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* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QString>
#include <QColor>
#include <QFont>
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_GROUP( "EditorStyle" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_TYPE( "StyleType");
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_TYPE_LIGHT( "DefaultLight" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_TYPE_DARK( "DefaultDark" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_TYPE_CUSTOM( "Custom" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_WIDGETFG( "StyleWidgetFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_WIDGETBG( "StyleWidgetBG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_HILIFG( "StyleHighlightFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_LINENUMFG( "StyleLineNumFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_LINENUMBG( "StyleLineNumBG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_KEYWORDFG( "StyleKeywordFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_KEYWORDWT( "StyleKeywordWeight" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_CLASSFG( "StyleClassFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_CLASSWT( "StyleClassWeight" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_QUOTEFG( "StyleQuoteFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_QUOTEWT( "StyleQuoteWeight" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_COMMENTFG( "StyleCommentFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_COMMENTWT( "StyleCommentWeight" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_SYMBOLFG( "StyleSymbolFG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_SYMBOLBG( "StyleSymbolBG" );
const QString SETTINGS_STYLE_SYMBOLWT( "StyleSymbolWeight" );
class QSettings;
class CodeEditorStyle {
explicit CodeEditorStyle(
const QColor& CtrlFGColor, const QColor& CtrlBGColor,
const QColor& HiLiBGColor,
const QColor& LnNumFGColor, const QColor& LnNumBGColor,
const QColor& KeyWdFGColor, const QFont::Weight& KeyWdWeight,
const QColor& ClsFGColor, const QFont::Weight& ClsWeight,
const QColor& QteFGColor, const QFont::Weight& QteWeight,
const QColor& CmtFGColor, const QFont::Weight& CmtWeight,
const QColor& SymbFGColor, const QColor& SymbBGColor,
const QFont::Weight& SymbWeight);
~CodeEditorStyle() {};
bool operator==( const CodeEditorStyle& rhs ) const;
bool operator!=( const CodeEditorStyle& rhs ) const;
static CodeEditorStyle loadSettings( QSettings *settings );
static void saveSettings( QSettings *settings, const CodeEditorStyle& theStyle );
QColor widgetFGColor;
QColor widgetBGColor;
QColor highlightBGColor;
QColor lineNumFGColor;
QColor lineNumBGColor;
QColor keywordColor;
QFont::Weight keywordWeight;
QColor classColor;
QFont::Weight classWeight;
QColor quoteColor;
QFont::Weight quoteWeight;
QColor commentColor;
QFont::Weight commentWeight;
QColor symbolFGColor;
QColor symbolBGColor;
QFont::Weight symbolWeight;
static const CodeEditorStyle defaultStyleLight(
/* editor FG/BG */ Qt::black, QColor(240, 240, 240),
/* highlight BG */ QColor(255, 220, 220),
/* line number FG/BG */ Qt::black, QColor(240, 240, 240),
/* keyword FG/Weight */ Qt::darkBlue, QFont::Bold,
/* class FG/Weight */ Qt::darkMagenta, QFont::Bold,
/* quote FG/Weight */ Qt::darkGreen, QFont::Normal,
/* comment FG/Weight */ Qt::gray, QFont::Normal,
/* Symbol FG/BG/Weight */ Qt::red, QColor(220, 220, 255), QFont::Normal
// Styling derived from Eclipse Color Theme - 'RecognEyes'
// http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=theme&id=30
static const CodeEditorStyle defaultStyleDark(
/* editor FG/BG */ QColor(218, 218, 218), QColor(16, 16, 32),
/* highlight BG */ QColor(64, 64, 64),
/* line number FG/BG */ QColor(43, 145, 175), QColor(16, 16, 32),
/* keyword FG/Weight */ QColor(0, 204, 204), QFont::Bold,
/* class FG/Weight */ QColor(218, 0, 218), QFont::Bold,
/* quote FG/Weight */ QColor(0, 204, 0), QFont::Normal,
/* comment FG/Weight */ QColor(180, 180, 180), QFont::Normal,
/* Symbol FG/BG/Weight */ QColor(218, 32, 32), QColor(32, 32, 108), QFont::Normal