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#!/usr/bin/env python3
2020-05-28 12:31:15 +02:00
"""usage: ./gen-arabic-table.py ArabicShaping.txt UnicodeData.txt Blocks.txt
2020-03-15 20:59:31 +01:00
Input files:
* https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/ArabicShaping.txt
* https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt
* https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/Blocks.txt
2020-05-28 12:31:15 +02:00
2020-05-28 21:41:19 +02:00
import os.path, sys
2020-05-28 12:31:15 +02:00
if len (sys.argv) != 4:
2020-05-28 20:21:29 +02:00
sys.exit (__doc__)
2011-06-02 02:52:00 +02:00
2020-05-28 21:41:19 +02:00
files = [open (x, encoding='utf-8') for x in sys.argv[1:]]
2011-06-02 02:52:00 +02:00
headers = [[files[0].readline (), files[0].readline ()], [files[2].readline (), files[2].readline ()]]
headers.append (["UnicodeData.txt does not have a header."])
while files[0].readline ().find ('##################') < 0:
blocks = {}
def read_blocks(f):
global blocks
for line in f:
j = line.find ('#')
if j >= 0:
line = line[:j]
fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')]
if len (fields) == 1:
uu = fields[0].split ('..')
start = int (uu[0], 16)
if len (uu) == 1:
end = start
end = int (uu[1], 16)
t = fields[1]
for u in range (start, end + 1):
blocks[u] = t
def print_joining_table(f):
values = {}
for line in f:
if line[0] == '#':
fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')]
if len (fields) == 1:
u = int (fields[0], 16)
if fields[3] in ["ALAPH", "DALATH RISH"]:
value = "JOINING_GROUP_" + fields[3].replace(' ', '_')
value = "JOINING_TYPE_" + fields[2]
values[u] = value
short_value = {}
2020-03-15 20:59:31 +01:00
for value in sorted (set ([v for v in values.values ()] + ['JOINING_TYPE_X'])):
short = ''.join(x[0] for x in value.split('_')[2:])
assert short not in short_value.values()
short_value[value] = short
print ()
for value,short in short_value.items():
print ("#define %s %s" % (short, value))
uu = sorted(values.keys())
num = len(values)
all_blocks = set([blocks[u] for u in uu])
2014-06-22 19:29:59 +02:00
last = -100000
ranges = []
for u in uu:
if u - last <= 1+16*5:
ranges[-1][-1] = u
last = u
print ()
print ("static const uint8_t joining_table[] =")
print ("{")
last_block = None
offset = 0
for start,end in ranges:
print ()
print ("#define joining_offset_0x%04xu %d" % (start, offset))
for u in range(start, end+1):
block = blocks.get(u, last_block)
value = values.get(u, "JOINING_TYPE_X")
if block != last_block or u == start:
if u != start:
print ()
if block in all_blocks:
print ("\n /* %s */" % block)
print ("\n /* FILLER */")
last_block = block
if u % 32 != 0:
print ()
print (" /* %04X */" % (u//32*32), " " * (u % 32), end="")
if u % 32 == 0:
print ()
print (" /* %04X */ " % u, end="")
print ("%s," % short_value[value], end="")
print ()
offset += end - start + 1
print ()
occupancy = num * 100. / offset
print ("}; /* Table items: %d; occupancy: %d%% */" % (offset, occupancy))
print ()
2020-05-28 12:31:15 +02:00
page_bits = 12
print ()
print ("static unsigned int")
print ("joining_type (hb_codepoint_t u)")
print ("{")
print (" switch (u >> %d)" % page_bits)
print (" {")
pages = set([u>>page_bits for u in [s for s,e in ranges]+[e for s,e in ranges]])
for p in sorted(pages):
print (" case 0x%0Xu:" % p)
for (start,end) in ranges:
if p not in [start>>page_bits, end>>page_bits]: continue
offset = "joining_offset_0x%04xu" % start
print (" if (hb_in_range<hb_codepoint_t> (u, 0x%04Xu, 0x%04Xu)) return joining_table[u - 0x%04Xu + %s];" % (start, end, start, offset))
print (" break;")
print ("")
print (" default:")
print (" break;")
print (" }")
print (" return X;")
print ("}")
print ()
for value,short in short_value.items():
print ("#undef %s" % (short))
print ()
0xF2EE, 0xFC08, 0xFC0E, 0xFC12, 0xFC32, 0xFC3F, 0xFC40, 0xFC41, 0xFC42,
0xFC44, 0xFC4E, 0xFC5E, 0xFC60, 0xFC61, 0xFC62, 0xFC6A, 0xFC6D, 0xFC6F,
0xFC70, 0xFC73, 0xFC75, 0xFC86, 0xFC8F, 0xFC91, 0xFC94, 0xFC9C, 0xFC9D,
0xFC9E, 0xFC9F, 0xFCA1, 0xFCA2, 0xFCA3, 0xFCA4, 0xFCA8, 0xFCAA, 0xFCAC,
0xFCB0, 0xFCC9, 0xFCCA, 0xFCCB, 0xFCCC, 0xFCCD, 0xFCCE, 0xFCCF, 0xFCD0,
0xFCD1, 0xFCD2, 0xFCD3, 0xFCD5, 0xFCDA, 0xFCDB, 0xFCDC, 0xFCDD, 0xFD30,
0xFD88, 0xFEF5, 0xFEF6, 0xFEF7, 0xFEF8, 0xFEF9, 0xFEFA, 0xFEFB, 0xFEFC,
def print_shaping_table(f):
shapes = {}
ligatures = {}
names = {}
for line in f:
fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')]
if fields[5][0:1] != '<':
items = fields[5].split (' ')
shape, items = items[0][1:-1], tuple (int (x, 16) for x in items[1:])
c = int (fields[0], 16)
if not shape in ['initial', 'medial', 'isolated', 'final']:
if len (items) != 1:
