!tok)
return result;
if (depth < 0)
return result;
if (analyze(tok, Direction::Forward).isRead()) {
result.dependent = true;
result.unknown = false;
return result;
} else if (tok->hasKnownIntValue() || tok->isLiteral()) {
result.dependent = false;
result.unknown = false;
return result;
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%cop%")) {
if (isLikelyStream(isCPP(), tok->astOperand1())) {
result.dependent = false;
return result;
ConditionState lhs = analyzeCondition(tok->astOperand1(), depth - 1);
if (lhs.isUnknownDependent())
return lhs;
ConditionState rhs = analyzeCondition(tok->astOperand2(), depth - 1);
if (rhs.isUnknownDependent())
return rhs;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%comp%"))
result.dependent = lhs.dependent && rhs.dependent;
result.dependent = lhs.dependent || rhs.dependent;
result.unknown = lhs.unknown || rhs.unknown;
return result;
} else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name% (")) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok->previous());
if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), ". %name% (")) {
result.dependent = std::any_of(args.begin(), args.end(), [&](const Token* arg) {
ConditionState cs = analyzeCondition(arg, depth - 1);
return cs.dependent;
if (result.dependent) {
// Check if we can evaluate the function
if (!evaluate(Evaluate::Integral, tok).empty())
result.unknown = false;
return result;
} else {
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Token*> symbols = getSymbols(tok);
result.dependent = false;
for (auto&& p : symbols) {
const Token* arg = p.second;
ConditionState cs = analyzeCondition(arg, depth - 1);
result.dependent = cs.dependent;
if (result.dependent)
if (result.dependent) {
// Check if we can evaluate the token
if (!evaluate(Evaluate::Integral, tok).empty())
result.unknown = false;
return result;
virtual Action isModified(const Token* tok) const {
Action read = Action::Read;
bool inconclusive = false;
if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok, getIndirect(tok), getSettings(), &inconclusive))
return read | Action::Invalid;
if (inconclusive)
return read | Action::Inconclusive;
if (isVariableChanged(tok, getIndirect(tok), getSettings(), isCPP())) {
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "*|[|.|++|--"))
return read | Action::Invalid;
const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(tok);
// Check if its assigned to the same value
if (value && !value->isImpossible() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "=") && astIsLHS(tok) &&
astIsIntegral(tok->astParent()->astOperand2(), false)) {
std::vector<int> result = evaluate(Evaluate::Integral, tok->astParent()->astOperand2());
if (!result.empty() && value->equalTo(result.front()))
return Action::Idempotent;
return Action::Invalid;
return read;
virtual Action isAliasModified(const Token* tok) const {
// Lambda function call
if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% ("))
// TODO: Check if modified in the lambda function
return Action::Invalid;
int indirect = 0;
if (tok->valueType())
indirect = tok->valueType()->pointer;
if (isVariableChanged(tok, indirect, getSettings(), isCPP()))
return Action::Invalid;
return Action::None;
virtual Action isThisModified(const Token* tok) const {
if (isThisChanged(tok, 0, getSettings(), isCPP()))
return Action::Invalid;
return Action::None;
static const std::string& getAssign(const Token* tok, Direction d)
if (d == Direction::Forward)
return tok->str();
return invertAssign(tok->str());
virtual Action isWritable(const Token* tok, Direction d) const {
const ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(tok);
if (!value)
return Action::None;
if (!(value->isIntValue() || value->isFloatValue() || value->isSymbolicValue()))
return Action::None;
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
// Only if its invertible
if (value->isImpossible() && !Token::Match(parent, "+=|-=|*=|++|--"))
return Action::None;
if (parent && parent->isAssignmentOp() && astIsLHS(tok) &&
parent->astOperand2()->hasKnownValue()) {
const Token* rhs = parent->astOperand2();
const ValueFlow::Value* rhsValue = rhs->getKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT);
Action a;
if (!rhsValue || !evalAssignment(*value, getAssign(parent, d), *rhsValue))
a = Action::Invalid;
a = Action::Write;
if (parent->str() != "=") {
a |= Action::Read;
} else {
if (rhsValue && !value->isImpossible() && value->equalValue(*rhsValue))
a = Action::Idempotent;
a |= Action::Incremental;
return a;
// increment/decrement
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "++|--")) {
return Action::Read | Action::Write | Action::Incremental;
return Action::None;
virtual void writeValue(ValueFlow::Value* value, const Token* tok, Direction d) const {
if (!value)
if (!tok->astParent())
if (tok->astParent()->isAssignmentOp()) {
const ValueFlow::Value* rhsValue =
if (evalAssignment(*value, getAssign(tok->astParent(), d), *rhsValue)) {
const std::string info("Compound assignment '" + tok->astParent()->str() + "', assigned value is " +
if (tok->astParent()->str() == "=")
value->errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info);
} else {
assert(false && "Writable value cannot be evaluated");
// TODO: Don't set to zero
value->intvalue = 0;
} else if (tok->astParent()->tokType() == Token::eIncDecOp) {
bool inc = tok->astParent()->str() == "++";
std::string opName(inc ? "incremented" : "decremented");
if (d == Direction::Reverse)
inc = !inc;
value->intvalue += (inc ? 1 : -1);
const std::string info(tok->str() + " is " + opName + "', new value is " + value->infoString());
value->errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info);
virtual bool useSymbolicValues() const {
return true;
bool isSameSymbolicValue(const Token* tok, ErrorPath* errorPath = nullptr) const
if (!useSymbolicValues())
return false;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%assign%"))
return false;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : tok->values()) {
if (!v.isSymbolicValue())
if (!v.isKnown())
if (v.intvalue != 0)
if (match(v.tokvalue)) {
if (errorPath)
errorPath->insert(errorPath->end(), v.errorPath.begin(), v.errorPath.end());
return true;
return false;
Action analyzeMatch(const Token* tok, Direction d) const {
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
if ((astIsPointer(tok) || astIsSmartPointer(tok)) &&
(Token::Match(parent, "*|[") || (parent && parent->originalName() == "->")) && getIndirect(tok) <= 0)
return Action::Read;
Action w = isWritable(tok, d);
if (w != Action::None)
return w;
// Check for modifications by function calls
return isModified(tok);
Action analyzeToken(const Token* ref, const Token* tok, Direction d, bool inconclusiveRef) const {
if (!ref)
return Action::None;
// If its an inconclusiveRef then ref != tok
assert(!inconclusiveRef || ref != tok);
bool inconclusive = false;
if (match(ref)) {
if (inconclusiveRef) {
Action a = isModified(tok);
if (a.isModified() || a.isInconclusive())
return Action::Inconclusive;
} else {
return analyzeMatch(tok, d) | Action::Match;
} else if (ref->isUnaryOp("*")) {
const Token* lifeTok = nullptr;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v:ref->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue())
if (lifeTok)
return Action::None;
lifeTok = v.tokvalue;
if (lifeTok && match(lifeTok)) {
Action a = Action::Read;
if (isModified(tok).isModified())
a = Action::Invalid;
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%assign%") && astIsLHS(tok))
a |= Action::Invalid;
if (inconclusiveRef && a.isModified())
return Action::Inconclusive;
return a;
return Action::None;
} else if (isAlias(ref, inconclusive)) {
inconclusive |= inconclusiveRef;
Action a = isAliasModified(tok);
if (inconclusive && a.isModified())
return Action::Inconclusive;
return a;
} else if (isSameSymbolicValue(ref)) {
return Action::Read | Action::SymbolicMatch;
return Action::None;
virtual Action analyze(const Token* tok, Direction d) const OVERRIDE {
if (invalid())
return Action::Invalid;
// Follow references
std::vector<ReferenceToken> refs = followAllReferences(tok);
const bool inconclusiveRefs = refs.size() != 1;
for (const ReferenceToken& ref:refs) {
Action a = analyzeToken(ref.token, tok, d, inconclusiveRefs);
if (a != Action::None)
return a;
if (dependsOnThis() && exprDependsOnThis(tok))
return isThisModified(tok);
// bailout: global non-const variables
if (isGlobal() && Token::Match(tok, "%name% (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok->linkAt(1), ") {")) {
if (tok->function()) {
if (!tok->function()->isConstexpr() && !isConstFunctionCall(tok, getSettings()->library))
return Action::Invalid;
} else if (getSettings()->library.getFunction(tok)) {
// Assume library function doesn't modify user-global variables
return Action::None;
} else {
return Action::Invalid;
return Action::None;
virtual std::vector<int> evaluate(Evaluate e, const Token* tok, const Token* ctx = nullptr) const OVERRIDE {
if (e == Evaluate::Integral) {
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
return {static_cast<int>(tok->values().front().intvalue)};
std::vector<int> result;
ProgramMemory pm = pms.get(tok, ctx, getProgramState());
if (Token::Match(tok, "&&|%oror%")) {
if (conditionIsTrue(tok, pm))
if (conditionIsFalse(tok, pm))
} else {
MathLib::bigint out = 0;
bool error = false;
execute(tok, &pm, &out, &error);
if (!error)
return result;
} else if (e == Evaluate::ContainerEmpty) {
const ValueFlow::Value* value = ValueFlow::findValue(tok->values(), nullptr, [](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
return v.isKnown() && v.isContainerSizeValue();
if (value)
return {value->intvalue == 0};
ProgramMemory pm = pms.get(tok, ctx, getProgramState());
MathLib::bigint out = 0;
if (pm.getContainerEmptyValue(tok->exprId(), &out))
return {static_cast<int>(out)};
return {};
} else {
return {};
virtual void assume(const Token* tok, bool state, unsigned int flags) OVERRIDE {
// Update program state
pms.addState(tok, getProgramState());
pms.assume(tok, state, flags & Assume::ContainerEmpty);
bool isCondBlock = false;
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
if (parent) {
isCondBlock = Token::Match(parent->previous(), "if|while (");
if (isCondBlock) {
const Token* startBlock = parent->link()->next();
if (Token::simpleMatch(startBlock, ";") && Token::simpleMatch(parent->tokAt(-2), "} while ("))
startBlock = parent->linkAt(-2);
const Token* endBlock = startBlock->link();
if (state)
pms.addState(endBlock->previous(), getProgramState());
else if (Token::simpleMatch(endBlock, "} else {"))
pms.addState(endBlock->linkAt(2)->previous(), getProgramState());
if (!(flags & Assume::Quiet)) {
if (flags & Assume::ContainerEmpty) {
std::string s = state ? "empty" : "not empty";
addErrorPath(tok, "Assuming container is " + s);
} else {
std::string s = state ? "true" : "false";
addErrorPath(tok, "Assuming condition is " + s);
if (!(flags & Assume::Absolute))
virtual void update(Token* tok, Action a, Direction d) OVERRIDE {
ValueFlow::Value* value = getValue(tok);
if (!value)
ValueFlow::Value localValue;
if (a.isSymbolicMatch()) {
// Make a copy of the value to modify it
localValue = *value;
value = &localValue;
isSameSymbolicValue(tok, &value->errorPath);
// Read first when moving forward
if (d == Direction::Forward && a.isRead())
setTokenValue(tok, *value, getSettings());
if (a.isInconclusive())
if (a.isWrite() && tok->astParent()) {
writeValue(value, tok, d);
// Read last when moving in reverse
if (d == Direction::Reverse && a.isRead())
setTokenValue(tok, *value, getSettings());
virtual ValuePtr<Analyzer> reanalyze(Token*, const std::string&) const OVERRIDE {
return {};
ValuePtr<Analyzer> makeAnalyzer(const Token* exprTok, ValueFlow::Value value, const TokenList* tokenlist);
struct SingleValueFlowAnalyzer : ValueFlowAnalyzer {
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*> varids;
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*> aliases;
ValueFlow::Value value;
SingleValueFlowAnalyzer() : ValueFlowAnalyzer() {}
SingleValueFlowAnalyzer(const ValueFlow::Value& v, const TokenList* t) : ValueFlowAnalyzer(t), value(v) {}
const std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*>& getVars() const {
return varids;
const std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*>& getAliasedVars() const {
return aliases;
virtual const ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token*) const OVERRIDE {
return &value;
virtual ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token*) OVERRIDE {
return &value;
virtual void makeConditional() OVERRIDE {
value.conditional = true;
virtual bool useSymbolicValues() const OVERRIDE
if (value.isUninitValue())
return false;
return true;
virtual void addErrorPath(const Token* tok, const std::string& s) OVERRIDE {
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, s);
virtual bool isAlias(const Token* tok, bool& inconclusive) const OVERRIDE {
if (value.isLifetimeValue())
return false;
for (const auto& m: {
std::ref(getVars()), std::ref(getAliasedVars())
}) {
for (const auto& p:m.get()) {
nonneg int varid = p.first;
const Variable* var = p.second;
if (tok->varId() == varid)
return true;
if (isAliasOf(var, tok, varid, MakeSingleRange(value), &inconclusive))
return true;
return false;
virtual bool isGlobal() const OVERRIDE {
for (const auto&p:getVars()) {
const Variable* var = p.second;
if (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument() && !var->isConst())
return true;
return false;
virtual bool lowerToPossible() OVERRIDE {
if (value.isImpossible())
return false;
return true;
virtual bool lowerToInconclusive() OVERRIDE {
if (value.isImpossible())
return false;
return true;
virtual bool isConditional() const OVERRIDE {
if (value.conditional)
return true;
if (value.condition)
return !value.isKnown() && !value.isImpossible();
return false;
virtual bool stopOnCondition(const Token* condTok) const OVERRIDE
if (value.isNonValue())
return false;
if (value.isImpossible())
return false;
if (isConditional() && !value.isKnown() && !value.isImpossible())
return true;
if (value.isSymbolicValue())
return false;
ConditionState cs = analyzeCondition(condTok);
return cs.isUnknownDependent();
virtual bool updateScope(const Token* endBlock, bool) const OVERRIDE {
const Scope* scope = endBlock->scope();
if (!scope)
return false;
if (scope->type == Scope::eLambda) {
return value.isLifetimeValue();
} else if (scope->type == Scope::eIf || scope->type == Scope::eElse || scope->type == Scope::eWhile ||
scope->type == Scope::eFor) {
if (value.isKnown() || value.isImpossible())
return true;
if (value.isLifetimeValue())
return true;
if (isConditional())
return false;
const Token* condTok = getCondTokFromEnd(endBlock);
std::set<nonneg int> varids2;
std::transform(getVars().begin(), getVars().end(), std::inserter(varids2, varids2.begin()), SelectMapKeys{});
return bifurcate(condTok, varids2, getSettings());
return false;
virtual ValuePtr<Analyzer> reanalyze(Token* tok, const std::string& msg) const OVERRIDE {
ValueFlow::Value newValue = value;
newValue.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, msg);
return makeAnalyzer(tok, newValue, tokenlist);
struct ExpressionAnalyzer : SingleValueFlowAnalyzer {
const Token* expr;
bool local;
bool unknown;
bool dependOnThis;
ExpressionAnalyzer() : SingleValueFlowAnalyzer(), expr(nullptr), local(true), unknown(false), dependOnThis(false) {}
ExpressionAnalyzer(const Token* e, const ValueFlow::Value& val, const TokenList* t)
: SingleValueFlowAnalyzer(val, t), expr(e), local(true), unknown(false), dependOnThis(false) {
assert(e && e->exprId() != 0 && "Not a valid expression");
dependOnThis = exprDependsOnThis(expr);
if (val.isSymbolicValue())
virtual const ValueType* getValueType(const Token*) const OVERRIDE {
return expr->valueType();
static bool nonLocal(const Variable* var, bool deref) {
return !var || (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument()) || (deref && var->isArgument() && var->isPointer()) ||
var->isStatic() || var->isReference() || var->isExtern();
void setupExprVarIds(const Token* start, int depth = 0) {
const int maxDepth = 4;
if (depth > maxDepth)
visitAstNodes(start, [&](const Token* tok) {
const bool top = depth == 0 && tok == start;
const bool ispointer = astIsPointer(tok) || astIsSmartPointer(tok);
if (!top || !ispointer || value.indirect != 0) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : tok->values()) {
if (!(v.isLocalLifetimeValue() || (ispointer && v.isSymbolicValue() && v.isKnown())))
if (!v.tokvalue)
if (v.tokvalue == tok)
setupExprVarIds(v.tokvalue, depth + 1);
if (depth == 0 && tok->varId() == 0 && !tok->function() && tok->isName() && tok->previous()->str() != ".") {
// unknown variable
unknown = true;
return ChildrenToVisit::none;
if (tok->varId() > 0) {
varids[tok->varId()] = tok->variable();
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), ".")) {
const Variable* var = tok->variable();
if (var && var->isReference() && var->isLocal() && Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%var% [=(]") &&
!isGlobalData(var->nameToken()->next()->astOperand2(), isCPP()))
return ChildrenToVisit::none;
const bool deref = tok->astParent() &&
(tok->astParent()->isUnaryOp("*") ||
(tok->astParent()->str() == "[" && tok == tok->astParent()->astOperand1()));
local &= !nonLocal(tok->variable(), deref);
return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
virtual bool invalid() const OVERRIDE {
return unknown;
virtual ProgramState getProgramState() const OVERRIDE {
ProgramState ps;
ps[expr->exprId()] = value;
return ps;
virtual bool match(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
return tok->exprId() == expr->exprId();
virtual bool dependsOnThis() const OVERRIDE {
return dependOnThis;
virtual bool isGlobal() const OVERRIDE {
return !local;
struct OppositeExpressionAnalyzer : ExpressionAnalyzer {
bool isNot;
OppositeExpressionAnalyzer() : ExpressionAnalyzer(), isNot(false) {}
OppositeExpressionAnalyzer(bool pIsNot, const Token* e, const ValueFlow::Value& val, const TokenList* t)
: ExpressionAnalyzer(e, val, t), isNot(pIsNot)
virtual bool match(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
return isOppositeCond(isNot, isCPP(), expr, tok, getSettings()->library, true, true);
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowForwardExpression(Token* startToken,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
const TokenList* const tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
Analyzer::Result result{};
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
ExpressionAnalyzer a(exprTok, v, tokenlist);
result.update(valueFlowGenericForward(startToken, endToken, a, settings));
return result;
static const Token* parseBinaryIntOp(const Token* expr, MathLib::bigint& known)
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
if (!expr->astOperand1() || !expr->astOperand2())
return nullptr;
if (expr->astOperand1()->exprId() == 0 && !expr->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue())
return nullptr;
if (expr->astOperand2()->exprId() == 0 && !expr->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue())
return nullptr;
const Token* knownTok = nullptr;
const Token* varTok = nullptr;
if (expr->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue() && !expr->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
varTok = expr->astOperand2();
knownTok = expr->astOperand1();
