# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 textwidth=0 filetype=yaml: {# You're looking at the template here, so you can ignore the below warning. This is the right file to edit #} ####################################### # # # THIS FILE IS GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT # # # ####################################### # To change the gitlab CI, edit .gitlab-ci/ci.template and/or .gitlab-ci/config.yml # and run ci-fairy generate-template. For details, see # https://freedesktop.pages.freedesktop.org/ci-templates/ci-fairy.html#templating-gitlab-ci-yml .templates_sha: &template_sha d11c0dd4c1c9a69c14b4af9b50cdd12b89d24672 include: {% for distro in distributions|sort(attribute="name") %} # {{ distro.name.capitalize() }} container builder template - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates' ref: *template_sha file: '/templates/{{distro.name}}.yml' {% endfor %} - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates' ref: *template_sha file: '/templates/ci-fairy.yml' - local: '.gitlab-ci/other.yml' stages: - prep - test - container_clean variables: FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: fontconfig/fontconfig GIT_DEPTH: 1 # these tags should be updated each time the list of packages is updated # changing these will force rebuilding the associated image # Note: these tags have no meaning and are not tied to a particular # fontconfig version {% for distro in distributions %} {{"%-13s"| format(distro.name.upper() + '_TAG:')}}'{{distro.tag}}-{{ (ci_fairy.hashfiles('.gitlab-ci/config.yml', '.gitlab-ci/' + distro.name + '-install.sh'))[0:12] }}' {% endfor %} {% for distro in distributions %} {{"%-13s"| format(distro.name.upper() + '_EXEC:')}}'bash .gitlab-ci/{{distro.name}}-install.sh' {% endfor %} ####################################### # # # containers stage # # # ####################################### # Build a container for each distribution + version. The ci-templates # will re-use the containers if the tag doesn't change. {% for distro in distributions %} {% for version in distro.versions %} {{distro.name}}:{{version}}@container-prep: extends: .fdo.container-build@{{distro.name}} stage: prep variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: '{{version}}' FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: '{{' '.join(packages[distro.name].needed)}}' FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: ${{distro.name.upper()}}_TAG FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC: ${{distro.name.upper()}}_EXEC {% endfor %} {% endfor %} ####################################### # # # container clean stage # # # ####################################### # # This stage will look for the container images e currently have in # the registry and will remove any that are not tagged with the provided # $container_image:$tag # # This job only runs for a scheduled pipeline. # # Go to your Profile, Settings, Access Tokens # Create a personal token with `api' scope, copy the value. # Go to CI/CD, Schedules, schedule a monthly job. # Define a variable of type File named AUTHFILE. Content is that token # value. .container-clean: stage: container_clean image: golang:alpine before_script: - apk add python3 py-pip git - pip3 install git+http://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/ci-templates script: - ci-fairy -v --authfile $AUTHFILE delete-image --repository $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_NAME/$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION --exclude-tag $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG dependencies: [] allow_failure: true only: - schedules {% for distro in distributions %} {% for version in distro.versions %} {{distro.name}}:{{version}}@container-clean: extends: - .container-clean variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none CURRENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/{{distro.name}}/$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION:$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: '{{version}}' FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: ${{distro.name.upper()}}_TAG {% endfor %} {% endfor %} ####################################### # # # build stage # # # ####################################### .build@template: before_script: - pip install meson script: - export BUILD_ID="fontconfig-$CI_JOB_NAME_$CI_COMMIT_SHA-$CI_JOB_ID" - export PREFIX="$(pwd)/prefix-$BUILD_ID" - export BUILDDIR="$(pwd)/build-$BUILD_ID" - export MAKEFLAGS="-j4" - | buildopt=() for bo in $FC_BUILD_ENABLED; do buildopt+=(-e $bo) done for bo in $FC_BUILD_DISABLED; do buildopt+=(-d $bo) done [ -n "$FC_BUILD_ARCH" ] && buildopt+=(-a $FC_BUILD_ARCH) [ $FC_BUILD_DISTCHECK -eq 1 ] && buildopt+=(-c) [ $FC_BUILD_NO_INSTALL -eq 1 ] && buildopt+=(-I) buildopt+=(-s $FC_BUILDSYS) buildopt+=(-t $FC_BUILD_TYPE) buildopt+=(-X $FC_XML_BACKEND) sh .gitlab-ci/build.sh ${buildopt[*]} variables: FC_BUILDSYS: autotools FC_XML_BACKEND: expat FC_BUILD_TYPE: both FC_BUILD_DISTCHECK: 0 FC_BUILD_NO_INSTALL: 0 .fc_artifacts: artifacts: name: fontconfig-$CI_COMMIT_SHA-$CI_JOB_ID when: always expire_in: 5 days paths: - fc-build.log - build-*/fontconfig-*.tar.* - build-*/fontconfig*/_build ####################################### # # # test stage # # # ####################################### {% for distro in distributions %} {% for version in distro.versions %} {% for build in distro.builds %} t_{{distro.name}}:{{version}}:{{build.name}}: extends: - .build@template - .fdo.distribution-image@{{distro.name}} - .fc_artifacts variables: FC_DISTRO_NAME: {{distro.name}} FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: '{{version}}' FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: ${{distro.name.upper()}}_TAG {# Where we have extra_variables defined, add them to the list #} {% if build.variables is defined %} {% for key, value in build.variables.items() %} {{key}}: {{value}} {% endfor %} {% endif %} needs: - '{{distro.name}}:{{version}}@container-prep' {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}