
293 lines
12 KiB

* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki, Reijo Tomperi, Nicolas Le Cam,
* Leandro Penz, Kimmo Varis
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
class Message
enum Settings {always, all, style, style_all, never};
Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg);
Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1);
Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1, std::string par2);
Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1, std::string par2, std::string details);
void generateCode(std::ostream &ostr) const;
void generateDoc(std::ostream &ostr, Settings i) const;
std::string stringifySettings(bool text) const;
std::string _funcname;
std::string _msg;
std::string _par1;
std::string _par2;
Settings _settings;
std::string _details;
std::string msg(bool code) const;
int main()
// Error messages..
std::list<Message> err;
// checkbufferoverrun.cpp
err.push_back(Message("arrayIndexOutOfBounds", Message::all, "Array index out of bounds"));
err.push_back(Message("bufferOverrun", Message::all, "Buffer overrun"));
err.push_back(Message("outOfBounds", Message::always, "%1 is out of bounds", "what"));
// checkclass.cpp..
err.push_back(Message("noConstructor", Message::style, "The class '%1' has no constructor", "classname"));
err.push_back(Message("uninitVar", Message::always, "Uninitialized member variable '%1::%2'", "classname", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("unusedPrivateFunction", Message::style, "Unused private function '%1::%2'", "classname", "funcname"));
err.push_back(Message("memsetClass", Message::always, "Using '%1' on class", "memfunc"));
err.push_back(Message("memsetStruct", Message::always, "Using '%1' on struct that contains a 'std::%2'", "memfunc", "classname"));
err.push_back(Message("operatorEq", Message::style, "'operator=' should return something"));
err.push_back(Message("virtualDestructor", Message::always, "Class %1 which is inherited by class %2 does not have a virtual destructor", "Base", "Derived"));
// checkfunctionusage.cpp..
err.push_back(Message("unusedFunction", Message::style_all, "[%1]: The function '%2' is never used", "filename", "funcname"));
// checkmemoryleak.cpp..
err.push_back(Message("mismatchAllocDealloc", Message::always, "Mismatching allocation and deallocation: %1", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("memleak", Message::always, "Memory leak: %1", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("memleakall", Message::all, "Memory leak: %1", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("resourceLeak", Message::always, "Resource leak: %1", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("deallocDealloc", Message::always, "Deallocating a deallocated pointer: %1", "varname"));
// checkother.cpp..
err.push_back(Message("cstyleCast", Message::style, "C-style pointer casting"));
err.push_back(Message("redundantIfDelete0", Message::style, "Redundant condition. It is safe to deallocate a NULL pointer"));
err.push_back(Message("redundantIfRemove", Message::style, "Redundant condition. The remove function in the STL will not do anything if element doesn't exist"));
err.push_back(Message("dangerousUsageStrtol", Message::always, "Invalid radix in call to strtol or strtoul. Must be 0 or 2-36"));
err.push_back(Message("ifNoAction", Message::style, "Found redundant if condition - 'if (condition);'"));
err.push_back(Message("sprintfOverlappingData", Message::always, "Overlapping data buffer %1", "varname", "",
" -- If copying takes place between objects that overlap as a result of a\n"
" call to sprintf() or snprintf(), the results are undefined.\n"
" http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/printf.html"));
err.push_back(Message("udivError", Message::always, "Unsigned division. The result will be wrong."));
err.push_back(Message("udivWarning", Message::style_all, "Warning: Division with signed and unsigned operators"));
err.push_back(Message("unusedStructMember", Message::style, "struct or union member '%1::%2' is never used", "structname", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("passedByValue", Message::style, "Function parameter '%1' is passed by value. It could be passed by reference instead.", "parname"));
err.push_back(Message("constStatement", Message::style, "Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with %1 constant", "type"));
err.push_back(Message("charArrayIndex", Message::style, "Warning - using char variable as array index"));
err.push_back(Message("charBitOp", Message::style, "Warning - using char variable in bit operation"));
err.push_back(Message("variableScope", Message::never, "The scope of the variable %1 can be limited", "varname"));
err.push_back(Message("conditionAlwaysTrueFalse", Message::style, "Condition is always %1", "truefalse"));
err.push_back(Message("strPlusChar", Message::always, "Unusual pointer arithmetic"));
// Generate code..
