[subset] Merge remote-tracking branch 'googlefonts/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,10 +133,15 @@ typedef struct OffsetTable
unsigned int table_count)
// alloc 12 for the OTHeader
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false);
// write sfntVersion (bytes 0..3)
sfnt_version.set (sfnt_tag);
// take space for numTables, searchRange, entrySelector, RangeShift
// and the TableRecords themselves
if (unlikely (!tables.serialize (c, table_count))) return_trace (false);
// write OffsetTables, alloc for and write actual table blobs
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table_count; i++)
TableRecord &rec = tables.array[i];
@ -145,9 +150,12 @@ typedef struct OffsetTable
rec.length.set (hb_blob_get_length (blob));
rec.checkSum.set_for_data (hb_blob_get_data (blob, nullptr), rec.length);
rec.offset.serialize (c, this);
// take room for the table
void *p = c->allocate_size<void> (rec.length);
if (unlikely (!p)) {return false;}
// copy the actual table
memcpy (p, hb_blob_get_data (blob, nullptr), rec.length);
// 4-byte allignment
if (rec.length % 4)
p = c->allocate_size<void> (4 - rec.length % 4);
@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ struct CmapSubtableLongGroup
friend struct CmapSubtableFormat12;
friend struct CmapSubtableFormat13;
friend struct cmap;
int cmp (hb_codepoint_t codepoint) const
@ -253,6 +254,8 @@ struct CmapSubtableFormat10 : CmapSubtableTrimmed<HBUINT32 > {};
template <typename T>
struct CmapSubtableLongSegmented
friend struct cmap;
inline bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const
int i = groups.bsearch (codepoint);
@ -268,6 +271,20 @@ struct CmapSubtableLongSegmented
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && groups.sanitize (c));
inline bool serialize(hb_serialize_context_t *context,
unsigned int group_count,
Supplier<CmapSubtableLongGroup> &group_supplier)
if (unlikely(!context->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false);
if (unlikely(!groups.serialize(context, group_count))) return_trace (false);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
const CmapSubtableLongGroup &group = group_supplier[i];
memcpy(&groups[i], &group, sizeof(group));
return true;
HBUINT16 format; /* Subtable format; set to 12. */
HBUINT16 reservedZ; /* Reserved; set to 0. */
@ -504,25 +521,106 @@ struct cmap
encodingRecord.sanitize (c, this));
inline bool subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_face_t *source, hb_face_t *dest) const
inline void populate_groups(hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t> &codepoints,
hb_auto_array_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> *groups) const
// TODO something useful re: memory, write to dest
size_t dest_sz = 64536; // as much as anyone would ever need
void *dest_buf = malloc(dest_sz);
OT::hb_serialize_context_t context(dest_buf, dest_sz);
CmapSubtableLongGroup *group = nullptr;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < codepoints.len; i++) {
hb_codepoint_t cp = codepoints[i];
if (!group)
group = groups->push();
group->glyphID.set(i); // index in codepoints is new gid
} else if (cp -1 == group->endCharCode)
} else
group = nullptr;
// Same version
OT::cmap new_cmap;
new_cmap.version = version;
new_cmap.encodingRecord.len.set(1); // one format 12 subtable
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "cmap");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groups->len; i++) {
CmapSubtableLongGroup& group = (*groups)[i];
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, " %d: U+%04X-U+%04X, gid %d-%d", i, (uint32_t) group.startCharCode, (uint32_t) group.endCharCode, (uint32_t) group.glyphID, (uint32_t) group.glyphID + ((uint32_t) group.endCharCode - (uint32_t) group.startCharCode));
// TODO we need to actually build the format 12 subtable
hb_bool_t _subset (hb_auto_array_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> &groups,
size_t dest_sz,
void *dest) const
hb_serialize_context_t context(dest, dest_sz);
// TODO: this fails
// out->extend_min(new_cmap);
OT::cmap *cmap = context.start_serialize<OT::cmap> ();
if (unlikely(!context.extend_min(*cmap)))
return false;
if (unlikely(!cmap->encodingRecord.serialize(&context, /* numTables */ 1)))
return false;
EncodingRecord &rec = cmap->encodingRecord[0];
rec.platformID.set (3); // Windows
rec.encodingID.set (1); // Unicode BMP
CmapSubtable &subtable = rec.subtable.serialize(&context, &rec.subtable);
CmapSubtableFormat12 &format12 = subtable.u.format12;
OT::Supplier<CmapSubtableLongGroup> group_supplier (&groups[0], groups.len, sizeof (CmapSubtableLongGroup));
if (unlikely(!format12.serialize(&context, groups.len, group_supplier)))
return false;
context.end_serialize ();
return true;
hb_blob_t * subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_face_t *source) const
hb_auto_array_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> groups;
populate_groups(plan->codepoints, &groups);
// We now know how big our blob needs to be
// TODO use APIs from the structs to get size?
