
219 lines
9.5 KiB

language: cpp
dist: xenial
- gcc
- clang
- ORIGINAL_CXXFLAGS="-pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wfloat-equal -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wno-long-long -Wpacked -Wredundant-decls -Wundef -Wno-shadow -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-multichar -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -g "
# unfortunately we need this to stay within 50min timelimit given by travis.
- CXXFLAGS="${ORIGINAL_CXXFLAGS} -O2 -march=native -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Werror=strict-aliasing"
- ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=1
- UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1
# install needed deps
- travis_retry sudo apt-get update -qq
- travis_retry sudo apt-get install -qq python3-pip libxml2-utils libpcre3 gdb unzip wx-common xmlstarlet python3-dev liblua5.3-dev libcurl3 libcairo2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev tidy libopencv-dev libz3-dev
# Python 2 modules
- travis_retry python2 -m pip install --user pytest==4.6.4
- travis_retry python2 -m pip install --user pylint
- travis_retry python2 -m pip install --user unittest2
- travis_retry python2 -m pip install --user pexpect # imported by tools/ci.py
- travis_retry python2 -m pip install --user pygments
# Python 3 modules
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user setuptools --upgrade
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user pytest
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user pylint
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user unittest2
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user pexpect # imported by tools/ci.py
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user requests # imported by tools/pr.py
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user pygments
- travis_retry python3 -m pip install --user natsort
- cp externals/z3_version_old.h externals/z3_version.h # because travis z3 version is old
# do notify immediately about it when a job of a build fails.
fast_finish: true
- name: "rerun dmake?"
compiler: clang
# defined extra jobs that run besides what is configured in the build matrix
# check a lot of stuff that only needs to be checked in a single configuration
- name: "misc"
compiler: clang
- make -j 2 -s
# run extra tests
- tools/generate_and_run_more_tests.sh
# check for missing CWE entries
- make checkCWEEntries
# check cfg files
- make checkcfg
# check platform files
- make validatePlatforms
# Validate Result XML
- make validateXML
# Validate rule files
- make validateRules
# check htmlreport stuff
- python2 htmlreport/test_htmlreport.py
- python3 htmlreport/test_htmlreport.py
- cd htmlreport
- PYTHON=python2 ./check.sh
- PYTHON=python3 ./check.sh
- cd ../
# check if DESTDIR works TODO: actually execute this
- mkdir install_test
- echo $CXXFLAGS
- make -s DESTDIR=install_test FILESDIR=/usr/share/cppcheck install
# rm everything
- git clean -dfx
# check what happens if we want to install it to some other dir,
- echo $CXXFLAGS
- make -s MATCHCOMPILER=yes FILESDIR=/usr/share/cppcheck -j 2
- sudo make MATCHCOMPILER=yes FILESDIR=/usr/share/cppcheck install
# check if it actually works:
- /usr/bin/cppcheck ./cli
# check if showtime=top5 works
- ./tools/test_showtimetop5.sh
# check matchcompiler
- python2 tools/test_matchcompiler.py
- python3 tools/test_matchcompiler.py
# check --dump
- ${CPPCHECK} test/testpreprocessor.cpp --dump
- xmllint --noout test/testpreprocessor.cpp.dump
# run pylint -- FIXME these are temporarily commented out because there is a syntax error in pylint
# - pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis addons/*.py
# - pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport
# - pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis htmlreport/*.py
# - pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis --ignore=donate-cpu-server.py --ignore=donate-cpu.py --ignore=donate_cpu_lib.py --ignore=test-my-pr.py tools/*.py