std::cout << "Generate code.." << std::endl;
std::ofstream fout("errormessage.h");
fout << "/*\n";
fout << " * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis\n";
fout << " * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki, Reijo Tomperi, Nicolas Le Cam,\n";
fout << " * Leandro Penz, Kimmo Varis\n";
fout << " *\n";
fout << " * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n";
fout << " * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n";
fout << " * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n";
fout << " * (at your option) any later version.\n";
fout << " *\n";
fout << " * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n";
fout << " * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n";
fout << " * GNU General Public License for more details.\n";
fout << " *\n";
fout << " * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n";
fout << " * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/\n";
fout << " */\n\n";
fout << "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY MACHINE, SEE ../tools/errmsg.cpp !\n\n";
fout << "#ifndef errormessageH\n";
fout << "#define errormessageH\n";
fout << "#include <string>\n";
fout << "#include \"settings.h\"\n";
fout << "class Token;\n";
fout << "class Tokenizer;\n";
fout << "class ErrorMessage\n";
fout << "{\n";
fout << "private:\n";
fout << " ErrorMessage() { }\n";
fout << " static std::string msg1(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Token *Location);\n";
fout << "public:\n";
for (std::list<Message>::const_iterator it = err.begin(); it != err.end(); ++it)
fout << "};\n";
fout << "#endif\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Generate documentation..
std::cout << "Generate doc.." << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
const char *suite[4] = { "always", "all", "style", "all + style" };
const Message::Settings settings[4] = { Message::always, Message::all, Message::style, Message::style_all };
std::cout << " =" << suite[i] << "=" << std::endl;
for (std::list<Message>::const_iterator it = err.begin(); it != err.end(); ++it)
it->generateDoc(std::cout, settings[i]);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Message::Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg)
: _funcname(funcname), _msg(msg), _par1(""), _par2(""), _settings(settings), _details("")
{ }
Message::Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1)
: _funcname(funcname), _msg(msg), _par1(par1), _par2(""), _settings(settings), _details("")
{ }
Message::Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1, std::string par2)
: _funcname(funcname), _msg(msg), _par1(par1), _par2(par2), _settings(settings), _details("")
{ }
Message::Message(std::string funcname, Settings settings, std::string msg, std::string par1, std::string par2, std::string details)
: _funcname(funcname), _msg(msg), _par1(par1), _par2(par2), _settings(settings), _details(details)
{ }
std::string Message::msg(bool code) const
const char *str = code ? "\"" : "";
std::string ret(str + _msg + str);
if (! _par1.empty())
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = ret.find("%1", pos)) != std::string::npos)
ret.erase(pos, 2);
if (code)
ret.insert(pos, "\" + " + _par1 + " + \"");
ret.insert(pos, _par1);
if (! _par2.empty())
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = ret.find("%2", pos)) != std::string::npos)
ret.erase(pos, 2);
if (code)
ret.insert(pos, "\" + " + _par2 + " + \"");
ret.insert(pos, _par2);
return ret;
static std::string stringifySeverity();
void Message::generateCode(std::ostream &ostr) const
bool loc = bool(_msg.substr(0, 4) != "[%1]");
// Error message..
ostr << " static std::string " << _funcname << "(";
if (loc)
ostr << "const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Token *Location";
if (_details.size())
ostr << ", const Settings &settings";
if (! _par1.empty())
ostr << (loc ? ", " : "") << "const std::string &" << _par1;
if (! _par2.empty())
ostr << ", const std::string &" << _par2;
ostr << ")\n";
ostr << " {\n";
ostr << " return ";
if (loc)
ostr << "msg1(tokenizer, Location) + ";
ostr << " std::string(\"(" << stringifySettings(true) << ") \") + ";
ostr << msg(true);
if (_details.empty())
ostr << ";\n";
ostr << " + std::string(settings._verbose ? \"\\n";
for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < _details.length(); ++pos)
if (_details[pos] == '\n')
ostr << "\\n";
ostr << _details[pos];
ostr << "\" : \"\");\n";
ostr << " }\n";
// Settings..
ostr << " static bool " << _funcname << "(";
if (_settings != always && _settings != never)
ostr << "const Settings &s";
ostr << ")" << std::endl;
ostr << " {\n";
ostr << " return " << stringifySettings(false) << ";\n";
ostr << " }\n\n";
void Message::generateDoc(std::ostream &ostr, Message::Settings i) const
if (_settings == i)
ostr << " " << msg(false) << std::endl;
std::string Message::stringifySettings(bool text) const
switch (_settings)
case always:
return text ? "always" : "true";
case all:
return text ? "all" : "s._showAll";
case style:
return text ? "style" : "s._checkCodingStyle";
case style_all:
return text ? "all style" : "s._checkCodingStyle || s._showAll";
case never:
return text ? "never" : "false";
return "";