size_t dest_sz = 4 // header
+ 8 // 1 EncodingRecord
+ 16 // Format 12 header
+ 12 * groups.len; // SequentialMapGroup records
void *dest = calloc(dest_sz, 1);
if (unlikely(!dest)) {
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Unable to alloc %ld for cmap subset output", dest_sz);
return nullptr;
if (unlikely(!_subset(groups, dest_sz, dest)))
return nullptr;
// all done, write the blob into dest
return hb_blob_create((const char *)dest,
/* userdata */ nullptr,
struct accelerator_t
inline void init (hb_face_t *face)
@ -425,34 +425,46 @@ struct hb_prealloced_array_t
return &array[len - 1];
// Alloc enouch for size if size < allocated. Don't adjust len.
inline bool alloc(unsigned int size)
if (likely (size <= allocated))
return true;
/* Need to reallocate */
unsigned int new_allocated = allocated;
while (size >= new_allocated)
new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 8;
Type *new_array = nullptr;
if (array == static_array) {
new_array = (Type *) calloc (new_allocated, sizeof (Type));
if (new_array)
memcpy (new_array, array, len * sizeof (Type));
} else {
bool overflows = (new_allocated < allocated) || _hb_unsigned_int_mul_overflows (new_allocated, sizeof (Type));
if (likely (!overflows)) {
new_array = (Type *) realloc (array, new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
if (unlikely (!new_array))
return false;
array = new_array;
allocated = new_allocated;
return true;
inline bool resize (unsigned int size)
if (unlikely (size > allocated))
if (!alloc(size))
/* Need to reallocate */
unsigned int new_allocated = allocated;
while (size >= new_allocated)
new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 8;
Type *new_array = nullptr;
if (array == static_array) {
new_array = (Type *) calloc (new_allocated, sizeof (Type));
if (new_array)
memcpy (new_array, array, len * sizeof (Type));
} else {
bool overflows = (new_allocated < allocated) || _hb_unsigned_int_mul_overflows (new_allocated, sizeof (Type));
if (likely (!overflows)) {
new_array = (Type *) realloc (array, new_allocated * sizeof (Type));
if (unlikely (!new_array))
return false;
array = new_array;
allocated = new_allocated;
return false;
len = size;
@ -495,6 +507,11 @@ struct hb_prealloced_array_t
return nullptr;
inline void qsort (int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*))
::qsort (array, len, sizeof (Type), cmp);
inline void qsort (void)
::qsort (array, len, sizeof (Type), Type::cmp);
@ -31,14 +31,15 @@
_calculate_glyf_and_loca_prime_size (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
hb_set_t *glyph_ids,
unsigned int *glyf_size /* OUT */,
hb_auto_array_t<unsigned int> &glyph_ids,
bool *use_short_loca, /* OUT */
unsigned int *glyf_size, /* OUT */
unsigned int *loca_size /* OUT */)
unsigned int total = 0;
unsigned int count = 0;
hb_codepoint_t next_glyph = -1;
while (hb_set_next(glyph_ids, &next_glyph)) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyph_ids.len; i++) {
hb_codepoint_t next_glyph = glyph_ids[i];
unsigned int start_offset, end_offset;
if (unlikely (!glyf.get_offsets (next_glyph, &start_offset, &end_offset))) {
*glyf_size = 0;
@ -51,61 +52,82 @@ _calculate_glyf_and_loca_prime_size (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
*glyf_size = total;
*loca_size = (count + 1) * sizeof(OT::HBUINT32);
*use_short_loca = (total <= 131070);
*loca_size = (count + 1)
* (*use_short_loca ? sizeof(OT::HBUINT16) : sizeof(OT::HBUINT32));
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "preparing to subset glyf: final size %d, loca size %d, using %s loca",
*use_short_loca ? "short" : "long");
return true;
_write_loca_entry (unsigned int id, unsigned int offset, bool is_short, void *loca_prime) {
if (is_short) {
((OT::HBUINT16*) loca_prime) [id].set (offset / 2);
} else {
((OT::HBUINT32*) loca_prime) [id].set (offset);
_write_glyf_and_loca_prime (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
const char *glyf_data,
const hb_set_t *glyph_ids,
hb_auto_array_t<unsigned int> &glyph_ids,
bool use_short_loca,
int glyf_prime_size,
char *glyf_prime_data /* OUT */,
int loca_prime_size,
char *loca_prime_data /* OUT */)
// TODO(grieger): Handle the missing character glyf and outline.
