Remove dead code after previous commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1986,227 +1986,13 @@ bail:
#warning "No FT_Get_Next_Char: Please install freetype version 2.1.0 or newer"
typedef struct _FcCharEnt {
FcChar16 bmp;
unsigned char encode;
} FcCharEnt;
struct _FcCharMap {
const FcCharEnt *ent;
int nent;
typedef struct _FcFontDecode {
FT_Encoding encoding;
const FcCharMap *map;
FcChar32 max;
} FcFontDecode;
static const FcCharEnt AdobeSymbolEnt[] = {
{ 0x0020, 0x20 }, /* SPACE # space */
{ 0x0021, 0x21 }, /* EXCLAMATION MARK # exclam */
{ 0x0023, 0x23 }, /* NUMBER SIGN # numbersign */
{ 0x0025, 0x25 }, /* PERCENT SIGN # percent */
{ 0x0026, 0x26 }, /* AMPERSAND # ampersand */
{ 0x0028, 0x28 }, /* LEFT PARENTHESIS # parenleft */
{ 0x0029, 0x29 }, /* RIGHT PARENTHESIS # parenright */
{ 0x002B, 0x2B }, /* PLUS SIGN # plus */
{ 0x002C, 0x2C }, /* COMMA # comma */
{ 0x002E, 0x2E }, /* FULL STOP # period */
{ 0x002F, 0x2F }, /* SOLIDUS # slash */
{ 0x0030, 0x30 }, /* DIGIT ZERO # zero */
{ 0x0031, 0x31 }, /* DIGIT ONE # one */
{ 0x0032, 0x32 }, /* DIGIT TWO # two */
{ 0x0033, 0x33 }, /* DIGIT THREE # three */
{ 0x0034, 0x34 }, /* DIGIT FOUR # four */
{ 0x0035, 0x35 }, /* DIGIT FIVE # five */
{ 0x0036, 0x36 }, /* DIGIT SIX # six */
{ 0x0037, 0x37 }, /* DIGIT SEVEN # seven */
{ 0x0038, 0x38 }, /* DIGIT EIGHT # eight */
{ 0x0039, 0x39 }, /* DIGIT NINE # nine */
{ 0x003A, 0x3A }, /* COLON # colon */
{ 0x003B, 0x3B }, /* SEMICOLON # semicolon */
{ 0x003C, 0x3C }, /* LESS-THAN SIGN # less */
{ 0x003D, 0x3D }, /* EQUALS SIGN # equal */
{ 0x003E, 0x3E }, /* GREATER-THAN SIGN # greater */
{ 0x003F, 0x3F }, /* QUESTION MARK # question */
{ 0x005B, 0x5B }, /* LEFT SQUARE BRACKET # bracketleft */
{ 0x005D, 0x5D }, /* RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET # bracketright */
{ 0x005F, 0x5F }, /* LOW LINE # underscore */
{ 0x007B, 0x7B }, /* LEFT CURLY BRACKET # braceleft */
{ 0x007C, 0x7C }, /* VERTICAL LINE # bar */
{ 0x007D, 0x7D }, /* RIGHT CURLY BRACKET # braceright */
{ 0x00A0, 0x20 }, /* NO-BREAK SPACE # space */
{ 0x00AC, 0xD8 }, /* NOT SIGN # logicalnot */
{ 0x00B0, 0xB0 }, /* DEGREE SIGN # degree */
{ 0x00B1, 0xB1 }, /* PLUS-MINUS SIGN # plusminus */
{ 0x00B5, 0x6D }, /* MICRO SIGN # mu */
{ 0x00D7, 0xB4 }, /* MULTIPLICATION SIGN # multiply */
{ 0x00F7, 0xB8 }, /* DIVISION SIGN # divide */
{ 0x0192, 0xA6 }, /* LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK # florin */
{ 0x0391, 0x41 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA # Alpha */
{ 0x0392, 0x42 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA # Beta */
{ 0x0393, 0x47 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA # Gamma */
{ 0x0394, 0x44 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA # Delta */
{ 0x0395, 0x45 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON # Epsilon */
{ 0x0396, 0x5A }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA # Zeta */
{ 0x0397, 0x48 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA # Eta */
{ 0x0398, 0x51 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA # Theta */
{ 0x0399, 0x49 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA # Iota */
{ 0x039A, 0x4B }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA # Kappa */
{ 0x039B, 0x4C }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA # Lambda */
{ 0x039C, 0x4D }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU # Mu */
{ 0x039D, 0x4E }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU # Nu */
{ 0x039E, 0x58 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI # Xi */
