[justify-demo] Rewrite in a simpler way

No need to overthink it, append text words to the line and reshape, no
need to shape the whole text first and do complicated glyph/input
mapping. Much simpler code and as fast.
This commit is contained in:
Khaled Hosny 2023-03-04 07:19:20 +02:00
parent e9d6f23b5d
commit 690145fa00
1 changed files with 126 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
import gi import gi
from collections import namedtuple
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk, HarfBuzz as hb from gi.repository import Gtk, HarfBuzz as hb
@ -105,220 +103,100 @@ hb.paint_funcs_set_push_group_func(PFUNCS, push_group_f, None)
hb.paint_funcs_set_pop_group_func(PFUNCS, pop_group_f, None) hb.paint_funcs_set_pop_group_func(PFUNCS, pop_group_f, None)
class Word: def makebuffer(words):
def __init__(self, font, text):
self._text = text
self._font = font
self._glyphs = []
self._positions = []
def append(self, info, pos):
def draw(self, context, font, direction):
for info, pos in zip(self._glyphs, self._positions):
if direction == hb.direction_t.RTL:
context.translate(-pos.x_advance, pos.y_advance)
context.translate(pos.x_offset, pos.y_offset)
hb.font_paint_glyph(font, info.codepoint, PFUNCS, id(context), 0, 0x0000FF)
if direction != hb.direction_t.RTL:
context.translate(+pos.x_advance, pos.y_advance)
def advance(self):
return sum(pos.x_advance for pos in self._positions)
def strippedadvance(self):
w = self.advance
if len(self) and self._text[self._glyphs[-1].cluster] == " ":
w -= self._positions[-1].x_advance
return w
def __str__(self):
if not self._glyphs:
return ""
first = min(g.cluster for g in self._glyphs)
last = max(g.cluster for g in self._glyphs)
return self._text[first : last + 1]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._glyphs)
def __bool__(self):
return len(self) != 0
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Word advance={self.advance} text='{str(self)}'>"
class Line:
def __init__(self, font, target_advance):
self._font = font
self._target_advance = target_advance
self._words = []
self._variation = None
def append(self, word):
def pop(self):
return self._words.pop()
def justify(self):
buf, text = makebuffer(str(self))
wiggle = 5
advance = self.advance
shrink = self._target_advance - wiggle < advance
expand = self._target_advance + wiggle > advance
ret, advance, tag, value = hb.shape_justify(
if not ret:
return False
if tag:
self._variation = hb.variation_t()
self._variation.tag = tag
self._variation.value = value
self._words = makewords(buf, self._font, text)
if shrink and advance > self._target_advance + wiggle:
return False
if expand and advance < self._target_advance - wiggle:
return False
return True
def draw(self, context, direction):
context.move_to(-1600, -200)
context.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0)
if self._variation:
tag = hb.tag_to_string(self._variation.tag).decode("ascii")
context.show_text(f" {tag}={self._variation.value:g}")
context.move_to(-1600, 0)
context.show_text(f" {self.advance:g}/{self._target_advance:g}")
if self._variation:
hb.font_set_variations(self._font, [self._variation])
context.scale(1, -1)
if direction == hb.direction_t.RTL:
context.translate(self._target_advance, 0)
for word in self._words:
word.draw(context, self._font, direction)
def advance(self):
w = sum(word.advance for word in self._words[:-1])
if len(self):
w += self._words[-1].strippedadvance
return w
def __str__(self):
return "".join(str(w) for w in self._words)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._words)
def __bool__(self):
return len(self) != 0
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Line advance={self.advance} text='{str(self)}'>"
Configuration = namedtuple(
"Configuration", ["width", "height", "fontsize", "fontpath", "textpath"]
def makebuffer(text):
buf = hb.buffer_create() buf = hb.buffer_create()
# Strip and remove double spaces. text = " ".join(words)
text = " ".join(text.split())
hb.buffer_add_codepoints(buf, [ord(c) for c in text], 0, len(text)) hb.buffer_add_codepoints(buf, [ord(c) for c in text], 0, len(text))
hb.buffer_guess_segment_properties(buf) hb.buffer_guess_segment_properties(buf)
return buf, text return buf
def makewords(buf, font, text): def justify(font, words, advance, target_advance):
if hb.buffer_get_direction(buf) == hb.direction_t.RTL: buf = makebuffer(words)
words = [Word(font, text)] wiggle = 5
infos = hb.buffer_get_glyph_infos(buf) shrink = target_advance - wiggle < advance
expand = target_advance + wiggle > advance
ret, advance, tag, value = hb.shape_justify(
if not ret:
return False, buf, None
if tag:
variation = hb.variation_t()
variation.tag = tag
variation.value = value
variation = None
if shrink and advance > target_advance + wiggle:
return False, buf, variation
if expand and advance < target_advance - wiggle:
return False, buf, variation
return True, buf, variation
def shape(font, words):
buf = makebuffer(words)
hb.shape(font, buf)
positions = hb.buffer_get_glyph_positions(buf) positions = hb.buffer_get_glyph_positions(buf)
for info, pos in zip(infos, positions): advance = sum(p.x_advance for p in positions)
words[-1].append(info, pos) return buf, advance
if text[info.cluster] == " ":
words.append(Word(font, text))
return words
def typeset(conf): def typeset(font, text, target_advance):
blob = hb.blob_create_from_file(conf.fontpath) lines = []
face = hb.face_create(blob, 0) words = []
for word in text.split():
buf, advance = shape(font, words)
if advance > target_advance:
# Shrink
ret, buf, variation = justify(font, words, advance, target_advance)
if ret:
lines.append((buf, variation))
words = []
