[layout-common] Reshuffle code so Feature is defined before it's used
This commit is contained in:
@ -377,6 +377,51 @@ HB_FUNCOBJ (serialize_math_record_array);
* Script, ScriptList, LangSys, Feature, FeatureList, Lookup, LookupList
struct IndexArray : Array16Of<Index>
bool intersects (const hb_map_t *indexes) const
{ return hb_any (*this, indexes); }
template <typename Iterator,
hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
Iterator it)
if (!it) return;
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min ((*this)))) return;
for (const auto _ : it)
if (!l->visitLookupIndex()) break;
Index i;
i = _;
c->copy (i);
unsigned int get_indexes (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *_count /* IN/OUT */,
unsigned int *_indexes /* OUT */) const
if (_count)
+ this->sub_array (start_offset, _count)
| hb_sink (hb_array (_indexes, *_count))
return this->len;
void add_indexes_to (hb_set_t* output /* OUT */) const
output->add_array (as_array ());
struct Record_sanitize_closure_t {
hb_tag_t tag;
const void *list_base;
@ -465,338 +510,6 @@ struct RecordListOf : RecordArrayOf<Type>
struct Feature;
struct RecordListOfFeature : RecordListOf<Feature>
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
unsigned count = this->len;
+ hb_zip (*this, hb_range (count))
| hb_filter (l->feature_index_map, hb_second)
| hb_map (hb_first)
| hb_apply (subset_record_array (l, out, this))
return_trace (true);
struct Script;
struct RecordListOfScript : RecordListOf<Script>
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
unsigned count = this->len;
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (*this, hb_range (count)))
auto snap = c->serializer->snapshot ();
l->cur_script_index = _.second;
bool ret = _.first.subset (l, this);
if (!ret) c->serializer->revert (snap);
else out->len++;
return_trace (true);
struct IndexArray : Array16Of<Index>
bool intersects (const hb_map_t *indexes) const
{ return hb_any (*this, indexes); }
template <typename Iterator,
hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
Iterator it)
if (!it) return;
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min ((*this)))) return;
for (const auto _ : it)
if (!l->visitLookupIndex()) break;
Index i;
i = _;
c->copy (i);
unsigned int get_indexes (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *_count /* IN/OUT */,
unsigned int *_indexes /* OUT */) const
if (_count)
+ this->sub_array (start_offset, _count)
| hb_sink (hb_array (_indexes, *_count))
return this->len;
void add_indexes_to (hb_set_t* output /* OUT */) const
output->add_array (as_array ());
struct LangSys
unsigned int get_feature_count () const
{ return featureIndex.len; }
hb_tag_t get_feature_index (unsigned int i) const
{ return featureIndex[i]; }
unsigned int get_feature_indexes (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *feature_count /* IN/OUT */,
unsigned int *feature_indexes /* OUT */) const
{ return featureIndex.get_indexes (start_offset, feature_count, feature_indexes); }
void add_feature_indexes_to (hb_set_t *feature_indexes) const
{ featureIndex.add_indexes_to (feature_indexes); }
bool has_required_feature () const { return reqFeatureIndex != 0xFFFFu; }
unsigned int get_required_feature_index () const
if (reqFeatureIndex == 0xFFFFu)
return Index::NOT_FOUND_INDEX;
return reqFeatureIndex;
LangSys* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
return_trace (c->embed (*this));
bool compare (const LangSys& o, const hb_map_t *feature_index_map) const
if (reqFeatureIndex != o.reqFeatureIndex)
return false;
auto iter =
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (feature_index_map)
| hb_map (feature_index_map)
auto o_iter =
+ hb_iter (o.featureIndex)
| hb_filter (feature_index_map)
| hb_map (feature_index_map)
for (; iter && o_iter; iter++, o_iter++)
unsigned a = *iter;
unsigned b = *o_iter;
if (a != b) return false;
if (iter || o_iter) return false;
return true;
void collect_features (hb_prune_langsys_context_t *c) const
if (!has_required_feature () && !get_feature_count ()) return;
