
559 lines
22 KiB

* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Buffer overrun..
#include "checkbufferoverrun.h"
#include "astutils.h"
#include "library.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "symboldatabase.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "tokenize.h"
#include "tokenlist.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "valueflow.h"
#include <tinyxml2.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <utility>
// Register this check class (by creating a static instance of it)
namespace {
CheckBufferOverrun instance;
// CWE ids used:
static const CWE CWE131(131U); // Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size
static const CWE CWE170(170U); // Improper Null Termination
static const CWE CWE398(398U); // Indicator of Poor Code Quality
static const CWE CWE682(682U); // Incorrect Calculation
static const CWE CWE758(758U); // Reliance on Undefined, Unspecified, or Implementation-Defined Behavior
static const CWE CWE786(786U); // Access of Memory Location Before Start of Buffer
static const CWE CWE788(788U); // Access of Memory Location After End of Buffer
static const ValueFlow::Value *getBufferSizeValue(const Token *tok)
for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : tok->values()) {
if (value.isBufferSizeValue())
return &value;
return nullptr;
static size_t getMinFormatStringOutputLength(const std::vector<const Token*> &parameters, unsigned int formatStringArgNr)
if (formatStringArgNr == 0 || formatStringArgNr > parameters.size())
return 0;
if (parameters[formatStringArgNr - 1]->tokType() != Token::eString)
return 0;
const std::string &formatString = parameters[formatStringArgNr - 1]->str();
bool percentCharFound = false;
std::size_t outputStringSize = 0;
bool handleNextParameter = false;
std::string digits_string;
bool i_d_x_f_found = false;
std::size_t parameterLength = 0;
unsigned int inputArgNr = formatStringArgNr;
for (std::string::size_type i = 1; i + 1 < formatString.length(); ++i) {
if (formatString[i] == '\\') {
if (i < formatString.length() - 1 && formatString[i + 1] == '0')
if (percentCharFound) {
switch (formatString[i]) {
case 'f':
case 'x':
case 'X':
case 'i':
i_d_x_f_found = true;
handleNextParameter = true;
parameterLength = 1; // TODO
case 'c':
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'g':
case 'o':
case 'u':
case 'p':
case 'n':
handleNextParameter = true;
parameterLength = 1; // TODO
case 'd':
i_d_x_f_found = true;
parameterLength = 1;
if (inputArgNr < parameters.size() && parameters[inputArgNr]->hasKnownIntValue())
parameterLength = MathLib::toString(parameters[inputArgNr]->getKnownIntValue()).length();
handleNextParameter = true;
case 's':
parameterLength = 0;
if (inputArgNr < parameters.size() && parameters[inputArgNr]->tokType() == Token::eString)
parameterLength = Token::getStrLength(parameters[inputArgNr]);
handleNextParameter = true;
if (formatString[i] == '%')
percentCharFound = !percentCharFound;
else if (percentCharFound) {
digits_string.append(1, formatString[i]);
if (!percentCharFound)
if (handleNextParameter) {
unsigned int tempDigits = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::abs(std::atoi(digits_string.c_str())));
if (i_d_x_f_found)
tempDigits = std::max(static_cast<unsigned int>(tempDigits), 1U);
if (digits_string.find('.') != std::string::npos) {
const std::string endStr = digits_string.substr(digits_string.find('.') + 1);
const unsigned int maxLen = std::max(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::abs(std::atoi(endStr.c_str()))), 1U);
if (formatString[i] == 's') {
// For strings, the length after the dot "%.2s" will limit
// the length of the string.
