
1637 lines
69 KiB

* Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Cppcheck team.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "templatesimplifier.h"
#include "testsuite.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "tokenize.h"
struct InternalError;
class TestSimplifyTemplate : public TestFixture {
TestSimplifyTemplate() : TestFixture("TestSimplifyTemplate") {
Settings settings;
void run() {
TEST_CASE(template15); // recursive templates
TEST_CASE(template24); // #2648 - using sizeof in template parameter
TEST_CASE(template25); // #2648 - another test for sizeof template parameter
TEST_CASE(template26); // #2721 - passing 'char[2]' as template parameter
TEST_CASE(template27); // #3350 - removing unused template in macro call
TEST_CASE(template30); // #3529 - template < template < ..
TEST_CASE(template31); // #4010 - reference type
TEST_CASE(template32); // #3818 - mismatching template not handled well
TEST_CASE(template33); // #3818,#4544 - inner templates in template instantiation not handled well
TEST_CASE(template34); // #3706 - namespace => hang
TEST_CASE(template35); // #4074 - A<'x'> a;
TEST_CASE(template36); // #4310 - passing unknown template instantiation as template argument
TEST_CASE(template37); // #4544 - A<class B> a;
TEST_CASE(template38); // #4832 - crash on C++11 right angle brackets
TEST_CASE(template39); // #4742 - freeze
TEST_CASE(template40); // #5055 - template specialization outside struct
TEST_CASE(template41); // #4710 - const in instantiation not handled perfectly
TEST_CASE(template42); // #4878 - variadic templates
TEST_CASE(template43); // #5097 - assert due to '>>' not treated as end of template instantiation
TEST_CASE(template44); // #5297 - TemplateSimplifier::simplifyCalculations not eager enough
TEST_CASE(template45); // #5814 - syntax error reported for valid code
TEST_CASE(template46); // #5816 - syntax error reported for valid code
TEST_CASE(template47); // #6023 - syntax error reported for valid code
TEST_CASE(template48); // #6134 - 100% CPU upon invalid code
TEST_CASE(template49); // #6237 - template instantiation
TEST_CASE(template50); // #4272 - simple partial specialization
TEST_CASE(template51); // #6172 - crash upon valid code
TEST_CASE(template52); // #6437 - crash upon valid code
TEST_CASE(template53); // #4335 - bail out for valid code
TEST_CASE(template54); // #6587 - memory corruption upon valid code
TEST_CASE(template55); // #6604 - simplify "const const" to "const" in template instantiations
TEST_CASE(template56); // #7117 - const ternary operator simplification as template parameter
TEST_CASE(template57); // #7891
TEST_CASE(template58); // #6021 - use after free (deleted tokens in simplifyCalculations)
TEST_CASE(template59); // #8051 - TemplateSimplifier::simplifyTemplateInstantiation failure
TEST_CASE(template60); // handling of methods outside template definition
TEST_CASE(template61); // daca2, kodi
TEST_CASE(template_specialization_1); // #7868 - template specialization template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {..};
TEST_CASE(template_specialization_2); // #7868 - template specialization template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {..};
TEST_CASE(template_enum); // #6299 Syntax error in complex enum declaration (including template)
TEST_CASE(template_constructor); // #3152 - template constructor is removed
TEST_CASE(template_member_ptr); // Ticket #5786 - crash upon valid code
// Test TemplateSimplifier::templateParameters
// Test TemplateSimplifier::instantiateMatch
std::string tok(const char code[], bool simplify = true, bool debugwarnings = false, Settings::PlatformType type = Settings::Native) {
settings.debugwarnings = debugwarnings;
Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings, this);
std::istringstream istr(code);
tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");
if (simplify)
return tokenizer.tokens()->stringifyList(0, !simplify);
std::string tok(const char code[], const char filename[]) {
settings.debugwarnings = false;
Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings, this);
std::istringstream istr(code);
tokenizer.tokenize(istr, filename);
return tokenizer.tokens()->stringifyList(0, false);
void template1() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> void f(T val) { T a; }\n"
const char expected[] = "f<int> ( 10 ) ; "
"void f<int> ( int val ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template2() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { T a; };\n"
"Fred<int> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<int> fred ; "
"class Fred<int> { int a ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template3() {
const char code[] = "template <class T, int sz> class Fred { T data[sz]; };\n"
"Fred<float,4> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float,4> fred ; "
"class Fred<float,4> { float data [ 4 ] ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template4() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { Fred(); };\n"
"Fred<float> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float> fred ; "
"class Fred<float> { Fred<float> ( ) ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template5() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { };\n"
"template <class T> Fred<T>::Fred() { }\n"
"Fred<float> fred;";
const char expected[] = "template < class T > Fred < T > :: Fred ( ) { } " // <- TODO: this should be removed
"Fred<float> fred ; "
"class Fred<float> { } ; "
"Fred<float> :: Fred ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template6() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { };\n"
"Fred<float> fred1;\n"
