# # fontconfig/fc-lang/emoji.orth # # Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard # Copyright © 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation, and that the name of the author(s) not be used in # advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without # specific, written prior permission. The authors make no # representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It # is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. # # THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, # INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, # DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER # TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Emoji # # http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/5.0/emoji-data.txt # with anything after Unicode 6.0 commented out. # ## Emoji Presentation 231A..231B # 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛) watch..hourglass 23E9..23EC # 6.0 [4] (⏩..⏬) fast-forward button..fast down button 23F0 # 6.0 [1] (⏰) alarm clock 23F3 # 6.0 [1] (⏳) hourglass with flowing sand 25FD..25FE # 3.2 [2] (◽..◾) white medium-small square..black medium-small square 2614..2615 # 4.0 [2] (☔..☕) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage 2648..2653 # 1.1 [12] (♈..♓) Aries..Pisces 267F # 4.1 [1] (♿) wheelchair symbol 2693 # 4.1 [1] (⚓) anchor 26A1 # 4.0 [1] (⚡) high voltage 26AA..26AB # 4.1 [2] (⚪..⚫) white circle..black circle 26BD..26BE # 5.2 [2] (⚽..⚾) soccer ball..baseball 26C4..26C5 # 5.2 [2] (⛄..⛅) snowman without snow..sun behind cloud 26CE # 6.0 [1] (⛎) Ophiuchus 26D4 # 5.2 [1] (⛔) no entry 26EA # 5.2 [1] (⛪) church 26F2..26F3 # 5.2 [2] (⛲..⛳) fountain..flag in hole 26F5 # 5.2 [1] (⛵) sailboat 26FA # 5.2 [1] (⛺) tent 26FD # 5.2 [1] (⛽) fuel pump 2705 # 6.0 [1] (✅) white heavy check mark 270A..270B # 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand 2728 # 6.0 [1] (✨) sparkles 274C # 6.0 [1] (❌) cross mark 274E # 6.0 [1] (❎) cross mark button 2753..2755 # 6.0 [3] (❓..❕) question mark..white exclamation mark 2757 # 5.2 [1] (❗) exclamation mark 2795..2797 # 6.0 [3] (➕..➗) heavy plus sign..heavy division sign 27B0 # 6.0 [1] (➰) curly loop 27BF # 6.0 [1] (➿) double curly loop 2B1B..2B1C # 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜) black large square..white large square 2B50 # 5.1 [1] (⭐) white medium star 2B55 # 5.2 [1] (⭕) heavy large circle 1F004 # 5.1 [1] (🀄) mahjong red dragon 1F0CF # 6.0 [1] (🃏) joker 1F18E # 6.0 [1] (🆎) AB button (blood type) 1F191..1F19A # 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚) CL button..VS button 1F1E6..1F1FF # 6.0 [26] (🇦..🇿) regional indicator symbol letter a..regional indicator symbol letter z 1F201 # 6.0 [1] (🈁) Japanese “here” button 1F21A # 5.2 [1] (🈚) Japanese “free of charge” button 1F22F # 5.2 [1] (🈯) Japanese “reserved” button 1F232..1F236 # 6.0 [5] (🈲..🈶) Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “not free of charge” button 1F238..1F23A # 6.0 [3] (🈸..🈺) Japanese “application” button..Japanese “open for business” button 1F250..1F251 # 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑) Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button 1F300..1F320 # 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠) cyclone..shooting star # 1F32D..1F32F # 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯) hot dog..burrito 1F330..1F335 # 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵) chestnut..cactus 1F337..1F37C # 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼) tulip..baby bottle # 1F37E..1F37F # 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿) bottle with popping cork..popcorn 1F380..1F393 # 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓) ribbon..graduation cap 1F3A0..1F3C4 # 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄) carousel horse..person surfing # 1F3C5 # 7.0 [1] (🏅) sports medal 1F3C6..1F3CA # 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊) trophy..person swimming # 1F3CF..1F3D3 # 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓) cricket..ping pong 1F3E0..1F3F0 # 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰) house..castle # 1F3F4 # 7.0 [1] (🏴) black flag # 1F3F8..1F3FF # 8.0 [8] (🏸..