{ 0x039F, 0x4F }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON # Omicron */
{ 0x03A0, 0x50 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI # Pi */
{ 0x03A1, 0x52 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO # Rho */
{ 0x03A3, 0x53 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA # Sigma */
{ 0x03A4, 0x54 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU # Tau */
{ 0x03A5, 0x55 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON # Upsilon */
{ 0x03A6, 0x46 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI # Phi */
{ 0x03A7, 0x43 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI # Chi */
{ 0x03A8, 0x59 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI # Psi */
{ 0x03A9, 0x57 }, /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA # Omega */
{ 0x03B1, 0x61 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA # alpha */
{ 0x03B2, 0x62 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA # beta */
{ 0x03B3, 0x67 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA # gamma */
{ 0x03B4, 0x64 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA # delta */
{ 0x03B5, 0x65 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON # epsilon */
{ 0x03B6, 0x7A }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA # zeta */
{ 0x03B7, 0x68 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA # eta */
{ 0x03B8, 0x71 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA # theta */
{ 0x03B9, 0x69 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA # iota */
{ 0x03BA, 0x6B }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA # kappa */
{ 0x03BB, 0x6C }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA # lambda */
{ 0x03BC, 0x6D }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER MU # mu */
{ 0x03BD, 0x6E }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER NU # nu */
{ 0x03BE, 0x78 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER XI # xi */
{ 0x03BF, 0x6F }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON # omicron */
{ 0x03C0, 0x70 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PI # pi */
{ 0x03C1, 0x72 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO # rho */
{ 0x03C2, 0x56 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA # sigma1 */
{ 0x03C3, 0x73 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA # sigma */
{ 0x03C4, 0x74 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU # tau */
{ 0x03C5, 0x75 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON # upsilon */
{ 0x03C6, 0x66 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI # phi */
{ 0x03C7, 0x63 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI # chi */
{ 0x03C8, 0x79 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI # psi */
{ 0x03C9, 0x77 }, /* GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA # omega */
{ 0x03D1, 0x4A }, /* GREEK THETA SYMBOL # theta1 */
{ 0x03D2, 0xA1 }, /* GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL # Upsilon1 */
{ 0x03D5, 0x6A }, /* GREEK PHI SYMBOL # phi1 */
{ 0x03D6, 0x76 }, /* GREEK PI SYMBOL # omega1 */
{ 0x2022, 0xB7 }, /* BULLET # bullet */
{ 0x2026, 0xBC }, /* HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS # ellipsis */
{ 0x2032, 0xA2 }, /* PRIME # minute */
{ 0x2033, 0xB2 }, /* DOUBLE PRIME # second */
{ 0x2044, 0xA4 }, /* FRACTION SLASH # fraction */
{ 0x20AC, 0xA0 }, /* EURO SIGN # Euro */
{ 0x2111, 0xC1 }, /* BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I # Ifraktur */
{ 0x2118, 0xC3 }, /* SCRIPT CAPITAL P # weierstrass */
