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* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef tokenizeH
#define tokenizeH
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class Token;
class ErrorLogger;
class Settings;
class SymbolDatabase;
/// @addtogroup Core
/// @{
/** @brief The main purpose is to tokenize the source code. It also has functions that simplify the token list */
class Tokenizer
/** Deallocate lists */
void deallocateTokens();
Tokenizer(const Settings * settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger);
virtual ~Tokenizer();
/** Is the code JAVA/C#. Used for bailouts */
bool isJavaOrCSharp() const
if (_files.size() != 1)
return false;
const std::string::size_type pos = _files[0].rfind(".");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
return (_files[0].substr(pos) == ".java" ||
_files[0].substr(pos) == ".cs");
return false;
* Tokenize code
* @param code input stream for code, e.g.
* \code
* #file "p.h"
* class Foo
* {
* private:
* void Bar();
* };
* #endfile
* void Foo::Bar()
* {
* }
* \endcode
* @param FileName The filename
* @param configuration E.g. "A" for code where "#ifdef A" is true
* @param preprocessorCondition Set this flag to true if the code is a preprocessor condition. It disables some simplifications
* @return false if source code contains syntax errors
bool tokenize(std::istream &code,
const char FileName[],
const std::string &configuration = "",
const bool preprocessorCondition = false);
* Create tokens from code.
* The code must be preprocessed first:
* - multiline strings are not handled.
* - UTF in the code are not handled.
* - comments are not handled.
* @param code input stream for code
void createTokens(std::istream &code);
/** Set variable id */
void setVarId();
* Simplify tokenlist
* @return false if there is an error that requires aborting
* the checking of this file.
bool simplifyTokenList();
* Delete all tokens in given token list
* @param tok token list to delete
static void deleteTokens(Token *tok);
* Get parameter name of function
* @param ftok The token for the function name in a function
* implementation/declaration
* @param par parameter number (1,2,3,..)
* @return if the parameter was found then the parameter name is
* returned. Otherwise NULL is returned.
static const char *getParameterName(const Token *ftok, unsigned int par);
* Get file:line for a given token
* @param tok given token
* @return location for given token
std::string fileLine(const Token *tok) const;
* Calculates sizeof value for given type.
* @param type Token which will contain e.g. "int", "*", or string.
* @return sizeof for given type, or 0 if it can't be calculated.
unsigned int sizeOfType(const Token *type) const;
* Get filenames (the sourcefile + the files it include).
* The first filename is the filename for the sourcefile
* @return vector with filenames
const std::vector<std::string> *getFiles() const;
/** recreate symbol database */
void fillFunctionList();
* Get function token by function name
* @todo better handling of overloaded functions
* @todo only scan parent scopes
* @param funcname function name
const Token *getFunctionTokenByName(const char funcname[]) const;
/** get tokens */
const Token *tokens() const;
* get filename for given token
* @param tok The given token
* @return filename for the given token
std::string file(const Token *tok) const;
* get error messages that the tokenizer generate
virtual void getErrorMessages(ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings);
/** Simplify assignment in function call "f(x=g());" => "x=g();f(x);"
void simplifyAssignmentInFunctionCall();
* Simplify constant calculations such as "1+2" => "3"
* @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
* false if no modifications are done.
bool simplifyCalculations();
/** Insert array size where it isn't given */
void arraySize();
/** Simplify labels */
void labels();
/** Remove redundant assignment */
void removeRedundantAssignment();
* Replace sizeof() to appropriate size.
void simplifySizeof();
* Simplify variable declarations (split up)
void simplifyVarDecl();
* Simplify variable initialization
* ; int *p(0);
* =>
* ; int *p = 0;
void simplifyInitVar();
Token * initVar(Token * tok);
* Collapse compound standard types into a single token.
