#! /usr/bin/python import urllib2 import sys from lxml import html fp = urllib2.urlopen('http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=[%3AGC%3DZs%3A][%3ADI%3A]&abb=on&ucd=on&esc=on&g') data = fp.read() fp.close() dom = html.fromstring(data) x = dom.xpath('/html/body/form/p/text()') p = x[1] if p[0] == '[' and p[-1] == ']': p = p.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') else: sys.exit(1) fescape = False funicode = False frange = False fprocess = False v = 0 vbegin = 0 vend = 0 n = 0 l = [] def insert(db, begin, end): db.append([begin, end]) for i in p: if i == '\\': if n > 0: if frange == True and funicode == True: vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) fprocess = True elif funicode == True: vbegin = v vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) fprocess = True funicode = False fescape = True elif i.lower() == 'u' and fescape == True: funicode = True elif i >= '0' and i <= '9' or i.lower() >= 'a' and i.lower() <= 'f': if funicode == True: v <<= 4 v += int(i, 16) else: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to parse Unicode" elif i == ' ': if frange == True and funicode == True: vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) fprocess = True elif funicode == True: vbegin = v vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) fprocess = True fescape = False funicode = False frange = False elif i == '-': vbegin = v v = 0 fescape = False funicode = False frange = True else: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to parse Unicode: %s" % i if fprocess == True: vbegin = 0 vend = 0 v = 0 fprocess = False funicode = False frange = False n += 1 if frange == True and funicode == True: vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) elif funicode == True: vbegin = vend = v insert(l, vbegin, vend) # somewhat missing 0x0020 in the list of code from Unicode Utilities insert(l, 0x0020, 0x0020) ncode = 0 for i in l: ncode += (i[1] - i[0] + 1) a = int(x[0].split(' ')[0].replace(',', '')) if a != ncode: sys.stderr.write("Unexpected the amount of code points: %d (expected %d)\n" % (ncode, a)) sys.exit(1) insert(l, 0x2800, 0x2800) while True: s = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() if s == "@@@": break print s print "static FcChar32 _fcBlanks[%s] = {" % (ncode + 1) k = 0 for i in sorted(l, key=lambda(a): a[0]): for j in range(i[0], i[1] + 1): if k != 0: print "," print " 0x%04x" % j, k += 1 print "};" print ''' static FcBlanks fcBlanks = { %s, -1, _fcBlanks }; ''' % (ncode + 1)