} else if (expr->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue() && !expr->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
varTok = expr->astOperand1();
knownTok = expr->astOperand2();
if (knownTok)
known = knownTok->values().front().intvalue;
return varTok;
static const Token* solveExprValue(const Token* expr, ValueFlow::Value& value)
if (!value.isIntValue() && !value.isIteratorValue() && !value.isSymbolicValue())
return expr;
if (value.isSymbolicValue() && !Token::Match(expr, "+|-"))
return expr;
MathLib::bigint intval;
const Token* binaryTok = parseBinaryIntOp(expr, intval);
if (binaryTok && expr->str().size() == 1) {
switch (expr->str()[0]) {
case '+': {
value.intvalue -= intval;
return solveExprValue(binaryTok, value);
case '-': {
value.intvalue += intval;
return solveExprValue(binaryTok, value);
case '*': {
if (intval == 0)
value.intvalue /= intval;
return solveExprValue(binaryTok, value);
case '^': {
value.intvalue ^= intval;
return solveExprValue(binaryTok, value);
return expr;
ValuePtr<Analyzer> makeAnalyzer(const Token* exprTok, ValueFlow::Value value, const TokenList* tokenlist)
const Token* expr = solveExprValue(exprTok, value);
return ExpressionAnalyzer(expr, value, tokenlist);
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowForward(Token* startToken,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values,
TokenList* const tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
Analyzer::Result result{};
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
result.update(valueFlowGenericForward(startToken, endToken, makeAnalyzer(exprTok, v, tokenlist), settings));
return result;
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowForward(Token* top,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* const tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
Analyzer::Result result{};
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
result.update(valueFlowGenericForward(top, makeAnalyzer(exprTok, v, tokenlist), settings));
return result;
static void valueFlowReverse(Token* tok,
const Token* const endToken,
const Token* const varToken,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
ExpressionAnalyzer a(varToken, v, tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericReverse(tok, endToken, a, settings);
static void valueFlowReverse(TokenList* tokenlist,
Token* tok,
const Token* const varToken,
ValueFlow::Value val,
ValueFlow::Value val2,
ErrorLogger* /*errorLogger*/,
const Settings* settings)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = {val};
if (val2.varId != 0)
valueFlowReverse(tok, nullptr, varToken, values, tokenlist, settings);
static bool isUniqueSmartPointer(const Token* tok)
if (!astIsSmartPointer(tok))
return false;
if (!tok->valueType()->smartPointer)
return false;
return tok->valueType()->smartPointer->unique;
std::string lifetimeType(const Token *tok, const ValueFlow::Value *val)
std::string result;
if (!val)
return "object";
switch (val->lifetimeKind) {
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda:
result = "lambda";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator:
result = "iterator";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object:
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject:
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address:
if (astIsPointer(tok))
result = "pointer";
result = "object";
return result;
std::string lifetimeMessage(const Token *tok, const ValueFlow::Value *val, ErrorPath &errorPath)
const Token *tokvalue = val ? val->tokvalue : nullptr;
const Variable *tokvar = tokvalue ? tokvalue->variable() : nullptr;
const Token *vartok = tokvar ? tokvar->nameToken() : nullptr;
std::string type = lifetimeType(tok, val);
std::string msg = type;
if (vartok) {
errorPath.emplace_back(vartok, "Variable created here.");
const Variable * var = vartok->variable();
if (var) {
switch (val->lifetimeKind) {
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject:
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object:
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address:
if (type == "pointer")
msg += " to local variable";
msg += " that points to local variable";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda:
msg += " that captures local variable";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator:
msg += " to local container";
msg += " '" + var->name() + "'";
return msg;
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> getLifetimeObjValues(const Token *tok, bool inconclusive, bool subfunction)
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> result;
auto pred = [&](const ValueFlow::Value &v) {
if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue() && !(subfunction && v.isSubFunctionLifetimeValue()))
return false;
if (!inconclusive && v.isInconclusive())
return false;
if (!v.tokvalue->variable())
return false;
return true;
std::copy_if(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), std::back_inserter(result), pred);
return result;
ValueFlow::Value getLifetimeObjValue(const Token *tok, bool inconclusive)
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> values = getLifetimeObjValues(tok, inconclusive, false);
// There should only be one lifetime
if (values.size() != 1)
return ValueFlow::Value{};
return values.front();
template<class Predicate>
static std::vector<LifetimeToken> getLifetimeTokens(const Token* tok,
bool escape,
ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath errorPath,
Predicate pred,
int depth = 20)
if (!tok)
return std::vector<LifetimeToken> {};
const Variable *var = tok->variable();
if (pred(tok))
return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}};
if (depth < 0)
return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}};
if (var && var->declarationId() == tok->varId()) {
if (var->isReference() || var->isRValueReference()) {
if (!var->declEndToken())
return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}};
if (var->isArgument()) {
errorPath.emplace_back(var->declEndToken(), "Passed to reference.");
return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}};
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(var->declEndToken(), "=")) {
errorPath.emplace_back(var->declEndToken(), "Assigned to reference.");
const Token *vartok = var->declEndToken()->astOperand2();
const bool temporary = isTemporary(true, vartok, nullptr, true);
const bool nonlocal = var->isStatic() || var->isGlobal();
if (vartok == tok || (nonlocal && temporary) ||
(!escape && (var->isConst() || var->isRValueReference()) && temporary))
return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}};
if (vartok)
return getLifetimeTokens(vartok, escape, std::move(errorPath), pred, depth - 1);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(var->nameToken()->astParent(), ":") &&
var->nameToken()->astParent()->astParent() &&
Token::simpleMatch(var->nameToken()->astParent()->astParent()->previous(), "for (")) {
errorPath.emplace_back(var->nameToken(), "Assigned to reference.");
const Token* vartok = var->nameToken();
if (vartok == tok)
return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}};
const Token* contok = var->nameToken()->astParent()->astOperand2();
if (astIsContainer(contok))
return getLifetimeTokens(contok, escape, std::move(errorPath), pred, depth - 1);
return std::vector<LifetimeToken>{};
} else {
return std::vector<LifetimeToken> {};
} else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name% (")) {
const Function *f = tok->previous()->function();
if (f) {
if (!Function::returnsReference(f))
return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}};
std::vector<LifetimeToken> result;
std::vector<const Token*> returns = Function::findReturns(f);
for (const Token* returnTok : returns) {
if (returnTok == tok)
for (LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(returnTok, escape, errorPath, pred, depth - returns.size())) {
const Token* argvarTok = lt.token;
const Variable* argvar = argvarTok->variable();
if (!argvar)
if (argvar->isArgument() && (argvar->isReference() || argvar->isRValueReference())) {
int n = getArgumentPos(argvar, f);
if (n < 0)
return std::vector<LifetimeToken> {};
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok->previous());
// TODO: Track lifetimes of default parameters
if (n >= args.size())
return std::vector<LifetimeToken> {};
const Token* argTok = args[n];
lt.errorPath.emplace_back(returnTok, "Return reference.");
lt.errorPath.emplace_back(tok->previous(), "Called function passing '" + argTok->expressionString() + "'.");
std::vector<LifetimeToken> arglts = LifetimeToken::setInconclusive(
getLifetimeTokens(argTok, escape, std::move(lt.errorPath), pred, depth - returns.size()),
returns.size() > 1);
result.insert(result.end(), arglts.begin(), arglts.end());
return result;
} else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), ". %name% (") && tok->tokAt(-2)->originalName() != "->" && astIsContainer(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1())) {
const Library::Container* library = getLibraryContainer(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1());
Library::Container::Yield y = library->getYield(tok->previous()->str());
if (y == Library::Container::Yield::AT_INDEX || y == Library::Container::Yield::ITEM) {
errorPath.emplace_back(tok->previous(), "Accessing container.");
return LifetimeToken::setAddressOf(
getLifetimeTokens(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1(), escape, std::move(errorPath), pred, depth - 1),
} else if (Token::Match(tok, ".|::|[") || tok->isUnaryOp("*")) {
const Token *vartok = tok;
if (tok->isUnaryOp("*"))
vartok = tok->astOperand1();
while (vartok) {
if (vartok->str() == "[" || vartok->originalName() == "->")
vartok = vartok->astOperand1();
else if (vartok->str() == "." || vartok->str() == "::")
vartok = vartok->astOperand2();
if (!vartok)
return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}};
const Variable *tokvar = vartok->variable();
const bool isContainer = astIsContainer(vartok) && !astIsPointer(vartok);
if (!isUniqueSmartPointer(vartok) && !isContainer &&
!(tokvar && tokvar->isArray() && !tokvar->isArgument()) &&
(Token::Match(vartok->astParent(), "[|*") || vartok->astParent()->originalName() == "->")) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : vartok->values()) {
if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue())
if (v.tokvalue == tok)
errorPath.insert(errorPath.end(), v.errorPath.begin(), v.errorPath.end());
return getLifetimeTokens(v.tokvalue, escape, std::move(errorPath), pred, depth - 1);
} else {
return LifetimeToken::setAddressOf(getLifetimeTokens(vartok, escape, std::move(errorPath), pred, depth - 1),
!(astIsContainer(vartok) && Token::simpleMatch(vartok->astParent(), "[")));
return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}};
std::vector<LifetimeToken> getLifetimeTokens(const Token* tok, bool escape, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath errorPath)
return getLifetimeTokens(tok, escape, std::move(errorPath), [](const Token*) {
return false;
bool hasLifetimeToken(const Token* tok, const Token* lifetime)
bool result = false;
getLifetimeTokens(tok, false, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath{}, [&](const Token* tok2) {
result = tok2->exprId() == lifetime->exprId();
return result;
return result;
static const Token* getLifetimeToken(const Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath& errorPath, bool* addressOf = nullptr)
std::vector<LifetimeToken> lts = getLifetimeTokens(tok);
if (lts.size() != 1)
return nullptr;
if (lts.front().inconclusive)
return nullptr;
if (addressOf)
*addressOf = lts.front().addressOf;
errorPath.insert(errorPath.end(), lts.front().errorPath.begin(), lts.front().errorPath.end());
return lts.front().token;
const Variable* getLifetimeVariable(const Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath& errorPath, bool* addressOf)
const Token* tok2 = getLifetimeToken(tok, errorPath, addressOf);
if (tok2 && tok2->variable())
return tok2->variable();
return nullptr;
const Variable* getLifetimeVariable(const Token* tok)
ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath errorPath;
return getLifetimeVariable(tok, errorPath, nullptr);
static bool isNotLifetimeValue(const ValueFlow::Value& val)
return !val.isLifetimeValue();
static bool isLifetimeOwned(const ValueType* vtParent)
if (vtParent->container)
return !vtParent->container->view;
return vtParent->type == ValueType::CONTAINER;
static bool isLifetimeOwned(const ValueType *vt, const ValueType *vtParent)
if (!vtParent)
return false;
if (!vt) {
if (isLifetimeOwned(vtParent))
return true;
return false;
// If converted from iterator to pointer then the iterator is most likely a pointer
if (vtParent->pointer == 1 && vt->pointer == 0 && vt->type == ValueType::ITERATOR)
return false;
if (vt->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE && vtParent->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE) {
if (vt->pointer != vtParent->pointer)
return true;
if (vt->type != vtParent->type) {
if (vtParent->type == ValueType::RECORD)
return true;
if (isLifetimeOwned(vtParent))
return true;
return false;
static bool isLifetimeBorrowed(const ValueType *vt, const ValueType *vtParent)
if (!vtParent)
return false;
if (!vt)
return false;
if (vt->pointer > 0 && vt->pointer == vtParent->pointer)
return true;
if (vtParent->container && vtParent->container->view)
return true;
if (vt->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE && vtParent->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE && vtParent->container == vt->container) {
if (vtParent->pointer > vt->pointer)
return true;
if (vtParent->pointer < vt->pointer && vtParent->isIntegral())
return true;
if (vtParent->str() == vt->str())
return true;
if (vtParent->pointer == vt->pointer && vtParent->type == vt->type && vtParent->isIntegral())
// sign conversion
return true;
return false;
static const Token* skipCVRefs(const Token* tok, const Token* endTok)
while (tok != endTok && Token::Match(tok, "const|volatile|auto|&|&&"))
tok = tok->next();
return tok;
static bool isNotEqual(std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> x, std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> y)
const Token* start1 = x.first;
const Token* start2 = y.first;
if (start1 == nullptr || start2 == nullptr)
return false;
while (start1 != x.second && start2 != y.second) {
const Token* tok1 = skipCVRefs(start1, x.second);
if (tok1 != start1) {
start1 = tok1;
const Token* tok2 = skipCVRefs(start2, y.second);
if (tok2 != start2) {
start2 = tok2;
if (start1->str() != start2->str())
return true;
start1 = start1->next();
start2 = start2->next();
start1 = skipCVRefs(start1, x.second);
start2 = skipCVRefs(start2, y.second);
return !(start1 == x.second && start2 == y.second);
static bool isNotEqual(std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> x, const std::string& y)
TokenList tokenList(nullptr);
std::istringstream istr(y);
return isNotEqual(x, std::make_pair(tokenList.front(), tokenList.back()));
static bool isNotEqual(std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> x, const ValueType* y)
if (y == nullptr)
return false;
if (y->originalTypeName.empty())
return false;
return isNotEqual(x, y->originalTypeName);
static bool isDifferentType(const Token* src, const Token* dst)
const Type* t = Token::typeOf(src);
const Type* parentT = Token::typeOf(dst);
if (t && parentT) {
if (t->classDef && parentT->classDef && t->classDef != parentT->classDef)
return true;
} else {
std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> decl = Token::typeDecl(src);
std::pair<const Token*, const Token*> parentdecl = Token::typeDecl(dst);
if (isNotEqual(decl, parentdecl))
return true;
if (isNotEqual(decl, dst->valueType()))
return true;
if (isNotEqual(parentdecl, src->valueType()))
return true;
return false;
static std::vector<ValueType> getParentValueTypes(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings = nullptr)
if (!tok)
return {};
if (!tok->astParent())
return {};
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "(|{|,")) {
int argn = -1;
const Token* ftok = getTokenArgumentFunction(tok, argn);
if (ftok && ftok->function()) {
std::vector<ValueType> result;
std::vector<const Variable*> argsVars = getArgumentVars(ftok, argn);
for (const Variable* var : getArgumentVars(ftok, argn)) {
if (!var)
if (!var->valueType())
return result;
if (settings && Token::Match(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-2), ". push_back|push_front|insert|push (") &&
astIsContainer(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1())) {
const Token* contTok = tok->astParent()->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1();
const ValueType* vtCont = contTok->valueType();
if (!vtCont->containerTypeToken)
return {};
ValueType vtParent = ValueType::parseDecl(vtCont->containerTypeToken, settings);
return {std::move(vtParent)};
if (tok->astParent()->valueType())
return {*tok->astParent()->valueType()};
return {};
bool isLifetimeBorrowed(const Token *tok, const Settings *settings)
if (!tok)
return true;
if (tok->str() == ",")
return true;
if (!tok->astParent())
return true;
if (!Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "%name% (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), ",")) {
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{")) {
const ValueType *vt = tok->valueType();
const ValueType *vtParent = tok->astParent()->valueType();
if (isLifetimeBorrowed(vt, vtParent))
return true;
if (isLifetimeOwned(vt, vtParent))
return false;
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "return|(|{|%assign%")) {
if (isDifferentType(tok, tok->astParent()))
return false;
} else if (Token::Match(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3), "%var% . push_back|push_front|insert|push (") &&
astIsContainer(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3))) {
const ValueType *vt = tok->valueType();
const ValueType *vtCont = tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3)->valueType();
if (!vtCont->containerTypeToken)
return true;
ValueType vtParent = ValueType::parseDecl(vtCont->containerTypeToken, settings);
if (isLifetimeBorrowed(vt, &vtParent))
return true;
if (isLifetimeOwned(vt, &vtParent))
return false;
return true;
static void valueFlowLifetimeFunction(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings);
static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token *tok,
TokenList *tokenlist,
ErrorLogger *errorLogger,
const Settings *settings);
static const Token* getEndOfVarScope(const Token* tok, const std::vector<const Variable*>& vars)
const Token* endOfVarScope = nullptr;
for (const Variable* var : vars) {
if (var && (var->isLocal() || var->isArgument()) && var->typeStartToken()->scope()->type != Scope::eNamespace)
endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd;
else if (!endOfVarScope)
endOfVarScope = tok->scope()->bodyEnd;
return endOfVarScope;
static void valueFlowForwardLifetime(Token * tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
// Forward lifetimes to constructed variable
if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%var% {")) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = tok->values();
getEndOfVarScope(tok, {tok->variable()}),
Token *parent = tok->astParent();
while (parent && parent->str() == ",")
parent = parent->astParent();
if (!parent)
// Assignment
if (parent->str() == "=" && (!parent->astParent() || Token::simpleMatch(parent->astParent(), ";"))) {
// Rhs values..