* unsigned long long int => long _isUnsigned=true,_isLong=true
void simplifyStdType();
* Simplify question mark - colon operator
* Example: 0 ? (2/0) : 0 => 0
* @return true if something is modified
* false if nothing is done.
bool simplifyQuestionMark();
* Simplify compound assignments
* Example: ";a+=b;" => ";a=a+b;"
void simplifyCompoundAssignment();
* simplify if-assignments
* Example: "if(a=b);" => "a=b;if(a);"
void simplifyIfAssign();
* Simplify multiple assignments.
* Example: "a = b = c = 0;" => "a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;"
void simplifyVariableMultipleAssign();
* simplify if-not
* Example: "if(0==x);" => "if(!x);"
void simplifyIfNot();
* simplify if-not NULL
* - "if(0!=x);" => "if(x);"
void simplifyIfNotNull();
/** @brief simplify if (a) { if (a) */
void simplifyIfSameInnerCondition();
* Simplify the "not" and "and" keywords to "!" and "&&"
* accordingly.
* Examples:
* - "if (not p)" => "if (!p)"
* - "if (p and q)" => "if (p && q)"
bool simplifyLogicalOperators();
* Simplify comma into a semicolon when possible:
* - "delete a, delete b" => "delete a; delete b;"
* - "a = 0, b = 0;" => "a = 0; b = 0;"
* - "return a(), b;" => "a(); return b;"
void simplifyComma();
/** Add braces to an if-block
void simplifyIfAddBraces();
* Add braces to an do-while block
void simplifyDoWhileAddBraces();
* typedef A mytype;
* mytype c;
* Becomes:
* typedef A mytype;
* A c;
void simplifyTypedef();
* Simplify casts
void simplifyCasts();
* A simplify function that replaces a variable with its value in cases
* when the value is known. e.g. "x=10; if(x)" => "x=10;if(10)"
* @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
* false if no modifications are done.
bool simplifyKnownVariables();
/** Replace a "goto" with the statements */
void simplifyGoto();
/** Expand nested strcat() calls. */
void simplifyNestedStrcat();
/** Simplify "if else" */
void elseif();
void addtoken(const char str[], const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno, bool split = false);
void addtoken(const Token *tok, const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno);
* Simplify the operator "?:"
void simplifyConditionOperator();
/** Simplify conditions
* @return true if something is modified
* false if nothing is done.
bool simplifyConditions();
/** Remove redundant code, e.g. if( false ) { int a; } should be
* removed, because it is never executed.
* @return true if something is modified
* false if nothing is done.
bool removeReduntantConditions();
* Reduces "; ;" to ";", except in "( ; ; )"
void removeRedundantSemicolons();
/** Simplify function calls - constant return value
* @return true if something is modified
* false if nothing is done.
bool simplifyFunctionReturn();
/** Struct initialization */
void simplifyStructInit();
/** Struct simplification
* "struct S { } s;" => "struct S { }; S s;"
void simplifyStructDecl();
* Remove redundant parenthesis:
* - "((x))" => "(x)"
* - "(function())" => "function()"
* - "(delete x)" => "delete x"
* - "(delete [] x)" => "delete [] x"
* @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
* false if no modifications are done.
bool simplifyRedundantParanthesis();
/** Simplify references */
void simplifyReference();
* Simplify functions like "void f(x) int x; {"
* into "void f(int x) {"
void simplifyFunctionParameters();
* Simplify templates
void simplifyTemplates();
* Used after simplifyTemplates to perform a little cleanup.
* Sometimes the simplifyTemplates isn't fully successful and then
* there are function calls etc with "wrong" syntax.
void simplifyTemplates2();
* Simplify e.g. 'atol("0")' into '0'
void simplifyMathFunctions();
* Modify strings in the token list by replacing hex and oct
* values. E.g. "\x61" -> "a" and "\000" -> "\0"
* @param source The string to be modified, e.g. "\x61"
* @return Modified string, e.g. "a"
std::string simplifyString(const std::string &source);
* Use "<" comparison instead of ">"
* Use "<=" comparison instead of ">="
void simplifyComparisonOrder();
* Change "int const x;" into "const int x;"
void simplifyConst();
* simplify "while (0)"
void simplifyWhile0();
* Simplify while(func() && errno==EINTR)
void simplifyErrNoInWhile();
* Simplify while(func(f))
void simplifyFuncInWhile();
* Replace enum with constant value
void simplifyEnum();
* Remove "std::" before some function names
void simplifyStd();
/** Simplify function pointers */
void simplifyFunctionPointers();
* Remove exception specifications. This function calls itself recursively.
