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To install flawfinder:
If you use an RPM-based system (e.g., Red Hat) or deb-based system
(e.g., Debian), use their respective RPM or debian installation program
and just install it; then ignore the rest of these instructions.
For a ports-based system where you have a current port, just use that.
Otherwise, you'll need to install from the tarball.
So, here's how to do that.
* Install the "tarball" and uncompress it.
GNU-based systems can run "tar xvzf flawfinder*.tar.gz" to do so,
then "cd" into the directory created. If that doesn't work
(e.g., you have an old tar program), use:
gunzip flawfinder*.tar.gz
tar xvf flawfinder*.tar
cd flawfinder-*
* Decide where you want to put it. Flawfinder normally installs everything
in /usr/local, with the program in /usr/local/bin and the manual in
/usr/local/share/man/man1, per GNU conventions. You can override this
when installing (with "make install") by setting some environment
variables. You can do this by setting traditional GNU variables, e.g.,
make prefix=/usr install
will install the flawfinder program to /usr/bin/flawfinder
and the man page to /usr/share/man/man1/flawfinder.1.
You can override the specific manual page locations by setting
"bindir" and "man1dir" on the command line with make.
You can also use the older flawfinder makefile variables to control
installation; you can set INSTALL_DIR (defaults to /usr/local),
INSTALL_DIR_BIN for the program location (defaults to INSTALL_DIR/bin), and
INSTALL_DIR_MAN for the manual location
(currently defaults to $(INSTALL_DIR)/share/man/man1 per GNU convention;
its former default location was $(INSTALL_DIR)/man/man1).
* If you're using Cygwin on Windows, you can install it using "make install"
but you need to tell the makefile to use the .py extension
whenever you use make. This will be another make install override.
If you'll just install it, do this:
make PYTHONEXT=.py install
If you don't want to pass the "PYTHONEXT" extension each time,
you can change the file "makefile" to remember this. Just change
the line beginning with "PYTHONEXT=" so that it reads as follows:
* Now install it, giving whatever overrides you need.
In most cases, you'll need to be root, so run this first:
Then give the "make install" command appropriate for your system.
For an all-default installation, which is what you need for most cases:
make install
(you need to be root; "make uninstall" reverses it).
To install in /usr (the program in /usr/bin, the manual in /usr/man):
make INSTALL_DIR=/usr install
To put the binaries in /usr/bin, and the manuals in /usr/share/man
(common for Red Hat Linux), do:
make INSTALL_DIR=/usr INSTALL_DIR_MAN=/usr/share/man install
* Windows systems should be able to run this on the command line (cmd.exe)
directly, but I haven't tried that.
* You can also simply run the program in the directory you've unpacked it
into. It's a simple Python program, just type into a command line:
./flawfinder files_or_directory