if (!parent->astOperand2() || parent->astOperand2()->values().empty())
if (!isLifetimeBorrowed(parent->astOperand2(), settings))
std::vector<const Variable*> vars = getLHSVariables(parent);
const Token* endOfVarScope = getEndOfVarScope(tok, vars);
// Only forward lifetime values
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = parent->astOperand2()->values();
// Skip RHS
const Token *nextExpression = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent);
if (Token::Match(parent->astOperand1(), ".|[|(") && parent->astOperand1()->exprId() > 0) {
const_cast<Token*>(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, parent->astOperand1(), values, tokenlist, settings);
for (ValueFlow::Value& val : values) {
if (val.lifetimeKind == ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address)
val.lifetimeKind = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject;
for (const Variable* var : vars) {
const_cast<Token*>(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, var->nameToken(), values, tokenlist, settings);
if (tok->astTop() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astTop()->previous(), "for (") &&
Token::simpleMatch(tok->astTop()->link(), ") {")) {
Token* start = tok->astTop()->link()->next();
valueFlowForward(start, start->link(), var->nameToken(), values, tokenlist, settings);
// Constructor
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "{") && !isScopeBracket(parent)) {
valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Function call
} else if (Token::Match(parent->previous(), "%name% (")) {
valueFlowLifetimeFunction(parent->previous(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Variable
} else if (tok->variable()) {
const Variable *var = tok->variable();
const Token *endOfVarScope = var->scope()->bodyEnd;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = tok->values();
const Token *nextExpression = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent);
// Only forward lifetime values
valueFlowForward(const_cast<Token*>(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, tok, values, tokenlist, settings);
// Cast
} else if (parent->isCast()) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = tok->values();
// Only forward lifetime values
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value:values)
setTokenValue(parent, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
struct LifetimeStore {
const Token *argtok;
std::string message;
ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind type;
ErrorPath errorPath;
bool inconclusive;
bool forward;
struct Context {
Token* tok;
TokenList* tokenlist;
ErrorLogger* errorLogger;
const Settings* settings;
: argtok(nullptr), message(), type(), errorPath(), inconclusive(false), forward(true), mContext(nullptr)
LifetimeStore(const Token* argtok,
const std::string& message,
ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind type = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object,
bool inconclusive = false)
: argtok(argtok),
template<class F>
static void forEach(const std::vector<const Token*>& argtoks,
const std::string& message,
ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind type,
F f) {
std::map<const Token*, Context> forwardToks;
for (const Token* arg : argtoks) {
LifetimeStore ls{arg, message, type};
Context c{};
ls.mContext = &c;
ls.forward = false;
if (c.tok)
forwardToks[c.tok] = c;
for (const auto& p : forwardToks) {
const Context& c = p.second;
valueFlowForwardLifetime(c.tok, c.tokenlist, c.errorLogger, c.settings);
static LifetimeStore fromFunctionArg(const Function * f, Token *tok, const Variable *var, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) {
if (!var)
return LifetimeStore{};
if (!var->isArgument())
return LifetimeStore{};
int n = getArgumentPos(var, f);
if (n < 0)
return LifetimeStore{};
std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
if (n >= args.size()) {
if (tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings)
"Argument mismatch: Function '" + tok->str() + "' returning lifetime from argument index " +
std::to_string(n) + " but only " + std::to_string(args.size()) +
" arguments are available.");
return LifetimeStore{};
const Token *argtok2 = args[n];
return LifetimeStore{argtok2, "Passed to '" + tok->expressionString() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object};
template<class Predicate>
bool byRef(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings, Predicate pred) const {
if (!argtok)
return false;
bool update = false;
for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(argtok)) {
if (!settings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive) && lt.inconclusive)
ErrorPath er = errorPath;
er.insert(er.end(), lt.errorPath.begin(), lt.errorPath.end());
if (!lt.token)
return false;
if (!pred(lt.token))
return false;
er.emplace_back(argtok, message);
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local;
value.tokvalue = lt.token;
value.errorPath = std::move(er);
value.lifetimeKind = type;
value.setInconclusive(lt.inconclusive || inconclusive);
// Don't add the value a second time
if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end())
return false;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
update = true;
if (update && forward)
forwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
return update;
bool byRef(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) const {
return byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token*) {
return true;
template<class Predicate>
bool byVal(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings, Predicate pred) const {
if (!argtok)
return false;
bool update = false;
if (argtok->values().empty()) {
ErrorPath er;
er.emplace_back(argtok, message);
const Variable *var = getLifetimeVariable(argtok, er);
if (var && var->isArgument()) {
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Argument;
value.tokvalue = var->nameToken();
value.errorPath = er;
value.lifetimeKind = type;
// Don't add the value a second time
if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end())
return false;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
update = true;
for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : argtok->values()) {
if (!v.isLifetimeValue())
const Token *tok3 = v.tokvalue;
for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(tok3)) {
if (!settings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive) && lt.inconclusive)
ErrorPath er = v.errorPath;
er.insert(er.end(), lt.errorPath.begin(), lt.errorPath.end());
if (!lt.token)
return false;
if (!pred(lt.token))
return false;
er.emplace_back(argtok, message);
er.insert(er.end(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end());
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
value.lifetimeScope = v.lifetimeScope;
value.path = v.path;
value.tokvalue = lt.token;
value.errorPath = std::move(er);
value.lifetimeKind = type;
value.setInconclusive(lt.inconclusive || v.isInconclusive() || inconclusive);
// Don't add the value a second time
if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end())
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
update = true;
if (update && forward)
forwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
return update;
bool byVal(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) const {
return byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token*) {
return true;
template<class Predicate>
void byDerefCopy(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings, Predicate pred) const {
if (!settings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive) && inconclusive)
if (!argtok)
for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : argtok->values()) {
if (!v.isLifetimeValue())
const Token *tok2 = v.tokvalue;
ErrorPath er = v.errorPath;
const Variable *var = getLifetimeVariable(tok2, er);
er.insert(er.end(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end());
if (!var)
for (const Token *tok3 = tok; tok3 && tok3 != var->declEndToken(); tok3 = tok3->previous()) {
if (tok3->varId() == var->declarationId()) {
LifetimeStore{tok3, message, type, inconclusive}.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, pred);
void byDerefCopy(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const {
byDerefCopy(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token *) {
return true;
Context* mContext;
void forwardLifetime(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) const {
if (mContext) {
mContext->tok = tok;
mContext->tokenlist = tokenlist;
mContext->errorLogger = errorLogger;
mContext->settings = settings;
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
static void valueFlowLifetimeFunction(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
if (!Token::Match(tok, "%name% ("))
int returnContainer = settings->library.returnValueContainer(tok);
if (returnContainer >= 0) {
std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
for (int argnr = 1; argnr <= args.size(); ++argnr) {
const Library::ArgumentChecks::IteratorInfo *i = settings->library.getArgIteratorInfo(tok, argnr);
if (!i)
if (i->container != returnContainer)
const Token * const argTok = args[argnr - 1];
bool forward = false;
for (ValueFlow::Value val : argTok->values()) {
if (!val.isLifetimeValue())
val.errorPath.emplace_back(argTok, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.");
setTokenValue(tok->next(), val, settings);
forward = true;
// Check if lifetime is available to avoid adding the lifetime twice
if (forward) {
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "std :: ref|cref|tie|front_inserter|back_inserter")) {
for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok)) {
LifetimeStore{argtok, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}.byRef(
tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "std :: make_tuple|tuple_cat|make_pair|make_reverse_iterator|next|prev|move|bind")) {
for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok)) {
LifetimeStore{argtok, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}.byVal(
tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "%var% . push_back|push_front|insert|push|assign") &&
astIsContainer(tok->tokAt(-2))) {
Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(-2);
std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
std::size_t n = args.size();
if (n > 1 && Token::typeStr(args[n - 2]) == Token::typeStr(args[n - 1]) &&
(((astIsIterator(args[n - 2]) && astIsIterator(args[n - 1])) ||
(astIsPointer(args[n - 2]) && astIsPointer(args[n - 1]))))) {
LifetimeStore{args.back(), "Added to container '" + vartok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}.byDerefCopy(
vartok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (!args.empty() && isLifetimeBorrowed(args.back(), settings)) {
LifetimeStore{args.back(), "Added to container '" + vartok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}.byVal(
vartok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (tok->function()) {
const Function *f = tok->function();
if (Function::returnsReference(f))
std::vector<const Token*> returns = Function::findReturns(f);
const bool inconclusive = returns.size() > 1;
bool update = false;
for (const Token* returnTok : returns) {
if (returnTok == tok)
const Variable *returnVar = getLifetimeVariable(returnTok);
if (returnVar && returnVar->isArgument() && (returnVar->isConst() || !isVariableChanged(returnVar, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()))) {
LifetimeStore ls = LifetimeStore::fromFunctionArg(f, tok, returnVar, tokenlist, errorLogger);
ls.inconclusive = inconclusive;
ls.forward = false;
update |= ls.byVal(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : returnTok->values()) {
if (!v.isLifetimeValue())
if (!v.tokvalue)
const Variable *var = v.tokvalue->variable();
LifetimeStore ls = LifetimeStore::fromFunctionArg(f, tok, var, tokenlist, errorLogger);
if (!ls.argtok)
ls.forward = false;
ls.inconclusive = inconclusive;
ls.errorPath = v.errorPath;
ls.errorPath.emplace_front(returnTok, "Return " + lifetimeType(returnTok, &v) + ".");
if (!v.isArgumentLifetimeValue() && (var->isReference() || var->isRValueReference())) {
update |= ls.byRef(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (v.isArgumentLifetimeValue()) {
update |= ls.byVal(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
if (update)
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (tok->valueType()) {
// TODO: Propagate lifetimes with library functions
if (settings->library.getFunction(tok->previous()))
// Assume constructing the valueType
valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token* tok,
const Type* t,
TokenList* tokenlist,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings)
if (!Token::Match(tok, "(|{"))
if (!t) {
if (tok->valueType() && tok->valueType()->type != ValueType::RECORD)
// If the type is unknown then assume it captures by value in the
// constructor, but make each lifetime inconclusive
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok);
args, "Passed to initializer list.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject, [&](LifetimeStore& ls) {
ls.inconclusive = true;
ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
const Scope* scope = t->classScope;
if (!scope)
// Only support aggregate constructors for now
if (scope->numConstructors == 0 && t->derivedFrom.empty() && (t->isClassType() || t->isStructType())) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok);
auto it = scope->varlist.begin();
"Passed to constructor of '" + t->name() + "'.",
[&](const LifetimeStore& ls) {
if (it == scope->varlist.end())
const Variable& var = *it;
if (var.isReference() || var.isRValueReference()) {
ls.byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else {
ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
static bool hasInitList(const Token* tok)
if (astIsPointer(tok))
return true;
if (astIsContainer(tok)) {
const Library::Container * library = getLibraryContainer(tok);
if (!library)
return false;
return library->hasInitializerListConstructor;
return false;
static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings)
if (!Token::Match(tok, "(|{"))
Token* parent = tok->astParent();
while (Token::simpleMatch(parent, ","))
parent = parent->astParent();
if (Token::Match(tok, "{|(") && astIsContainerView(tok) && !tok->function()) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok);
if (args.size() == 1 && astIsContainerOwned(args.front())) {
LifetimeStore{args.front(), "Passed to container view.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject}.byRef(
tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "{") && hasInitList(parent->astParent())) {
valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok, Token::typeOf(parent->previous()), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{") && hasInitList(parent)) {
std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
// Assume range constructor if passed a pair of iterators
if (astIsContainer(parent) && args.size() == 2 && astIsIterator(args[0]) && astIsIterator(args[1])) {
args, "Passed to initializer list.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject, [&](const LifetimeStore& ls) {
ls.byDerefCopy(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else {
"Passed to initializer list.",
[&](const LifetimeStore& ls) {
ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else {
valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok, Token::typeOf(tok->previous()), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
struct Lambda {
enum class Capture {
explicit Lambda(const Token * tok)
: capture(nullptr), arguments(nullptr), returnTok(nullptr), bodyTok(nullptr), explicitCaptures(), implicitCapture(Capture::Undefined) {
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "[") || !tok->link())
capture = tok;
if (Token::simpleMatch(capture->link(), "] (")) {
arguments = capture->link()->next();
const Token * afterArguments = arguments ? arguments->link()->next() : capture->link()->next();
if (afterArguments && afterArguments->originalName() == "->") {
returnTok = afterArguments->next();
bodyTok = Token::findsimplematch(returnTok, "{");
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(afterArguments, "{")) {
bodyTok = afterArguments;
for (const Token* c:getCaptures()) {
if (c->variable()) {
explicitCaptures[c->variable()] = std::make_pair(c, Capture::ByValue);
} else if (c->isUnaryOp("&") && Token::Match(c->astOperand1(), "%var%")) {
explicitCaptures[c->astOperand1()->variable()] = std::make_pair(c->astOperand1(), Capture::ByReference);
} else {
const std::string& s = c->expressionString();
if (s == "=")
implicitCapture = Capture::ByValue;
else if (s == "&")
implicitCapture = Capture::ByReference;
const Token * capture;
const Token * arguments;
const Token * returnTok;
const Token * bodyTok;
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::pair<const Token*, Capture>> explicitCaptures;
Capture implicitCapture;
std::vector<const Token*> getCaptures() {
return getArguments(capture);
bool isLambda() const {
return capture && bodyTok;
static bool isDecayedPointer(const Token *tok)
if (!tok)
return false;
if (!tok->astParent())
return false;
if (astIsPointer(tok->astParent()) && !Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return"))
return true;
if (tok->astParent()->isConstOp())
return true;
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return"))
return false;
return astIsPointer(tok->astParent());
static bool isConvertedToView(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings)
std::vector<ValueType> vtParents = getParentValueTypes(tok, settings);
return std::any_of(vtParents.begin(), vtParents.end(), [&](const ValueType& vt) {
if (!vt.container)
return false;
return vt.container->view;
static void valueFlowLifetime(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase*, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->scope())
if (tok->scope()->type == Scope::eGlobal)
Lambda lam(tok);
// Lamdas
if (lam.isLambda()) {
const Scope * bodyScope = lam.bodyTok->scope();
std::set<const Scope *> scopes;
// Avoid capturing a variable twice
std::set<nonneg int> varids;
auto isImplicitCapturingVariable = [&](const Token *varTok) {
const Variable *var = varTok->variable();
if (!var)
return false;
if (varids.count(var->declarationId()) > 0)
return false;
if (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument())
return false;
const Scope *scope = var->scope();
if (!scope)
return false;
if (scopes.count(scope) > 0)
return false;
if (scope->isNestedIn(bodyScope))
return false;
return true;
bool update = false;
auto captureVariable = [&](const Token* tok2, Lambda::Capture c, std::function<bool(const Token*)> pred) {
if (varids.count(tok->varId()) > 0)
ErrorPath errorPath;
if (c == Lambda::Capture::ByReference) {
LifetimeStore ls{
tok2, "Lambda captures variable by reference here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda};
ls.forward = false;
update |= ls.byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, pred);
} else if (c == Lambda::Capture::ByValue) {
LifetimeStore ls{
tok2, "Lambda captures variable by value here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda};
ls.forward = false;
update |= ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, pred);
// Handle explicit capture
for (const auto& p:lam.explicitCaptures) {
const Variable* var = p.first;
if (!var)
const Token* tok2 = p.second.first;
Lambda::Capture c = p.second.second;
captureVariable(tok2, c, [](const Token*) {
return true;
for (const Token * tok2 = lam.bodyTok; tok2 != lam.bodyTok->link(); tok2 = tok2->next()) {
if (!tok2->variable())
captureVariable(tok2, lam.implicitCapture, isImplicitCapturingVariable);
if (update)
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// address of
else if (tok->isUnaryOp("&")) {
for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(tok->astOperand1())) {
if (!settings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive) && lt.inconclusive)
ErrorPath errorPath = lt.errorPath;
errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Address of variable taken here.");
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local;
value.tokvalue = lt.token;
value.errorPath = std::move(errorPath);
if (lt.addressOf || astIsPointer(lt.token) || !Token::Match(lt.token->astParent(), ".|["))
value.lifetimeKind = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Converting to container view
else if (astIsContainerOwned(tok) && isConvertedToView(tok, settings)) {
LifetimeStore ls =
LifetimeStore{tok, "Converted to container view", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::SubObject};
ls.byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// container lifetimes
else if (astIsContainer(tok)) {
Token * parent = astParentSkipParens(tok);
if (!Token::Match(parent, ". %name% ("))
bool isContainerOfPointers = true;
const Token* containerTypeToken = tok->valueType()->containerTypeToken;
if (containerTypeToken) {
ValueType vt = ValueType::parseDecl(containerTypeToken, settings);
isContainerOfPointers = vt.pointer > 0;
ValueFlow::Value master;
master.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
master.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local;
if (astIsIterator(parent->tokAt(2))) {
master.errorPath.emplace_back(parent->tokAt(2), "Iterator to container is created here.");
master.lifetimeKind = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator;
} else if ((astIsPointer(parent->tokAt(2)) && !isContainerOfPointers) ||
Token::Match(parent->next(), "data|c_str")) {
master.errorPath.emplace_back(parent->tokAt(2), "Pointer to container is created here.");
master.lifetimeKind = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object;
} else {
std::vector<const Token*> toks = {};
if (tok->isUnaryOp("*") || parent->originalName() == "->") {
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : tok->values()) {
if (!v.isSymbolicValue())
if (v.isKnown())
if (v.intvalue != 0)
if (!v.tokvalue)
} else if (astIsContainerView(tok)) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : tok->values()) {
if (!v.isLifetimeValue())
if (!v.tokvalue)
if (!astIsContainerOwned(v.tokvalue))
} else {
toks = {tok};
for (const Token* tok2 : toks) {
for (const ReferenceToken& rt : followAllReferences(tok2, false)) {
ValueFlow::Value value = master;
value.tokvalue = rt.token;
value.errorPath.insert(value.errorPath.begin(), rt.errors.begin(), rt.errors.end());
setTokenValue(parent->tokAt(2), value, tokenlist->getSettings());
if (!rt.token->variable()) {
LifetimeStore ls = LifetimeStore{
rt.token, master.errorPath.back().second, ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object};
ls.byRef(parent->tokAt(2), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent->tokAt(2), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Check constructors
else if (Token::Match(tok, "=|return|%type%|%var% {")) {
valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Check function calls
else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) {
valueFlowLifetimeFunction(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Check variables
else if (tok->variable()) {
ErrorPath errorPath;
const Variable * var = getLifetimeVariable(tok, errorPath);
if (!var)
if (var->nameToken() == tok)
if (var->isArray() && !var->isStlType() && !var->isArgument() && isDecayedPointer(tok)) {
errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Array decayed to pointer here.");