# - python3 -m pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis addons/*.py
# - python3 -m pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport
# - python3 -m pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis htmlreport/*.py
# - python3 -m pylint --rcfile=pylintrc_travis tools/*.py
# check python syntax by compiling some selected scripts
- python3 -m py_compile ./tools/donate-cpu.py
- python3 -m py_compile ./tools/donate-cpu-server.py
# check addons/misc.py
- cd addons/test
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump misc-test.cpp
- python3 ../misc.py -verify misc-test.cpp.dump
- cd ../../
# check addons/cert.py
- cd addons/test
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump cert-test.c
- python3 ../cert.py -verify cert-test.c.dump
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump cert-test.cpp
- python3 ../cert.py -verify cert-test.cpp.dump
- cd ../../
# check addons/misra.py
- cd addons/test
# We'll force C89 standard to enable an additional verification for
# rules 5.4 and 5.5 which have standard-dependent options.
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump --suppress=uninitvar --suppress=uninitStructMember --std=c89 misra/misra-test.c
- python3 ../misra.py -verify misra/misra-test.c.dump
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump misra/misra-test.cpp
- python3 ../misra.py -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_ascii.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python3 ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_ascii.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_utf8.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python3 ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_utf8.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_windows1250.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- python3 ../misra.py --rule-texts=misra/misra2012_rules_dummy_windows1250.txt -verify misra/misra-test.cpp.dump
- cd ../../
# check addons/naming.py
- cd addons/test
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump naming_test.c
- python3 ../naming.py --var='[a-z].*' --function='[a-z].*' naming_test.c.dump
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump naming_test.cpp
- python3 ../naming.py --var='[a-z].*' --function='[a-z].*' naming_test.cpp.dump
- cd ../..
# check addons/namingng.py
- cd addons/test
- ${CPPCHECK} --dump namingng_test.c
- python3 ../namingng.py --configfile ../naming.json --verify namingng_test.c.dump
- cd ../..
# bug hunting
- name: "bug hunting"
compiler: gcc
- make clean
- make USE_Z3=yes -j2 all
- ./testrunner TestExprEngine
# FIXME: this is slowish
#- python3 test/bug-hunting/cve.py
- git clone https://github.com/regehr/itc-benchmarks.git ~/itc
- python3 test/bug-hunting/itc.py
- mkdir ~/juliet
- curl https://samate.nist.gov/SARD/testsuites/juliet/Juliet_Test_Suite_v1.3_for_C_Cpp.zip -o ~/juliet/juliet.zip
- cd ~/juliet
- unzip -qq ~/juliet/juliet.zip
- cd -
- python3 test/bug-hunting/juliet.py
# check if dmake needs to be rerun (this job may fail)
- name: "rerun dmake?"
compiler: clang
# we don't need to install any deps for dmake so skip it explicitly
- true
- echo "If the following command fails, run 'make dmake; make run-dmake' and commit the resulting change."
- make -s dmake -j2
- make -s run-dmake
- git diff --exit-code
# check if cppcheck builds on trusty
- name: "make ubuntu 14.04 trusty"
compiler: gcc
dist: trusty
- travis_retry sudo apt-get update -qq
- travis_retry sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils libpcre3
- CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="${ORIGINAL_CXXFLAGS}" make cppcheck check -j 2 -s
- make clean
- CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS="${ORIGINAL_CXXFLAGS}" make cppcheck check -j 2 -s
# fail the entire job as soon as one of the subcommands exits non-zero to save time and resources
- set -e
# Determine CPU count. As of January 2019 it seems to be 2 - so use this for job count in suitable calls to make or cppcheck
- cat /proc/cpuinfo
# check with TEST_MATHLIB_VALUE enabled
- touch lib/mathlib.cpp test/testmathlib.cpp
- echo $CXXFLAGS
- touch lib/mathlib.cpp test/testmathlib.cpp
# syntax checking of cppcheck source code with -DNONNEG
- ls lib/*.cpp | xargs -n 1 -P 2 g++ -fsyntax-only -std=c++0x -Ilib -Iexternals -Iexternals/picojson -Iexternals/simplecpp -Iexternals/tinyxml2 -DNONNEG
# compile cppcheck, default build
- echo $CXXFLAGS
- make -s check -j2
# Testing cli
- cp -R . ../cppcheck\ 2
- cd ../cppcheck\ 2/test/cli # path with space
- python -m pytest test-*.py
- cd -
# Testing addons (disabled 2020-11-24 because Travis fails, TODO try to enable these)
# - PYTHONPATH=./addons python -m pytest addons/test/test-*.py
# - PYTHONPATH=./addons python3 -m pytest addons/test/test-*.py
- "irc.freenode.org#cppcheck"
- "[%{commit} : %{author}] %{message}"
- "%{build_url}"
skip_join: true