if (has_required_feature () &&
c->duplicate_feature_map->has (reqFeatureIndex))
c->new_feature_indexes->add (get_required_feature_index ());
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (c->duplicate_feature_map)
| hb_sink (c->new_feature_indexes)
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
const Tag *tag = nullptr) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
const unsigned *v;
out->reqFeatureIndex = l->feature_index_map->has (reqFeatureIndex, &v) ? *v : 0xFFFFu;
if (!l->visitFeatureIndex (featureIndex.len))
return_trace (false);
auto it =
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (l->feature_index_map)
| hb_map (l->feature_index_map)
bool ret = bool (it);
out->featureIndex.serialize (c->serializer, l, it);
return_trace (ret);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
const Record_sanitize_closure_t * = nullptr) const
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && featureIndex.sanitize (c));
Offset16 lookupOrderZ; /* = Null (reserved for an offset to a
* reordering table) */
HBUINT16 reqFeatureIndex;/* Index of a feature required for this
* language system--if no required features
* = 0xFFFFu */
IndexArray featureIndex; /* Array of indices into the FeatureList */
DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY_SIZED (6, featureIndex);
struct Script
unsigned int get_lang_sys_count () const
{ return langSys.len; }
const Tag& get_lang_sys_tag (unsigned int i) const
{ return langSys.get_tag (i); }
unsigned int get_lang_sys_tags (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *lang_sys_count /* IN/OUT */,
hb_tag_t *lang_sys_tags /* OUT */) const
{ return langSys.get_tags (start_offset, lang_sys_count, lang_sys_tags); }
const LangSys& get_lang_sys (unsigned int i) const
if (i == Index::NOT_FOUND_INDEX) return get_default_lang_sys ();
return this+langSys[i].offset;
bool find_lang_sys_index (hb_tag_t tag, unsigned int *index) const
{ return langSys.find_index (tag, index); }
bool has_default_lang_sys () const { return defaultLangSys != 0; }
const LangSys& get_default_lang_sys () const { return this+defaultLangSys; }
void prune_langsys (hb_prune_langsys_context_t *c,
unsigned script_index) const
if (!has_default_lang_sys () && !get_lang_sys_count ()) return;
if (!c->visitScript ()) return;
if (!c->script_langsys_map->has (script_index))
if (unlikely (!c->script_langsys_map->set (script_index, hb::unique_ptr<hb_set_t> {hb_set_create ()})))
unsigned langsys_count = get_lang_sys_count ();
if (has_default_lang_sys ())
//only collect features from non-redundant langsys
const LangSys& d = get_default_lang_sys ();
if (c->visitLangsys (d.get_feature_count ())) {
d.collect_features (c);
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (langsys_count)))
const LangSys& l = this+_.first.offset;
if (!c->visitLangsys (l.get_feature_count ())) continue;
if (l.compare (d, c->duplicate_feature_map)) continue;
l.collect_features (c);
c->script_langsys_map->get (script_index)->add (_.second);
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (langsys_count)))
const LangSys& l = this+_.first.offset;
if (!c->visitLangsys (l.get_feature_count ())) continue;
l.collect_features (c);
c->script_langsys_map->get (script_index)->add (_.second);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
const Tag *tag) const
if (!l->visitScript ()) return_trace (false);
if (tag && !c->plan->layout_scripts->has (*tag))
return false;
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
bool defaultLang = false;
if (has_default_lang_sys ())
c->serializer->push ();
const LangSys& ls = this+defaultLangSys;
bool ret = ls.subset (c, l);
if (!ret && tag && *tag != HB_TAG ('D', 'F', 'L', 'T'))
c->serializer->pop_discard ();
out->defaultLangSys = 0;
c->serializer->add_link (out->defaultLangSys, c->serializer->pop_pack ());
defaultLang = true;
const hb_set_t *active_langsys = l->script_langsys_map->get (l->cur_script_index);
if (active_langsys)
unsigned count = langSys.len;
+ hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (count))
| hb_filter (active_langsys, hb_second)
| hb_map (hb_first)
| hb_filter ([=] (const Record<LangSys>& record) {return l->visitLangSys (); })
| hb_apply (subset_record_array (l, &(out->langSys), this))
return_trace (bool (out->langSys.len) || defaultLang || l->table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_GSUB);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
const Record_sanitize_closure_t * = nullptr) const
return_trace (defaultLangSys.sanitize (c, this) && langSys.sanitize (c, this));
defaultLangSys; /* Offset to DefaultLangSys table--from
* beginning of Script table--may be Null */
langSys; /* Array of LangSysRecords--listed
* alphabetically by LangSysTag */
typedef RecordListOfScript ScriptList;
/* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/features_pt#size */
struct FeatureParamsSize
@ -1079,6 +792,7 @@ struct FeatureParams
struct Feature
unsigned int get_lookup_count () const
@ -1174,9 +888,294 @@ struct Feature
struct RecordListOfFeature : RecordListOf<Feature>
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
unsigned count = this->len;
+ hb_zip (*this, hb_range (count))
| hb_filter (l->feature_index_map, hb_second)
| hb_map (hb_first)
| hb_apply (subset_record_array (l, out, this))
return_trace (true);
typedef RecordListOf<Feature> FeatureList;
struct LangSys
unsigned int get_feature_count () const
{ return featureIndex.len; }
hb_tag_t get_feature_index (unsigned int i) const
{ return featureIndex[i]; }
unsigned int get_feature_indexes (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *feature_count /* IN/OUT */,
unsigned int *feature_indexes /* OUT */) const
{ return featureIndex.get_indexes (start_offset, feature_count, feature_indexes); }
void add_feature_indexes_to (hb_set_t *feature_indexes) const
{ featureIndex.add_indexes_to (feature_indexes); }
bool has_required_feature () const { return reqFeatureIndex != 0xFFFFu; }
unsigned int get_required_feature_index () const
if (reqFeatureIndex == 0xFFFFu)
return Index::NOT_FOUND_INDEX;
return reqFeatureIndex;
LangSys* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
return_trace (c->embed (*this));
bool compare (const LangSys& o, const hb_map_t *feature_index_map) const
if (reqFeatureIndex != o.reqFeatureIndex)
return false;
auto iter =
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (feature_index_map)
| hb_map (feature_index_map)
auto o_iter =
+ hb_iter (o.featureIndex)
| hb_filter (feature_index_map)
| hb_map (feature_index_map)
for (; iter && o_iter; iter++, o_iter++)
unsigned a = *iter;
unsigned b = *o_iter;
if (a != b) return false;
if (iter || o_iter) return false;
return true;
void collect_features (hb_prune_langsys_context_t *c) const
if (!has_required_feature () && !get_feature_count ()) return;
if (has_required_feature () &&
c->duplicate_feature_map->has (reqFeatureIndex))
c->new_feature_indexes->add (get_required_feature_index ());
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (c->duplicate_feature_map)
| hb_sink (c->new_feature_indexes)
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
const Tag *tag = nullptr) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
const unsigned *v;
out->reqFeatureIndex = l->feature_index_map->has (reqFeatureIndex, &v) ? *v : 0xFFFFu;
if (!l->visitFeatureIndex (featureIndex.len))
return_trace (false);
auto it =
+ hb_iter (featureIndex)
| hb_filter (l->feature_index_map)
| hb_map (l->feature_index_map)
bool ret = bool (it);
out->featureIndex.serialize (c->serializer, l, it);
return_trace (ret);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
const Record_sanitize_closure_t * = nullptr) const
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && featureIndex.sanitize (c));
Offset16 lookupOrderZ; /* = Null (reserved for an offset to a
* reordering table) */
HBUINT16 reqFeatureIndex;/* Index of a feature required for this
* language system--if no required features
* = 0xFFFFu */