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME;
value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local;
value.tokvalue = var->nameToken();
value.errorPath = errorPath;
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Forward any lifetimes
else if (std::any_of(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue))) {
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
static bool isStdMoveOrStdForwarded(Token * tok, ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind * moveKind, Token ** varTok = nullptr)
if (tok->str() != "std")
return false;
ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::NonMovedVariable;
Token * variableToken = nullptr;
if (Token::Match(tok, "std :: move ( %var% )")) {
variableToken = tok->tokAt(4);
kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::MovedVariable;
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "std :: forward <")) {
const Token * const leftAngle = tok->tokAt(3);
Token * rightAngle = leftAngle->link();
if (Token::Match(rightAngle, "> ( %var% )")) {
variableToken = rightAngle->tokAt(2);
kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::ForwardedVariable;
if (!variableToken)
return false;
if (variableToken->strAt(2) == ".") // Only partially moved
return false;
if (variableToken->valueType() && variableToken->valueType()->type >= ValueType::Type::VOID)
return false;
if (moveKind != nullptr)
*moveKind = kind;
if (varTok != nullptr)
*varTok = variableToken;
return true;
static bool isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId(const Token * openParenthesisToken, nonneg int varId)
const Token * varTok = openParenthesisToken->tokAt(-3);
return Token::Match(varTok, "%varid% . %name% (", varId) &&
varTok->next()->originalName() == emptyString;
static const Token * findOpenParentesisOfMove(const Token * moveVarTok)
const Token * tok = moveVarTok;
while (tok && tok->str() != "(")
tok = tok->previous();
return tok;
static const Token * findEndOfFunctionCallForParameter(const Token * parameterToken)
if (!parameterToken)
return nullptr;
const Token * parent = parameterToken->astParent();
while (parent && !parent->isOp() && parent->str() != "(")
parent = parent->astParent();
if (!parent)
return nullptr;
return nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent);
static void valueFlowAfterMove(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, const Settings* settings)
if (!tokenlist->isCPP() || settings->standards.cpp < Standards::CPP11)
for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
if (!scope)
const Token * start = scope->bodyStart;
if (scope->function) {
const Token * memberInitializationTok = scope->function->constructorMemberInitialization();
if (memberInitializationTok)
start = memberInitializationTok;
for (Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(start); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
Token * varTok;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% . reset|clear (") && tok->next()->originalName() == emptyString) {
varTok = tok;
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::MOVED;
value.moveKind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::NonMovedVariable;
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling " + tok->next()->expressionString() + " makes " + tok->str() + " 'non-moved'");
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
const Variable *var = varTok->variable();
if (!var || (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument()))
const Token * const endOfVarScope = var->scope()->bodyEnd;
setTokenValue(varTok, value, settings);
valueFlowForward(varTok->next(), endOfVarScope, varTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind moveKind;
if (!isStdMoveOrStdForwarded(tok, &moveKind, &varTok))
const nonneg int varId = varTok->varId();
// x is not MOVED after assignment if code is: x = ... std::move(x) .. ;
const Token *parent = tok->astParent();
while (parent && parent->str() != "=" && parent->str() != "return" &&
!(parent->str() == "(" && isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId(parent, varId)))
parent = parent->astParent();
if (parent &&
(parent->str() == "return" || // MOVED in return statement
parent->str() == "(")) // MOVED in self assignment, isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId == true
if (parent && parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand1()->varId() == varId)
const Variable *var = varTok->variable();
if (!var)
const Token * const endOfVarScope = var->scope()->bodyEnd;
ValueFlow::Value value;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::MOVED;
value.moveKind = moveKind;
if (moveKind == ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::MovedVariable)
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling std::move(" + varTok->str() + ")");
else // if (moveKind == ValueFlow::Value::ForwardedVariable)
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling std::forward(" + varTok->str() + ")");
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
const Token * openParentesisOfMove = findOpenParentesisOfMove(varTok);
const Token * endOfFunctionCall = findEndOfFunctionCallForParameter(openParentesisOfMove);
if (endOfFunctionCall)
const_cast<Token*>(endOfFunctionCall), endOfVarScope, varTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
static const Token* findIncompleteVar(const Token* start, const Token* end)
for (const Token* tok = start; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->isIncompleteVar())
return tok;
return nullptr;
static ValueFlow::Value makeConditionValue(long long val, const Token* condTok, bool assume)
ValueFlow::Value v(val);
v.condition = condTok;
if (assume)
v.errorPath.emplace_back(condTok, "Assuming condition '" + condTok->expressionString() + "' is true");
v.errorPath.emplace_back(condTok, "Assuming condition '" + condTok->expressionString() + "' is false");
return v;
static std::vector<const Token*> getConditions(const Token* tok, const char* op)
std::vector<const Token*> conds = {tok};
if (tok->str() == op) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = astFlatten(tok, op);
std::copy_if(args.begin(), args.end(), std::back_inserter(conds), [&](const Token* tok2) {
if (tok2->exprId() == 0)
return false;
if (tok2->hasKnownIntValue())
return false;
return true;
return conds;
static void valueFlowConditionExpressions(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
if (const Token* incompleteTok = findIncompleteVar(scope->bodyStart, scope->bodyEnd)) {
if (incompleteTok->isIncompleteVar()) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailoutIncompleteVar(tokenlist, errorLogger, incompleteTok, "Skipping function due to incomplete variable " + incompleteTok->str());
for (const Token* tok = scope->bodyStart; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "if ("))
Token * parenTok = tok->next();
if (!Token::simpleMatch(parenTok->link(), ") {"))
Token * blockTok = parenTok->link()->tokAt(1);
const Token* condTok = parenTok->astOperand2();
if (condTok->exprId() == 0)
if (condTok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (!isConstExpression(condTok, settings->library, true, tokenlist->isCPP()))
const bool is1 = (condTok->isComparisonOp() || condTok->tokType() == Token::eLogicalOp || astIsBool(condTok));
Token* startTok = blockTok;
// Inner condition
for (const Token* condTok2 : getConditions(condTok, "&&")) {
if (is1) {
ExpressionAnalyzer a1(condTok2, makeConditionValue(1, condTok2, true), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok, startTok->link(), a1, settings);
OppositeExpressionAnalyzer a2(true, condTok2, makeConditionValue(0, condTok2, true), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok, startTok->link(), a2, settings);
std::vector<const Token*> conds = getConditions(condTok, "||");
// Check else block
if (Token::simpleMatch(startTok->link(), "} else {")) {
startTok = startTok->link()->tokAt(2);
for (const Token* condTok2:conds) {
ExpressionAnalyzer a1(condTok2, makeConditionValue(0, condTok2, false), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok, startTok->link(), a1, settings);
if (is1) {
OppositeExpressionAnalyzer a2(true, condTok2, makeConditionValue(1, condTok2, false), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok, startTok->link(), a2, settings);
// Check if the block terminates early
if (isEscapeScope(blockTok, tokenlist)) {
for (const Token* condTok2:conds) {
ExpressionAnalyzer a1(condTok2, makeConditionValue(0, condTok2, false), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok->link()->next(), scope->bodyEnd, a1, settings);
if (is1) {
OppositeExpressionAnalyzer a2(true, condTok2, makeConditionValue(1, condTok2, false), tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericForward(startTok->link()->next(), scope->bodyEnd, a2, settings);
static bool isTruncated(const ValueType* src, const ValueType* dst, const Settings* settings)
if (src->pointer > 0 || dst->pointer > 0)
return src->pointer != dst->pointer;
if (src->smartPointer && dst->smartPointer)
return false;
if ((src->isIntegral() && dst->isIntegral()) || (src->isFloat() && dst->isFloat())) {
size_t srcSize = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*src, settings);
size_t dstSize = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*dst, settings);
if (srcSize > dstSize)
return true;
if (srcSize == dstSize && src->sign != dst->sign)
return true;
} else if (src->type == dst->type) {
if (src->type == ValueType::Type::RECORD)
return src->typeScope != dst->typeScope;
} else {
return true;
return false;
static void setSymbolic(ValueFlow::Value& value, const Token* tok)
assert(tok && tok->exprId() > 0 && "Missing expr id for symbolic value");
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::SYMBOLIC;
value.tokvalue = tok;
static ValueFlow::Value makeSymbolic(const Token* tok, MathLib::bigint delta = 0)
ValueFlow::Value value;
setSymbolic(value, tok);
value.intvalue = delta;
return value;
static void valueFlowSymbolic(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase)
for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "="))
if (tok->astParent())
if (!tok->astOperand1())
if (!tok->astOperand2())
if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (tok->astOperand1()->exprId() == 0)
if (tok->astOperand2()->exprId() == 0)
if (!isConstExpression(tok->astOperand2(), tokenlist->getSettings()->library, true, tokenlist->isCPP()))
if (tok->astOperand1()->valueType() && tok->astOperand2()->valueType()) {
if (isTruncated(
tok->astOperand2()->valueType(), tok->astOperand1()->valueType(), tokenlist->getSettings()))
} else if (isDifferentType(tok->astOperand2(), tok->astOperand1())) {
Token* start = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok);
const Token* end = scope->bodyEnd;
ValueFlow::Value rhs = makeSymbolic(tok->astOperand2());
tok->astOperand1()->expressionString() + " is assigned '" +
tok->astOperand2()->expressionString() + "' here.");
valueFlowForward(start, end, tok->astOperand1(), {rhs}, tokenlist, tokenlist->getSettings());
ValueFlow::Value lhs = makeSymbolic(tok->astOperand1());
tok->astOperand1()->expressionString() + " is assigned '" +
tok->astOperand2()->expressionString() + "' here.");
valueFlowForward(start, end, tok->astOperand2(), {lhs}, tokenlist, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowSymbolicAbs(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase)
for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok, "abs|labs|llabs|fabs|fabsf|fabsl ("))
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
const Token* arg = tok->next()->astOperand2();
if (!arg)
ValueFlow::Value c = inferCondition(">=", arg, 0);
if (!c.isKnown())
ValueFlow::Value v = makeSymbolic(arg);
v.errorPath = c.errorPath;
v.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Passed to " + tok->str());
if (c.intvalue == 0)
setTokenValue(tok->next(), v, tokenlist->getSettings());
template<class Predicate, class Compare>
static const ValueFlow::Value* getCompareValue(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
Predicate pred,
Compare compare)
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
if (!pred(value))
if (result)
result = &std::min(value, *result, [compare](const ValueFlow::Value& x, const ValueFlow::Value& y) {
return compare(x.intvalue, y.intvalue);
result = &value;
return result;
struct Interval {
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> minvalue = {};
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> maxvalue = {};
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> minRef = {};
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> maxRef = {};
void setMinValue(MathLib::bigint x, const ValueFlow::Value* ref = nullptr)
minvalue = {x};
if (ref)
minRef = {ref};
void setMaxValue(MathLib::bigint x, const ValueFlow::Value* ref = nullptr)
maxvalue = {x};
if (ref)
maxRef = {ref};
bool isLessThan(MathLib::bigint x, std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>* ref = nullptr) const
if (!this->maxvalue.empty() && this->maxvalue.front() < x) {
if (ref)
*ref = maxRef;
return true;
return false;
bool isGreaterThan(MathLib::bigint x, std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>* ref = nullptr) const
if (!this->minvalue.empty() && this->minvalue.front() > x) {
if (ref)
*ref = minRef;
return true;
return false;
bool isScalar() const {
return minvalue.size() == 1 && minvalue == maxvalue;
bool empty() const {
return minvalue.empty() && maxvalue.empty();
bool isScalarOrEmpty() const {
return empty() || isScalar();
MathLib::bigint getScalar() const
return minvalue.front();
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> getScalarRef() const
if (!minRef.empty())
return minRef;
if (!maxRef.empty())
return maxRef;
return {};
static Interval fromInt(MathLib::bigint x, const ValueFlow::Value* ref = nullptr)
Interval result;
result.setMinValue(x, ref);
result.setMaxValue(x, ref);
return result;
template<class Predicate>
static Interval fromValues(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, Predicate predicate)
Interval result;
const ValueFlow::Value* minValue = getCompareValue(values, predicate, std::less<MathLib::bigint>{});
if (minValue) {
if (minValue->isImpossible() && minValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper)
result.setMinValue(minValue->intvalue + 1, minValue);
if (minValue->isPossible() && minValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
result.setMinValue(minValue->intvalue, minValue);
if (minValue->isKnown())
return Interval::fromInt(minValue->intvalue, minValue);
const ValueFlow::Value* maxValue = getCompareValue(values, predicate, std::greater<MathLib::bigint>{});
if (maxValue) {
if (maxValue->isImpossible() && maxValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
result.setMaxValue(maxValue->intvalue - 1, maxValue);
if (maxValue->isPossible() && maxValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper)
result.setMaxValue(maxValue->intvalue, maxValue);
return result;
static Interval fromValues(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values)
return Interval::fromValues(values, [](const ValueFlow::Value&) {
return true;
template<class F>
static std::vector<MathLib::bigint> apply(const std::vector<MathLib::bigint>& x,
const std::vector<MathLib::bigint>& y,
F f)
if (x.empty())
return {};
if (y.empty())
return {};
return {f(x.front(), y.front())};
static std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> merge(std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> x,
const std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>& y)
x.insert(x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
return x;
friend Interval operator-(const Interval& lhs, const Interval& rhs)
Interval result;
result.minvalue = Interval::apply(lhs.minvalue, rhs.maxvalue, std::minus<MathLib::bigint>{});
result.maxvalue = Interval::apply(lhs.maxvalue, rhs.minvalue, std::minus<MathLib::bigint>{});
if (!result.minvalue.empty())
result.minRef = merge(lhs.minRef, rhs.maxRef);
if (!result.maxvalue.empty())
result.maxRef = merge(lhs.maxRef, rhs.minRef);
return result;
static std::vector<int> equal(const Interval& lhs,
const Interval& rhs,
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>* ref = nullptr)
if (!lhs.isScalar())
return {};
if (!rhs.isScalar())
return {};
if (ref)
*ref = merge(lhs.minRef, rhs.minRef);
return {lhs.minvalue == rhs.minvalue};
static std::vector<int> compare(const Interval& lhs,
const Interval& rhs,
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>* ref = nullptr)
Interval diff = lhs - rhs;
if (diff.isGreaterThan(0, ref))
return {1};
if (diff.isLessThan(0, ref))
return {-1};
std::vector<int> eq = Interval::equal(lhs, rhs, ref);
if (!eq.empty() && eq.front() != 0)
return {0};
return {};
static void addToErrorPath(ValueFlow::Value& value, const std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>& refs)
for (const ValueFlow::Value* ref : refs) {
value.errorPath.insert(value.errorPath.end(), ref->errorPath.begin(), ref->errorPath.end());
static void setValueKind(ValueFlow::Value& value, const std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*>& refs)
bool isPossible = false;
bool isInconclusive = false;
for (const ValueFlow::Value* ref : refs) {
if (ref->isPossible())
isPossible = true;
if (ref->isInconclusive())
isInconclusive = true;
if (isInconclusive)
else if (isPossible)
struct InferModel {
virtual bool match(const ValueFlow::Value& value) const = 0;
virtual ValueFlow::Value yield(MathLib::bigint value) const = 0;
virtual ~InferModel() {}
static bool inferNotEqual(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, MathLib::bigint x)
return std::any_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return value.isImpossible() && value.intvalue == x;
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> infer(const ValuePtr<InferModel>& model,
const std::string& op,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> lhsValues,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> rhsValues)
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> result;
auto notMatch = [&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return !model->match(value);
if (lhsValues.empty() || rhsValues.empty())
return result;
Interval lhs = Interval::fromValues(lhsValues);
Interval rhs = Interval::fromValues(rhsValues);
if (op == "-") {
Interval diff = lhs - rhs;
if (diff.isScalar()) {
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> refs = diff.getScalarRef();
ValueFlow::Value value(diff.getScalar());
addToErrorPath(value, refs);
setValueKind(value, refs);
} else {
if (!diff.minvalue.empty()) {
ValueFlow::Value value(diff.minvalue.front() - 1);
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
addToErrorPath(value, diff.minRef);
if (!diff.maxvalue.empty()) {
ValueFlow::Value value(diff.maxvalue.front() + 1);
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower;
addToErrorPath(value, diff.maxRef);
} else if ((op == "!=" || op == "==") && lhs.isScalarOrEmpty() && rhs.isScalarOrEmpty()) {
if (lhs.isScalar() && rhs.isScalar()) {
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> refs = Interval::merge(lhs.getScalarRef(), rhs.getScalarRef());
ValueFlow::Value value(calculate(op, lhs.getScalar(), rhs.getScalar()));
addToErrorPath(value, refs);
setValueKind(value, refs);
} else {
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> refs;
if (lhs.isScalar() && inferNotEqual(rhsValues, lhs.getScalar()))
refs = lhs.getScalarRef();
else if (rhs.isScalar() && inferNotEqual(lhsValues, rhs.getScalar()))
refs = rhs.getScalarRef();
if (!refs.empty()) {
ValueFlow::Value value(op == "!=");
addToErrorPath(value, refs);
setValueKind(value, refs);
} else {
std::vector<const ValueFlow::Value*> refs;
std::vector<int> r = Interval::compare(lhs, rhs, &refs);
if (!r.empty()) {
int x = r.front();
ValueFlow::Value value(calculate(op, x, 0));
addToErrorPath(value, refs);
setValueKind(value, refs);
return result;
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> infer(const ValuePtr<InferModel>& model,
const std::string& op,
MathLib::bigint lhs,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> rhsValues)
return infer(model, op, {model->yield(lhs)}, std::move(rhsValues));
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> infer(const ValuePtr<InferModel>& model,
const std::string& op,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> lhsValues,
MathLib::bigint rhs)
return infer(model, op, std::move(lhsValues), {model->yield(rhs)});
struct SymbolicInferModel : InferModel {
const Token* expr;
explicit SymbolicInferModel(const Token* tok) : expr(tok) {
assert(expr->exprId() != 0);
virtual bool match(const ValueFlow::Value& value) const OVERRIDE
return value.isSymbolicValue() && value.tokvalue && value.tokvalue->exprId() == expr->exprId();
virtual ValueFlow::Value yield(MathLib::bigint value) const OVERRIDE
ValueFlow::Value result(value);
result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::SYMBOLIC;
result.tokvalue = expr;
return result;
static void valueFlowSymbolicInfer(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase)
for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok, "-|%comp%"))
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (!tok->astOperand1())
if (!tok->astOperand2())
if (tok->astOperand1()->exprId() == 0)
if (tok->astOperand2()->exprId() == 0)
if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue())
if (astIsFloat(tok->astOperand1(), false))
if (astIsFloat(tok->astOperand2(), false))
SymbolicInferModel leftModel{tok->astOperand1()};
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> values = infer(leftModel, tok->str(), 0, tok->astOperand2()->values());
if (values.empty()) {
SymbolicInferModel rightModel{tok->astOperand2()};
values = infer(rightModel, tok->str(), tok->astOperand1()->values(), 0);
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowForwardAssign(Token* const tok,
const Token* expr,
std::vector<const Variable*> vars,
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values,
const bool init,
TokenList* const tokenlist,
ErrorLogger* const errorLogger,
const Settings* const settings)
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return"))
const Token* endOfVarScope = getEndOfVarScope(tok, vars);
if (std::any_of(values.begin(), values.end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue))) {
valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
if (std::all_of(
vars.begin(), vars.end(), [&](const Variable* var) {
return !var->isPointer() && !var->isSmartPointer();
if (tok->astParent()) {
for (ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
std::string valueKind;
if (value.valueKind == ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Impossible) {
if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point)
valueKind = "never ";
else if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
valueKind = "less than ";
else if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper)
valueKind = "greater than ";
const std::string info = "Assignment '" + tok->astParent()->expressionString() + "', assigned value is " + valueKind + value.infoString();
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info);
if (tokenlist->isCPP() && vars.size() == 1 && Token::Match(vars.front()->typeStartToken(), "bool|_Bool")) {
for (ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
if (value.isImpossible())
if (value.isIntValue())
value.intvalue = (value.intvalue != 0);
if (value.isTokValue())
value.intvalue = (value.tokvalue != nullptr);
// Static variable initialisation?