if (parameterLength > maxLen)
parameterLength = maxLen;
} else {
// For integers, the length after the dot "%.2d" can
// increase required length
if (tempDigits < maxLen)
tempDigits = maxLen;
if (tempDigits < parameterLength)
outputStringSize += parameterLength;
outputStringSize += tempDigits;
parameterLength = 0;
i_d_x_f_found = false;
percentCharFound = false;
handleNextParameter = false;
return outputStringSize;
void CheckBufferOverrun::arrayIndex()
for (const Token *tok = mTokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) {
if (tok->str() != "[")
const Token *array = tok->astOperand1();
while (Token::Match(array, ".|::"))
array = array->astOperand2();
if (!array|| !array->variable() || array->variable()->nameToken() == array)
if (!array->scope()->isExecutable()) {
// LHS in non-executable scope => This is just a definition
const Token *parent = tok;
while (parent && !Token::simpleMatch(parent->astParent(), "="))
parent = parent->astParent();
if (!parent || parent == parent->astParent()->astOperand1())
const Token *indexToken = tok->astOperand2();
if (!indexToken)
std::vector<Dimension> dimensions;
ErrorPath errorPath;
bool mightBeLarger;
if (array->variable()->isArray() && !array->variable()->dimensions().empty()) {
dimensions = array->variable()->dimensions();
mightBeLarger = (dimensions.size() >= 1 && (dimensions[0].num <= 1 || !dimensions[0].tok));
} else if (const Token *stringLiteral = array->getValueTokenMinStrSize()) {
Dimension dim;
dim.tok = nullptr;
dim.num = Token::getStrSize(stringLiteral);
dim.known = array->hasKnownValue();
mightBeLarger = false;
} else if (array->valueType() && array->valueType()->pointer >= 1 && array->valueType()->isIntegral()) {
const ValueFlow::Value *value = getBufferSizeValue(array);
if (!value)
errorPath = value->errorPath;
Dimension dim;
dim.known = value->isKnown();
dim.tok = nullptr;
dim.num = value->intvalue / array->valueType()->typeSize(*mSettings);
mightBeLarger = false;
if (dimensions.empty())
const MathLib::bigint dim = dimensions[0].num;
// Positive index
if (!mightBeLarger) { // TODO check arrays with dim 1 also
for (int cond = 0; cond < 2; cond++) {
const ValueFlow::Value *value = indexToken->getMaxValue(cond == 1);
if (!value)
const MathLib::bigint index = value->intvalue;
if (index < dim)
if (index == dim) {
const Token *parent = tok;
while (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "["))
parent = parent->astParent();
if (parent->isUnaryOp("&"))
arrayIndexError(tok, dimensions, value);
// Negative index
const ValueFlow::Value *negativeValue = indexToken->getValueLE(-1, mSettings);
if (negativeValue) {
negativeIndexError(tok, dimensions, negativeValue);
static std::string arrayIndexMessage(const Token *tok, const std::vector<Dimension> &dimensions, const ValueFlow::Value *index)
std::string array = tok->astOperand1()->expressionString();
for (const Dimension &dim : dimensions)
array += "[" + MathLib::toString(dim.num) + "]";
std::ostringstream errmsg;
if (index->condition)
errmsg << ValueFlow::eitherTheConditionIsRedundant(index->condition)
<< " or the array '" + array + "' is accessed at index " << index->intvalue << ", which is out of bounds.";
errmsg << "Array '" << array << "' accessed at index " << index->intvalue << ", which is out of bounds.";
return errmsg.str();
void CheckBufferOverrun::arrayIndexError(const Token *tok, const std::vector<Dimension> &dimensions, const ValueFlow::Value *index)
if (!tok) {
reportError(tok, Severity::error, "arrayIndexOutOfBounds", "Array 'arr[16]' accessed at index 16, which is out of bounds.", CWE788, false);
reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond", "Array 'arr[16]' accessed at index 16, which is out of bounds.", CWE788, false);
reportError(getErrorPath(tok, index, "Array index out of bounds"),
index->errorSeverity() ? Severity::error : Severity::warning,
index->condition ? "arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond" : "arrayIndexOutOfBounds",
arrayIndexMessage(tok, dimensions, index),
void CheckBufferOverrun::negativeIndexError(const Token *tok, const std::vector<Dimension> &dimensions, const ValueFlow::Value *negativeValue)
if (!negativeValue) {
reportError(tok, Severity::error, "negativeIndex", "Negative array index", CWE786, false);
if (!negativeValue->errorSeverity() && !mSettings->isEnabled(Settings::WARNING))