char *glyf_prime_data_next = glyf_prime_data;
OT::HBUINT32 *loca_prime = (OT::HBUINT32*) loca_prime_data;
hb_codepoint_t next_glyph = -1;
hb_codepoint_t new_glyph_id = 0;
while (hb_set_next(glyph_ids, &next_glyph)) {
unsigned int start_offset, end_offset;
if (unlikely (!glyf.get_offsets (next_glyph, &start_offset, &end_offset))) {
unsigned int end_offset;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyph_ids.len; i++) {
unsigned int start_offset;
if (unlikely (!glyf.get_offsets (glyph_ids[i], &start_offset, &end_offset))) {
return false;
int length = end_offset - start_offset;
memcpy (glyf_prime_data_next, glyf_data + start_offset, length);
_write_loca_entry (i, start_offset, use_short_loca, loca_prime_data);
glyf_prime_data_next += length;
// Add the last loca entry which doesn't correspond to a specific glyph
// but identifies the end of the last glyphs data.
_write_loca_entry (new_glyph_id, end_offset, use_short_loca, loca_prime_data);
return true;
_hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
const char *glyf_data,
hb_set_t *glyphs_to_retain,
hb_auto_array_t<unsigned int> &glyphs_to_retain,
bool *use_short_loca,
hb_blob_t **glyf_prime /* OUT */,
hb_blob_t **loca_prime /* OUT */)
// TODO(grieger): Sanity check writes to make sure they are in-bounds.
// TODO(grieger): Sanity check allocation size for the new table.
// TODO(grieger): Subset loca simultaneously.
// TODO(grieger): Don't fail on bad offsets, just dump them.
// TODO(grieger): Support short loca output.
unsigned int glyf_prime_size;
unsigned int loca_prime_size;
if (unlikely (!_calculate_glyf_and_loca_prime_size (glyf,
&loca_prime_size))) {
return false;
@ -114,6 +136,7 @@ _hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
char *glyf_prime_data = (char *) calloc (glyf_prime_size, 1);
char *loca_prime_data = (char *) calloc (loca_prime_size, 1);
if (unlikely (!_write_glyf_and_loca_prime (glyf, glyf_data, glyphs_to_retain,
glyf_prime_size, glyf_prime_data,
loca_prime_size, loca_prime_data))) {
free (glyf_prime_data);
@ -144,7 +167,8 @@ _hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (const OT::glyf::accelerator_t &glyf,
hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
hb_face_t *face,
hb_blob_t **glyf_prime /* OUT */,
bool *use_short_loca, /* OUT */
hb_blob_t **glyf_prime, /* OUT */
hb_blob_t **loca_prime /* OUT */)
hb_blob_t *glyf_blob = OT::Sanitizer<OT::glyf>().sanitize (face->reference_table (HB_OT_TAG_glyf));
@ -152,10 +176,15 @@ hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
OT::glyf::accelerator_t glyf;
bool result = _hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (glyf, glyf_data, plan->glyphs_to_retain, glyf_prime, loca_prime);
bool result = _hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (glyf,
// TODO(grieger): Subset loca
*use_short_loca = false;
return result;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
hb_face_t *face,
bool *use_short_loca, /* OUT */
hb_blob_t **glyf_prime /* OUT */,
hb_blob_t **loca_prime /* OUT */);
@ -29,47 +29,90 @@
#include "hb-subset-plan.hh"
#include "hb-ot-cmap-table.hh"
_hb_codepoint_t_cmp (const void *l, const void *r) {
return *((hb_codepoint_t *) l) - *((hb_codepoint_t *) r);
hb_subset_plan_new_gid_for_old_id(hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
hb_codepoint_t old_gid,
hb_codepoint_t *new_gid) {
// TODO(Q1) lookup in map from old:new gid
// TEMPORARY: just loop over ids to retain and count up
hb_codepoint_t current = -1;
hb_codepoint_t count = 0;
while (hb_set_next(plan->glyphs_to_retain, ¤t)) {
if (old_gid == current) {
*new_gid = count;
hb_subset_plan_new_gid_for_old_id (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
hb_codepoint_t old_gid,
hb_codepoint_t *new_gid)
