[subset] COLRv1: update subset() method for new strutc ClipList and VarIdxMap
Also fix issues in struct PaintTransform definition
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
namespace OT {
@ -163,6 +163,12 @@ struct BaseGlyphRecord
template <typename T>
struct Variable
Variable<T>* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
return_trace (c->embed (this));
void closurev1 (hb_colrv1_closure_context_t* c) const
{ value.closurev1 (c); }
@ -189,6 +195,12 @@ struct Variable
template <typename T>
struct NoVariable
NoVariable<T>* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
return_trace (c->embed (this));
void closurev1 (hb_colrv1_closure_context_t* c) const
{ value.closurev1 (c); }
@ -578,21 +590,23 @@ struct PaintTransform
auto *out = c->serializer->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false);
if (!out->transform.serialize_copy (c->serializer, transform, this)) return_trace (false);
return_trace (out->src.serialize_subset (c, src, this));
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && src.sanitize (c, this));
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) &&
src.sanitize (c, this) &&
transform.sanitize (c, this));
HBUINT8 format; /* format = 12(noVar) or 13 (Var) */
Offset24To<Paint> src; /* Offset (from beginning of PaintTransform table) to Paint subtable. */
Var<Affine2x3> transform;
HBUINT8 format; /* format = 12(noVar) or 13 (Var) */
Offset24To<Paint> src; /* Offset (from beginning of PaintTransform table) to Paint subtable. */
Offset24To<Var<Affine2x3>> transform;
DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (4 + Var<Affine2x3>::static_size);
struct PaintTranslate
@ -895,6 +909,16 @@ struct ClipBoxFormat2 : Variable<ClipBoxTemplate> {};
struct ClipBox
ClipBox* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
switch (u.format) {
case 1: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<ClipBox *> (c->embed (u.format1)));
case 2: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<ClipBox *> (c->embed (u.format2)));
default:return_trace (nullptr);
template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
@ -909,7 +933,7 @@ struct ClipBox
union {
HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
HBUINT8 format; /* Format identifier */
ClipBoxFormat1 format1;
ClipBoxFormat2 format2;
} u;
@ -917,6 +941,15 @@ struct ClipBox
struct ClipRecord
ClipRecord* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base) const
auto *out = c->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
if (!out->clipBox.serialize_copy (c, clipBox, base)) return_trace (nullptr);
return_trace (out);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, const void *base) const
@ -933,6 +966,84 @@ struct ClipRecord
struct ClipList
unsigned serialize_clip_records (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const hb_set_t& gids,
const hb_map_t& gid_offset_map) const
unsigned count = 0;
hb_codepoint_t start_gid= gids.get_min ();
hb_codepoint_t prev_gid = start_gid;
unsigned offset = gid_offset_map.get (start_gid);
unsigned prev_offset = offset;
for (const hb_codepoint_t _ : gids.iter ())
if (_ == start_gid) continue;
offset = gid_offset_map.get (_);
if (_ == prev_gid + 1 && offset == prev_offset)
prev_gid = _;
ClipRecord record;
record.startGlyphID = start_gid;
record.endGlyphID = prev_gid;
record.clipBox = prev_offset;
if (!c->copy (record, this)) return_trace (0);
start_gid = _;
prev_gid = _;
prev_offset = offset;
//last one
ClipRecord record;
record.startGlyphID = start_gid;
record.endGlyphID = prev_gid;
record.clipBox = prev_offset;
if (!c->copy (record, this)) return_trace (0);
return_trace (count);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
if (!c->serializer->check_assign (out->format, format, HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW)) return_trace (false);
const hb_set_t& glyphset = *c->plan->_glyphset;
const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
hb_map_t new_gid_offset_map;
hb_set_t new_gids;