{ 0x211C, 0xC2 }, /* BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R # Rfraktur */
{ 0x2126, 0x57 }, /* OHM SIGN # Omega */
{ 0x2135, 0xC0 }, /* ALEF SYMBOL # aleph */
{ 0x2190, 0xAC }, /* LEFTWARDS ARROW # arrowleft */
{ 0x2191, 0xAD }, /* UPWARDS ARROW # arrowup */
{ 0x2192, 0xAE }, /* RIGHTWARDS ARROW # arrowright */
{ 0x2193, 0xAF }, /* DOWNWARDS ARROW # arrowdown */
{ 0x2194, 0xAB }, /* LEFT RIGHT ARROW # arrowboth */
{ 0x21B5, 0xBF }, /* DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH CORNER LEFTWARDS # carriagereturn */
{ 0x21D0, 0xDC }, /* LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW # arrowdblleft */
{ 0x21D1, 0xDD }, /* UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW # arrowdblup */
{ 0x21D2, 0xDE }, /* RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW # arrowdblright */
{ 0x21D3, 0xDF }, /* DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW # arrowdbldown */
{ 0x21D4, 0xDB }, /* LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW # arrowdblboth */
{ 0x2200, 0x22 }, /* FOR ALL # universal */
{ 0x2202, 0xB6 }, /* PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL # partialdiff */
{ 0x2203, 0x24 }, /* THERE EXISTS # existential */
{ 0x2205, 0xC6 }, /* EMPTY SET # emptyset */
{ 0x2206, 0x44 }, /* INCREMENT # Delta */
{ 0x2207, 0xD1 }, /* NABLA # gradient */
{ 0x2208, 0xCE }, /* ELEMENT OF # element */
{ 0x2209, 0xCF }, /* NOT AN ELEMENT OF # notelement */
{ 0x220B, 0x27 }, /* CONTAINS AS MEMBER # suchthat */
{ 0x220F, 0xD5 }, /* N-ARY PRODUCT # product */
{ 0x2211, 0xE5 }, /* N-ARY SUMMATION # summation */
{ 0x2212, 0x2D }, /* MINUS SIGN # minus */
{ 0x2215, 0xA4 }, /* DIVISION SLASH # fraction */
{ 0x2217, 0x2A }, /* ASTERISK OPERATOR # asteriskmath */
{ 0x221A, 0xD6 }, /* SQUARE ROOT # radical */
{ 0x221D, 0xB5 }, /* PROPORTIONAL TO # proportional */
{ 0x221E, 0xA5 }, /* INFINITY # infinity */
{ 0x2220, 0xD0 }, /* ANGLE # angle */
{ 0x2227, 0xD9 }, /* LOGICAL AND # logicaland */
{ 0x2228, 0xDA }, /* LOGICAL OR # logicalor */
{ 0x2229, 0xC7 }, /* INTERSECTION # intersection */
{ 0x222A, 0xC8 }, /* UNION # union */
{ 0x222B, 0xF2 }, /* INTEGRAL # integral */
{ 0x2234, 0x5C }, /* THEREFORE # therefore */
{ 0x223C, 0x7E }, /* TILDE OPERATOR # similar */
{ 0x2245, 0x40 }, /* APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO # congruent */
{ 0x2248, 0xBB }, /* ALMOST EQUAL TO # approxequal */
{ 0x2260, 0xB9 }, /* NOT EQUAL TO # notequal */
{ 0x2261, 0xBA }, /* IDENTICAL TO # equivalence */
{ 0x2264, 0xA3 }, /* LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO # lessequal */
{ 0x2265, 0xB3 }, /* GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO # greaterequal */
{ 0x2282, 0xCC }, /* SUBSET OF # propersubset */
{ 0x2283, 0xC9 }, /* SUPERSET OF # propersuperset */
{ 0x2284, 0xCB }, /* NOT A SUBSET OF # notsubset */
{ 0x2286, 0xCD }, /* SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO # reflexsubset */
{ 0x2287, 0xCA }, /* SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO # reflexsuperset */
{ 0x2295, 0xC5 }, /* CIRCLED PLUS # circleplus */
{ 0x2297, 0xC4 }, /* CIRCLED TIMES # circlemultiply */
{ 0x22A5, 0x5E }, /* UP TACK # perpendicular */
{ 0x22C5, 0xD7 }, /* DOT OPERATOR # dotmath */
{ 0x2320, 0xF3 }, /* TOP HALF INTEGRAL # integraltp */
{ 0x2321, 0xF5 }, /* BOTTOM HALF INTEGRAL # integralbt */
{ 0x2329, 0xE1 }, /* LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET # angleleft */
{ 0x232A, 0xF1 }, /* RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET # angleright */