if (vars.size() == 1 && vars.front()->isStatic() && init)
// Skip RHS
const Token * nextExpression = tok->astParent() ? nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok->astParent()) : tok->next();
for (ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
if (value.isSymbolicValue())
if (value.isTokValue())
value.tokvalue = tok;
valueFlowForward(const_cast<Token*>(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, expr, values, tokenlist, settings);
static void valueFlowForwardAssign(Token* const tok,
const Variable* const var,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
const bool,
const bool init,
TokenList* const tokenlist,
ErrorLogger* const errorLogger,
const Settings* const settings)
valueFlowForwardAssign(tok, var->nameToken(), {var}, values, init, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
static std::list<ValueFlow::Value> truncateValues(std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values,
const ValueType* dst,
const ValueType* src,
const Settings* settings)
if (!dst || !dst->isIntegral())
return values;
const size_t sz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*dst, settings);
if (src) {
const size_t osz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*src, settings);
if (osz >= sz && dst->sign == ValueType::Sign::SIGNED && src->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED) {
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
if (!value.isIntValue())
return false;
if (!value.isImpossible())
return false;
if (value.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper)
return false;
if (osz == sz && value.intvalue < 0)
return true;
if (osz > sz)
return true;
return false;
for (ValueFlow::Value &value : values) {
// Don't truncate impossible values since those can be outside of the valid range
if (value.isImpossible())
if (value.isFloatValue()) {
value.intvalue = value.floatValue;
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
if (value.isIntValue() && sz > 0 && sz < 8) {
const MathLib::biguint unsignedMaxValue = (1ULL << (sz * 8)) - 1ULL;
const MathLib::biguint signBit = 1ULL << (sz * 8 - 1);
value.intvalue &= unsignedMaxValue;
if (dst->sign == ValueType::Sign::SIGNED && (value.intvalue & signBit))
value.intvalue |= ~unsignedMaxValue;
return values;
static bool isVariableInit(const Token *tok)
return tok->str() == "(" &&
tok->isBinaryOp() &&
tok->astOperand1()->variable() &&
tok->astOperand1()->variable()->nameToken() == tok->astOperand1() &&
tok->astOperand1()->variable()->valueType() &&
tok->astOperand1()->variable()->valueType()->type >= ValueType::Type::VOID &&
!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astOperand2(), ",");
static void valueFlowAfterAssign(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
std::set<nonneg int> aliased;
for (Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
// Alias
if (tok->isUnaryOp("&")) {
// Assignment
if ((tok->str() != "=" && !isVariableInit(tok)) || (tok->astParent()))
// Lhs should be a variable
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand1()->exprId())
const nonneg int exprid = tok->astOperand1()->exprId();
if (aliased.find(exprid) != aliased.end())
std::vector<const Variable*> vars = getLHSVariables(tok);
// Rhs values..
if (!tok->astOperand2() || tok->astOperand2()->values().empty())
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = truncateValues(
tok->astOperand2()->values(), tok->astOperand1()->valueType(), tok->astOperand2()->valueType(), settings);
// Remove known values
std::set<ValueFlow::Value::ValueType> types;
if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownValue()) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value:tok->astOperand1()->values()) {
if (value.isKnown() && !value.isSymbolicValue())
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return types.count(value.valueType) > 0;
// Remove container size if its not a container
if (!astIsContainer(tok->astOperand2()))
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return value.valueType == ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
// Remove symbolic values that are the same as the LHS
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
if (value.isSymbolicValue() && value.tokvalue)
return value.tokvalue->exprId() == tok->astOperand1()->exprId();
return false;
// If assignment copy by value, remove Uninit values..
if ((tok->astOperand1()->valueType() && tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->pointer == 0) ||
(tok->astOperand1()->variable() && tok->astOperand1()->variable()->isReference() && tok->astOperand1()->variable()->nameToken() == tok->astOperand1()))
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
return value.isUninitValue();
if (values.empty())
const bool init = vars.size() == 1 && vars.front()->nameToken() == tok->astOperand1();
tok->astOperand2(), tok->astOperand1(), vars, values, init, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
// Back propagate symbolic values
if (tok->astOperand1()->exprId() > 0) {
Token* start = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok);
const Token* end = scope->bodyEnd;
for (ValueFlow::Value value : values) {
if (!value.isSymbolicValue())
const Token* expr = value.tokvalue;
value.intvalue = -value.intvalue;
value.tokvalue = tok->astOperand1();
tok->astOperand1()->expressionString() + " is assigned '" +
tok->astOperand2()->expressionString() + "' here.");
valueFlowForward(start, end, expr, {value}, tokenlist, settings);
static void valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(const Token* tok, std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, bool then)
if (values.empty())
if (then && !Token::Match(tok, "==|!|("))
if (!then && !Token::Match(tok, "!=|%var%|("))
if (isConditionKnown(tok, then))
static bool isBreakScope(const Token* const endToken)
if (!Token::simpleMatch(endToken, "}"))
return false;
if (!Token::simpleMatch(endToken->link(), "{"))
return false;
return Token::findmatch(endToken->link(), "break|goto", endToken);
static ValueFlow::Value asImpossible(ValueFlow::Value v)
return v;
static void insertImpossible(std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& input)
std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(values), &asImpossible);
static void insertNegateKnown(std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& input)
for (ValueFlow::Value value:input) {
if (!value.isIntValue() && !value.isContainerSizeValue())
value.intvalue = !value.intvalue;
struct ConditionHandler {
struct Condition {
const Token *vartok;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> true_values;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> false_values;
bool inverted = false;
// Whether to insert impossible values for the condition or only use possible values
bool impossible = true;
Condition() : vartok(nullptr), true_values(), false_values(), inverted(false), impossible(true) {}
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* start,
const Token* stop,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const = 0;
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* top,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const = 0;
virtual void reverse(Token* start,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<Condition> parse(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings) const = 0;
void traverseCondition(TokenList* tokenlist,
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase,
const std::function<void(const Condition& cond, Token* tok, const Scope* scope)>& f) const
for (const Scope *scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (Token *tok = const_cast<Token *>(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (Token::Match(tok, "if|while|for ("))
const Token* top = tok->astTop();
if (!top)
if (!Token::Match(top->previous(), "if|while|for (") && !Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "&&|%oror%|?"))
for (const Condition& cond : parse(tok, tokenlist->getSettings())) {
if (!cond.vartok)
if (cond.vartok->exprId() == 0)
if (cond.vartok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (cond.true_values.empty() || cond.false_values.empty())
if (!isConstExpression(cond.vartok, tokenlist->getSettings()->library, true, tokenlist->isCPP()))
f(cond, tok, scope);
void beforeCondition(TokenList* tokenlist,
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings) const {
traverseCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, [&](const Condition& cond, Token* tok, const Scope*) {
if (cond.vartok->exprId() == 0)
// If condition is known then don't propagate value
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
const Token* top = tok->astTop();
if (Token::Match(top, "%assign%"))
if (Token::Match(cond.vartok->astParent(), "%assign%|++|--"))
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "?") && tok->astParent()->isExpandedMacro()) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"variable '" + cond.vartok->expressionString() + "', condition is defined in macro");
// if,macro => bailout
if (Token::simpleMatch(top->previous(), "if (") && top->previous()->isExpandedMacro()) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"variable '" + cond.vartok->expressionString() + "', condition is defined in macro");
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = cond.true_values;
if (cond.true_values != cond.false_values)
values.insert(values.end(), cond.false_values.begin(), cond.false_values.end());
// extra logic for unsigned variables 'i>=1' => possible value can also be 0
if (Token::Match(tok, "<|>")) {
values.remove_if([](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
if (v.isIntValue())
return v.intvalue != 0;
return false;
if (cond.vartok->valueType() && cond.vartok->valueType()->sign != ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED)
if (values.empty())
// bailout: for/while-condition, variable is changed in while loop
if (Token::Match(top->previous(), "for|while (") && Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {")) {
// Variable changed in 3rd for-expression
if (Token::simpleMatch(top->previous(), "for (")) {
if (top->astOperand2() && top->astOperand2()->astOperand2() &&
cond.vartok, top->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), top->link(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"variable '" + cond.vartok->expressionString() + "' used in loop");
// Variable changed in loop code
const Token* const start = top;
const Token* const block = top->link()->next();
const Token* const end = block->link();
if (isExpressionChanged(cond.vartok, start, end, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) {
// If its reassigned in loop then analyze from the end
if (!Token::Match(tok, "%assign%|++|--") &&
findExpression(cond.vartok->exprId(), start, end, [&](const Token* tok2) {
return Token::Match(tok2->astParent(), "%assign%") && astIsLHS(tok2);
})) {
// Start at the end of the loop body
Token* bodyTok = top->link()->next();
reverse(bodyTok->link(), bodyTok, cond.vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"variable '" + cond.vartok->expressionString() + "' used in loop");
Token* startTok = nullptr;
if (astIsRHS(tok))
startTok = tok->astParent();
else if (astIsLHS(tok))
startTok = previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(tok->astParent());
if (!startTok)
startTok = tok->previous();
reverse(startTok, nullptr, cond.vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
void afterCondition(TokenList* tokenlist,
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings) const {
traverseCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, [&](const Condition& cond, Token* tok, const Scope* scope) {
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "?"))
const Token* top = tok->astTop();
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> thenValues;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> elseValues;
if (!Token::Match(tok, "!=|=|(|.") && tok != cond.vartok) {
thenValues.insert(thenValues.end(), cond.true_values.begin(), cond.true_values.end());
if (cond.impossible && isConditionKnown(tok, false))
insertImpossible(elseValues, cond.false_values);
if (!Token::Match(tok, "==|!")) {
elseValues.insert(elseValues.end(), cond.false_values.begin(), cond.false_values.end());
if (cond.impossible && isConditionKnown(tok, true)) {
insertImpossible(thenValues, cond.true_values);
if (tok == cond.vartok && astIsBool(tok))
insertNegateKnown(thenValues, cond.true_values);
if (cond.inverted)
std::swap(thenValues, elseValues);
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%oror%|&&")) {
Token* parent = tok->astParent();
if (astIsRHS(tok) && astIsLHS(parent) && parent->astParent() &&
parent->str() == parent->astParent()->str())
parent = parent->astParent();
else if (!astIsLHS(tok)) {
parent = nullptr;
if (parent) {
std::vector<Token*> nextExprs = {parent->astOperand2()};
if (astIsLHS(parent) && parent->astParent() && parent->astParent()->str() == parent->str()) {
const std::string& op(parent->str());
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
if (op == "&&")
values = thenValues;
else if (op == "||")
values = elseValues;
if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=") || (tok == cond.vartok && astIsBool(tok)))
if (astIsFloat(cond.vartok, false) ||
(!cond.vartok->valueType() &&
std::all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
return v.isIntValue() || v.isFloatValue();
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
return v.isImpossible();
for (Token* start:nextExprs) {
Analyzer::Result r = forward(start, cond.vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
if (r.terminate != Analyzer::Terminate::None)
const Token* tok2 = tok;
std::string op;
bool mixedOperators = false;
while (tok2->astParent()) {
const Token* parent = tok2->astParent();
if (Token::Match(parent, "%oror%|&&")) {
if (op.empty()) {
op = parent->str();
} else if (op != parent->str()) {
mixedOperators = true;
if (parent->str() == "!") {
op = (op == "&&" ? "||" : "&&");
tok2 = parent;
if (mixedOperators) {
if (top && Token::Match(top->previous(), "if|while (") && !top->previous()->isExpandedMacro()) {
// if astParent is "!" we need to invert codeblock
const Token* tok2 = tok;
while (tok2->astParent()) {
const Token* parent = tok2->astParent();
while (parent && parent->str() == "&&")
parent = parent->astParent();
if (parent && (parent->str() == "!" || Token::simpleMatch(parent, "== false")))
std::swap(thenValues, elseValues);
tok2 = parent;
bool deadBranch[] = {false, false};
// start token of conditional code
Token* startTokens[] = {nullptr, nullptr};
// determine startToken(s)
if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {"))
startTokens[0] = top->link()->next();
if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link()->linkAt(1), "} else {"))
startTokens[1] = top->link()->linkAt(1)->tokAt(2);
int changeBlock = -1;
int bailBlock = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const Token* const startToken = startTokens[i];
if (!startToken)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values = (i == 0 ? thenValues : elseValues);
valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, i == 0);
Analyzer::Result r =
forward(startTokens[i], startTokens[i]->link(), cond.vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
deadBranch[i] = r.terminate == Analyzer::Terminate::Escape;
if (r.action.isModified() && !deadBranch[i])
changeBlock = i;
if (r.terminate != Analyzer::Terminate::None && r.terminate != Analyzer::Terminate::Escape &&
r.terminate != Analyzer::Terminate::Modified)
bailBlock = i;
if (changeBlock >= 0 && !Token::simpleMatch(top->previous(), "while (")) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"valueFlowAfterCondition: " + cond.vartok->expressionString() +
" is changed in conditional block");
} else if (bailBlock >= 0) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
"valueFlowAfterCondition: bailing in conditional block");
// After conditional code..
if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {")) {
Token* after = top->link()->linkAt(1);
bool dead_if = deadBranch[0];
bool dead_else = deadBranch[1];
const Token* unknownFunction = nullptr;
if (tok->astParent() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent()->previous(), "while ("))
dead_if = !isBreakScope(after);
else if (!dead_if)
dead_if = isReturnScope(after, &settings->library, &unknownFunction);
if (!dead_if && unknownFunction) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, unknownFunction, "possible noreturn scope");
if (Token::simpleMatch(after, "} else {")) {
after = after->linkAt(2);
unknownFunction = nullptr;
if (!dead_else)
dead_else = isReturnScope(after, &settings->library, &unknownFunction);
if (!dead_else && unknownFunction) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, unknownFunction, "possible noreturn scope");
if (dead_if && dead_else)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
if (dead_if) {
values = elseValues;
} else if (dead_else) {
values = thenValues;
} else {
if (values.empty())
if (dead_if || dead_else) {
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
// Skip the not operator
while (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "!"))
parent = parent->astParent();
bool possible = false;
if (Token::Match(parent, "&&|%oror%")) {
std::string op = parent->str();
while (parent && parent->str() == op)
parent = parent->astParent();
if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "!") || Token::simpleMatch(parent, "== false"))
possible = op == "||";
possible = op == "&&";
if (possible) {
} else {
valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, true);
valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, false);
if (values.empty())
forward(after, scope->bodyEnd, cond.vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
virtual ~ConditionHandler() {}
static void valueFlowCondition(const ValuePtr<ConditionHandler>& handler,
TokenList* tokenlist,
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings)
handler->beforeCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
handler->afterCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
struct SimpleConditionHandler : ConditionHandler {
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* start,
const Token* stop,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const OVERRIDE {
return valueFlowForward(start->next(), stop, exprTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* top,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const OVERRIDE {
return valueFlowForward(top, exprTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
virtual void reverse(Token* start,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const OVERRIDE {
return valueFlowReverse(start, endToken, exprTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
virtual std::vector<Condition> parse(const Token* tok, const Settings*) const OVERRIDE {
Condition cond;
ValueFlow::Value true_value;
ValueFlow::Value false_value;
const Token *vartok = parseCompareInt(tok, true_value, false_value);
if (vartok) {
if (vartok->hasKnownIntValue())
return {};
if (vartok->str() == "=" && vartok->astOperand1() && vartok->astOperand2())
vartok = vartok->astOperand1();
cond.vartok = vartok;
return {cond};
if (tok->str() == "!") {
vartok = tok->astOperand1();
} else if (tok->astParent() && (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%oror%|&&|?") ||
Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while ("))) {
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "="))
vartok = tok->astOperand1();
else if (!Token::Match(tok, "%comp%|%assign%"))
vartok = tok;
if (!vartok)
return {};
cond.true_values.emplace_back(tok, 0LL);
cond.false_values.emplace_back(tok, 0LL);
cond.vartok = vartok;
return {cond};
static bool isInBounds(const ValueFlow::Value& value, MathLib::bigint x)
if (value.intvalue == x)
return true;
if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower && value.intvalue > x)
return false;
if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper && value.intvalue < x)
return false;
// Checking for equality is not necessary since we already know the value is not equal
if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point)
return false;
return true;
static const ValueFlow::Value* getCompareIntValue(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, std::function<bool(MathLib::bigint, MathLib::bigint)> compare)
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
if (!value.isIntValue())
if (result)
result = &std::min(value, *result, [compare](const ValueFlow::Value& x, const ValueFlow::Value& y) {
return compare(x.intvalue, y.intvalue);
result = &value;
return result;
static const ValueFlow::Value* proveLessThan(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, MathLib::bigint x)
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
const ValueFlow::Value* maxValue = getCompareIntValue(values, std::greater<MathLib::bigint> {});
if (maxValue && maxValue->isImpossible() && maxValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower) {
if (maxValue->intvalue <= x)
result = maxValue;
return result;
static const ValueFlow::Value* proveGreaterThan(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, MathLib::bigint x)
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
const ValueFlow::Value* minValue = getCompareIntValue(values, std::less<MathLib::bigint> {});
if (minValue && minValue->isImpossible() && minValue->bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper) {
if (minValue->intvalue >= x)
result = minValue;
return result;
static const ValueFlow::Value* proveNotEqual(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values, MathLib::bigint x)
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
if (value.valueType != ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT)
if (result && !isInBounds(value, result->intvalue))
if (value.isImpossible()) {
if (value.intvalue == x)
return &value;
if (!isInBounds(value, x))
result = &value;
} else {
if (value.intvalue == x)
return nullptr;
if (!isInBounds(value, x))
result = nullptr;
return result;
ValueFlow::Value inferCondition(const std::string& op, const Token* varTok, MathLib::bigint val)
if (!varTok)
return ValueFlow::Value{};
if (varTok->hasKnownIntValue())
return ValueFlow::Value{};
if (std::none_of(varTok->values().begin(), varTok->values().end(), [](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
return v.isImpossible() && v.valueType == ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT;
})) {
return ValueFlow::Value{};
const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr;
bool known = false;
if (op == "==" || op == "!=") {
result = proveNotEqual(varTok->values(), val);
known = op == "!=";
} else if (op == "<" || op == ">=") {
result = proveLessThan(varTok->values(), val);
known = op == "<";
if (!result && !isSaturated(val)) {
result = proveGreaterThan(varTok->values(), val - 1);
known = op == ">=";
} else if (op == ">" || op == "<=") {
result = proveGreaterThan(varTok->values(), val);
known = op == ">";
if (!result && !isSaturated(val)) {
result = proveLessThan(varTok->values(), val + 1);
known = op == "<=";
if (!result)
return ValueFlow::Value{};
ValueFlow::Value value = *result;
value.intvalue = known;
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point;
return value;
ValueFlow::Value inferCondition(std::string op, MathLib::bigint val, const Token* varTok)
// Flip the operator
if (op == ">")
op = "<";
else if (op == "<")
op = ">";
else if (op == ">=")
op = "<=";
else if (op == "<=")
op = ">=";
return inferCondition(op, varTok, val);
static void valueFlowInferCondition(TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
for (Token* tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->astParent())
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
if (tok->variable() && (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "?|&&|!|%oror%") ||
Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while ("))) {
const ValueFlow::Value* result = proveNotEqual(tok->values(), 0);
if (!result)
ValueFlow::Value value = *result;
value.intvalue = 1;
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point;
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
} else if (tok->isComparisonOp()) {
ValueFlow::Value value{};
std::string op = tok->str();
if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
MathLib::bigint val = tok->astOperand1()->values().front().intvalue;
const Token* varTok = tok->astOperand2();
value = inferCondition(tok->str(), val, varTok);
} else if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
MathLib::bigint val = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue;
const Token* varTok = tok->astOperand1();
value = inferCondition(tok->str(), varTok, val);
if (!value.isKnown())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
struct SymbolicConditionHandler : SimpleConditionHandler {
virtual std::vector<Condition> parse(const Token* tok, const Settings*) const OVERRIDE
if (!Token::Match(tok, "%comp%"))
return {};
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
return {};
if (!tok->astOperand1() || tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue() || tok->astOperand1()->isLiteral())
return {};
if (!tok->astOperand2() || tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue() || tok->astOperand2()->isLiteral())
return {};
std::vector<Condition> result;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const bool lhs = i == 0;
const Token* vartok = lhs ? tok->astOperand1() : tok->astOperand2();
const Token* valuetok = lhs ? tok->astOperand2() : tok->astOperand1();
if (valuetok->exprId() == 0)
if (valuetok->hasKnownSymbolicValue(vartok))
if (vartok->hasKnownSymbolicValue(valuetok))
ValueFlow::Value true_value;
ValueFlow::Value false_value;
setConditionalValues(tok, !lhs, 0, true_value, false_value);
setSymbolic(true_value, valuetok);
setSymbolic(false_value, valuetok);
Condition cond;
cond.true_values = {true_value};
cond.false_values = {false_value};
cond.vartok = vartok;
return result;
static bool valueFlowForLoop2(const Token *tok,
ProgramMemory *memory1,
ProgramMemory *memory2,
ProgramMemory *memoryAfter)
// for ( firstExpression ; secondExpression ; thirdExpression )
const Token *firstExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand1();
const Token *secondExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand1();
const Token *thirdExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand2();
ProgramMemory programMemory;
MathLib::bigint result(0);
bool error = false;
execute(firstExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error);
if (error)
return false;
execute(secondExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error);
if (result == 0) // 2nd expression is false => no looping
return false;
if (error) {
// If a variable is reassigned in second expression, return false
bool reassign = false;
[&](const Token *t) {
if (t->str() == "=" && t->astOperand1() && programMemory.hasValue(t->astOperand1()->varId()))
// TODO: investigate what variable is assigned.