"Fred<float> fred2;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float> fred1 ; "
"Fred<float> fred2 ; "
"class Fred<float> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template7() {
// A template class that is not used => no simplification
const char code[] = "template <class T>\n"
"class ABC\n"
" typedef ABC<T> m;\n"
const char expected[] = "template < class T > class ABC { public: } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <typename T> class ABC {\n"
" typedef std::vector<T> type;\n"
"int main() {\n"
" ABC<int>::type v;\n"
" v.push_back(4);\n"
" return 0;\n"
const char wanted[] = "template < typename T > class ABC { public: } ; "
"int main ( ) { "
"std :: vector < int > v ; "
"v . push_back ( 4 ) ; "
"return 0 ; "
const char current[] = "template < typename T > class ABC { public: } ; "
"int main ( ) { "
"ABC < int > :: type v ; "
"v . push_back ( 4 ) ; "
"return 0 ; "
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(wanted, current, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <typename T> class ABC {\n"
" typedef std::vector<T> type;\n"
" void f()\n"
" {\n"
" ABC<int>::type v;\n"
" v.push_back(4);\n"
" }\n"
const char expected[] = "template < typename T > class ABC { "
"public: void f ( ) { "
"ABC < int > :: type v ; "
"v . push_back ( 4 ) ; "
"} "
"} ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
// Template definitions but no usage => no expansion
void template8() {
const char code[] = "template<typename T> class A;\n"
"template<typename T> class B;\n"
"typedef A<int> x;\n"
"typedef B<int> y;\n"
"template<typename T> class A {\n"
" void f() {\n"
" B<T> a = B<T>::g();\n"
" T b = 0;\n"
" if (b)\n"
" b = 0;\n"
" }\n"
"template<typename T> inline B<T> h() { return B<T>(); }\n";
ASSERT_EQUALS("template < typename T > class A ; "
"template < typename T > class B ; "
"template < typename T > class A { void f ( ) { B < T > a ; a = B < T > :: g ( ) ; T b ; b = 0 ; } } ; "
"template < typename T > B < T > h ( ) { return B < T > ( ) ; }", tok(code));
ASSERT_EQUALS("class A { template < typename T > int foo ( T d ) ; } ;", tok("class A{ template<typename T> int foo(T d);};"));
void template9() {
const char code[] = "template < typename T > class A { } ;\n"
"void f ( ) {\n"
" A < int > a ;\n"
"template < typename T >\n"
"class B {\n"
" void g ( ) {\n"
" A < T > b = A < T > :: h ( ) ;\n"
" }\n"
"} ;\n";
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) { A<int> a ; } "
"template < typename T > class B { void g ( ) { A < T > b ; b = A < T > :: h ( ) ; } } ; "
"class A<int> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template10() {
const char code[] = "template <int ui, typename T> T * foo()\n"
"{ return new T[ui]; }\n"
"void f ( )\n"
" foo<3,int>();\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" foo<3,int> ( ) ; "
"} "
"int * foo<3,int> ( ) { return new int [ 3 ] ; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template11() {
const char code[] = "template <int ui, typename T> T * foo()\n"
"{ return new T[ui]; }\n"
"void f ( )\n"
" char * p = foo<3,char>();\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" char * p ; p = foo<3,char> ( ) ; "
"} "
"char * foo<3,char> ( ) { return new char [ 3 ] ; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template12() {
const char code[] = "template <int x, int y, int z>\n"
"class A : public B<x, y, (x - y) ? ((y < z) ? 1 : -1) : 0>\n"
"{ };\n"
"void f()\n"
" A<12,12,11> a;\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" A<12,12,11> a ; "
"} "
"class A<12,12,11> : public B < 12 , 12 , 0 > "
"{ } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template13() {
const char code[] = "class BB {};\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"class AA\n"
" static AA<T> create(T* newObject);\n"
" static int size();\n"
"class CC { public: CC(AA<BB>, int) {} };\n"
"class XX {\n"
" AA<CC> y;\n"
" XX();\n"
" y(AA<CC>::create(new CC(AA<BB>(), 0)))\n"
" {}\n"
"int yy[AA<CC>::size()];";
// Just run it and check that there are not assertions.
void template14() {
const char code[] = "template <> void foo<int *>()\n"
"{ x(); }\n"
"int main()\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void foo<int*> ( ) "
"{ x ( ) ; } "
"int main ( ) "
"{ foo<int*> ( ) ; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template15() { // recursive templates #3130 etc
const char code[] = "template <unsigned int i> void a()\n"
" a<i-1>();\n"
"template <> void a<0>()\n"
"{ }\n"
"int main()\n"
" a<2>();\n"
" return 0;\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void a<0> ( ) { } "
"int main ( ) "
"{ a<2> ( ) ; return 0 ; } "
"void a<2> ( ) { a<1> ( ) ; } "
"void a<1> ( ) { a<0> ( ) ; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
// #3130
const char code2[] = "template <int n> struct vec {\n"
" vec() {}\n"
" vec(const vec<n-1>& v) {}\n" // <- never used don't instantiate
"vec<4> v;";
const char expected2[] = "vec<4> v ; "
"struct vec<4> { "
"vec<4> ( ) { } "
"vec<4> ( const vec < 4 - 1 > & v ) { } "
"} ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected2, tok(code2));
void template16() {
const char code[] = "template <unsigned int i> void a()\n"
"{ }\n"
"template <unsigned int i> void b()\n"
"{ a<i>(); }\n"
"int main()\n"
" b<2>();\n"
" return 0;\n"
const char expected[] = "int main ( ) { b<2> ( ) ; return 0 ; } "
"void b<2> ( ) { a<2> ( ) ; } "
"void a<2> ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template17() {
const char code[] = "template<class T>\n"
"class Fred\n"
" template<class T>\n"
" static shared_ptr< Fred<T> > CreateFred()\n"
" {\n"
" }\n"
"shared_ptr<int> i;\n";
// Assert that there is no segmentation fault..