{ 0x25CA, 0xE0 }, /* LOZENGE # lozenge */
{ 0x2660, 0xAA }, /* BLACK SPADE SUIT # spade */
{ 0x2663, 0xA7 }, /* BLACK CLUB SUIT # club */
{ 0x2665, 0xA9 }, /* BLACK HEART SUIT # heart */
{ 0x2666, 0xA8 }, /* BLACK DIAMOND SUIT # diamond */
{ 0xF6D9, 0xD3 }, /* COPYRIGHT SIGN SERIF # copyrightserif (CUS) */
{ 0xF6DA, 0xD2 }, /* REGISTERED SIGN SERIF # registerserif (CUS) */
{ 0xF6DB, 0xD4 }, /* TRADE MARK SIGN SERIF # trademarkserif (CUS) */
{ 0xF8E5, 0x60 }, /* RADICAL EXTENDER # radicalex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8E6, 0xBD }, /* VERTICAL ARROW EXTENDER # arrowvertex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8E7, 0xBE }, /* HORIZONTAL ARROW EXTENDER # arrowhorizex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8E8, 0xE2 }, /* REGISTERED SIGN SANS SERIF # registersans (CUS) */
{ 0xF8E9, 0xE3 }, /* COPYRIGHT SIGN SANS SERIF # copyrightsans (CUS) */
{ 0xF8EA, 0xE4 }, /* TRADE MARK SIGN SANS SERIF # trademarksans (CUS) */
{ 0xF8EB, 0xE6 }, /* LEFT PAREN TOP # parenlefttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8EC, 0xE7 }, /* LEFT PAREN EXTENDER # parenleftex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8ED, 0xE8 }, /* LEFT PAREN BOTTOM # parenleftbt (CUS) */
{ 0xF8EE, 0xE9 }, /* LEFT SQUARE BRACKET TOP # bracketlefttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8EF, 0xEA }, /* LEFT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENDER # bracketleftex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F0, 0xEB }, /* LEFT SQUARE BRACKET BOTTOM # bracketleftbt (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F1, 0xEC }, /* LEFT CURLY BRACKET TOP # bracelefttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F2, 0xED }, /* LEFT CURLY BRACKET MID # braceleftmid (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F3, 0xEE }, /* LEFT CURLY BRACKET BOTTOM # braceleftbt (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F4, 0xEF }, /* CURLY BRACKET EXTENDER # braceex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F5, 0xF4 }, /* INTEGRAL EXTENDER # integralex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F6, 0xF6 }, /* RIGHT PAREN TOP # parenrighttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F7, 0xF7 }, /* RIGHT PAREN EXTENDER # parenrightex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F8, 0xF8 }, /* RIGHT PAREN BOTTOM # parenrightbt (CUS) */
{ 0xF8F9, 0xF9 }, /* RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET TOP # bracketrighttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8FA, 0xFA }, /* RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENDER # bracketrightex (CUS) */
{ 0xF8FB, 0xFB }, /* RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET BOTTOM # bracketrightbt (CUS) */
{ 0xF8FC, 0xFC }, /* RIGHT CURLY BRACKET TOP # bracerighttp (CUS) */
{ 0xF8FD, 0xFD }, /* RIGHT CURLY BRACKET MID # bracerightmid (CUS) */
{ 0xF8FE, 0xFE }, /* RIGHT CURLY BRACKET BOTTOM # bracerightbt (CUS) */
static const FcCharMap AdobeSymbol = {
sizeof (AdobeSymbolEnt) / sizeof (AdobeSymbolEnt[0]),
static const FcFontDecode fcFontDecoders[] = {
{ ft_encoding_unicode, 0, (1 << 21) - 1 },
{ ft_encoding_symbol, 0, (1 << 16) - 1 },
{ ft_encoding_unicode },
{ ft_encoding_symbol },
#define NUM_DECODE (int) (sizeof (fcFontDecoders) / sizeof (fcFontDecoders[0]))
@ -2215,54 +2001,6 @@ static const FcChar32 prefer_unicode[] = {
0x20ac, /* EURO SIGN */
#define NUM_PREFER_UNICODE (int) (sizeof (prefer_unicode) / sizeof (prefer_unicode[0]))
FcFreeTypeUcs4ToPrivate (FcChar32 ucs4, const FcCharMap *map)
int low, high, mid;