for (const ClipRecord& record : clips.iter ())
unsigned start_gid = record.startGlyphID;
unsigned end_gid = record.endGlyphID;
for (unsigned gid = start_gid; gid <= end_gid; gid++)
if (!glyphset.has (gid) || !glyph_map.has (gid)) continue;
unsigned new_gid = glyph_map.get (gid);
new_gid_offset_map.set (new_gid, record.clipBox);
new_gids.add (new_gid);
unsigned count = serialize_clip_records (c->serializer, new_gids, new_gid_offset_map);
if (!count) return_trace (false);
return_trace (c->serializer->check_assign (out->clips.len, count, HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW));
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
@ -1121,6 +1232,20 @@ struct DeltasetIndexMapFormat0
friend struct DeltasetIndexMap;
DeltasetIndexMapFormat0* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
auto *out = c->start_embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
unsigned total_size = min_size + mapCount * get_width ();
HBUINT8 *p = c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (total_size);
if (unlikely (!p)) return_trace (nullptr);
memcpy (p, this, HBUINT8::static_size * total_size);
return_trace (out);
unsigned int get_width () const
{ return ((entryFormat >> 4) & 3) + 1; }
@ -1150,6 +1275,20 @@ struct DeltasetIndexMapFormat1
friend struct DeltasetIndexMap;
DeltasetIndexMapFormat1* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
auto *out = c->start_embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
unsigned total_size = min_size + mapCount * get_width ();
HBUINT8 *p = c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (total_size);
if (unlikely (!p)) return_trace (nullptr);
memcpy (p, this, HBUINT8::static_size * total_size);
return_trace (out);
unsigned int get_width () const
{ return ((entryFormat >> 4) & 3) + 1; }
@ -1187,6 +1326,16 @@ struct DeltasetIndexMap
DeltasetIndexMap* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
switch (u.format) {
case 0: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<DeltasetIndexMap *> (u.format0.copy (c)));
case 1: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<DeltasetIndexMap *> (u.format1.copy (c)));
default:return_trace (nullptr);
union {
HBUINT8 format; /* Format identifier */
@ -1334,19 +1483,17 @@ struct COLR
if (unlikely (base_it.len () != layer_it.len ()))
return_trace (false);
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
this->version = version;
numLayers = 0;
numBaseGlyphs = base_it.len ();
if (base_it.len () == 0)
if (numBaseGlyphs == 0)
baseGlyphsZ = 0;
layersZ = 0;
return_trace (true);
baseGlyphsZ = COLR::min_size;
layersZ = COLR::min_size + numBaseGlyphs * BaseGlyphRecord::min_size;
c->push ();
for (const hb_item_type<BaseIterator> _ : + base_it.iter ())
auto* record = c->embed (_);
@ -1354,10 +1501,14 @@ struct COLR
record->firstLayerIdx = numLayers;
numLayers += record->numLayers;
c->add_link (baseGlyphsZ, c->pop_pack ());
c->push ();
for (const hb_item_type<LayerIterator>& _ : + layer_it.iter ())
_.as_array ().copy (c);
c->add_link (layersZ, c->pop_pack ());
return_trace (true);
@ -1439,24 +1590,26 @@ struct COLR
return_trace (false);
COLR *colr_prime = c->serializer->start_embed<COLR> ();
bool ret = colr_prime->serialize_V0 (c->serializer, version, base_it, layer_it);
if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (colr_prime))) return_trace (false);
if (version == 0)
return_trace (colr_prime->serialize_V0 (c->serializer, version, base_it, layer_it));
if (version == 0) return_trace (ret);
auto snap = c->serializer->snapshot ();
if (!c->serializer->allocate_size<void> (4 * HBUINT32::static_size)) return_trace (false);
if (!c->serializer->allocate_size<void> (5 * HBUINT32::static_size)) return_trace (false);
if (!colr_prime->baseGlyphList.serialize_subset (c, baseGlyphList, this))
if (c->serializer->in_error ()) return_trace (false);
//no more COLRv1 glyphs: downgrade to version 0
c->serializer->revert (snap);
colr_prime->version = 0;
return_trace (true);