void template18() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> class foo { T a; };\n"
"foo<int> *f;";
const char expected[] = "foo<int> * f ; "
"class foo<int> { int a ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template19() {
const char code[] = "template <typename T> T & foo()\n"
"{ static T temp; return temp; }\n"
"void f ( )\n"
" char p = foo<char>();\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" char p ; p = foo<char> ( ) ; "
"} "
"char & foo<char> ( ) { static char temp ; return temp ; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template20() {
// Ticket #1788 - the destructor implementation is lost
const char code[] = "template <class T> class A\n"
" ~A();\n"
"template <class T> A<T>::~A()\n"
"A<int> a;\n";
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "template < class T > A < T > :: ~ A ( ) { } " // <- TODO: this should be removed
"A<int> a ; "
"class A<int> { public: ~ A<int> ( ) ; } ; "
"A<int> :: ~ A<int> ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template21() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> struct Fred { T a; };\n"
"Fred<int> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<int> fred ; "
"struct Fred<int> { int a ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <class T, int sz> struct Fred { T data[sz]; };\n"
"Fred<float,4> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float,4> fred ; "
"struct Fred<float,4> { float data [ 4 ] ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <class T> struct Fred { Fred(); };\n"
"Fred<float> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float> fred ; "
"struct Fred<float> { Fred<float> ( ) ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <class T> struct Fred { };\n"
"Fred<float> fred1;\n"
"Fred<float> fred2;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<float> fred1 ; "
"Fred<float> fred2 ; "
"struct Fred<float> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template22() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> struct Fred { T a; };\n"
"Fred<std::string> fred;";
const char expected[] = "Fred<std::string> fred ; "
"struct Fred<std::string> { std :: string a ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template23() {
const char code[] = "template <class T> void foo() { }\n"
"void bar() {\n"
" std::cout << (foo<double>());\n"
const char expected[] = "void bar ( ) {"
" std :: cout << ( foo<double> ( ) ) ; "
"} "
"void foo<double> ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template24() {
// #2648
const char code[] = "template<int n> struct B\n"
" int a[n];\n"
"template<int x> class bitset: B<sizeof(int)>\n"
"bitset<1> z;";
const char expected[] = "bitset<1> z ; "
"class bitset<1> : B<4> { } ; "
"struct B<4> { int a [ 4 ] ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template25() {
const char code[] = "template<int n> struct B\n"
" int a[n];\n"
"template<int x> class bitset: B<((sizeof(int)) ? : 1)>\n"
"bitset<1> z;";
const char actual[] = "template < int n > struct B { int a [ n ] ; } ; "
"bitset<1> z ; "
"class bitset<1> : B < 4 > { } ;";
const char expected[] = "bitset<1> z ; "
"class bitset<1> : B < 4 > { } ; "
"struct B < 4 > { int a [ 4 ] ; } ;";
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, actual, tok(code));
void template26() {
// #2721
const char code[] = "template<class T>\n"
"class A { public: T x; };\n"
"template<class M>\n"
"class C: public A<char[M]> {};\n"
"C<2> a;\n";
// TODO: expand A also
ASSERT_EQUALS("template < class T > class A { public: T x ; } ; C<2> a ; class C<2> : public A < char [ 2 ] > { } ;", tok(code));
void template27() {
// #3350 - template inside macro call
const char code[] = "X(template<class T> class Fred);";
ASSERT_THROW(tok(code), InternalError);
void template28() {
// #3226 - inner template
const char code[] = "template<class A, class B> class Fred {};\n"
"Fred<int,Fred<int,int> > x;\n";
ASSERT_EQUALS("Fred<int,Fred<int,int>> x ; class Fred<int,int> { } ; class Fred<int,Fred<int,int>> { } ;", tok(code));
void template30() {
// #3529 - template < template < ..
const char code[] = "template<template<class> class A, class B> void f(){}";
ASSERT_EQUALS("template < template < class > class A , class B > void f ( ) { }", tok(code));
void template31() {
// #4010 - template reference type
const char code[] = "template<class T> struct A{}; A<int&> a;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("A<int&> a ; struct A<int&> { } ;", tok(code));
// #7409 - rvalue
const char code2[] = "template<class T> struct A{}; A<int&&> a;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("A<int&&> a ; struct A<int&&> { } ;", tok(code2));
void template32() {
// #3818 - mismatching template not handled well
const char code[] = "template <class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4 > struct A { };\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"struct B\n"
" public:\n"
" A < int, Pair<T, int>, int > a;\n" // mismatching parameters => don't instantiate
"B<int> b;\n";
ASSERT_EQUALS("template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 > struct A { } ; "
"B<int> b ; "
"struct B<int> { public: A < int , Pair < int , int > , int > a ; } ;", tok(code));
void template33() {
// #3818 - inner templates in template instantiation not handled well
const char code[] = "template<class T> struct A { };\n"
"template<class T> struct B { };\n"
"template<class T> struct C { A<B<X<T> > > ab; };\n"
"C<int> c;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("C<int> c ; "
"struct C<int> { A<B<X<int>>> ab ; } ; "
"struct B<X<int>> { } ; " // <- redundant.. but nevermind
