
352 lines
11 KiB

# Python module that loads a cppcheck dump
# License: No restrictions, use this as you need.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
## Token class. Contains information about each token in the source code.
class Token:
Id = None
## Token string
str = None
## Next token in tokenlist. For last token, next is None.
next = None
## Previous token in tokenlist. For first token, previous is None,
previous = None
linkId = None
## Linked token in tokenlist. Each '(', '[' and '{' are linked to the
# corresponding '}', ']' and ')'. For templates, the '<' is linked to
# the corresponding '>'.
link = None
scopeId = None
## Scope information for this token. See the Scope class.
scope = None
## Is this token a symbol name
isName = False
## Is this token a number, for example 123, 12.34
isNumber = False
## Is this token a int value such as 1234
isInt = False
## Is this token a int value such as 12.34
isFloat = False
## Is this token a string literal such as "hello"
isString = False
## string length for string literal
strlen = None
## Is this token a char literal such as 'x'
isChar = False
## Is this token a operator
isOp = False
## Is this token a arithmetic operator
isArithmeticalOp = False
## Is this token a assignment operator
isAssignmentOp = False
## Is this token a comparison operator
isComparisonOp = False
## Is this token a logical operator: && ||
isLogicalOp = False
## varId for token, each variable has a unique non-zero id
varId = None
variableId = None
## Variable information for this token. See the Variable class.
variable = None
functionId = None
## If this token points at a function call, this attribute has the Function information. See the Function class.
function = None
valuesId = None
## Possible values of token
values = None
astParentId = None
## syntax tree parent
astParent = None
astOperand1Id = None
## syntax tree operand1
astOperand1 = None
astOperand2Id = None
## syntax tree operand2
astOperand2 = None
## file name
file = None
## line number
linenr = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.str = element.get('str')
self.next = None
self.previous = None
self.scopeId = element.get('scope')
self.scope = None
type = element.get('type')
if type == 'name':
self.isName = True
elif type == 'number':
self.isNumber = True
if element.get('isInt'):
self.isInt = True
elif element.get('isFloat'):
self.isFloat = True
elif type == 'string':
self.isString = True
self.strlen = int(element.get('strlen'))
elif type == 'char':
self.isChar = True
elif type == 'op':
self.isOp = True
if element.get('isArithmeticalOp'):
self.isArithmeticalOp = True
elif element.get('isAssignmentOp'):
self.isAssignmentOp = True
elif element.get('isComparisonOp'):
self.isComparisonOp = True
elif element.get('isLogicalOp'):
self.isLogicalOp = True
self.linkId = element.get('link')
self.link = None
self.varId = element.get('varId')
self.variableId = element.get('variable')
self.variable = None
self.functionId = element.get('function')
self.function = None
self.valuesId = element.get('values')
self.values = None
self.astParentId = element.get('astParent')
self.astParent = None
self.astOperand1Id = element.get('astOperand1')
self.astOperand1 = None
self.astOperand2Id = element.get('astOperand2')
self.astOperand2 = None
self.file = element.get('file')
self.linenr = element.get('linenr')
def setId(self, IdMap):
self.scope = IdMap[self.scopeId]
self.link = IdMap[self.linkId]
self.variable = IdMap[self.variableId]
self.function = IdMap[self.functionId]
self.values = IdMap[self.valuesId]
self.astParent = IdMap[self.astParentId]
self.astOperand1 = IdMap[self.astOperand1Id]
self.astOperand2 = IdMap[self.astOperand2Id]
# Get value if it exists
# Returns None if it doesn't exist
def getValue(self, v):
if not self.values:
return None
for value in self.values:
if value.intvalue == v:
return value
return None
class Scope:
Id = None
classStartId = None
classStart = None
classEndId = None
classEnd = None
className = None
type = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.className = element.get('className')
self.classStartId = element.get('classStart')
self.classStart = None
self.classEndId = element.get('classEnd')
