/* * fontconfig/fc-lang/fc-lang.c * * Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "fccharset.c" #include "fcstr.c" #include "fcserialize.c" /* * fc-lang * * Read a set of language orthographies and build C declarations for * charsets which can then be used to identify which languages are * supported by a given font. Note that this uses some utilities * from the fontconfig library, so the necessary file is simply * included in this compilation. A couple of extra utility * functions are also needed in slightly modified form */ void FcMemAlloc (int kind, int size) { } void FcMemFree (int kind, int size) { } FcPrivate void FcCacheObjectReference (void *object) { } FcPrivate void FcCacheObjectDereference (void *object) { } int FcDebugVal; FcChar8 * FcConfigHome (void) { return (FcChar8 *) getenv ("HOME"); } static void fatal (const char *file, int lineno, const char *msg) { if (lineno) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", file, lineno, msg); else fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", file, msg); exit (1); } static char * get_line (FILE *f, char *buf, int *lineno) { char *hash; char *line; int end; next: line = buf; if (!fgets (line, 1024, f)) return 0; ++(*lineno); hash = strchr (line, '#'); if (hash) *hash = '\0'; while (line[0] && isspace (line[0])) line++; end = strlen (line); while (end > 0 && isspace (line[end-1])) line[--end] = '\0'; if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r') goto next; return line; } static char *dir = 0; static FILE * scanopen (char *file) { FILE *f; f = fopen (file, "r"); if (!f && dir) { char path[1024]; strcpy (path, dir); strcat (path, "/"); strcat (path, file); f = fopen (path, "r"); } return f; } /* * build a single charset from a source file * * The file format is quite simple, either * a single hex value or a pair separated with a dash * * Comments begin with '#' */ static FcCharSet * scan (FILE *f, char *file, FcCharSetFreezer *freezer) { FcCharSet *c = 0; FcCharSet *n; FcBool del; int start, end, ucs4; char buf[1024]; char *line; int lineno = 0; while ((line = get_line (f, buf, &lineno))) { if (!strncmp (line, "include", 7)) { FILE *included_f; char *included_file; included_file = strchr (line, ' '); if (!included_file) fatal (file, lineno, "invalid syntax, expected: include filename"); while (isspace(*included_file)) included_file++; included_f = scanopen (included_file); if (!included_f) fatal (included_file, 0, "can't open"); n = scan (included_f, included_file, freezer); fclose (included_f); if (!c) c = FcCharSetCreate (); if (!FcCharSetMerge (c, n, NULL)) fatal (file, lineno, "out of memory"); FcCharSetDestroy (n); continue; } del = FcFalse; if (line[0] == '-') { del = FcTrue; line++; } if (strchr (line, '-')) { if (sscanf (line, "%x-%x", &start, &end) != 2) fatal (file, lineno, "parse error"); } else { if (sscanf (line, "%x", &start) != 1) fatal (file, lineno, "parse error"); end = start; } if (!c) c = FcCharSetCreate (); for (ucs4 = start; ucs4 <= end; ucs4++) { if (!((del ? FcCharSetDelChar : FcCharSetAddChar) (c, ucs4))) fatal (file, lineno, "out of memory"); } } n = FcCharSetFreeze (freezer, c); FcCharSetDestroy (c); return n; } /* * Convert a file name into a name suitable for C declarations */ static char * get_name (char *file) { char *name; char *dot; dot = strchr (file, '.'); if (!dot) dot = file + strlen(file); name = malloc (dot - file + 1); strncpy (name, file, dot - file); name[dot-file] = '\0'; return name; } /* * Convert a C name into a language name */ static char * get_lang (char *name) { char *lang = malloc (strlen (name) + 1); char *l = lang; char c; while ((c = *name++)) { if (isupper ((int) (unsigned char) c)) c = tolower ((int) (unsigned char) c); if (c == '_') c = '-'; if (c == ' ') continue; *l++ = c; } *l++ = '\0'; return lang; } typedef struct _Entry { int id; char *file; } Entry; static int compare (const void *a, const void *b) { const Entry *as = a, *bs = b; return FcStrCmpIgnoreCase ((const FcChar8 *) as->file, (const FcChar8 *) bs->file); } #define MAX_LANG 1024 #define MAX_LANG_SET_MAP ((MAX_LANG + 31) / 32) #define BitSet(map, i) ((map)[(entries[i].id)>>5] |= ((FcChar32) 1 << ((entries[i].id) & 0x1f))) #define BitGet(map, i) ((map)[(entries[i].id)>>5] >> ((entries[i].id) & 0x1f)) & 1) int main (int argc, char **argv) { static Entry entries[MAX_LANG]; static FcCharSet *sets[MAX_LANG]; static int duplicate[MAX_LANG]; static int country[MAX_LANG]; static char *names[MAX_LANG]; static char *langs[MAX_LANG]; static int off[MAX_LANG]; FILE *f; int ncountry = 0; int i = 0; int nsets = 0; int argi; FcCharLeaf **leaves; int total_leaves = 0; int l, sl, tl, tn; static char line[1024]; static FcChar32 map[MAX_LANG_SET_MAP]; int num_lang_set_map; int setRangeStart[26]; int setRangeEnd[26]; FcChar8 setRangeChar; FcCharSetFreezer *freezer; freezer = FcCharSetFreezerCreate (); if (!freezer) fatal (argv[0], 0, "out of memory"); argi = 1; while (argv[argi]) { if (!strcmp (argv[argi], "-d")) { argi++; dir = argv[argi++]; continue; } if (i == MAX_LANG) fatal (argv[0], 0, "Too many languages"); entries[i].id = i; entries[i].file = argv[argi++]; i++; } entries[i].file = 0; qsort (entries, i, sizeof (Entry), compare); i = 0; while (entries[i].file) { f = scanopen (entries[i].file); if (!f) fatal (entries[i].file, 0, strerror (errno)); sets[i] = scan (f, entries[i].file, freezer); names[i] = get_name (entries[i].file); langs[i] = get_lang(names[i]); if (strchr (langs[i], '-')) country[ncountry++] = i; total_leaves += sets[i]->num; i++; fclose (f); } nsets = i; sets[i] = 0; leaves = malloc (total_leaves * sizeof (FcCharLeaf *)); tl = 0; /* * Find unique leaves */ for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { for (sl = 0; sl < sets[i]->num; sl++) { for (l = 0; l < tl; l++) if (leaves[l] == FcCharSetLeaf(sets[i], sl)) break; if (l == tl) leaves[tl++] = FcCharSetLeaf(sets[i], sl); } } /* * Scan the input until the marker is found */ while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin)) { if (!strncmp (line, "@@@", 3)) break; fputs (line, stdout); } printf ("/* total size: %d unique leaves: %d */\n\n", total_leaves, tl); /* * Find duplicate charsets */ duplicate[0] = -1; for (i = 1; sets[i]; i++) { int j; duplicate[i] = -1; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (sets[j] == sets[i]) { duplicate[i] = j; break; } } tn = 0; for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { if (duplicate[i] >= 0) continue; off[i] = tn; tn += sets[i]->num; } printf ("#define LEAF0 (%d * sizeof (FcLangCharSet))\n", nsets); printf ("#define OFF0 (LEAF0 + %d * sizeof (FcCharLeaf))\n", tl); printf ("#define NUM0 (OFF0 + %d * sizeof (uintptr_t))\n", tn); printf ("#define SET(n) (n * sizeof (FcLangCharSet) + offsetof (FcLangCharSet, charset))\n"); printf ("#define OFF(s,o) (OFF0 + o * sizeof (uintptr_t) - SET(s))\n"); printf ("#define NUM(s,n) (NUM0 + n * sizeof (FcChar16) - SET(s))\n"); printf ("#define LEAF(o,l) (LEAF0 + l * sizeof (FcCharLeaf) - (OFF0 + o * sizeof (intptr_t)))\n"); printf ("#define fcLangCharSets (fcLangData.langCharSets)\n"); printf ("#define fcLangCharSetIndices (fcLangData.langIndices)\n"); printf ("#define fcLangCharSetIndicesInv (fcLangData.langIndicesInv)\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("static const struct {\n" " FcLangCharSet langCharSets[%d];\n" " FcCharLeaf leaves[%d];\n" " uintptr_t leaf_offsets[%d];\n" " FcChar16 numbers[%d];\n" " FcChar%s langIndices[%d];\n" " FcChar%s langIndicesInv[%d];\n" "} fcLangData = {\n", nsets, tl, tn, tn, nsets < 256 ? "8 " : "16", nsets, nsets < 256 ? "8 " : "16", nsets); /* * Dump sets */ printf ("{\n"); for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { int j = duplicate[i]; if (j < 0) j = i; printf (" { \"%s\", " " { FC_REF_CONSTANT, %d, OFF(%d,%d), NUM(%d,%d) } }, /* %d */\n", langs[i], sets[j]->num, i, off[j], i, off[j], i); } printf ("},\n"); /* * Dump leaves */ printf ("{\n"); for (l = 0; l < tl; l++) { printf (" { { /* %d */", l); for (i = 0; i < 256/32; i++) { if (i % 4 == 0) printf ("\n "); printf (" 0x%08x,", leaves[l]->map[i]); } printf ("\n } },\n"); } printf ("},\n"); /* * Dump leaves */ printf ("{\n"); for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { int n; if (duplicate[i] >= 0) continue; printf (" /* %s */\n", names[i]); for (n = 0; n < sets[i]->num; n++) { if (n % 4 == 0) printf (" "); for (l = 0; l < tl; l++) if (leaves[l] == FcCharSetLeaf(sets[i], n)) break; if (l == tl) fatal (names[i], 0, "can't find leaf"); printf (" LEAF(%3d,%3d),", off[i], l); if (n % 4 == 3) printf ("\n"); } if (n % 4 != 0) printf ("\n"); } printf ("},\n"); printf ("{\n"); for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { int n; if (duplicate[i] >= 0) continue; printf (" /* %s */\n", names[i]); for (n = 0; n < sets[i]->num; n++) { if (n % 8 == 0) printf (" "); printf (" 0x%04x,", FcCharSetNumbers (sets[i])[n]); if (n % 8 == 7) printf ("\n"); } if (n % 8 != 0) printf ("\n"); } printf ("},\n"); /* langIndices */ printf ("{\n"); for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { printf (" %d, /* %s */\n", entries[i].id, names[i]); } printf ("},\n"); /* langIndicesInv */ printf ("{\n"); { static int entries_inv[MAX_LANG]; for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) entries_inv[entries[i].id] = i; for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) printf (" %d, /* %s */\n", entries_inv[i], names[entries_inv[i]]); } printf ("}\n"); printf ("};\n\n"); printf ("#define NUM_LANG_CHAR_SET %d\n", i); num_lang_set_map = (i + 31) / 32; printf ("#define NUM_LANG_SET_MAP %d\n", num_lang_set_map); /* * Dump indices with country codes */ if (ncountry) { int c; int ncountry_ent = 0; printf ("\n"); printf ("static const FcChar32 fcLangCountrySets[][NUM_LANG_SET_MAP] = {\n"); for (c = 0; c < ncountry; c++) { i = country[c]; if (i >= 0) { int lang = strchr (langs[i], '-') - langs[i]; int d, k; for (k = 0; k < num_lang_set_map; k++) map[k] = 0; BitSet (map, i); for (d = c + 1; d < ncountry; d++) { int j = country[d]; if (j >= 0 && !strncmp (langs[j], langs[i], lang + 1)) { BitSet(map, j); country[d] = -1; } } printf (" {"); for (k = 0; k < num_lang_set_map; k++) printf (" 0x%08x,", map[k]); printf (" }, /* %*.*s */\n", lang, lang, langs[i]); ++ncountry_ent; } } printf ("};\n\n"); printf ("#define NUM_COUNTRY_SET %d\n", ncountry_ent); } /* * Find ranges for each letter for faster searching */ setRangeChar = 'a'; memset(setRangeStart, '\0', sizeof (setRangeStart)); memset(setRangeEnd, '\0', sizeof (setRangeEnd)); for (i = 0; sets[i]; i++) { char c = names[i][0]; while (setRangeChar <= c && c <= 'z') setRangeStart[setRangeChar++ - 'a'] = i; } for (setRangeChar = 'a'; setRangeChar < 'z'; setRangeChar++) setRangeEnd[setRangeChar - 'a'] = setRangeStart[setRangeChar+1-'a'] - 1; setRangeEnd[setRangeChar - 'a'] = i - 1; /* * Dump sets start/finish for the fastpath */ printf ("\n"); printf ("static const FcLangCharSetRange fcLangCharSetRanges[] = {\n"); printf ("\n"); for (setRangeChar = 'a'; setRangeChar <= 'z' ; setRangeChar++) { printf (" { %d, %d }, /* %c */\n", setRangeStart[setRangeChar - 'a'], setRangeEnd[setRangeChar - 'a'], setRangeChar); } printf ("};\n\n"); while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin)) fputs (line, stdout); fflush (stdout); exit (ferror (stdout)); }