"struct A<B<X<int>>> { } ;", tok(code));
// #4544
const char code[] = "struct A { };\n"
"template<class T> struct B { };\n"
"template<class T> struct C { };\n"
"C< B<A> > c;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("struct A { } ; "
"template < class T > struct B { } ; " // <- redundant.. but nevermind
"C<B<A>> c ; struct C<B<A>> { } ;",
void template34() {
// #3706 - namespace => hang
const char code[] = "namespace abc {\n"
"template <typename T> struct X { void f(X<T> &x) {} };\n"
"template <> int X<int>::Y(0);";
ASSERT_EQUALS("namespace abc { "
"template < typename T > struct X { void f ( X < T > & x ) { } } ; "
"} "
"template < > int X < int > :: Y ( 0 ) ;", tok(code));
void template35() { // #4074 - "A<'x'> a;" is not recognized as template instantiation
const char code[] = "template <char c> class A {};\n"
"A <'x'> a;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("A<'x'> a ; class A<'x'> { } ;", tok(code));
void template36() { // #4310 - Passing unknown template instantiation as template argument
const char code[] = "template <class T> struct X { T t; };\n"
"template <class C> struct Y { Foo < X< Bar<C> > > _foo; };\n" // <- Bar is unknown
"Y<int> bar;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("Y<int> bar ; "
"struct Y<int> { Foo < X<Bar<int>> > _foo ; } ; "
"struct X<Bar<int>> { Bar < int > t ; } ;",
void template37() { // #4544 - A<class B> a;
const char code[] = "class A { };\n"
"template<class T> class B {};\n"
"B<class A> b1;\n"
"B<A> b2;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("class A { } ; B<A> b1 ; B<A> b2 ; class B<A> { } ;",
const char code[] = "struct A { };\n"
"template<class T> class B {};\n"
"B<struct A> b1;\n"
"B<A> b2;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("struct A { } ; B<A> b1 ; B<A> b2 ; class B<A> { } ;",
const char code[] = "enum A { };\n"
"template<class T> class B {};\n"
"B<enum A> b1;\n"
"B<A> b2;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("enum A { } ; B<A> b1 ; B<A> b2 ; class B<A> { } ;",
void template_unhandled() {
// An unhandled template usage should be simplified..
ASSERT_EQUALS("x<int> ( ) ;", tok("x<int>();"));
void template38() { // #4832 - Crash on C++11 right angle brackets
const char code[] = "template <class T> class A {\n"
" T mT;\n"
" void foo() {}\n"
"int main() {\n"
" A<A<BLA>> gna1;\n"
" A<BLA> gna2;\n"
tok(code); // Don't crash or freeze
void template39() { // #4742 - Used to freeze in 1.60
const char code[] = "template<typename T> struct vector {"
" operator T() const;"
"void f() {"
" vector<vector<int>> v;"
" const vector<int> vi = static_cast<vector<int>>(v);"
void template40() { // #5055 - false negatives when there is template specialization outside struct
const char code[] = "struct A {"
" template<typename T> struct X { T t; };"
"template<> struct A::X<int> { int *t; };";
ASSERT_EQUALS("struct A { template < typename T > struct X { T t ; } ; } ;", tok(code));
void template41() { // #4710 - const in template instantiation not handled perfectly
const char code1[] = "template<class T> struct X { };\n"
"void f(const X<int> x) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS("void f ( const X<int> x ) { } struct X<int> { } ;", tok(code1));
const char code2[] = "template<class T> T f(T t) { return t; }\n"
"int x() { return f<int>(123); }";
ASSERT_EQUALS("int x ( ) { return f<int> ( 123 ) ; } int f<int> ( int t ) { return t ; }", tok(code2));
void template42() { // #4878 cpcheck aborts in ext-blocks.cpp (clang testcode)
const char code[] = "template<typename ...Args>\n"
"int f0(Args ...args) {\n"
" return ^ {\n"
" return sizeof...(Args);\n"
" }() + ^ {\n"
" return sizeof...(args);\n"
" }();\n"
void template43() { // #5097 - Assert due to '>>' in 'B<A<C>>' not being treated as end of template instantation
const char code[] = "template <typename T> struct C { };"
"template <typename T> struct D { static int f() { return C<T>::f(); } };"
"template <typename T> inline int f2() { return D<T>::f(); }"
"template <typename T> int f1(int x, T *) { int id = f2<T>(); return id; }"
"template <> struct C < B < A >> {"
" static int f() {"
" return f1 < B < A >> (0, reinterpret_cast< B<A> *>(E<void *>::Int(-1)));"
" }"
tok(code); // Don't assert
void template44() { // #5297
tok("template<class T> struct StackContainer {"
" void foo(int i) {"
" if (0 >= 1 && i<0) {}"
" }"
"template<class T> class ZContainer : public StackContainer<T> {};"
"struct FGSTensor {};"
"class FoldedZContainer : public ZContainer<FGSTensor> {};");
void template45() { // #5814
tok("namespace Constants { const int fourtytwo = 42; } "
"template <class T, int U> struct TypeMath { "
" static const int mult = sizeof(T) * U; "
"}; "
"template <class T> struct FOO { "
" enum { value = TypeMath<T, Constants::fourtytwo>::something }; "
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template46() { // #5816
tok("template<class T, class U> struct A { static const int value = 0; }; "
"template <class T> struct B { "
" enum { value = A<typename T::type, int>::value }; "
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
tok("template <class T, class U> struct A {}; "
"enum { e = sizeof(A<int, int>) }; "
"template <class T, class U> struct B {};");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
tok("template<class T, class U> struct A { static const int value = 0; }; "
"template<class T> struct B { typedef int type; }; "
"template <class T> struct C { "
" enum { value = A<typename B<T>::type, int>::value }; "
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template47() { // #6023
tok("template <typename T1, typename T2 = T3<T1> > class C1 {}; "