reassign = true;
return reassign ? ChildrenToVisit::done : ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
if (reassign)
return false;
ProgramMemory startMemory(programMemory);
ProgramMemory endMemory;
int maxcount = 10000;
while (result != 0 && !error && --maxcount > 0) {
endMemory = programMemory;
execute(thirdExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error);
if (!error)
execute(secondExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error);
if (memory1)
if (!error) {
if (memory2)
if (memoryAfter)
return true;
static void valueFlowForLoopSimplify(Token * const bodyStart, const nonneg int varid, bool globalvar, const MathLib::bigint value, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
const Token * const bodyEnd = bodyStart->link();
// Is variable modified inside for loop
if (isVariableChanged(bodyStart, bodyEnd, varid, globalvar, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()))
for (Token *tok2 = bodyStart->next(); tok2 != bodyEnd; tok2 = tok2->next()) {
if (tok2->varId() == varid) {
const Token * parent = tok2->astParent();
while (parent) {
const Token * const p = parent;
parent = parent->astParent();
if (!parent || parent->str() == ":")
if (parent->str() == "?") {
if (parent->astOperand2() != p)
parent = nullptr;
if (parent) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable " + tok2->str() + " stopping on ?");
ValueFlow::Value value1(value);
value1.varId = tok2->varId();
setTokenValue(tok2, value1, settings);
if (Token::Match(tok2, "%oror%|&&")) {
const ProgramMemory programMemory(getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value), settings));
if ((tok2->str() == "&&" && !conditionIsTrue(tok2->astOperand1(), programMemory)) ||
(tok2->str() == "||" && !conditionIsFalse(tok2->astOperand1(), programMemory))) {
// Skip second expression..
const Token *parent = tok2;
while (parent && parent->str() == tok2->str())
parent = parent->astParent();
// Jump to end of condition
if (parent && parent->str() == "(") {
tok2 = parent->link();
// cast
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") ("))
tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1);
if ((tok2->str() == "&&" && conditionIsFalse(tok2->astOperand1(), getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value), settings))) ||
(tok2->str() == "||" && conditionIsTrue(tok2->astOperand1(), getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value), settings))))
else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") {") && Token::findmatch(tok2->link(), "%varid%", tok2, varid)) {
if (Token::findmatch(tok2, "continue|break|return", tok2->linkAt(1), varid)) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable bailout on conditional continue|break|return");
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable skipping conditional scope");
tok2 = tok2->next()->link();
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else {")) {
if (Token::findmatch(tok2, "continue|break|return", tok2->linkAt(2), varid)) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable bailout on conditional continue|break|return");
tok2 = tok2->linkAt(2);
else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") {")) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop skipping {} code");
tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else {"))
tok2 = tok2->linkAt(2);
static void valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(Token* fortok,
nonneg int varid,
const MathLib::bigint num,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
const Token *vartok = nullptr;
for (const Token *tok = fortok; tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->varId() == varid) {
vartok = tok;
if (!vartok || !vartok->variable())
const Variable *var = vartok->variable();
const Token *endToken = nullptr;
if (var->isLocal())
endToken = var->scope()->bodyEnd;
endToken = fortok->scope()->bodyEnd;
Token* blockTok = fortok->linkAt(1)->linkAt(1);
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(fortok,"After for loop, " + var->name() + " has value " + values.back().infoString());
if (blockTok != endToken) {
valueFlowForward(blockTok->next(), endToken, vartok, values, tokenlist, settings);
static void valueFlowForLoop(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) {
if (scope.type != Scope::eFor)
Token* tok = const_cast<Token*>(scope.classDef);
Token* const bodyStart = const_cast<Token*>(scope.bodyStart);
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->astOperand2(), ";") ||
!Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), ";"))
nonneg int varid;
bool knownInitValue, partialCond;
MathLib::bigint initValue, stepValue, lastValue;
if (extractForLoopValues(tok, &varid, &knownInitValue, &initValue, &partialCond, &stepValue, &lastValue)) {
const bool executeBody = !knownInitValue || initValue <= lastValue;
const Token* vartok = Token::findmatch(tok, "%varid%", bodyStart, varid);
if (executeBody && vartok) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> initValues;
initValues.emplace_back(initValue, ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower);
Analyzer::Result result =
valueFlowForward(bodyStart, bodyStart->link(), vartok, initValues, tokenlist, settings);
if (!result.action.isModified()) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> lastValues;
lastValues.emplace_back(lastValue, ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper);
lastValues.back().conditional = true;
if (stepValue != 1)
valueFlowForward(bodyStart, bodyStart->link(), vartok, lastValues, tokenlist, settings);
const MathLib::bigint afterValue = executeBody ? lastValue + stepValue : initValue;
valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(tok, varid, afterValue, tokenlist, settings);
} else {
ProgramMemory mem1, mem2, memAfter;
if (valueFlowForLoop2(tok, &mem1, &mem2, &memAfter)) {
ProgramMemory::Map::const_iterator it;
for (it = mem1.values.begin(); it != mem1.values.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.isIntValue())
valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, it->first, false, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
for (it = mem2.values.begin(); it != mem2.values.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.isIntValue())
valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, it->first, false, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
for (it = memAfter.values.begin(); it != memAfter.values.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.isIntValue())
valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(tok, it->first, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, settings);
struct MultiValueFlowAnalyzer : ValueFlowAnalyzer {
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, ValueFlow::Value> values;
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*> vars;
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase;
MultiValueFlowAnalyzer() : ValueFlowAnalyzer(), values(), vars(), symboldatabase(nullptr) {}
MultiValueFlowAnalyzer(const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, ValueFlow::Value>& args, const TokenList* t, SymbolDatabase* s)
: ValueFlowAnalyzer(t), values(), vars(), symboldatabase(s) {
for (const auto& p:args) {
values[p.first->declarationId()] = p.second;
vars[p.first->declarationId()] = p.first;
virtual const std::unordered_map<nonneg int, const Variable*>& getVars() const {
return vars;
virtual const ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
if (tok->varId() == 0)
return nullptr;
auto it = values.find(tok->varId());
if (it == values.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
virtual ValueFlow::Value* getValue(const Token* tok) OVERRIDE {
if (tok->varId() == 0)
return nullptr;
auto it = values.find(tok->varId());
if (it == values.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
virtual void makeConditional() OVERRIDE {
for (auto&& p:values) {
p.second.conditional = true;
virtual void addErrorPath(const Token* tok, const std::string& s) OVERRIDE {
for (auto&& p:values) {
p.second.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Assuming condition is " + s);
virtual bool isAlias(const Token* tok, bool& inconclusive) const OVERRIDE {
const auto range = SelectValueFromVarIdMapRange(&values);
for (const auto& p:getVars()) {
nonneg int varid = p.first;
const Variable* var = p.second;
if (tok->varId() == varid)
return true;
if (isAliasOf(var, tok, varid, range, &inconclusive))
return true;
return false;
virtual bool isGlobal() const OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual bool lowerToPossible() OVERRIDE {
for (auto&& p:values) {
if (p.second.isImpossible())
return false;
return true;
virtual bool lowerToInconclusive() OVERRIDE {
for (auto&& p:values) {
if (p.second.isImpossible())
return false;
return true;
virtual bool isConditional() const OVERRIDE {
for (auto&& p:values) {
if (p.second.conditional)
return true;
if (p.second.condition)
return !p.second.isImpossible();
return false;
virtual bool stopOnCondition(const Token*) const OVERRIDE {
return isConditional();
virtual bool updateScope(const Token* endBlock, bool) const OVERRIDE {
const Scope* scope = endBlock->scope();
if (!scope)
return false;
if (scope->type == Scope::eLambda) {
for (const auto& p:values) {
if (!p.second.isLifetimeValue())
return false;
return true;
} else if (scope->type == Scope::eIf || scope->type == Scope::eElse || scope->type == Scope::eWhile ||
scope->type == Scope::eFor) {
auto pred = [](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
if (value.isKnown())
return true;
if (value.isImpossible())
return true;
if (value.isLifetimeValue())
return true;
return false;
if (std::all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), std::bind(pred, std::bind(SelectMapValues{}, std::placeholders::_1))))
return true;
if (isConditional())
return false;
const Token* condTok = getCondTokFromEnd(endBlock);
std::set<nonneg int> varids;
std::transform(getVars().begin(), getVars().end(), std::inserter(varids, varids.begin()), SelectMapKeys{});
return bifurcate(condTok, varids, getSettings());
return false;
virtual bool match(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
return values.count(tok->varId()) > 0;
virtual ProgramState getProgramState() const OVERRIDE {
ProgramState ps;
for (const auto& p:values)
ps[p.first] = p.second;
return ps;
virtual void forkScope(const Token* endBlock) OVERRIDE {
ProgramMemory pm = {getProgramState()};
const Scope* scope = endBlock->scope();
const Token* condTok = getCondTokFromEnd(endBlock);
if (scope && condTok)
programMemoryParseCondition(pm, condTok, nullptr, getSettings(), scope->type != Scope::eElse);
if (condTok && Token::simpleMatch(condTok->astParent(), ";")) {
ProgramMemory endMemory;
if (valueFlowForLoop2(condTok->astTop()->previous(), nullptr, &endMemory, nullptr))
// ProgramMemory pm = pms.get(endBlock->link()->next(), getProgramState());
for (const auto& p:pm.values) {
nonneg int varid = p.first;
if (!symboldatabase->isVarId(varid))
ValueFlow::Value value = p.second;
if (vars.count(varid) != 0)
if (value.isImpossible())
values[varid] = value;
if (symboldatabase)
vars[varid] = symboldatabase->getVariableFromVarId(varid);
template<class Key, class F>
bool productParams(const std::unordered_map<Key, std::list<ValueFlow::Value>>& vars, F f)
using Args = std::vector<std::unordered_map<Key, ValueFlow::Value>>;
Args args(1);
// Compute cartesian product of all arguments
for (const auto& p:vars) {
if (p.second.empty())
args.back()[p.first] = p.second.front();
for (const auto& p:vars) {
if (args.size() > 256)
return false;
if (p.second.empty())
std::for_each(std::next(p.second.begin()), p.second.end(), [&](const ValueFlow::Value& value) {
Args new_args;
for (auto arg:args) {
if (value.path != 0) {
for (const auto& q:arg) {
if (q.second.path == 0)
if (q.second.path != value.path)
arg[p.first] = value;
std::copy(new_args.begin(), new_args.end(), std::back_inserter(args));
for (const auto& arg:args) {
if (arg.empty())
bool skip = false;
// Make sure all arguments are the same path
MathLib::bigint path = arg.begin()->second.path;
for (const auto& p:arg) {
if (p.second.path != path) {
skip = true;
if (skip)
return true;
static void valueFlowInjectParameter(TokenList* tokenlist,
SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase,
ErrorLogger* errorLogger,
const Settings* settings,
const Scope* functionScope,
const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::list<ValueFlow::Value>>& vars)
bool r = productParams(vars, [&](const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, ValueFlow::Value>& arg) {
MultiValueFlowAnalyzer a(arg, tokenlist, symboldatabase);
valueFlowGenericForward(const_cast<Token*>(functionScope->bodyStart), functionScope->bodyEnd, a, settings);
if (!r) {
std::string fname = "<unknown>";
Function* f = functionScope->function;
if (f)
fname = f->name();
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, functionScope->bodyStart, "Too many argument passed to " + fname);
static void valueFlowInjectParameter(TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings,
const Variable* arg,
const Scope* functionScope,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& argvalues)
// Is argument passed by value or const reference, and is it a known non-class type?
if (arg->isReference() && !arg->isConst() && !arg->isClass())
// Set value in function scope..
const nonneg int varid2 = arg->declarationId();
if (!varid2)
static void valueFlowSwitchVariable(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) {
if (scope.type != Scope::ScopeType::eSwitch)
if (!Token::Match(scope.classDef, "switch ( %var% ) {"))
const Token *vartok = scope.classDef->tokAt(2);
const Variable *var = vartok->variable();
if (!var)
// bailout: global non-const variables
if (!(var->isLocal() || var->isArgument()) && !var->isConst()) {
if (settings->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, vartok, "switch variable " + var->name() + " is global");
for (Token *tok = scope.bodyStart->next(); tok != scope.bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() == "{") {
tok = tok->link();
if (Token::Match(tok, "case %num% :")) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
values.back().condition = tok;
const std::string info("case " + tok->next()->str() + ": " + vartok->str() + " is " + tok->next()->str() + " here.");
values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info);
bool known = false;
if ((Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), "{") || Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(-2), "break ;")) && !Token::Match(tok->tokAt(3), ";| case"))
known = true;
while (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(3), ";| case %num% :")) {
known = false;
tok = tok->tokAt(3);
if (!tok->isName())
tok = tok->next();
values.back().condition = tok;
const std::string info2("case " + tok->next()->str() + ": " + vartok->str() + " is " + tok->next()->str() + " here.");
values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info2);
for (std::list<ValueFlow::Value>::const_iterator val = values.begin(); val != values.end(); ++val) {
if (vartok->variable()->scope()) {
if (known)
// FIXME We must check if there is a return. See #9276
static void setTokenValues(Token *tok, const std::list<ValueFlow::Value> &values, const Settings *settings)
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : values) {
if (value.isIntValue())
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
static std::list<ValueFlow::Value> getFunctionArgumentValues(const Token *argtok)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argvalues(argtok->values());
if (argvalues.empty() && Token::Match(argtok, "%comp%|%oror%|&&|!")) {
return argvalues;
static void valueFlowLibraryFunction(Token *tok, const std::string &returnValue, const Settings *settings)
std::unordered_map<nonneg int, std::list<ValueFlow::Value>> argValues;
int argn = 1;
for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok->previous())) {
argValues[argn] = getFunctionArgumentValues(argtok);
if (returnValue.find("arg") != std::string::npos && argValues.empty())
TokenList tokenList(settings);
const std::string code = "return " + returnValue + ";";
std::istringstream istr(code);
if (!tokenList.createTokens(istr))
// combine operators, set links, etc..
std::stack<Token *> lpar;
for (Token *tok2 = tokenList.front(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) {
if (Token::Match(tok2, "[!<>=] =")) {
tok2->str(tok2->str() + "=");
} else if (tok2->str() == "(")
else if (tok2->str() == ")") {
if (lpar.empty())
Token::createMutualLinks(lpar.top(), tok2);
if (!lpar.empty())
// set varids
for (Token* tok2 = tokenList.front(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) {
if (tok2->str().compare(0, 3, "arg") != 0)
nonneg int id = std::atoi(tok2->str().c_str() + 3);
// Evaluate expression
Token* expr = tokenList.front()->astOperand1();
ValueFlow::valueFlowConstantFoldAST(expr, settings);
productParams(argValues, [&](const std::unordered_map<nonneg int, ValueFlow::Value>& arg) {
ProgramMemory pm{arg};
MathLib::bigint result = 0;
bool error = false;
execute(expr, &pm, &result, &error);
if (error)
ValueFlow::Value value(result);
for (auto&& p : arg) {
if (p.second.isPossible())
if (p.second.isInconclusive()) {
setTokenValue(tok, value, settings);
static void valueFlowSubFunction(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings)
int id = 0;
for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
const Function* function = scope->function;
if (!function)
for (const Token *tok = scope->bodyStart; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok, "%name% ("))
const Function * const calledFunction = tok->function();
if (!calledFunction) {
// library function?
