Like FcFreeTypeQuery(), but adds patterns for all fonts found, including named
instances of variable fonts. If id is -1, then all collection faces are queried.
Returns number of fonts added.
This merges the same face loop that was in fc-query. and fcdir.c.
Needs documentation update.
The filtering, '%{+elt1,elt2,elt3{subexpr}}' will evaluate subexpr
with a pattern only having the listed elements from the surrounding
The deletion, '%{-elt1,elt2,elt3{subexpr}}' will evaluate subexpr
with a the surrounding pattern sans the listed elements.
Added -h instead of -?. And upon -h and --help, write usave to stdout
instead of stdin, and return 0 instead of 1.
-? still works like before as that's what getopt returns upon unknown