"class C2 : public C1<C2> {};");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template48() { // #6134
tok("template <int> int f( { } ); "
"int foo = f<1>(0);");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template49() { // #6237
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { void f(); void g(); };\n"
"template <class T> void Fred<T>::f() { }\n"
"template <class T> void Fred<T>::g() { }\n"
"template void Fred<float>::f();\n"
"template void Fred<int>::g();\n";
const char expected[] = "template < class T > void Fred < T > :: f ( ) { } "
"template < class T > void Fred < T > :: g ( ) { } "
"template void Fred<float> :: f ( ) ; "
"template void Fred<int> :: g ( ) ; "
"class Fred<float> { void f ( ) ; void g ( ) ; } ; "
"Fred<float> :: f ( ) { } "
"Fred<float> :: g ( ) { } "
"class Fred<int> { void f ( ) ; void g ( ) ; } ; "
"Fred<int> :: f ( ) { } "
"Fred<int> :: g ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template50() { // #4272
const char code[] = "template <class T> class Fred { void f(); };\n"
"template <class T> void Fred<T>::f() { }\n"
"template<> void Fred<float>::f() { }\n"
"template<> void Fred<int>::g() { }\n";
const char expected[] = "template < class T > class Fred { void f ( ) ; } ; "
"template < class T > void Fred < T > :: f ( ) { } "
"template < > void Fred < float > :: f ( ) { } "
"template < > void Fred < int > :: g ( ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void template51() { // #6172
tok("template<int N, int ... M> struct A { "
" static void foo() { "
" int i = N; "
" } "
"}; "
"void bar() { "
" A<0>::foo(); "
void template52() { // #6437
tok("template <int value> int sum() { "
" return value + sum<value/2>(); "
"} "
"template<int x, int y> int calculate_value() { "
" return sum<x - y>(); "
"} "
"int value = calculate_value<1,1>();");
void template53() { // #4335
tok("template<int N> struct Factorial { "
" enum { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value }; "
"template <> struct Factorial<0> { "
" enum { value = 1 }; "
"const int x = Factorial<4>::value;", /*simplify=*/true, /*debugwarnings=*/true);
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template54() { // #6587
tok("template<typename _Tp> _Tp* fn(); "
"template <class T> struct A { "
" template <class U, class S = decltype(fn<T>())> "
" struct B { }; "
"}; "
"A<int> a;");
void template55() { // #6604
// Avoid constconstconst in macro instantiations
"template < class T > class AtSmartPtr : public ConstCastHelper < AtSmartPtr < const T > , T > { "
"friend struct ConstCastHelper < AtSmartPtr < const T > , T > ; "
"AtSmartPtr ( const AtSmartPtr < T > & r ) ; "
"} ;",
tok("template<class T> class AtSmartPtr : public ConstCastHelper<AtSmartPtr<const T>, T>\n"
" friend struct ConstCastHelper<AtSmartPtr<const T>, T>;\n"
" AtSmartPtr(const AtSmartPtr<T>& r);\n"
// Similar problem can also happen with ...
"A<int> a ( 0 ) ; struct A<int> { "
"A<int> ( int * p ) { p ; } "
"} ; "
"struct A<int...> { "
"A<int...> ( int * p ) { "
"p ; "
"} } ;",
tok("template <typename... T> struct A\n"
" A(T* p) {\n"
" (A<T...>*)(p);\n"
" }\n"
"A<int> a(0);"));
void template56() { // #7117
tok("template<bool B> struct Foo { "
" std::array<int, B ? 1 : 2> mfoo; "
"}; "
"void foo() { "
" Foo<true> myFoo; "
"}", /*simplify=*/true, /*debugwarnings=*/true);
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template57() { // #7891
const char code[] = "template<class T> struct Test { Test(T); };\n"
"Test<unsigned long> test( 0 );";
const char exp [] = "Test<unsignedlong> test ( 0 ) ; "
"struct Test<unsignedlong> { Test<unsignedlong> ( long ) ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template58() { // #6021
const char code[] = "template <typename A>\n"
"void TestArithmetic() {\n"
" x(1 * CheckedNumeric<A>());\n"
"void foo() {\n"
" TestArithmetic<int>();\n"
const char exp[] = "void foo ( ) {"
" TestArithmetic<int> ( ) ; "
"} "
"void TestArithmetic<int> ( ) {"
" x ( CheckedNumeric < int > ( ) ) ; "
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template59() { // #8051
const char code[] = "template<int N>\n"
"struct Factorial {\n"
" enum FacHelper { value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value };\n"
"template <>\n"
"struct Factorial<0> {\n"
" enum FacHelper { value = 1 };\n"
"template<int DiagonalDegree>\n"
"int diagonalGroupTest() {\n"
" return Factorial<DiagonalDegree>::value;\n"
"int main () {\n"
" return diagonalGroupTest<4>();\n"
const char exp[] = "struct Factorial<0> { enum FacHelper { value = 1 } ; } ; "
"int main ( ) { return diagonalGroupTest<4> ( ) ; } "
"int diagonalGroupTest<4> ( ) { return Factorial<4> :: value ; } "
"struct Factorial<4> { enum FacHelper { value = 4 * Factorial<3> :: value } ; } ; "
"struct Factorial<3> { enum FacHelper { value = 3 * Factorial<2> :: value } ; } ; "
"struct Factorial<2> { enum FacHelper { value = 2 * Factorial<1> :: value } ; } ; "
"struct Factorial<1> { enum FacHelper { value = Factorial < 0 > :: value } ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template60() { // Extracted from Clang testfile
const char code[] = "template <typename T> struct S { typedef int type; };\n"
"template <typename T> void f() {}\n"
"template <typename T> void h() { f<typename S<T>::type(0)>(); }\n"
"void j() { h<int>(); }";
const char exp[] = "template < typename T > void f ( ) { } " // <- TODO: This template is not expanded
"void j ( ) { h<int> ( ) ; } "
"void h<int> ( ) { f < S<int> :: type ( 0 ) > ( ) ; } "
"struct S<int> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template61() { // hang in daca, code extracted from kodi