🏿) badminton..dark skin tone 1F400..1F43E # 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾) rat..paw prints 1F440 # 6.0 [1] (👀) eyes 1F442..1F4F7 # 6.0[182] (👂..📷) ear..camera # 1F4F8 # 7.0 [1] (📸) camera with flash 1F4F9..1F4FC # 6.0 [4] (📹..📼) video camera..videocassette # 1F4FF # 8.0 [1] (📿) prayer beads 1F500..1F53D # 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽) shuffle tracks button..down button # 1F54B..1F54E # 8.0 [4] (🕋..🕎) kaaba..menorah 1F550..1F567 # 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧) one o’clock..twelve-thirty # 1F57A # 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing # 1F595..1F596 # 7.0 [2] (🖕..🖖) middle finger..vulcan salute # 1F5A4 # 9.0 [1] (🖤) black heart 1F5FB..1F5FF # 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿) mount fuji..moai # 1F600 # 6.1 [1] (😀) grinning face 1F601..1F610 # 6.0 [16] (😁..😐) grinning face with smiling eyes..neutral face # 1F611 # 6.1 [1] (😑) expressionless face 1F612..1F614 # 6.0 [3] (😒..😔) unamused face..pensive face # 1F615 # 6.1 [1] (😕) confused face 1F616 # 6.0 [1] (😖) confounded face # 1F617 # 6.1 [1] (😗) kissing face 1F618 # 6.0 [1] (😘) face blowing a kiss # 1F619 # 6.1 [1] (😙) kissing face with smiling eyes 1F61A # 6.0 [1] (😚) kissing face with closed eyes # 1F61B # 6.1 [1] (😛) face with stuck-out tongue 1F61C..1F61E # 6.0 [3] (😜..😞) face with stuck-out tongue & winking eye..disappointed face # 1F61F # 6.1 [1] (😟) worried face 1F620..1F625 # 6.0 [6] (😠..😥) angry face..disappointed but relieved face # 1F626..1F627 # 6.1 [2] (😦..😧) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face 1F628..1F62B # 6.0 [4] (😨..😫) fearful face..tired face # 1F62C # 6.1 [1] (😬) grimacing face 1F62D # 6.0 [1] (😭) loudly crying face # 1F62E..1F62F # 6.1 [2] (😮..😯) face with open mouth..hushed face 1F630..1F633 # 6.0 [4] (😰..😳) face with open mouth & cold sweat..flushed face # 1F634 # 6.1 [1] (😴) sleeping face 1F635..1F640 # 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀) dizzy face..weary cat face # 1F641..1F642 # 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂) slightly frowning face..slightly smiling face # 1F643..1F644 # 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄) upside-down face..face with rolling eyes 1F645..1F64F # 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏) person gesturing NO..folded hands 1F680..1F6C5 # 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅) rocket..left luggage # 1F6CC # 7.0 [1] (🛌) person in bed # 1F6D0 # 8.0 [1] (🛐) place of worship # 1F6D1..1F6D2 # 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒) stop sign..shopping cart # 1F6EB..1F6EC # 7.0 [2] (🛫..🛬) airplane departure..airplane arrival # 1F6F4..1F6F6 # 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶) kick scooter..canoe # 1F6F7..1F6F8 # 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸) sled..flying saucer # 1F910..1F918 # 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns # 1F919..1F91E # 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers # 1F91F # 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture # 1F920..1F927 # 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧) cowboy hat face..sneezing face # 1F928..1F92F # 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head # 1F930 # 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman # 1F931..1F932 # 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together # 1F933..1F93A # 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺) selfie..person fencing # 1F93C..1F93E # 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball # 1F940..1F945 # 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅) wilted flower..goal net # 1F947..1F94B # 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform # 1F94C # 10.0 [1] (🥌) curling stone # 1F950..1F95E # 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞) croissant..pancakes # 1F95F..1F96B # 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫) dumpling..canned food # 1F980..1F984 # 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄) crab..unicorn face # 1F985..1F991 # 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑) eagle..squid # 1F992..1F997 # 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗) giraffe..cricket # 1F9C0 # 8.0 [1] (🧀) cheese wedge # 1F9D0..1F9E6 # 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦) face with monocle..socks