# Mark ligatures start with space and are in visual order, so we
# remove the space and reverse the items.
if items[0] == 0x0020:
items = items[:0:-1]
shape = None
# We only care about a subset of ligatures
if c not in LIGATURES or len (items) != 2:
# Save ligature
names[c] = fields[1]
if items not in ligatures:
ligatures[items] = {}
ligatures[items][shape] = c
# Save shape
if items[0] not in names:
names[items[0]] = fields[1]
names[items[0]] = os.path.commonprefix ([names[items[0]], fields[1]]).strip ()
if items[0] not in shapes:
shapes[items[0]] = {}
shapes[items[0]][shape] = c
print ()
print ("static const uint16_t shaping_table[][4] =")
print ("{")
keys = shapes.keys ()
min_u, max_u = min (keys), max (keys)
for u in range (min_u, max_u + 1):
s = [shapes[u][shape] if u in shapes and shape in shapes[u] else 0
for shape in ['initial', 'medial', 'final', 'isolated']]
value = ', '.join ("0x%04Xu" % c for c in s)
print (" {%s}, /* U+%04X %s */" % (value, u, names[u] if u in names else ""))
print ("};")
print ()
print ("#define SHAPING_TABLE_FIRST 0x%04Xu" % min_u)
print ("#define SHAPING_TABLE_LAST 0x%04Xu" % max_u)
print ()
ligas = {}
for pair in ligatures.keys ():
for shape in ligatures[pair]:
c = ligatures[pair][shape]
if shape is None:
liga = pair
elif shape == 'isolated':
liga = (shapes[pair[0]]['initial'], shapes[pair[1]]['final'])
elif shape == 'final':
liga = (shapes[pair[0]]['medial'], shapes[pair[1]]['final'])
elif shape == 'initial':
liga = (shapes[pair[0]]['initial'], shapes[pair[1]]['medial'])
raise Exception ("Unexpected shape", shape)
if liga[0] not in ligas:
ligas[liga[0]] = []
ligas[liga[0]].append ((liga[1], c))
max_i = max (len (ligas[l]) for l in ligas)
print ()
print ("static const struct ligature_set_t {")
print (" uint16_t first;")
print (" struct ligature_pairs_t {")
print (" uint16_t second;")
print (" uint16_t ligature;")
print (" } ligatures[%d];" % max_i)
print ("} ligature_table[] =")
print ("{")
for first in sorted (ligas.keys ()):
print (" { 0x%04Xu, {" % (first))
for liga in ligas[first]:
print (" { 0x%04Xu, 0x%04Xu }, /* %s */" % (liga[0], liga[1], names[liga[1]]))
print (" }},")
print ("};")
print ()
print ("/* == Start of generated table == */")
print ("/*")
print (" * The following table is generated by running:")
print (" *")
print (" * ./gen-arabic-table.py ArabicShaping.txt UnicodeData.txt Blocks.txt")
print (" *")
print (" * on files with these headers:")
print (" *")
for h in headers:
for l in h:
print (" * %s" % (l.strip()))
print (" */")
print ()
2022-06-03 10:54:33 +02:00
print ("#ifndef HB_OT_SHAPER_ARABIC_TABLE_HH")
print ("#define HB_OT_SHAPER_ARABIC_TABLE_HH")
print ()
read_blocks (files[2])
print_joining_table (files[0])
print_shaping_table (files[1])
print ()
2022-06-03 10:54:33 +02:00
print ("#endif /* HB_OT_SHAPER_ARABIC_TABLE_HH */")
print ()
print ("/* == End of generated table == */")