const char code[] = "template <typename T> struct Foo {};\n"
"template <typename T> struct Bar {\n"
" void f1(Bar<T> x) {}\n"
" Foo<Bar<T>> f2() { }\n"
"Bar<int> c;";
const char exp[] = "Bar<int> c ; "
"struct Bar<int> {"
" void f1 ( Bar<int> x ) { }"
" Foo<Bar<int>> f2 ( ) { } "
"} ; "
"struct Foo<Bar<int>> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template_specialization_1() { // #7868 - template specialization template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {..};
const char code[] = "template <typename T> struct C {};\n"
"template <typename T> struct S {a};\n"
"template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {b};\n"
"S<int> s;";
const char exp[] = "template < typename T > struct C { } ; template < typename T > struct S < C < T > > { b } ; S<int> s ; struct S<int> { a } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template_specialization_2() { // #7868 - template specialization template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {..};
const char code[] = "template <typename T> struct C {};\n"
"template <typename T> struct S {a};\n"
"template <typename T> struct S<C<T>> {b};\n"
"S<C<int>> s;";
const char exp[] = "template < typename T > struct C { } ; template < typename T > struct S { a } ; S<C<int>> s ; struct S<C<int>> { b } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, tok(code));
void template_enum() {
const char code1[] = "template <class T>\n"
"struct Unconst {\n"
" typedef T type;\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"struct Unconst<const T> {\n"
" typedef T type;\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"struct Unconst<const T&> {\n"
" typedef T& type;\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"struct Unconst<T* const> {\n"
" typedef T* type;\n"
"template <class T1, class T2>\n"
"struct type_equal {\n"
" enum { value = 0 };\n"
"template <class T>\n"
"struct type_equal<T, T> {\n"
" enum { value = 1 };\n"
"template<class T>\n"
"struct template_is_const\n"
" enum {value = !type_equal<T, typename Unconst<T>::type>::value };\n"
const char exp1[] = "template < class T > struct Unconst { } ; "
"template < class T > struct Unconst < const T > { } ; "
"template < class T > struct Unconst < const T & > { } ; "
"template < class T > struct Unconst < T * const > { } ; "
"template < class T1 , class T2 > struct type_equal { enum Anonymous0 { value = 0 } ; } ; "
"template < class T > struct type_equal < T , T > { enum Anonymous1 { value = 1 } ; } ; "
"template < class T > struct template_is_const { enum Anonymous2 { value = ! type_equal < T , Unconst < T > :: type > :: value } ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(exp1, tok(code1));
void template_default_parameter() {
const char code[] = "template <class T, int n=3>\n"
"class A\n"
"{ T ar[n]; };\n"
"void f()\n"
" A<int,2> a1;\n"
" A<int> a2;\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" A<int,2> a1 ;"
" A<int,3> a2 ; "
"} "
"class A<int,2> "
"{ int ar [ 2 ] ; } ; "
"class A<int,3> "
"{ int ar [ 3 ] ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <class T, int n1=3, int n2=2>\n"
"class A\n"
"{ T ar[n1+n2]; };\n"
"void f()\n"
" A<int> a1;\n"
" A<int,3> a2;\n"
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "void f ( ) "
" A<int,3,2> a1 ;"
" A<int,3,2> a2 ; "
"} "
"class A<int,3,2> "
"{ int ar [ 5 ] ; } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "template <class T, int n=3>\n"
"class A\n"
"{ T ar[n]; };\n"
"void f()\n"
" A<int,(int)2> a1;\n"
" A<int> a2;\n"
const char wanted[] = "template < class T , int n >"
" class A"
" { T ar [ n ] ; } ;"
" void f ( )"
" {"
" A<int,(int)2> a1 ;"
" A<int,3> a2 ;"
" }"
" class A<int,2>"
" { int ar [ 2 ] ; }"
" class A<int,3>"
" { int ar [ 3 ] ; }";
const char current[] = "void f ( ) "
"{ "
"A < int , ( int ) 2 > a1 ; "
"A<int,3> a2 ; "
"} "
"class A<int,3> "
"{ int ar [ 3 ] ; } ;";
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(wanted, current, tok(code));
const char code[] = "class A { }; "
"template<class T> class B { }; "
"template<class T1, class T2 = B<T1>> class C { }; "
"template<class T1 = A, typename T2 = B<A>> class D { };";
ASSERT_EQUALS("class A { } ; "
"template < class T > class B { } ; "
"template < class T1 , class T2 = B < T1 > > class C { } ; "
"template < class T1 = A , typename T2 = B < A > > class D { } ;", tok(code));
// #7548
const char code[] = "template<class T, class U> class DefaultMemory {}; "
"template<class Key, class Val, class Mem=DefaultMemory<Key,Val> > class thv_table_c {}; "
"thv_table_c<void *,void *> id_table_m;";
const char exp [] = "template < class T , class U > class DefaultMemory { } ; "
"thv_table_c<void * , void * , DefaultMemory < void * , void *>> id_table_m ; "
"class thv_table_c<void * , void * , DefaultMemory < void * , void * >> { } ;";
const char curr[] = "template < class T , class U > class DefaultMemory { } ; "
"thv_table_c<void*,void*,DefaultMemory<Key,Val>> id_table_m ; "
"class thv_table_c<void*,void*,DefaultMemory<Key,Val>> { } ;";
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(exp, curr, tok(code));
void template_default_type() {
const char code[] = "template <typename T, typename U=T>\n"
"class A\n"
" void foo() {\n"
" int a;\n"
" a = static_cast<U>(a);\n"
" }\n"
"template <typename T>\n"
"class B\n"
" A<int> a;\n"
"class C\n"
" : public B<int>\n"
//ASSERT_EQUALS("[file1.cpp:15]: (error) Internal error: failed to instantiate template. The checking continues anyway.\n", errout.str());
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template_typename() {
const char code[] = "template <class T>\n"
"void foo(typename T::t *)\n"
"{ }";
// The expected result..