// the index in old_gids is the new gid; only up to codepoints.len are valid
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan->gids_to_retain_sorted.len; i++) {
if (plan->gids_to_retain_sorted[i] == old_gid) {
*new_gid = i;
return true;
return false;
hb_set_t *
glyph_ids_to_retain (hb_face_t *face,
hb_set_t *codepoints)
_populate_codepoints (hb_set_t *input_codepoints,
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t>& plan_codepoints)
plan_codepoints.alloc (hb_set_get_population (input_codepoints));
hb_codepoint_t cp = -1;
while (hb_set_next (input_codepoints, &cp)) {
hb_codepoint_t *wr = plan_codepoints.push();
*wr = cp;
plan_codepoints.qsort (_hb_codepoint_t_cmp);
_populate_gids_to_retain (hb_face_t *face,
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t>& codepoints,
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t>& old_gids,
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t>& old_gids_sorted)
OT::cmap::accelerator_t cmap;
cmap.init (face);
hb_codepoint_t cp = -1;
hb_set_t *gids = hb_set_create();
while (hb_set_next(codepoints, &cp)) {
hb_auto_array_t<unsigned int> bad_indices;
old_gids.alloc (codepoints.len);
bool has_zero = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < codepoints.len; i++) {
hb_codepoint_t gid;
if (cmap.get_nominal_glyph(cp, &gid)) {
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "gid for U+%04X is %d", cp, gid);
hb_set_add(gids, gid);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Unable to resolve gid for U+%04X", cp);
if (!cmap.get_nominal_glyph (codepoints[i], &gid)) {
gid = -1;
*(bad_indices.push ()) = i;
if (gid == 0) {
has_zero = true;
*(old_gids.push ()) = gid;
while (bad_indices.len > 0) {
unsigned int i = bad_indices[bad_indices.len - 1];
bad_indices.pop ();
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Drop U+%04X; no gid", codepoints[i]);
codepoints.remove (i);
old_gids.remove (i);
// Populate a second glyph id array that is sorted by glyph id
// and is gauranteed to contain 0.
old_gids_sorted.alloc (old_gids.len + (has_zero ? 0 : 1));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < old_gids.len; i++) {
*(old_gids_sorted.push ()) = old_gids[i];
if (!has_zero)
*(old_gids_sorted.push ()) = 0;
old_gids_sorted.qsort (_hb_codepoint_t_cmp);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < codepoints.len; i++) {
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, " U+%04X, old_gid %d, new_gid %d", codepoints[i], old_gids[i], i);
// TODO(Q1) expand with glyphs that make up complex glyphs
// TODO expand with glyphs reached by G*
cmap.fini ();
return gids;
@ -88,7 +131,11 @@ hb_subset_plan_create (hb_face_t *face,
hb_subset_input_t *input)
hb_subset_plan_t *plan = hb_object_create<hb_subset_plan_t> ();
plan->glyphs_to_retain = glyph_ids_to_retain (face, input->codepoints);
_populate_codepoints (input->codepoints, plan->codepoints);
_populate_gids_to_retain (face,
return plan;
@ -96,7 +143,6 @@ hb_subset_plan_t *
hb_subset_plan_get_empty ()
hb_subset_plan_t *plan = hb_object_create<hb_subset_plan_t> ();
plan->glyphs_to_retain = hb_set_get_empty();
return plan;
@ -110,6 +156,8 @@ hb_subset_plan_destroy (hb_subset_plan_t *plan)
if (!hb_object_destroy (plan)) return;
hb_set_destroy (plan->glyphs_to_retain);
plan->codepoints.finish ();
plan->gids_to_retain.finish ();
plan->gids_to_retain_sorted.finish ();
free (plan);
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* Google Author(s): Garret Rieger
* Google Author(s): Garret Rieger, Roderick Sheeter
@ -35,7 +35,12 @@ struct hb_subset_plan_t {
hb_object_header_t header;
hb_set_t *glyphs_to_retain;
// TODO(Q1) actual map, drop this crap
// Look at me ma, I'm a poor mans map codepoint : new gid
// codepoints is sorted and aligned with gids_to_retain.