const std::string& returnValue(settings->library.returnValue(tok));
if (!returnValue.empty())
valueFlowLibraryFunction(tok->next(), returnValue, settings);
const Scope * const calledFunctionScope = calledFunction->functionScope;
if (!calledFunctionScope)
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::list<ValueFlow::Value>> argvars;
// TODO: Rewrite this. It does not work well to inject 1 argument at a time.
const std::vector<const Token *> &callArguments = getArguments(tok);
for (int argnr = 0U; argnr < callArguments.size(); ++argnr) {
const Token *argtok = callArguments[argnr];
// Get function argument
const Variable * const argvar = calledFunction->getArgumentVar(argnr);
if (!argvar)
// passing value(s) to function
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argvalues(getFunctionArgumentValues(argtok));
// Remove non-local lifetimes
argvalues.remove_if([](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
if (v.isLifetimeValue())
return !v.isLocalLifetimeValue() && !v.isSubFunctionLifetimeValue();
return false;
// Remove uninit values if argument is passed by value
if (argtok->variable() && !argtok->variable()->isPointer() && argvalues.size() == 1 && argvalues.front().isUninitValue()) {
if (CheckUninitVar::isVariableUsage(tokenlist->isCPP(), argtok, settings->library, false, CheckUninitVar::Alloc::NO_ALLOC, 0))
if (argvalues.empty())
// Error path..
for (ValueFlow::Value &v : argvalues) {
const std::string nr = MathLib::toString(argnr + 1) + getOrdinalText(argnr + 1);
"Calling function '" +
calledFunction->name() +
"', " +
nr +
" argument '" +
argtok->expressionString() +
"' value is " +
v.path = 256 * v.path + id % 256;
// Change scope of lifetime values
if (v.isLifetimeValue())
v.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::SubFunction;
// passed values are not "known"..
argvars[argvar] = argvalues;
valueFlowInjectParameter(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings, calledFunctionScope, argvars);
static void valueFlowFunctionDefaultParameter(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, const Settings* settings)
if (!tokenlist->isCPP())
for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
const Function* function = scope->function;
if (!function)
for (std::size_t arg = function->minArgCount(); arg < function->argCount(); arg++) {
const Variable* var = function->getArgumentVar(arg);
if (var && var->hasDefault() && Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%var% = %num%|%str% [,)]")) {
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value> &values = var->nameToken()->tokAt(2)->values();
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argvalues;
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : values) {
ValueFlow::Value v(value);
v.defaultArg = true;
if (v.isPossible())
if (!argvalues.empty())
valueFlowInjectParameter(tokenlist, settings, var, scope, argvalues);
static bool isKnown(const Token * tok)
return tok && tok->hasKnownIntValue();
static void valueFlowFunctionReturn(TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->back(); tok; tok = tok->previous()) {
if (tok->str() != "(" || !tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand1()->function())
if (tok->hasKnownValue())
// Arguments..
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> parvalues;
if (tok->astOperand2()) {
const Token *partok = tok->astOperand2();
while (partok && partok->str() == "," && isKnown(partok->astOperand2()))
partok = partok->astOperand1();
if (!isKnown(partok))
partok = partok->astParent();
while (partok && partok->str() == ",") {
partok = partok->astParent();
if (partok != tok)
// Get scope and args of function
const Function * const function = tok->astOperand1()->function();
const Scope * const functionScope = function->functionScope;
if (!functionScope || !Token::simpleMatch(functionScope->bodyStart, "{ return")) {
if (functionScope && tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings && Token::findsimplematch(functionScope->bodyStart, "return", functionScope->bodyEnd))
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "function return; nontrivial function body");
ProgramMemory programMemory;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parvalues.size(); ++i) {
const Variable * const arg = function->getArgumentVar(i);
if (!arg || !Token::Match(arg->typeStartToken(), "%type% %name% ,|)")) {
if (tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings)
bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "function return; unhandled argument type");
programMemory.setIntValue(arg->declarationId(), parvalues[i]);
if (programMemory.empty() && !parvalues.empty())
// Determine return value of subfunction..
MathLib::bigint result = 0;
bool error = false;
if (!error) {
ValueFlow::Value v(result);
if (function->hasVirtualSpecifier())
setTokenValue(tok, v, tokenlist->getSettings());
static void valueFlowUninit(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* /*symbolDatabase*/, const Settings* settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok,"[;{}] %type%"))
if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable())
const Token *vardecl = tok->next();
bool stdtype = false;
bool pointer = false;
while (Token::Match(vardecl, "%name%|::|*") && vardecl->varId() == 0) {
stdtype |= vardecl->isStandardType();
pointer |= vardecl->str() == "*";
vardecl = vardecl->next();
// if (!stdtype && !pointer)
// continue;
if (!Token::Match(vardecl, "%var% ;"))
const Variable *var = vardecl->variable();
if (!var || var->nameToken() != vardecl || var->isInit())
if ((!var->isPointer() && var->type() && var->type()->needInitialization != Type::NeedInitialization::True) ||
!var->isLocal() || var->isStatic() || var->isExtern() || var->isReference() || var->isThrow())
if (!var->type() && !stdtype && !pointer)
ValueFlow::Value uninitValue;
uninitValue.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::UNINIT;
uninitValue.tokvalue = vardecl;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
valueFlowForward(vardecl->next(), vardecl->scope()->bodyEnd, var->nameToken(), values, tokenlist, settings);
static bool isContainerSizeChanged(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings = nullptr, int depth = 20);
static bool isContainerSizeChanged(nonneg int varId,
const Token* start,
const Token* end,
const Settings* settings = nullptr,
int depth = 20);
static bool isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings = nullptr, int depth = 20)
if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container)
return false;
// If we are accessing an element then we are not changing the container size
if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) {
Library::Container::Yield yield = tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2));
if (yield != Library::Container::Yield::NO_YIELD)
return false;
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "["))
return false;
// address of variable
const bool addressOf = tok->valueType()->pointer || (tok->astParent() && tok->astParent()->isUnaryOp("&"));
int narg;
const Token * ftok = getTokenArgumentFunction(tok, narg);
if (!ftok)
return false; // not a function => variable not changed
const Function * fun = ftok->function();
if (fun && !fun->hasVirtualSpecifier()) {
const Variable *arg = fun->getArgumentVar(narg);
if (arg) {
if (!arg->isReference() && !addressOf)
return false;
if (!addressOf && arg->isConst())
return false;
if (arg->valueType() && arg->valueType()->constness == 1)
return false;
const Scope * scope = fun->functionScope;
if (scope) {
// Argument not used
if (!arg->nameToken())
return false;
if (depth > 0)
return isContainerSizeChanged(
arg->declarationId(), scope->bodyStart, scope->bodyEnd, settings, depth - 1);
// Don't know => Safe guess
return true;
bool inconclusive = false;
const bool isChanged = isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok, 0, settings, &inconclusive);
return (isChanged || inconclusive);
struct ContainerExpressionAnalyzer : ExpressionAnalyzer {
ContainerExpressionAnalyzer() : ExpressionAnalyzer() {}
ContainerExpressionAnalyzer(const Token* expr, const ValueFlow::Value& val, const TokenList* t)
: ExpressionAnalyzer(expr, val, t)
virtual bool match(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
return tok->exprId() == expr->exprId() || (astIsIterator(tok) && isAliasOf(tok, expr->exprId()));
virtual Action isWritable(const Token* tok, Direction d) const OVERRIDE {
if (astIsIterator(tok))
return Action::None;
if (d == Direction::Reverse)
return Action::None;
if (!getValue(tok))
return Action::None;
if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container)
return Action::None;
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
if (tok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike && Token::simpleMatch(parent, "+=") && astIsLHS(tok) && parent->astOperand2()) {
const Token* rhs = parent->astOperand2();
if (rhs->tokType() == Token::eString)
return Action::Read | Action::Write | Action::Incremental;
if (rhs->valueType() && rhs->valueType()->container && rhs->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) {
if (std::any_of(rhs->values().begin(), rhs->values().end(), [&](const ValueFlow::Value &rhsval) {
return rhsval.isKnown() && rhsval.isContainerSizeValue();
return Action::Read | Action::Write | Action::Incremental;
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) {
Library::Container::Action action = tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2));
if (action == Library::Container::Action::PUSH || action == Library::Container::Action::POP) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok->tokAt(3));
if (args.size() < 2)
return Action::Read | Action::Write | Action::Incremental;
return Action::None;
virtual void writeValue(ValueFlow::Value* val, const Token* tok, Direction d) const OVERRIDE {
if (d == Direction::Reverse)
if (!val)
if (!tok->astParent())
const Token* parent = tok->astParent();
if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container)
if (tok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike && Token::simpleMatch(parent, "+=") && parent->astOperand2()) {
const Token* rhs = parent->astOperand2();
if (rhs->tokType() == Token::eString)
val->intvalue += Token::getStrLength(rhs);
else if (rhs->valueType() && rhs->valueType()->container && rhs->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) {
for (const ValueFlow::Value &rhsval : rhs->values()) {
if (rhsval.isKnown() && rhsval.isContainerSizeValue()) {
val->intvalue += rhsval.intvalue;
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) {
Library::Container::Action action = tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2));
if (action == Library::Container::Action::PUSH)
if (action == Library::Container::Action::POP)
virtual Action isModified(const Token* tok) const OVERRIDE {
Action read = Action::Read;
// An iterator won't change the container size
if (astIsIterator(tok))
return read;
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%assign%") && astIsLHS(tok))
return Action::Invalid;
if (isLikelyStreamRead(isCPP(), tok->astParent()))
return Action::Invalid;
if (astIsContainer(tok) && isContainerSizeChanged(tok, getSettings()))
return Action::Invalid;
return read;
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowContainerForward(Token* startToken,
const Token* endToken,
const Token* exprTok,
const ValueFlow::Value& value,
TokenList* tokenlist)
ContainerExpressionAnalyzer a(exprTok, value, tokenlist);
return valueFlowGenericForward(startToken, endToken, a, tokenlist->getSettings());
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowContainerForwardRecursive(Token* top,
const Token* exprTok,
const ValueFlow::Value& value,
TokenList* tokenlist)
ContainerExpressionAnalyzer a(exprTok, value, tokenlist);
return valueFlowGenericForward(top, a, tokenlist->getSettings());
static Analyzer::Result valueFlowContainerForward(Token* startToken,
const Token* exprTok,
const ValueFlow::Value& value,
TokenList* tokenlist)
const Token* endToken = nullptr;
const Function* f = Scope::nestedInFunction(startToken->scope());
if (f && f->functionScope)
endToken = f->functionScope->bodyEnd;
return valueFlowContainerForward(startToken, endToken, exprTok, value, tokenlist);
static void valueFlowContainerReverse(Token* tok,
const Token* const endToken,
const Token* const varToken,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings)
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) {
ContainerExpressionAnalyzer a(varToken, value, tokenlist);
valueFlowGenericReverse(tok, endToken, a, settings);
static bool isContainerSizeChanged(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings, int depth)
if (!tok)
return false;
if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container)
return true;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% %assign%|<<"))
return true;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% [") && tok->valueType()->container->stdAssociativeLike)
return true;
if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) {
Library::Container::Action action = tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2));
Library::Container::Yield yield = tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2));
switch (action) {
case Library::Container::Action::RESIZE:
case Library::Container::Action::CLEAR:
case Library::Container::Action::PUSH:
case Library::Container::Action::POP:
case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE:
case Library::Container::Action::INSERT:
case Library::Container::Action::ERASE:
case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE_INTERNAL:
return true;
case Library::Container::Action::NO_ACTION: // might be unknown action
return yield == Library::Container::Yield::NO_YIELD;
case Library::Container::Action::FIND:
case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE_CONTENT:
if (isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(tok, settings, depth))
return true;
return false;
static bool isContainerSizeChanged(nonneg int varId,
const Token* start,
const Token* end,
const Settings* settings,
int depth)
for (const Token *tok = start; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->varId() != varId)
if (isContainerSizeChanged(tok, settings, depth))
return true;
return false;
std::vector<const Variable*> getVariables(const Token* tok)
std::vector<const Variable*> result;
visitAstNodes(tok, [&](const Token* child) {
if (child->variable())
return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2;
return result;
static void valueFlowSmartPointer(TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger * errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->scope())
if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable())
if (!astIsSmartPointer(tok))
if (tok->variable() && Token::Match(tok, "%var% (|{|;")) {
const Variable* var = tok->variable();
if (!var->isSmartPointer())
if (var->nameToken() == tok) {
if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% (|{") && tok->next()->astOperand2() &&
tok->next()->astOperand2()->str() != ",") {
Token* inTok = tok->next()->astOperand2();
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = inTok->values();
const bool constValue = inTok->isNumber();
valueFlowForwardAssign(inTok, var, values, constValue, true, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% ;")) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
ValueFlow::Value v(0);
valueFlowForwardAssign(tok, var, values, false, true, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (astIsLHS(tok) && Token::Match(tok->astParent(), ". %name% (") &&
tok->astParent()->originalName() != "->") {
std::vector<const Variable*> vars = getVariables(tok);
Token* ftok = tok->astParent()->tokAt(2);
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), ". reset (")) {
if (Token::simpleMatch(ftok, "( )")) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
ValueFlow::Value v(0);
valueFlowForwardAssign(ftok, tok, vars, values, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else {
Token* inTok = ftok->astOperand2();
if (!inTok)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = inTok->values();
valueFlowForwardAssign(inTok, tok, vars, values, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), ". release ( )")) {
const Token* parent = ftok->astParent();
bool hasParentReset = false;
while (parent) {
if (Token::Match(parent->tokAt(-2), ". release|reset (") &&
parent->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1()->exprId() == tok->exprId()) {
hasParentReset = true;
parent = parent->astParent();
if (hasParentReset)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values;
ValueFlow::Value v(0);
valueFlowForwardAssign(ftok, tok, vars, values, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
} else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), ". get ( )")) {
ValueFlow::Value v = makeSymbolic(tok);
setTokenValue(tok->astParent()->tokAt(2), v, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name%|> (|{") && astIsSmartPointer(tok) &&
astIsSmartPointer(tok->astOperand1())) {
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok);
if (args.empty())
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : args.front()->values())
setTokenValue(tok, v, settings);
static void valueFlowIterators(TokenList *tokenlist, const Settings *settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->scope())
if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable())
if (!astIsContainer(tok))
if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), ". %name% (")) {
Library::Container::Yield yield = tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->astParent()->strAt(1));
ValueFlow::Value v(0);
if (yield == Library::Container::Yield::START_ITERATOR) {
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_START;
setTokenValue(tok->astParent()->tokAt(2), v, settings);
} else if (yield == Library::Container::Yield::END_ITERATOR) {
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::ITERATOR_END;
setTokenValue(tok->astParent()->tokAt(2), v, settings);
static std::list<ValueFlow::Value> getIteratorValues(std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values, const ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind* kind = nullptr)
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
if (kind && v.valueKind != *kind)
return true;
return !v.isIteratorValue();
return values;
struct IteratorConditionHandler : SimpleConditionHandler {
virtual std::vector<Condition> parse(const Token* tok, const Settings*) const OVERRIDE {
Condition cond;
ValueFlow::Value true_value;
ValueFlow::Value false_value;
if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=")) {
if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2())
return {};
ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind kind = ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Known;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = getIteratorValues(tok->astOperand1()->values(), &kind);
if (!values.empty()) {
cond.vartok = tok->astOperand2();
} else {
values = getIteratorValues(tok->astOperand2()->values());
if (!values.empty())
cond.vartok = tok->astOperand1();
for (ValueFlow::Value& v:values) {
cond.true_values = values;
cond.false_values = values;
return {cond};
static void valueFlowIteratorInfer(TokenList *tokenlist, const Settings *settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->scope())
if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable())
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values = getIteratorValues(tok->values());
values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
if (!v.isImpossible())
return true;
if (v.isIteratorEndValue() && v.intvalue <= 0)
return true;
if (v.isIteratorStartValue() && v.intvalue >= 0)
return true;
return false;
for (ValueFlow::Value& v:values) {
if (v.isIteratorStartValue())
if (v.isIteratorEndValue())
setTokenValue(tok, v, settings);
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> getContainerValues(const Token* tok)
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> values;
if (tok) {
return values;
static ValueFlow::Value makeContainerSizeValue(std::size_t s, bool known = true)
ValueFlow::Value value(s);
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
if (known)
return value;
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> makeContainerSizeValue(const Token* tok, bool known = true)
if (tok->hasKnownIntValue())
return {makeContainerSizeValue(tok->values().front().intvalue, known)};
return {};
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> getInitListSize(const Token* tok,
const Library::Container* container,
bool known = true)
std::vector<const Token*> args = getArguments(tok);
if (!args.empty() && container->stdStringLike) {
if (astIsGenericChar(args[0])) // init list of chars
return { makeContainerSizeValue(args.size(), known) };
if (astIsIntegral(args[0], false)) { // { count, 'c' }
if (args.size() > 1)
return {makeContainerSizeValue(args[0], known)};
} else if (astIsPointer(args[0])) {
// TODO: Try to read size of string literal { "abc" }
if (args.size() == 2 && astIsIntegral(args[1], false)) // { char*, count }
return {makeContainerSizeValue(args[1], known)};
} else if (astIsContainer(args[0])) {
if (args.size() == 1) // copy constructor { str }
return getContainerValues(args[0]);
if (args.size() == 3) // { str, pos, count }
return {makeContainerSizeValue(args[2], known)};
// TODO: { str, pos }, { ..., alloc }
return {};
} else if ((args.size() == 1 && astIsContainer(args[0]) && args[0]->valueType()->container == container) ||
isIteratorPair(args)) {
return getContainerValues(args[0]);
return {makeContainerSizeValue(args.size(), known)};
static void valueFlowContainerSize(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger * /*errorLogger*/, const Settings *settings)
std::map<int, std::size_t> static_sizes;
// declaration
for (const Variable *var : symboldatabase->variableList()) {
bool known = true;
if (!var || !var->isLocal() || var->isPointer() || var->isReference() || var->isStatic())
if (!var->valueType() || !var->valueType()->container)
if (!astIsContainer(var->nameToken()))
if (var->nameToken()->hasKnownValue(ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE))
if (!Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%name% ;") &&
!(Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%name% {") && Token::simpleMatch(var->nameToken()->next()->link(), "} ;")))
if (var->nameToken()->astTop() && Token::Match(var->nameToken()->astTop()->previous(), "for|while"))
known = !isVariableChanged(var, settings, true);
if (var->valueType()->container->size_templateArgNo >= 0) {