const char expected[] = "template < class T > void foo ( T :: t * ) { }";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
const char code[] = "void f() {\n"
" x(sizeof typename);\n"
" type = 0;\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("void f ( ) { x ( sizeof ( typename ) ) ; type = 0 ; }", tok(code));
void template_constructor() {
// #3152 - if template constructor is removed then there might be
// "no constructor" false positives
const char code[] = "class Fred {\n"
" template<class T> explicit Fred(T t) { }\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("class Fred { template < class T > explicit Fred ( T t ) { } }", tok(code));
// #3532
const char code2[] = "class Fred {\n"
" template<class T> Fred(T t) { }\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("class Fred { template < class T > Fred ( T t ) { } }", tok(code2));
void syntax_error_templates_1() {
// ok code.. using ">" for a comparison
tok("x<y>z> xyz;\n");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
// ok code
tok("template<class T> operator<(T a, T b) { }\n");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
// ok code (ticket #1984)
tok("void f(a) int a;\n"
"{ ;x<y; }");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
// ok code (ticket #1985)
tok("void f()\n"
"try { ;x<y; }");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
// ok code (ticket #3183)
tok("MACRO(({ i < x }))");
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
// bad code.. missing ">"
ASSERT_THROW(tok("x<y<int> xyz;\n"), InternalError);
// bad code
" typename boost::mpl::if_c<\n"
" _visitableIndex < boost::mpl::size< typename _Visitables::ConcreteVisitables >::value\n"
" , ConcreteVisitable\n"
" , Dummy< _visitableIndex >\n"
" >::type ConcreteVisitableOrDummy;\n"), InternalError);
// code is ok, don't show syntax error
tok("struct A {int a;int b};\n"
"class Fred {"
" Fred() : a({1,2}) {\n"
" for (int i=0;i<6;i++);\n" // <- no syntax error
" }\n"
" A a;\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
void template_member_ptr() { // Ticket #5786
tok("struct A {}; "
"struct B { "
"template <void (A::*)() const> struct BB {}; "
"template <bool BT> static bool foo(int) { return true; } "
"void bar() { bool b = foo<true>(0); }"
tok("struct A {}; "
"struct B { "
"template <void (A::*)() volatile> struct BB {}; "
"template <bool BT> static bool foo(int) { return true; } "
"void bar() { bool b = foo<true>(0); }"
tok("struct A {}; "
"struct B { "
"template <void (A::*)() const volatile> struct BB {}; "
"template <bool BT> static bool foo(int) { return true; } "
"void bar() { bool b = foo<true>(0); }"
tok("struct A {}; "
"struct B { "
"template <void (A::*)() volatile const> struct BB {}; "
"template <bool BT> static bool foo(int) { return true; } "
"void bar() { bool b = foo<true>(0); }"
void template_namespace_1() {
// #6570
const char code[] = "namespace {\n"
" template<class T> void Fred(T value) { }\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("namespace { } "
"Fred<int> ( 123 ) ; "
"void Fred<int> ( int value ) { }", tok(code));
void template_namespace_2() {
// #8283
const char code[] = "namespace X {\n"
" template<class T> struct S { };\n"
"X::S<int> s;";
ASSERT_EQUALS("X::S<int> s ; "
"struct X::S<int> { } ;", tok(code));
void template_namespace_3() {
const char code[] = "namespace test16 {\n"
" template <class T> struct foo {\n"
" static void *bar();\n"
" };\n"
" void *test() { return foo<int>::bar(); }\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("namespace test16 {"
" void * test ( ) {"
" return test16::foo<int> :: bar ( ) ;"
" } "
"} "
"struct test16::foo<int> {"
" static void * bar ( ) ; "
"} ;", tok(code));
void template_namespace_4() {
const char code[] = "namespace foo {\n"
" template<class T> class A { void dostuff() {} };\n"
" struct S : public A<int> {\n"
" void f() {\n"
" A<int>::dostuff();\n"
" }\n"
" };\n"
ASSERT_EQUALS("namespace foo {"
" struct S : public foo::A<int> {"
" void f ( ) {"
" foo::A<int> :: dostuff ( ) ;"
" }"
" } ; "
"} "
"class foo::A<int> { void dostuff ( ) { } } ;", tok(code));
void template_namespace_5() {
const char code[] = "template<class C> struct S {};\n"
"namespace X { S<int> s; }";
ASSERT_EQUALS("namespace X { S<int> s ; } struct S<int> { } ;", tok(code));
unsigned int templateParameters(const char code[]) {
Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings, this);
std::istringstream istr(code);
tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp", "");
return TemplateSimplifier::templateParameters(tokenizer.tokens()->next());
void templateParameters() {
// Test that the function TemplateSimplifier::templateParameters works
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<struct C> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<union C> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<const int> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<int const *> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<const struct C> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, templateParameters("X<len>>x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<typename> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, templateParameters("X<...> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, templateParameters("X<class T...> x;")); // Invalid syntax
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<class... T> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, templateParameters("X<class, typename T...> x;")); // Invalid syntax
ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, templateParameters("X<class, typename... T> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, templateParameters("X<int(&)(), class> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, templateParameters("X<char, int(*)(), bool> x;"));