self.classEnd = None
self.nestedInId = element.get('nestedId')
self.nestedIn = None
self.type = element.get('type')
def setId(self, IdMap):
self.classStart = IdMap[self.classStartId]
self.classEnd = IdMap[self.classEndId]
self.nestedIn = IdMap[self.nestedInId]
class Function:
Id = None
argument = None
argumentId = None
tokenDef = None
tokenDefId = None
name = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.tokenDefId = element.get('tokenDef')
self.name = element.get('name')
self.argument = {}
self.argumentId = {}
for arg in element:
self.argumentId[arg.get('nr')] = arg.get('id')
def setId(self, IdMap):
for argnr, argid in self.argumentId.items():
self.argument[argnr] = IdMap[argid]
self.tokenDef = IdMap[self.tokenDefId]
class Variable:
Id = None
nameTokenId = None
nameToken = None
typeStartTokenId = None
typeStartToken = None
typeEndTokenId = None
typeEndToken = None
isArgument = False
isArray = False
isClass = False
isLocal = False
isPointer = False
isReference = False
isStatic = False
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.nameTokenId = element.get('nameToken')
self.nameToken = None
self.typeStartTokenId = element.get('typeStartToken')
self.typeStartToken = None
self.typeEndTokenId = element.get('typeEndToken')
self.typeEndToken = None
self.isArgument = element.get('isArgument') == 'true'
self.isArray = element.get('isArray') == 'true'
self.isClass = element.get('isClass') == 'true'
self.isLocal = element.get('isLocal') == 'true'
self.isPointer = element.get('isPointer') == 'true'
self.isReference = element.get('isReference') == 'true'
self.isStatic = element.get('isStatic') == 'true'
def setId(self, IdMap):
self.nameToken = IdMap[self.nameTokenId]
self.typeStartToken = IdMap[self.typeStartTokenId]
self.typeEndToken = IdMap[self.typeEndTokenId]
class ValueFlow:
class Value:
intvalue = None
tokvalue = None
condition = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.intvalue = element.get('intvalue')
if self.intvalue:
self.intvalue = int(self.intvalue)
self.tokvalue = element.get('tokvalue')
self.condition = element.get('condition-line')
if self.condition:
self.condition = int(self.condition)
Id = None
values = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.values = []
for value in element:
class CppcheckData:
tokenlist = []
scopes = []
functions = []
variables = []
valueflow = []
def __init__(self, filename):
self.tokenlist = []
self.scopes = []
self.functions = []
self.variables = []
self.valueflow = []
data = ET.parse(filename)
for element in data.getroot():
if element.tag == 'tokenlist':
for token in element:
# set next/previous..
prev = None
for token in self.tokenlist:
token.previous = prev
if prev:
prev.next = token
prev = token
if element.tag == 'scopes':
for scope in element:
for functionList in scope:
if functionList.tag == 'functionList':
for function in functionList:
if element.tag == 'variables':
for variable in element:
if element.tag == 'valueflow':
for values in element:
IdMap = {}
IdMap[None] = None
IdMap['0'] = None
for token in self.tokenlist:
IdMap[token.Id] = token
for scope in self.scopes:
IdMap[scope.Id] = scope
for function in self.functions:
IdMap[function.Id] = function
for variable in self.variables:
IdMap[variable.Id] = variable
for values in self.valueflow:
IdMap[values.Id] = values.values
for token in self.tokenlist:
for scope in self.scopes:
for function in self.functions:
for variable in self.variables:
def parsedump(filename):
return CppcheckData(filename)
# Check if type of ast node is float/double
def astIsFloat(token):
if not token:
return False
if token.str == '.':
return astIsFloat(token.astOperand2)
if '+-*/%'.find(token.str) == 0:
if True == astIsFloat(token.astOperand1):
return True
return astIsFloat(token.astOperand2)
if not token.variable:
# float literal?
if token.str[0].isdigit():
for c in token.str:
if c == 'f' or c == '.' or c == 'E':
return True
return False
typeToken = token.variable.typeStartToken
endToken = token.variable.typeEndToken
while typeToken != endToken:
if typeToken.str == 'float' or typeToken.str == 'double':
return True
typeToken = typeToken.next
if typeToken.str == 'float' or typeToken.str == 'double':
return True
return False