if (var->dimensions().size() == 1 && var->dimensions().front().known)
static_sizes[var->declarationId()] = var->dimensions().front().num;
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> values{ValueFlow::Value{0}};
values.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
if (known)
if (Token::simpleMatch(var->nameToken()->next(), "{")) {
const Token* initList = var->nameToken()->next();
values = getInitListSize(initList, var->valueType()->container, known);
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values)
valueFlowContainerForward(var->nameToken()->next(), var->nameToken(), value, tokenlist);
// after assignment
for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (const Token *tok = functionScope->bodyStart; tok != functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (static_sizes.count(tok->varId()) > 0) {
ValueFlow::Value value(static_sizes.at(tok->varId()));
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
setTokenValue(const_cast<Token*>(tok), value, settings);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|;|{|} %var% = %str% ;")) {
const Token *containerTok = tok->next();
if (containerTok->exprId() == 0)
if (containerTok->valueType() && containerTok->valueType()->container && containerTok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) {
ValueFlow::Value value(Token::getStrLength(containerTok->tokAt(2)));
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
valueFlowContainerForward(containerTok->next(), containerTok, value, tokenlist);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|;|{|}|> %var% = {") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->linkAt(3), "} ;")) {
const Token* containerTok = tok->next();
if (containerTok->exprId() == 0)
if (astIsContainer(containerTok) && containerTok->valueType()->container->size_templateArgNo < 0) {
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> values = getInitListSize(tok->tokAt(3), containerTok->valueType()->container);
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values)
valueFlowContainerForward(containerTok->next(), containerTok, value, tokenlist);
} else if (Token::Match(tok, ". %name% (") && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand1()->valueType() && tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->container) {
const Token* containerTok = tok->astOperand1();
if (containerTok->exprId() == 0)
Library::Container::Action action = containerTok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(1));
if (action == Library::Container::Action::CLEAR) {
ValueFlow::Value value(0);
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
valueFlowContainerForward(tok->next(), containerTok, value, tokenlist);
} else if (action == Library::Container::Action::RESIZE && tok->tokAt(2)->astOperand2() &&
tok->tokAt(2)->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) {
ValueFlow::Value value(tok->tokAt(2)->astOperand2()->values().front());
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
valueFlowContainerForward(tok->next(), containerTok, value, tokenlist);
struct ContainerConditionHandler : ConditionHandler {
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* start,
const Token* stop,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings*) const OVERRIDE {
Analyzer::Result result{};
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values)
result.update(valueFlowContainerForward(start->next(), stop, exprTok, value, tokenlist));
return result;
virtual Analyzer::Result forward(Token* top,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings*) const OVERRIDE {
Analyzer::Result result{};
for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values)
result.update(valueFlowContainerForwardRecursive(top, exprTok, value, tokenlist));
return result;
virtual void reverse(Token* start,
const Token* endTok,
const Token* exprTok,
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
TokenList* tokenlist,
const Settings* settings) const OVERRIDE {
return valueFlowContainerReverse(start, endTok, exprTok, values, tokenlist, settings);
virtual std::vector<Condition> parse(const Token* tok, const Settings* settings) const OVERRIDE
Condition cond;
ValueFlow::Value true_value;
ValueFlow::Value false_value;
const Token *vartok = parseCompareInt(tok, true_value, false_value);
if (vartok) {
vartok = settings->library.getContainerFromYield(vartok, Library::Container::Yield::SIZE);
if (!vartok)
return {};
true_value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
false_value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
cond.vartok = vartok;
return {cond};
// Empty check
if (tok->str() == "(") {
vartok = settings->library.getContainerFromYield(tok, Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY);
// TODO: Handle .size()
if (!vartok)
return {};
const Token *parent = tok->astParent();
while (parent) {
if (Token::Match(parent, "%comp%"))
return {};
parent = parent->astParent();
ValueFlow::Value value(tok, 0LL);
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
cond.vartok = vartok;
cond.inverted = true;
return {cond};
// String compare
if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=")) {
const Token *strtok = nullptr;
if (Token::Match(tok->astOperand1(), "%str%")) {
strtok = tok->astOperand1();
vartok = tok->astOperand2();
} else if (Token::Match(tok->astOperand2(), "%str%")) {
strtok = tok->astOperand2();
vartok = tok->astOperand1();
if (!strtok)
return {};
if (!astIsContainer(vartok))
return {};
ValueFlow::Value value(tok, Token::getStrLength(strtok));
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
cond.vartok = vartok;
cond.impossible = false;
return {cond};
return {};
static void valueFlowDynamicBufferSize(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, const Settings* settings)
for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
for (const Token *tok = functionScope->bodyStart; tok != functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok, "[;{}] %var% ="))
if (!tok->next()->variable())
const Token *rhs = tok->tokAt(2)->astOperand2();
while (rhs && rhs->isCast())
rhs = rhs->astOperand2() ? rhs->astOperand2() : rhs->astOperand1();
if (!rhs)
if (!Token::Match(rhs->previous(), "%name% ("))
const Library::AllocFunc *allocFunc = settings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(rhs->previous());
if (!allocFunc)
allocFunc = settings->library.getReallocFuncInfo(rhs->previous());
if (!allocFunc || allocFunc->bufferSize == Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::none)
const std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(rhs->previous());
const Token * const arg1 = (args.size() >= allocFunc->bufferSizeArg1) ? args[allocFunc->bufferSizeArg1 - 1] : nullptr;
const Token * const arg2 = (args.size() >= allocFunc->bufferSizeArg2) ? args[allocFunc->bufferSizeArg2 - 1] : nullptr;
MathLib::bigint sizeValue = -1;
switch (allocFunc->bufferSize) {
case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::none:
case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::malloc:
if (arg1 && arg1->hasKnownIntValue())
sizeValue = arg1->getKnownIntValue();
case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::calloc:
if (arg1 && arg2 && arg1->hasKnownIntValue() && arg2->hasKnownIntValue())
sizeValue = arg1->getKnownIntValue() * arg2->getKnownIntValue();
case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::strdup:
if (arg1 && arg1->hasKnownValue()) {
const ValueFlow::Value &value = arg1->values().back();
if (value.isTokValue() && value.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString)
sizeValue = Token::getStrLength(value.tokvalue) + 1; // Add one for the null terminator
if (sizeValue < 0)
ValueFlow::Value value(sizeValue);
value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok->tokAt(2), "Assign " + tok->strAt(1) + ", buffer with size " + MathLib::toString(sizeValue));
value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE;
const std::list<ValueFlow::Value> values{value};
valueFlowForward(const_cast<Token*>(rhs), functionScope->bodyEnd, tok->next(), values, tokenlist, settings);
static bool getMinMaxValues(const ValueType *vt, const cppcheck::Platform &platform, MathLib::bigint *minValue, MathLib::bigint *maxValue)
if (!vt || !vt->isIntegral() || vt->pointer)
return false;
int bits;
switch (vt->type) {
case ValueType::Type::BOOL:
bits = 1;
case ValueType::Type::CHAR:
bits = platform.char_bit;
case ValueType::Type::SHORT:
bits = platform.short_bit;
case ValueType::Type::INT:
bits = platform.int_bit;
case ValueType::Type::LONG:
bits = platform.long_bit;
case ValueType::Type::LONGLONG:
bits = platform.long_long_bit;
return false;
if (bits == 1) {
*minValue = 0;
*maxValue = 1;
} else if (bits < 62) {
if (vt->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED) {
*minValue = 0;
*maxValue = (1LL << bits) - 1;
} else {
*minValue = -(1LL << (bits - 1));
*maxValue = (1LL << (bits - 1)) - 1;
} else if (bits == 64) {
if (vt->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED) {
*minValue = 0;
*maxValue = LLONG_MAX; // todo max unsigned value
} else {
*minValue = LLONG_MIN;
*maxValue = LLONG_MAX;
} else {
return false;
return true;
static bool getMinMaxValues(const std::string &typestr, const Settings *settings, MathLib::bigint *minvalue, MathLib::bigint *maxvalue)
TokenList typeTokens(settings);
std::istringstream istr(typestr+";");
if (!typeTokens.createTokens(istr))
return false;
const ValueType &vt = ValueType::parseDecl(typeTokens.front(), settings);
return getMinMaxValues(&vt, *settings, minvalue, maxvalue);
static void valueFlowSafeFunctions(TokenList* tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, const Settings* settings)
for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) {
if (!functionScope->bodyStart)
const Function *function = functionScope->function;
if (!function)
const bool safe = function->isSafe(settings);
const bool all = safe && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::PlatformType::Unspecified;
for (const Variable &arg : function->argumentList) {
if (!arg.nameToken() || !arg.valueType())
if (arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::CONTAINER) {
if (!safe)
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argValues;
argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Assuming " + arg.name() + " is empty");
argValues.back().safe = true;
argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE;
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Assuming " + arg.name() + " size is 1000000");
argValues.back().safe = true;
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : argValues)
const_cast<Token*>(functionScope->bodyStart), arg.nameToken(), value, tokenlist);
MathLib::bigint low, high;
bool isLow = arg.nameToken()->getCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type::LOW, &low);
bool isHigh = arg.nameToken()->getCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type::HIGH, &high);
if (!isLow && !isHigh && !all)
const bool safeLow = !isLow;
const bool safeHigh = !isHigh;
if ((!isLow || !isHigh) && all) {
MathLib::bigint minValue, maxValue;
if (getMinMaxValues(arg.valueType(), *settings, &minValue, &maxValue)) {
if (!isLow)
low = minValue;
if (!isHigh)
high = maxValue;
isLow = isHigh = true;
} else if (arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::FLOAT || arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::DOUBLE || arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONGDOUBLE) {
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argValues;
argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT;
argValues.back().floatValue = isLow ? low : -1E25f;
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Safe checks: Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(argValues.back().floatValue));
argValues.back().safe = true;
argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT;
argValues.back().floatValue = isHigh ? high : 1E25f;
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Safe checks: Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(argValues.back().floatValue));
argValues.back().safe = true;
std::list<ValueFlow::Value> argValues;
if (isLow) {
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), std::string(safeLow ? "Safe checks: " : "") + "Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(low));
argValues.back().safe = safeLow;
if (isHigh) {
argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), std::string(safeHigh ? "Safe checks: " : "") + "Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(high));
argValues.back().safe = safeHigh;
if (!argValues.empty())
static void valueFlowUnknownFunctionReturn(TokenList *tokenlist, const Settings *settings)
if (settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.empty())
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!tok->astParent() || tok->str() != "(" || !tok->previous()->isName())
if (settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.find(tok->previous()->str()) == settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.end())
std::vector<MathLib::bigint> unknownValues = settings->library.unknownReturnValues(tok->astOperand1());
if (unknownValues.empty())
// Get min/max values for return type
const std::string &typestr = settings->library.returnValueType(tok->previous());
MathLib::bigint minvalue, maxvalue;
if (!getMinMaxValues(typestr, settings, &minvalue, &maxvalue))
for (MathLib::bigint value : unknownValues) {
if (value < minvalue)
value = minvalue;
else if (value > maxvalue)
value = maxvalue;
setTokenValue(const_cast<Token *>(tok), ValueFlow::Value(value), settings);
ValueFlow::Value::Value(const Token* c, long long val, Bound b)
: valueType(ValueType::INT),
errorPath.emplace_back(c, "Assuming that condition '" + c->expressionString() + "' is not redundant");
void ValueFlow::Value::assumeCondition(const Token* tok)
condition = tok;
errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Assuming that condition '" + tok->expressionString() + "' is not redundant");
std::string ValueFlow::Value::infoString() const
switch (valueType) {
case ValueType::INT:
return MathLib::toString(intvalue);
case ValueType::TOK:
return tokvalue->str();
case ValueType::FLOAT:
return MathLib::toString(floatValue);
case ValueType::MOVED:
return "<Moved>";
case ValueType::UNINIT:
return "<Uninit>";
case ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE:
case ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE:
return "size=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue);
case ValueType::ITERATOR_START:
return "start=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue);
case ValueType::ITERATOR_END:
return "end=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue);
case ValueType::LIFETIME:
return "lifetime=" + tokvalue->str();
case ValueType::SYMBOLIC:
std::string result = "symbolic=" + tokvalue->expressionString();
if (intvalue > 0)
result += "+" + MathLib::toString(intvalue);
else if (intvalue < 0)
result += "-" + MathLib::toString(-intvalue);
return result;
throw InternalError(nullptr, "Invalid ValueFlow Value type");
const char* ValueFlow::Value::toString(MoveKind moveKind)
switch (moveKind) {
case MoveKind::NonMovedVariable:
return "NonMovedVariable";
case MoveKind::MovedVariable:
return "MovedVariable";
case MoveKind::ForwardedVariable:
return "ForwardedVariable";
return "";
const char* ValueFlow::Value::toString(LifetimeKind lifetimeKind)
switch (lifetimeKind) {
case LifetimeKind::Object:
return "Object";
case LifetimeKind::SubObject:
return "SubObject";
case LifetimeKind::Lambda:
return "Lambda";
case LifetimeKind::Iterator:
return "Iterator";
case LifetimeKind::Address:
return "Address";
return "";
bool ValueFlow::Value::sameToken(const Token* tok1, const Token* tok2)
if (tok1 == tok2)
return true;
if (!tok1)
return false;
if (tok1->exprId() == 0 || tok2->exprId() == 0)
return false;
return tok1->exprId() == tok2->exprId();
const char* ValueFlow::Value::toString(LifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
switch (lifetimeScope) {
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local:
return "Local";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Argument:
return "Argument";
case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::SubFunction:
return "SubFunction";
return "";
const char* ValueFlow::Value::toString(Bound bound)
switch (bound) {
case ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point:
return "Point";
case ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper:
return "Upper";
case ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower:
return "Lower";
return "";
const ValueFlow::Value *ValueFlow::valueFlowConstantFoldAST(Token *expr, const Settings *settings)
if (expr && expr->values().empty()) {
valueFlowConstantFoldAST(expr->astOperand1(), settings);
valueFlowConstantFoldAST(expr->astOperand2(), settings);
valueFlowSetConstantValue(expr, settings, true /* TODO: this is a guess */);
return expr && expr->hasKnownValue() ? &expr->values().front() : nullptr;
static std::size_t getTotalValues(TokenList *tokenlist)
std::size_t n = 1;
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next())
n += tok->values().size();
return n;
void ValueFlow::setValues(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings)
for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next())
valueFlowEnumValue(symboldatabase, settings);
valueFlowUnknownFunctionReturn(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowGlobalConstVar(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowEnumValue(symboldatabase, settings);
valueFlowGlobalStaticVar(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowLifetime(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowSymbolic(tokenlist, symboldatabase);
valueFlowConditionExpressions(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
std::size_t values = 0;
std::size_t n = 4;
while (n > 0 && values < getTotalValues(tokenlist)) {
values = getTotalValues(tokenlist);
valueFlowImpossibleValues(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowSymbolicAbs(tokenlist, symboldatabase);
valueFlowCondition(SymbolicConditionHandler{}, tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowSymbolicInfer(tokenlist, symboldatabase);
valueFlowRightShift(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowAfterAssign(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowCondition(SimpleConditionHandler{}, tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowInferCondition(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowSwitchVariable(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowForLoop(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowSubFunction(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowFunctionReturn(tokenlist, errorLogger);
valueFlowLifetime(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowFunctionDefaultParameter(tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings);
valueFlowUninit(tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings);
if (tokenlist->isCPP()) {
valueFlowAfterMove(tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings);
valueFlowSmartPointer(tokenlist, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowIterators(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowCondition(IteratorConditionHandler{}, tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowIteratorInfer(tokenlist, settings);
valueFlowContainerSize(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowCondition(ContainerConditionHandler{}, tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings);
valueFlowSafeFunctions(tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings);
valueFlowDynamicBufferSize(tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings);
ValueFlow::Value ValueFlow::Value::unknown()
Value v;
v.valueType = Value::ValueType::UNINIT;
return v;
std::string ValueFlow::eitherTheConditionIsRedundant(const Token *condition)
if (!condition)
return "Either the condition is redundant";
if (condition->str() == "case") {
std::string expr;
for (const Token *tok = condition; tok && tok->str() != ":"; tok = tok->next()) {
expr += tok->str();
if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|%num% %name%|%num%"))
expr += ' ';
return "Either the switch case '" + expr + "' is redundant";
return "Either the condition '" + condition->expressionString() + "' is redundant";
const ValueFlow::Value* ValueFlow::findValue(const std::list<ValueFlow::Value>& values,
const Settings* settings,
std::function<bool(const ValueFlow::Value&)> pred)
const ValueFlow::Value* ret = nullptr;
for (const ValueFlow::Value& v : values) {
if (pred(v)) {
if (!ret || ret->isInconclusive() || (ret->condition && !v.isInconclusive()))
ret = &v;
if (!ret->isInconclusive() && !ret->condition)
if (settings && ret) {
if (ret->isInconclusive() && !settings->certainty.isEnabled(Certainty::inconclusive))
return nullptr;
if (ret->condition && !settings->severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning))
return nullptr;
return ret;
static std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> isOutOfBoundsImpl(const ValueFlow::Value& size,
const Token* indexTok,
bool condition)
if (!indexTok)
return {};
const ValueFlow::Value* indexValue = indexTok->getMaxValue(condition, size.path);
if (!indexValue)
return {};
if (indexValue->intvalue >= size.intvalue)
return {*indexValue};
if (!condition)
return {};
// TODO: Use a better way to decide if the variable in unconstrained
if (!indexTok->variable() || !indexTok->variable()->isArgument())
return {};
if (std::any_of(indexTok->values().begin(), indexTok->values().end(), [&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) {
return v.isSymbolicValue() && v.isPossible() && v.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper;
return {};
if (indexValue->bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
return {};
if (size.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower)
return {};
ValueFlow::Value inBoundsValue = inferCondition("<", indexTok, size.intvalue);
if (inBoundsValue.isKnown() && inBoundsValue.intvalue != 0)
return {};
ValueFlow::Value value = inferCondition(">=", indexTok, indexValue->intvalue);
if (!value.isKnown())
return {};
if (value.intvalue == 0)
return {};
value.intvalue = size.intvalue;
value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower;
return {value};
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> ValueFlow::isOutOfBounds(const Value& size, const Token* indexTok, bool possible)
std::vector<ValueFlow::Value> result = isOutOfBoundsImpl(size, indexTok, false);
if (!result.empty())
return result;
if (!possible)
return result;
return isOutOfBoundsImpl(size, indexTok, true);