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, 0U, templateParameters("X<int...> x;")); // Mishandled valid syntax
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, 0U, templateParameters("X<class, typename...> x;")); // Mishandled valid syntax
ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, templateParameters("X<1, T> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, templateParameters("X<i == 0> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, templateParameters("X<int, i>=0> x;"));
ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, templateParameters("X<int, i>=0, i - 2> x;"));
// Helper function to unit test TemplateSimplifier::getTemplateNamePosition
int templateNamePositionHelper(const char code[], unsigned offset = 0, bool onlyCreateTokens = false) {
Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings, this);
std::istringstream istr(code);
if (onlyCreateTokens)
tokenizer.createTokens(istr, "test.cpp");
tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp", emptyString);
const Token *_tok = tokenizer.tokens();
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < offset ; ++i)
_tok = _tok->next();
return TemplateSimplifier::getTemplateNamePosition(_tok);
void templateNamePosition() {
// Template class
ASSERT_EQUALS(2, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> class A {};", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(2, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> struct A {};", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(2, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> class A : B {};", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(2, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> struct A : B {};", 4));
// Template function definitions
ASSERT_EQUALS(2, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> unsigned foo() { return 0; }", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(3, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> unsigned* foo() { return 0; }", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(3, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> const unsigned foo() { return 0; }", 4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> const unsigned& foo() { return 0; }", 4));
// Class template members
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, templateNamePositionHelper("class A { template<class T> unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<class T> unsigned A::foo() { return 0; }", 19));
ASSERT_EQUALS(5, templateNamePositionHelper("class A { template<class T> const unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<class T> const unsigned A::foo() { return 0; }", 20));
TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, -1, templateNamePositionHelper("class A { class B { template<class T> const unsigned foo(); }; } ; "
"template<class T> const unsigned A::B::foo() { return 0; }", 25));
// Template class member
ASSERT_EQUALS(6, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> class A { A(); }; "
"template<class T> A<T>::A() {}", 18));
ASSERT_EQUALS(8, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T, class U> class A { A(); }; "
"template<class T, class U> A<T, U>::A() {}", 24));
ASSERT_EQUALS(7, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> class A { unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<class T> unsigned A<T>::foo() { return 0; }", 19));
ASSERT_EQUALS(9, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T, class U> class A { unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<class T, class U> unsigned A<T, U>::foo() { return 0; }", 25));
ASSERT_EQUALS(9, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T, class U> class A { unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<class T, class U> unsigned A<T, U>::foo() { return 0; }", 25, /*onlyCreateTokens=*/true));
ASSERT_EQUALS(12, templateNamePositionHelper("template<class T> class v {}; "
"template<class T, class U> class A { unsigned foo(); }; "
"template<> unsigned A<int, v<char> >::foo() { return 0; }", 30, /*onlyCreateTokens=*/true));
void expandSpecialized() {
ASSERT_EQUALS("class A<int> { } ;", tok("template<> class A<int> {};"));
ASSERT_EQUALS("class A<int> : public B { } ;", tok("template<> class A<int> : public B {};"));
void templateAlias1() {
const char code[] = "template<class T, int N> struct Foo {};\n"
"template<class T> using Bar = Foo<T,3>;\n"
"Bar<int> b;\n";
const char expected[] = "; Foo<int,3> b ; struct Foo<int,3> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
void templateAlias2() {
const char code[] = "namespace A { template<class T, int N> struct Foo {}; }\n"
"template<class T> using Bar = A::Foo<T,3>;\n"
"Bar<int> b;\n";
const char expected[] = "; A::Foo<int,3> b ; struct A::Foo<int,3> { } ;";
ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code));
unsigned int instantiateMatch(const char code[], const std::size_t numberOfArguments, const char patternAfter[]) {
Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings, this);
std::istringstream istr(code);
tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp", "");
return TemplateSimplifier::instantiateMatch(tokenizer.tokens(), numberOfArguments, patternAfter);
void instantiateMatch() {
// Ticket #8175
instantiateMatch("ConvertHelper < From, To > c ;",
2, ":: %name% ("));
instantiateMatch("ConvertHelper < From, To > :: Create ( ) ;",
2, ":: %name% ("));
instantiateMatch("integral_constant < bool, sizeof ( ConvertHelper < From, To > :: Create ( ) ) > ;",
2, ":: %name% ("));
instantiateMatch("integral_constant < bool, sizeof ( ns :: ConvertHelper < From, To > :: Create ( ) ) > ;",
2, ":: %name% ("));