reportError(getErrorPath(tok, negativeValue, "Negative array index"),
negativeValue->errorSeverity() ? Severity::error : Severity::warning,
arrayIndexMessage(tok, dimensions, negativeValue),
ValueFlow::Value CheckBufferOverrun::getBufferSize(const Token *bufTok) const
if (!bufTok->valueType())
return ValueFlow::Value(-1);
const Variable *var = bufTok->variable();
if (!var || var->dimensions().empty()) {
const ValueFlow::Value *value = getBufferSizeValue(bufTok);
if (value)
return *value;
if (!var)
return ValueFlow::Value(-1);
MathLib::bigint dim = 1;
for (const Dimension &d : var->dimensions())
dim *= d.num;
ValueFlow::Value v;
v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE;
if (var->isPointerArray())
v.intvalue = dim * mSettings->sizeof_pointer;
else {
const MathLib::bigint typeSize = bufTok->valueType()->typeSize(*mSettings);
v.intvalue = dim * typeSize;
return v;
static bool checkBufferSize(const Token *ftok, const Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize &minsize, const std::vector<const Token *> &args, const MathLib::bigint bufferSize, const Settings *settings)
const Token * const arg = (minsize.arg > 0 && minsize.arg - 1 < args.size()) ? args[minsize.arg - 1] : nullptr;
const Token * const arg2 = (minsize.arg2 > 0 && minsize.arg2 - 1 < args.size()) ? args[minsize.arg2 - 1] : nullptr;
switch (minsize.type) {
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::STRLEN:
if (settings->library.isargformatstr(ftok, minsize.arg)) {
return getMinFormatStringOutputLength(args, minsize.arg) < bufferSize;
} else if (arg) {
const Token *strtoken = arg->getValueTokenMaxStrLength();
if (strtoken)
return Token::getStrLength(strtoken) < bufferSize;
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::ARGVALUE:
if (arg && arg->hasKnownIntValue())
return arg->getKnownIntValue() <= bufferSize;
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::SIZEOF:
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::MUL:
if (arg && arg2 && arg->hasKnownIntValue() && arg2->hasKnownIntValue())
return (arg->getKnownIntValue() * arg2->getKnownIntValue()) <= bufferSize;
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::VALUE:
return minsize.value <= bufferSize;
case Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize::Type::NONE:
return true;
void CheckBufferOverrun::bufferOverflow()
const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = mTokenizer->getSymbolDatabase();
for (const Scope * scope : symbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
for (const Token *tok = scope->bodyStart; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok, "%name% (") || Token::simpleMatch(tok, ") {"))
if (!mSettings->library.hasminsize(tok))
const std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
for (unsigned int argnr = 0; argnr < args.size(); ++argnr) {
if (!args[argnr]->valueType() || args[argnr]->valueType()->pointer == 0)
const std::vector<Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize> *minsizes = mSettings->library.argminsizes(tok, argnr + 1);
if (!minsizes || minsizes->empty())
// Get buffer size..
const Token *argtok = args[argnr];
while (argtok && argtok->isCast())
argtok = argtok->astOperand2() ? argtok->astOperand2() : argtok->astOperand1();
while (Token::Match(argtok, ".|::"))
argtok = argtok->astOperand2();
if (!argtok || !argtok->variable())
// TODO: strcpy(buf+10, "hello");
const ValueFlow::Value bufferSize = getBufferSize(argtok);
if (bufferSize.intvalue <= 1)
bool error = true;
for (const Library::ArgumentChecks::MinSize &minsize : *minsizes) {
if (checkBufferSize(tok, minsize, args, bufferSize.intvalue, mSettings)) {
error = false;
if (error)
bufferOverflowError(args[argnr], &bufferSize);
void CheckBufferOverrun::bufferOverflowError(const Token *tok, const ValueFlow::Value *value)
reportError(getErrorPath(tok, value, "Buffer overrun"), Severity::error, "bufferAccessOutOfBounds", "Buffer is accessed out of bounds: " + (tok ? tok->expressionString() : "buf"), CWE788, false);
void CheckBufferOverrun::arrayIndexThenCheck()
if (!mSettings->isEnabled(Settings::PORTABILITY))
const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = mTokenizer->getSymbolDatabase();
for (const Scope * const scope : symbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
