[repacker] include size of device tables when determining PairPos2 split points.

This commit is contained in:
Garret Rieger 2022-08-02 18:43:25 +00:00
parent 58fdbd8e5d
commit 7f4b2037a5
2 changed files with 53 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -59,13 +59,22 @@ struct ValueFormat : HBUINT16
unsigned int get_len () const { return hb_popcount ((unsigned int) *this); }
unsigned int get_size () const { return get_len () * Value::static_size; }
bool has_offsets () const {
hb_vector_t<unsigned> get_device_table_indices () const {
unsigned i = 0;
hb_vector_t<unsigned> result;
unsigned format = *this;
return format & (
xPlaDevice |
yPlaDevice |
xAdvDevice |
yAdvDevice );
if (format & xPlacement) i++;
if (format & yPlacement) i++;
if (format & xAdvance) i++;
if (format & yAdvance) i++;
if (format & xPlaDevice) result.push (i++);
if (format & yPlaDevice) result.push (i++);
if (format & xAdvDevice) result.push (i++);
if (format & yAdvDevice) result.push (i++);
return result;
bool apply_value (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c,

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@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
hb_vector_t<unsigned> split_subtables (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index)
// TODO(garretrieger): sanitization.
hb_set_t visited;
const unsigned base_size = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallTypes>::min_size
+ size_of (c, this_index, &coverage)
+ size_of (c, this_index, &classDef1)
@ -261,31 +259,36 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
const unsigned class2_count = class2Count;
const unsigned class1_record_size =
class2_count * (valueFormat1.get_size () + valueFormat2.get_size ());
const unsigned value_1_len = valueFormat1.get_len ();
const unsigned value_2_len = valueFormat2.get_len ();
const unsigned total_value_len = value_1_len + value_2_len;
bool has_offsets = valueFormat1.has_offsets () || valueFormat2.has_offsets ();
unsigned accumulated = base_size;
hb_vector_t<unsigned> split_points;
hb_hashmap_t<void*, unsigned> device_tables = get_all_device_tables (c, this_index);
hb_vector_t<unsigned> format1_device_table_indices = valueFormat1.get_device_table_indices ();
hb_vector_t<unsigned> format2_device_table_indices = valueFormat2.get_device_table_indices ();
bool has_device_tables = bool(format1_device_table_indices) || bool(format2_device_table_indices);
hb_set_t visited;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < class1_count; i++)
accumulated += class1_record_size;
if (has_offsets) {
if (has_device_tables) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < class2_count; j++)
unsigned value1_index = total_value_len * (class2_count * i + j);
unsigned value2_index = value1_index + value_1_len;
accumulated += size_of_value_record_children (c,
accumulated += size_of_value_record_children (c,
@ -315,19 +318,35 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
return hb_vector_t<unsigned> ();
hb_hashmap_t<void*, unsigned>
get_all_device_tables (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,
unsigned this_index) const
hb_hashmap_t<void*, unsigned> result;
const auto& o = c.graph.object (this_index);
for (const auto& l : o.real_links) {
result.set ((void*) (((uint8_t*)this) + l.position), l.objidx);
return result;
unsigned size_of_value_record_children (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,
unsigned this_index,
unsigned format,
const hb_hashmap_t<void*, unsigned>& device_tables,
const hb_vector_t<unsigned> device_table_indices,
unsigned value_record_index,
hb_set_t& visited)
// TODO(garretrieger): implement me, walk through flags and recurse for each offset
// found.
// Actually may be better to just walk the offsets on the vertex directly. ie. prescan
// all of the links and exclude those for coverage, classDef1/2 and then sort by position.
// then we know how many offsets each valueFormat1 and valueFormat2 consume, then we can just
// grab that many offsets and recurse on each iteration.
return 0;
unsigned size = 0;
for (unsigned i : device_table_indices)
OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::Value* record = &values[value_record_index + i];
unsigned* obj_idx;
if (!device_tables.has ((void*) record, &obj_idx)) continue;
size += c.graph.find_subgraph_size (*obj_idx, visited);
return size;
unsigned size_of (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,