
244 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# cppcheck addon for Y2038 safeness detection
# Detects:
# 1. _TIME_BITS being defined to something else than 64 bits
# 2. _USE_TIME_BITS64 being defined when _TIME_BITS is not
# 3. Any Y2038-unsafe symbol when _USE_TIME_BITS64 is not defined.
# Example usage:
# $ cppcheck --addon=y2038 path-to-src/test.c
from __future__ import print_function
import cppcheckdata
import sys
import os
import re
# --------------------------------------------
# #define/#undef detection regular expressions
# --------------------------------------------
# test for '#define _TIME_BITS 64'
re_define_time_bits_64 = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*define\s+_TIME_BITS\s+64\s*$')
# test for '#define _TIME_BITS ...' (combine w/ above to test for 'not 64')
re_define_time_bits = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*define\s+_TIME_BITS\s+.*$')
# test for '#undef _TIME_BITS' (if it ever happens)
re_undef_time_bits = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*undef\s+_TIME_BITS\s*$')
# test for '#define _USE_TIME_BITS64'
re_define_use_time_bits64 = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*define\s+_USE_TIME_BITS64\s*$')
# test for '#undef _USE_TIME_BITS64' (if it ever happens)
re_undef_use_time_bits64 = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*undef\s+_USE_TIME_BITS64\s*$')
# --------------------------------
# List of Y2038-unsafe identifiers
# --------------------------------
# This is WIP. Eventually it should contain all identifiers (types
# and functions) which would be affected by the Y2038 bug.
id_Y2038 = {
# Y2038-unsafe types by definition
# Types using Y2038-unsafe types
# APIs using 2038-unsafe types
'struct itimerval',
def check_y2038_safe(dumpfile, quiet=False):
# Assume that the code is Y2038 safe until proven otherwise
y2038safe = True
# load XML from .dump file
data = cppcheckdata.CppcheckData(dumpfile)
srcfile = data.files[0]
for cfg in data.iterconfigurations():
if not quiet:
print('Checking %s, config %s...' % (srcfile, cfg.name))
safe_ranges = []
safe = -1
time_bits_defined = False
srclinenr = 0
for directive in cfg.directives:
# track source line number
if directive.file == srcfile:
srclinenr = directive.linenr
# check for correct _TIME_BITS if present
if re_define_time_bits_64.match(directive.str):
time_bits_defined = True
elif re_define_time_bits.match(directive.str):
cppcheckdata.reportError(directive, 'error',
'_TIME_BITS must be defined equal to 64',
time_bits_defined = False
y2038safe = False
elif re_undef_time_bits.match(directive.str):
time_bits_defined = False
# check for _USE_TIME_BITS64 (un)definition
if re_define_use_time_bits64.match(directive.str):
safe = int(srclinenr)
# warn about _TIME_BITS not being defined
if not time_bits_defined:
cppcheckdata.reportError(directive, 'warning',
'_USE_TIME_BITS64 is defined but _TIME_BITS was not',
elif re_undef_use_time_bits64.match(directive.str):
unsafe = int(srclinenr)
# do we have a safe..unsafe area?
if unsafe > safe > 0:
safe_ranges.append((safe, unsafe))
safe = -1
# check end of source beyond last directive
if len(cfg.tokenlist) > 0:
unsafe = int(cfg.tokenlist[-1].linenr)
if unsafe > safe > 0:
safe_ranges.append((safe, unsafe))
# go through all tokens
for token in cfg.tokenlist:
if token.str in id_Y2038:
if not any(lower <= int(token.linenr) <= upper
for (lower, upper) in safe_ranges):
cppcheckdata.reportError(token, 'warning',
token.str + ' is Y2038-unsafe',
y2038safe = False
token = token.next
return y2038safe
def get_args_parser():
parser = cppcheckdata.ArgumentParser()
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = get_args_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
exit_code = 0
quiet = args.quiet or args.cli
if not args.dumpfile:
if not args.quiet:
print("no input files.")
for dumpfile in args.dumpfile:
if not quiet:
print('Checking ' + dumpfile + '...')
check_y2038_safe(dumpfile, quiet)