for (const Token *tok = scope->bodyStart; tok && tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "sizeof (")) {
tok = tok->linkAt(1);
if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% [ %var% ]")) {
tok = tok->next();
const unsigned int indexID = tok->next()->varId();
const std::string& indexName(tok->strAt(1));
// Iterate AST upwards
const Token* tok2 = tok;
const Token* tok3 = tok2;
while (tok2->astParent() && tok2->tokType() != Token::eLogicalOp) {
tok3 = tok2;
tok2 = tok2->astParent();
// Ensure that we ended at a logical operator and that we came from its left side
if (tok2->tokType() != Token::eLogicalOp || tok2->astOperand1() != tok3)
// check if array index is ok
// statement can be closed in parentheses, so "(| " is using
if (Token::Match(tok2, "&& (| %varid% <|<=", indexID))
arrayIndexThenCheckError(tok, indexName);
else if (Token::Match(tok2, "&& (| %any% >|>= %varid% !!+", indexID))
arrayIndexThenCheckError(tok, indexName);
void CheckBufferOverrun::arrayIndexThenCheckError(const Token *tok, const std::string &indexName)
reportError(tok, Severity::style, "arrayIndexThenCheck",
"$symbol:" + indexName + "\n"
"Array index '$symbol' is used before limits check.\n"
"Defensive programming: The variable '$symbol' is used as an array index before it "
"is checked that is within limits. This can mean that the array might be accessed out of bounds. "
"Reorder conditions such as '(a[i] && i < 10)' to '(i < 10 && a[i])'. That way the array will "
"not be accessed if the index is out of limits.", CWE398, false);
void CheckBufferOverrun::stringNotZeroTerminated()
// this is currently 'inconclusive'. See TestBufferOverrun::terminateStrncpy3
if (!mSettings->isEnabled(Settings::WARNING) || !mSettings->inconclusive)
const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = mTokenizer->getSymbolDatabase();
for (const Scope * const scope : symbolDatabase->functionScopes) {
for (const Token *tok = scope->bodyStart; tok && tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) {
if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "strncpy ("))
const std::vector<const Token *> args = getArguments(tok);
if (args.size() != 3)
const Token *sizeToken = args[2];
if (!sizeToken->hasKnownIntValue())
const ValueFlow::Value &bufferSize = getBufferSize(args[0]);
if (bufferSize.intvalue < 0 || sizeToken->getKnownIntValue() < bufferSize.intvalue)
const Token *srcValue = args[1]->getValueTokenMaxStrLength();
if (srcValue && Token::getStrLength(srcValue) < sizeToken->getKnownIntValue())
// Is the buffer zero terminated after the call?
bool isZeroTerminated = false;
for (const Token *tok2 = tok->next()->link(); tok2 != scope->bodyEnd; tok2 = tok2->next()) {
if (!Token::Match(tok2, "] ="))
const Token *rhs = tok2->next()->astOperand2();
if (!rhs || !rhs->hasKnownIntValue() || rhs->getKnownIntValue() != 0)
if (isSameExpression(mTokenizer->isCPP(), false, args[0], tok2->link()->astOperand1(), mSettings->library, false, false))
isZeroTerminated = true;
if (isZeroTerminated)
// TODO: Locate unsafe string usage..
terminateStrncpyError(tok, args[0]->expressionString());
void CheckBufferOverrun::terminateStrncpyError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname)
const std::string shortMessage = "The buffer '$symbol' may not be null-terminated after the call to strncpy().";
reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "terminateStrncpy",
"$symbol:" + varname + '\n' +
shortMessage + '\n' +
shortMessage + ' ' +
"If the source string's size fits or exceeds the given size, strncpy() does not add a "
"zero at the end of the buffer. This causes bugs later in the code if the code "
"assumes buffer is null-terminated.", CWE170, true);
void CheckBufferOverrun::bufferNotZeroTerminatedError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname, const std::string &function)
const std::string errmsg = "$symbol:" + varname + '\n' +
"$symbol:" + function + '\n' +
"The buffer '" + varname + "' is not null-terminated after the call to " + function + "().\n"
"The buffer '" + varname + "' is not null-terminated after the call to " + function + "(). "
"This will cause bugs later in the code if the code assumes the buffer is null-terminated.";
reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "bufferNotZeroTerminated", errmsg, CWE170, true);