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t> codepoints;
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t> gids_to_retain;
hb_auto_array_t<hb_codepoint_t> gids_to_retain_sorted;
typedef struct hb_subset_plan_t hb_subset_plan_t;
@ -108,22 +108,22 @@ hb_subset_input_destroy(hb_subset_input_t *subset_input)
template<typename TableType>
subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_face_t *source, hb_face_t *dest)
hb_blob_t *
_subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_face_t *source)
OT::Sanitizer<TableType> sanitizer;
hb_blob_t *table_blob = sanitizer.sanitize (source->reference_table (TableType::tableTag));
if (unlikely(!table_blob)) {
hb_blob_t *source_blob = sanitizer.sanitize (source->reference_table (TableType::tableTag));
if (unlikely(!source_blob)) {
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Failed to reference table for tag %d", TableType::tableTag);
return false;
return nullptr;
const TableType *table = OT::Sanitizer<TableType>::lock_instance (table_blob);
hb_bool_t result = table->subset(plan, source, dest);
const TableType *table = OT::Sanitizer<TableType>::lock_instance (source_blob);
hb_blob_t *result = table->subset(plan, source);
hb_blob_destroy (table_blob);
hb_blob_destroy (source_blob);
// TODO string not numeric tag
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Subset %d %s", TableType::tableTag, result ? "success" : "FAILED!");
hb_tag_t tag = TableType::tableTag;
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Subset %c%c%c%c %s", HB_UNTAG(tag), result ? "success" : "FAILED!");
return result;
@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ hb_subset_face_add_table (hb_face_t *face, hb_tag_t tag, hb_blob_t *blob)
return false;
hb_subset_face_data_t *data = (hb_subset_face_data_t *) face->user_data;
hb_subset_face_data_t::table_entry_t *entry = data->tables.push ();
if (unlikely (!entry))
return false;
@ -253,6 +252,87 @@ hb_subset_face_add_table (hb_face_t *face, hb_tag_t tag, hb_blob_t *blob)
return true;
_add_head_and_set_loca_version (hb_face_t *source, bool use_short_loca, hb_face_t *dest)
hb_blob_t *head_blob = OT::Sanitizer<OT::head>().sanitize (hb_face_reference_table (source, HB_OT_TAG_head));
const OT::head *head = OT::Sanitizer<OT::head>::lock_instance (head_blob);
bool has_head = (head != nullptr);
if (has_head) {
OT::head *head_prime = (OT::head *) calloc (OT::head::static_size, 1);
memcpy (head_prime, head, OT::head::static_size);
head_prime->indexToLocFormat.set (use_short_loca ? 0 : 1);
hb_blob_t *head_prime_blob = hb_blob_create ((const char*) head_prime,
has_head = has_head && hb_subset_face_add_table (dest, HB_OT_TAG_head, head_prime_blob);
hb_blob_destroy (head_prime_blob);
hb_blob_destroy (head_blob);
return has_head;
_subset_glyf (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_face_t *source, hb_face_t *dest)
hb_blob_t *glyf_prime = nullptr;
hb_blob_t *loca_prime = nullptr;
bool success = true;
bool use_short_loca = false;
// TODO(grieger): Migrate to subset function on the table like cmap.