return_trace (colr_prime->serialize_V0 (c->serializer, 0, base_it, layer_it));
if (!colr_prime->layerList.serialize_subset (c, layerList, this)) return_trace (false);
if (!colr_prime->serialize_V0 (c->serializer, version, base_it, layer_it)) return_trace (false);
colr_prime->varIdxMap = 0;
colr_prime->varStore = 0;
colr_prime->layerList.serialize_subset (c, layerList, this);
colr_prime->clipList.serialize_subset (c, clipList, this);
colr_prime->varIdxMap.serialize_copy (c->serializer, varIdxMap, this);
//TODO: subset varStore once it's implemented in fonttools
return_trace (true);
@ -222,6 +222,39 @@ _cmap_closure (hb_face_t *face,
cmap.fini ();
static void _colr_closure (hb_face_t *face,
hb_map_t *layers_map,
hb_map_t *palettes_map,
hb_set_t *glyphs_colred)
OT::COLR::accelerator_t colr;
colr.init (face);
if (!colr.is_valid ()) return;
unsigned iteration_count = 0;
hb_set_t palette_indices, layer_indices;
unsigned glyphs_num;
glyphs_num = glyphs_colred->get_population ();
// Collect all glyphs referenced by COLRv0
hb_set_t glyphset_colrv0;
for (hb_codepoint_t gid : glyphs_colred->iter ())
colr.closure_glyphs (gid, &glyphset_colrv0);
glyphs_colred->union_ (glyphset_colrv0);
//closure for COLRv1
colr.closure_forV1 (glyphs_colred, &layer_indices, &palette_indices);
} while (iteration_count++ <= HB_CLOSURE_MAX_STAGES &&
glyphs_num != glyphs_colred->get_population ());
colr.closure_V0palette_indices (glyphs_colred, &palette_indices);
_remap_indexes (&layer_indices, layers_map);
_remap_palette_indexes (&palette_indices, palettes_map);
colr.fini ();
static inline void
_math_closure (hb_face_t *face,
hb_set_t *glyphset)
@ -313,12 +346,10 @@ _populate_gids_to_retain (hb_subset_plan_t* plan,
OT::cff1::accelerator_t cff;
OT::COLR::accelerator_t colr;
glyf.init (plan->source);
cff.init (plan->source);
colr.init (plan->source);
plan->_glyphset_gsub->add (0); // Not-def
@ -350,30 +381,13 @@ _populate_gids_to_retain (hb_subset_plan_t* plan,
_math_closure (plan->source, plan->_glyphset_mathed);
_remove_invalid_gids (plan->_glyphset_mathed, plan->source->get_num_glyphs ());
// Collect all glyphs referenced by COLRv0
hb_set_t* cur_glyphset = plan->_glyphset_mathed;
hb_set_t glyphset_colrv0;
if (colr.is_valid ())
glyphset_colrv0.union_ (*cur_glyphset);
for (hb_codepoint_t gid : cur_glyphset->iter ())
colr.closure_glyphs (gid, &glyphset_colrv0);
cur_glyphset = &glyphset_colrv0;
hb_set_t palette_indices;
colr.closure_V0palette_indices (cur_glyphset, &palette_indices);
hb_set_t layer_indices;
colr.closure_forV1 (cur_glyphset, &layer_indices, &palette_indices);
_remap_indexes (&layer_indices, plan->colrv1_layers);
_remap_palette_indexes (&palette_indices, plan->colr_palettes);
colr.fini ();
_remove_invalid_gids (cur_glyphset, plan->source->get_num_glyphs ());
hb_set_t cur_glyphset = *plan->_glyphset_mathed;
_colr_closure (plan->source, plan->colrv1_layers, plan->colr_palettes, &cur_glyphset);
_remove_invalid_gids (&cur_glyphset, plan->source->get_num_glyphs ());
// Populate a full set of glyphs to retain by adding all referenced
// composite glyphs.
for (hb_codepoint_t gid : cur_glyphset->iter ())
for (hb_codepoint_t gid : cur_glyphset.iter ())
glyf.add_gid_and_children (gid, plan->_glyphset);
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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
expected/cmap14 \
expected/sbix \
expected/colr \
expected/colrv1 \
expected/colr_with_components \
expected/cbdt \
expected/variable \
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ TESTS = \
tests/cmap.tests \
tests/cmap14.tests \
tests/colr.tests \
tests/colrv1.tests \
tests/colr_with_components.tests \
tests/full-font.tests \
tests/glyf_bug_3131.tests \
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@ -8,14 +8,16 @@ drop-hints-retain-gids.txt
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ tests = [
# TODO: re-enable once colrv1 subsetting is stabilized.
# 'colrv1.notoemoji',
# 'colrv1',
Reference in New Issue