# If if fails, pop the last word and shrink, and hope for the best.
# A too short line is better than too long.
elif len(words) > 1:
_, buf, variation = justify(font, words, advance, target_advance)
lines.append((buf, variation))
words = [word]
# But if it is one word, meh.
lines.append((buf, variation))
words = []
# Justify last line
if words:
_, buf, variation = justify(font, words, advance, target_advance)
lines.append((buf, variation))
return lines
def render(face, text, context, width, height, fontsize):
font = hb.font_create(face) font = hb.font_create(face)
with open(conf.textpath) as f: margin = fontsize * 2
text = f.read() scale = fontsize / hb.face_get_upem(face)
target_advance = (width - (margin * 2)) / scale
margin = conf.fontsize * 2 lines = typeset(font, text, target_advance)
scale = conf.fontsize / hb.face_get_upem(face)
target_advance = (conf.width - (margin * 2)) / scale
buf, text = makebuffer(text)
direction = hb.buffer_get_direction(buf)
hb.shape(font, buf)
words = makewords(buf, font, text)
lines = [Line(font, target_advance)]
for word in words:
if lines[-1].advance > target_advance:
if lines[-1].justify():
# Shrink
lines.append(Line(font, target_advance))
# Remove last word and expand
lines.append(Line(font, target_advance))
if lines[-1].advance != target_advance:
return lines, font, direction
def render(context, conf):
lines, font, direction = typeset(conf)
margin = conf.fontsize * 2
scale = conf.fontsize / hb.face_get_upem(hb.font_get_face(font))
_, extents = hb.font_get_h_extents(font) _, extents = hb.font_get_h_extents(font)
lineheight = extents.ascender - extents.descender + extents.line_gap lineheight = extents.ascender - extents.descender + extents.line_gap
@ -326,29 +204,64 @@ def render(context, conf):
context.save() context.save()
context.translate(0, margin) context.translate(0, margin)
for line in lines: context.set_font_size(12)
context.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0)
for buf, variation in lines:
rtl = hb.buffer_get_direction(buf) == hb.direction_t.RTL
if rtl:
infos = hb.buffer_get_glyph_infos(buf)
positions = hb.buffer_get_glyph_positions(buf)
advance = sum(p.x_advance for p in positions)
context.translate(0, lineheight) context.translate(0, lineheight)
context.save() context.save()
context.move_to(0, -20)
if variation:
tag = hb.tag_to_string(variation.tag).decode("ascii")
context.show_text(f" {tag}={variation.value:g}")
context.move_to(0, 0)
context.show_text(f" {advance:g}/{target_advance:g}")
if variation:
hb.font_set_variations(font, [variation])
context.translate(margin, 0) context.translate(margin, 0)
context.scale(scale, scale) context.scale(scale, -scale)
line.draw(context, direction)
if rtl:
context.translate(target_advance, 0)
for info, pos in zip(infos, positions):
if rtl:
context.translate(-pos.x_advance, pos.y_advance)
context.translate(pos.x_offset, pos.y_offset)
hb.font_paint_glyph(font, info.codepoint, PFUNCS, id(context), 0, 0x0000FF)
if not rtl:
context.translate(+pos.x_advance, pos.y_advance)
context.restore() context.restore()
context.restore() context.restore()
def main(fontpath, textpath): def main(fontpath, textpath):
fontsize = 70
blob = hb.blob_create_from_file(fontpath)
face = hb.face_create(blob, 0)
with open(textpath) as f:
text = f.read()
def on_draw(da, context): def on_draw(da, context):
alloc = da.get_allocation() alloc = da.get_allocation()
conf = Configuration(
POOL[id(context)] = context POOL[id(context)] = context
render(context, conf) render(face, text, context, alloc.width, alloc.height, fontsize)
del POOL[id(context)] del POOL[id(context)]
drawingarea = Gtk.DrawingArea() drawingarea = Gtk.DrawingArea()