FcChar16 bmp;
low = 0;
high = map->nent - 1;
if (ucs4 < map->ent[low].bmp || map->ent[high].bmp < ucs4)
return ~0;
while (low <= high)
mid = (high + low) >> 1;
bmp = map->ent[mid].bmp;
if (ucs4 == bmp)
return (FT_ULong) map->ent[mid].encode;
if (ucs4 < bmp)
high = mid - 1;
low = mid + 1;
return ~0;
FcFreeTypePrivateToUcs4 (FcChar32 private, const FcCharMap *map)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < map->nent; i++)
if (map->ent[i].encode == private)
return (FcChar32) map->ent[i].bmp;
return ~0;
const FcCharMap *
FcFreeTypeGetPrivateMap (FT_Encoding encoding)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DECODE; i++)
if (fcFontDecoders[i].encoding == encoding)
return fcFontDecoders[i].map;
return 0;
#include "../fc-glyphname/fcglyphname.h"
static FcChar32
@ -2390,8 +2128,6 @@ FcFreeTypeCharIndex (FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4)
int initial, offset, decode;
FT_UInt glyphindex;
FcChar32 charcode;
int p;
initial = 0;
@ -2409,12 +2145,6 @@ FcFreeTypeCharIndex (FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4)
if (initial == NUM_DECODE)
initial = 0;
for (p = 0; p < NUM_PREFER_UNICODE; p++)
if (ucs4 == prefer_unicode[p])
initial = 0;
* Check each encoding for the glyph, starting with the current one
@ -2424,15 +2154,7 @@ FcFreeTypeCharIndex (FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4)
if (!face->charmap || face->charmap->encoding != fcFontDecoders[decode].encoding)
if (FT_Select_Charmap (face, fcFontDecoders[decode].encoding) != 0)
if (fcFontDecoders[decode].map)
charcode = FcFreeTypeUcs4ToPrivate (ucs4, fcFontDecoders[decode].map);
if (charcode == ~0U)
charcode = ucs4;
glyphindex = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, (FT_ULong) charcode);
glyphindex = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, (FT_ULong) ucs4);
if (glyphindex)
return glyphindex;
@ -2525,9 +2247,7 @@ FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacingForSize (FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks, int *spacing
FcCharSet *fcs;
FcCharLeaf *leaf;
const FcCharMap *map;
int o;
int i;
FT_UInt glyph;
FT_Pos advance, advance_one = 0, advance_two = 0;
FcBool has_advance = FcFalse, fixed_advance = FcTrue, dual_advance = FcFalse;
@ -2552,60 +2272,7 @@ FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacingForSize (FT_Face face, FcBlanks *blanks, int *spacing
if (FT_Select_Charmap (face, fcFontDecoders[o].encoding) != 0)
map = fcFontDecoders[o].map;
if (map)
* Non-Unicode tables are easy; there's a list of all possible
* characters
for (i = 0; i < map->nent; i++)
ucs4 = map->ent[i].bmp;
glyph = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, map->ent[i].encode);
if (glyph &&
FcFreeTypeCheckGlyph (face, ucs4, glyph, blanks, &advance, using_strike))
* ignore glyphs with zero advance. They’re
* combining characters, and while their behaviour
* isn’t well defined for monospaced applications in
* Unicode, there are many fonts which include
* zero-width combining characters in otherwise
* monospaced fonts.
if (advance)
if (!has_advance)
has_advance = FcTrue;
advance_one = advance;
else if (!APPROXIMATELY_EQUAL (advance, advance_one))
if (fixed_advance)
dual_advance = FcTrue;
fixed_advance = FcFalse;
advance_two = advance;
else if (!APPROXIMATELY_EQUAL (advance, advance_two))
dual_advance = FcFalse;
leaf = FcCharSetFindLeafCreate (fcs, ucs4);
if (!leaf)
goto bail1;
leaf->map[(ucs4 & 0xff) >> 5] |= (1 << (ucs4 & 0x1f));
#ifdef CHECK
if (ucs4 > font_max)
font_max = ucs4;
page = ~0;
leaf = NULL;
Reference in New Issue