if (hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (plan, source, &use_short_loca, &glyf_prime, &loca_prime)) {
success = success && hb_subset_face_add_table (dest, HB_OT_TAG_glyf, glyf_prime);
success = success && hb_subset_face_add_table (dest, HB_OT_TAG_loca, loca_prime);
success = success && _add_head_and_set_loca_version (source, use_short_loca, dest);
} else {
success = false;
hb_blob_destroy (loca_prime);
hb_blob_destroy (glyf_prime);
return success;
_subset_table (hb_subset_plan_t *plan,
hb_face_t *source,
hb_tag_t tag,
hb_blob_t *source_blob,
hb_face_t *dest)
// TODO (grieger): Handle updating the head table (loca format + num glyphs)
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "begin subset %c%c%c%c", HB_UNTAG(tag));
hb_blob_t *dest_blob;
switch (tag) {
case HB_OT_TAG_glyf:
return _subset_glyf (plan, source, dest);
case HB_OT_TAG_head:
// SKIP head, it's handled by glyf
return true;
case HB_OT_TAG_loca:
// SKIP loca, it's handle by glyf
return true;
case HB_OT_TAG_cmap:
dest_blob = _subset<const OT::cmap> (plan, source);
dest_blob = source_blob;
DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "subset %c%c%c%c %s", HB_UNTAG(tag), dest_blob ? "ok" : "FAILED");
if (unlikely(!dest_blob)) return false;
if (unlikely(!hb_subset_face_add_table (dest, tag, dest_blob))) return false;
return true;
* hb_subset:
* @source: font face data to be subset.
@ -266,61 +346,28 @@ hb_subset (hb_face_t *source,
hb_subset_profile_t *profile,
hb_subset_input_t *input)
if (unlikely (!profile || !input || !source)) return nullptr;
if (unlikely (!profile || !input || !source)) return hb_face_get_empty();
hb_subset_plan_t *plan = hb_subset_plan_create (source, profile, input);
hb_face_t *face = hb_subset_face_create ();
/* Copy tables to new face. */
hb_tag_t table_tags[32];
unsigned int offset = 0, count;
do {
count = ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags);
hb_face_get_table_tags (source, offset, &count, table_tags);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
hb_tag_t tag = table_tags[i];
hb_blob_t *blob = hb_face_reference_table (source, tag);
hb_subset_face_add_table (face, tag, blob);
hb_blob_destroy (blob);
} while (count == ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags));
hb_codepoint_t old_gid = -1;
while (hb_set_next (plan->glyphs_to_retain, &old_gid)) {
hb_codepoint_t new_gid;
if (hb_subset_plan_new_gid_for_old_id (plan, old_gid, &new_gid)) {
DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "Remap %d : %d", old_gid, new_gid);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "Remap %d : DOOM! No new ID", old_gid);
// TODO:
// - Create initial header + table directory
// - Loop through the set of tables to be kept:
// - Perform table specific subsetting if defined.
// - copy the table into the output.
// - Fix header + table directory.
hb_face_t *dest = hb_subset_face_create ();
hb_tag_t table_tags[32];
unsigned int offset = 0, count;
bool success = true;
do {
count = ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags);
hb_face_get_table_tags (source, offset, &count, table_tags);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
hb_tag_t tag = table_tags[i];
hb_blob_t *blob = hb_face_reference_table (source, tag);
success = success && _subset_table (plan, source, tag, blob, dest);
hb_blob_destroy (blob);
} while (count == ARRAY_LENGTH (table_tags));
hb_face_t *dest = nullptr; // TODO allocate dest
hb_blob_t *glyf_prime = nullptr;
hb_blob_t *loca_prime = nullptr;
if (hb_subset_glyf_and_loca (plan, source, &glyf_prime, &loca_prime)) {
// TODO: write new glyf and loca to new face.
} else {
success = false;
hb_blob_destroy (glyf_prime);
success = success && subset<const OT::cmap>(plan, source, dest);
hb_subset_plan_destroy (plan);
return face;
// TODO(grieger): Remove once basic subsetting is working + tests updated.
hb_face_destroy (dest);
hb_face_reference (source);
return success ? source : hb_face_get_empty();
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ struct subset_consumer_t
gunichar cp = g_utf8_get_char(c);
hb_codepoint_t hb_cp = cp; // TODO(Q1) is this safe?
hb_set_add(codepoints, hb_cp);
g_print (" U+%04X %" G_GINT32_FORMAT "\n", cp, cp);
} while ((c = g_utf8_find_next_char(c, text + text_len)) != nullptr);
Reference in New Issue