IndexArray featureIndex; /* Array of indices into the FeatureList */
DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY_SIZED (6, featureIndex);
struct Script
unsigned int get_lang_sys_count () const
{ return langSys.len; }
const Tag& get_lang_sys_tag (unsigned int i) const
{ return langSys.get_tag (i); }
unsigned int get_lang_sys_tags (unsigned int start_offset,
unsigned int *lang_sys_count /* IN/OUT */,
hb_tag_t *lang_sys_tags /* OUT */) const
{ return langSys.get_tags (start_offset, lang_sys_count, lang_sys_tags); }
const LangSys& get_lang_sys (unsigned int i) const
if (i == Index::NOT_FOUND_INDEX) return get_default_lang_sys ();
return this+langSys[i].offset;
bool find_lang_sys_index (hb_tag_t tag, unsigned int *index) const
{ return langSys.find_index (tag, index); }
bool has_default_lang_sys () const { return defaultLangSys != 0; }
const LangSys& get_default_lang_sys () const { return this+defaultLangSys; }
void prune_langsys (hb_prune_langsys_context_t *c,
unsigned script_index) const
if (!has_default_lang_sys () && !get_lang_sys_count ()) return;
if (!c->visitScript ()) return;
if (!c->script_langsys_map->has (script_index))
if (unlikely (!c->script_langsys_map->set (script_index, hb::unique_ptr<hb_set_t> {hb_set_create ()})))
unsigned langsys_count = get_lang_sys_count ();
if (has_default_lang_sys ())
//only collect features from non-redundant langsys
const LangSys& d = get_default_lang_sys ();
if (c->visitLangsys (d.get_feature_count ())) {
d.collect_features (c);
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (langsys_count)))
const LangSys& l = this+_.first.offset;
if (!c->visitLangsys (l.get_feature_count ())) continue;
if (l.compare (d, c->duplicate_feature_map)) continue;
l.collect_features (c);
c->script_langsys_map->get (script_index)->add (_.second);
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (langsys_count)))
const LangSys& l = this+_.first.offset;
if (!c->visitLangsys (l.get_feature_count ())) continue;
l.collect_features (c);
c->script_langsys_map->get (script_index)->add (_.second);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l,
const Tag *tag) const
if (!l->visitScript ()) return_trace (false);
if (tag && !c->plan->layout_scripts->has (*tag))
return false;
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
bool defaultLang = false;
if (has_default_lang_sys ())
c->serializer->push ();
const LangSys& ls = this+defaultLangSys;
bool ret = ls.subset (c, l);
if (!ret && tag && *tag != HB_TAG ('D', 'F', 'L', 'T'))
c->serializer->pop_discard ();
out->defaultLangSys = 0;
c->serializer->add_link (out->defaultLangSys, c->serializer->pop_pack ());
defaultLang = true;
const hb_set_t *active_langsys = l->script_langsys_map->get (l->cur_script_index);
if (active_langsys)
unsigned count = langSys.len;
+ hb_zip (langSys, hb_range (count))
| hb_filter (active_langsys, hb_second)
| hb_map (hb_first)
| hb_filter ([=] (const Record<LangSys>& record) {return l->visitLangSys (); })
| hb_apply (subset_record_array (l, &(out->langSys), this))
return_trace (bool (out->langSys.len) || defaultLang || l->table_tag == HB_OT_TAG_GSUB);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
const Record_sanitize_closure_t * = nullptr) const
return_trace (defaultLangSys.sanitize (c, this) && langSys.sanitize (c, this));
defaultLangSys; /* Offset to DefaultLangSys table--from
* beginning of Script table--may be Null */
langSys; /* Array of LangSysRecords--listed
* alphabetically by LangSysTag */
struct RecordListOfScript : RecordListOf<Script>
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
hb_subset_layout_context_t *l) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
unsigned count = this->len;
for (auto _ : + hb_zip (*this, hb_range (count)))
auto snap = c->serializer->snapshot ();
l->cur_script_index = _.second;
bool ret = _.first.subset (l, this);
if (!ret) c->serializer->revert (snap);
else out->len++;
return_trace (true);
typedef RecordListOfScript ScriptList;
struct LookupFlag : HBUINT16
enum Flags {
Reference in New Issue