* @param tok First token in scope to cleanup
void removeExceptionSpecifications(Token *tok) const;
void insertTokens(Token *dest, const Token *src, unsigned int n);
* Send error message to error logger about internal bug.
* @param tok the token that this bug concerns.
void cppcheckError(const Token *tok) const;
* Setup links for tokens so that one can call Token::link().
* @return false if there was a mismatch with tokens, this
* should mean that source code was not valid.
bool createLinks();
/** Syntax error */
void syntaxError(const Token *tok);
/** Syntax error. Example: invalid number of ')' */
void syntaxError(const Token *tok, char c);
* assert that tokens are ok - used during debugging for example
* to catch problems in simplifyTokenList.
* @return always true.
bool validate() const;
* Helper function for simplifyDoWhileAddBraces()
* @param tok This must be a "do" token, which is
* not followed by "{".
bool simplifyDoWhileAddBracesHelper(Token *tok);
* Remove __declspec()
void simplifyDeclspec();
* Remove calling convention
void simplifyCallingConvention();
* Remove __attribute__ ((?))
void simplifyAttribute();
* Remove keywords "volatile", "inline", "register", and "restrict"
void simplifyKeyword();
* Remove __asm
void simplifyAsm();
* Simplify bitfields - the field width is removed as we don't use it.
void simplifyBitfields();
* Remove __builtin_expect(...), likely(...), and unlikely(...)
void simplifyBuiltinExpect();
* Remove Microsoft MFC 'DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()'
void simplifyMicrosoftMFC();
* Remove Borland code
void simplifyBorland();
* Remove Qt signals and slots
void simplifyQtSignalsSlots();
* Collapse operator name tokens into single token
* operator = => operator=
void simplifyOperatorName();
* This will return a short name describing function parameters
* e.g. parameters: (int a, char b) should get name "int,char,".
* This should help to identify functions with the same name,
* but with different parameters.
* @param start The "(" token
* @return, e.g. "int,char,"
static std::string getNameForFunctionParams(const Token *start);
* check for duplicate enum definition
bool duplicateDefinition(Token **tokPtr, const Token *name);
* duplicate enum definition error
void duplicateEnumError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string & type);
bool duplicateTypedef(Token **tokPtr, const Token *name);
void duplicateTypedefError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string & type);
* Report error - duplicate declarations
void duplicateDeclarationError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &type);
void unsupportedTypedef(const Token *tok) const;
/** Was there templates in the code? */
bool codeWithTemplates() const
return _codeWithTemplates;
void setSettings(const Settings *settings)
_settings = settings;
const SymbolDatabase *getSymbolDatabase() const;
Token *deleteInvalidTypedef(Token *typeDef);
/** Disable copy constructor, no implementation */
Tokenizer(const Tokenizer &);
/** Disable assignment operator, no implementation */
Tokenizer &operator=(const Tokenizer &);
/** Token list */
Token *_tokens, *_tokensBack;
/** sizeof information for known types */
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> _typeSize;
/** filenames for the tokenized source code (source + included) */
std::vector<std::string> _files;
/** settings */
const Settings * _settings;
/** errorlogger */
ErrorLogger * const _errorLogger;
/** E.g. "A" for code where "#ifdef A" is true. This is used to
print additional information in error situations. */
std::string _configuration;
* was there any templates? templates that are "unused" are
* removed from the token list
bool _codeWithTemplates;
/** Symbol database that all checks etc can use */
mutable SymbolDatabase *_symbolDatabase;
/// @}