[repacker] begin implementing the ability to isolate extension subtables.
Adds isolate_subgraph operation to the repacker. This severs any links from outside a subgraph by duplicating the affected vertices. This will be used to isolate the subgraphs of a extension subtable from the rest of object graph. Thus allowing the extension subtable to be packed far away from the rest of the objects.
This commit is contained in:
@ -329,24 +329,71 @@ struct graph_t
* Creates a copy of child and re-assigns the link from
* parent to the clone. The copy is a shallow copy, objects
* linked from child are not duplicated.
* Finds any links using 32 bits and isolates the subgraphs they point too.
void duplicate (unsigned parent_idx, unsigned child_idx)
void isolate_32bit_links ()
DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " Duplicating %d => %d",
parent_idx, child_idx);
for (const vertex_t& v : vertices_)
for (auto& l : v.obj.links)
if (l.width == 4 && !l.is_signed)
isolate_subgraph (l.objidx);
* Isolates the subgraph of nodes reachable from root. Any links to nodes in the subgraph
* that originate from outside of the subgraph will be removed by duplicating the linked to
* object.
void isolate_subgraph (unsigned root_idx)
hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned> subgraph;
hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned> index_map;
find_subgraph(root_idx, subgraph);
for (auto entry : subgraph.iter ())
const auto& node = vertices_[entry.first];
unsigned subgraph_incoming_edges = entry.second;
if (node.incoming_edges <= subgraph_incoming_edges)
// Only de-dup objects with incoming links from outside the subgraph.
index_map.set (entry.first, duplicate (entry.first));
remap_obj_indices (index_map, subgraph.keys ());
void find_subgraph (unsigned node_idx, hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned>& subgraph)
if (subgraph.has (node_idx))
subgraph.set (node_idx, subgraph[node_idx] + 1);
subgraph.set (node_idx, 1);
for (const auto& link : vertices_[node_idx].obj.links)
find_subgraph (link.objidx, subgraph);
* Creates a copy of node_idx and returns it's new index.
unsigned duplicate (unsigned node_idx)
positions_invalid = true;
auto* clone = vertices_.push ();
auto& child = vertices_[child_idx];
auto& child = vertices_[node_idx];
clone_buffer_t* buffer = clone_buffers_.push ();
if (vertices_.in_error ()
|| clone_buffers_.in_error ()
|| !check_success (buffer->copy (child.obj))) {
return -1;
clone->obj.head = buffer->head;
@ -358,25 +405,44 @@ struct graph_t
check_success (!clone->obj.links.in_error ());
auto& parent = vertices_[parent_idx];
unsigned clone_idx = vertices_.length - 2;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < parent.obj.links.length; i++)
auto& l = parent.obj.links[i];
if (l.objidx == child_idx)
l.objidx = clone_idx;
// The last object is the root of the graph, so swap back the root to the end.
// The root's obj idx does change, however since it's root nothing else refers to it.
// all other obj idx's will be unaffected.
vertex_t root = vertices_[vertices_.length - 2];
vertices_[vertices_.length - 2] = *clone;
vertices_[vertices_.length - 1] = root;
return vertices_.length - 2;
* Creates a copy of child and re-assigns the link from
* parent to the clone. The copy is a shallow copy, objects
* linked from child are not duplicated.
void duplicate (unsigned parent_idx, unsigned child_idx)
DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " Duplicating %d => %d",
parent_idx, child_idx);
unsigned clone_idx = duplicate (child_idx);
if (clone_idx == (unsigned) -1) return;
// duplicate shifts the root node idx, so if parent_idx was root update it.
if (parent_idx == clone_idx) parent_idx++;
auto& clone = vertices_[clone_idx];
auto& child = vertices_[child_idx];
auto& parent = vertices_[parent_idx];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < parent.obj.links.length; i++)
auto& l = parent.obj.links[i];
if (l.objidx == child_idx)
l.objidx = clone_idx;
@ -598,6 +664,27 @@ struct graph_t
* Updates all objidx's in all links using the provided mapping. Corrects incoming edge counts.
template<typename Iterator, hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
void remap_obj_indices (const hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned>& id_map,
Iterator subgraph)
if (!id_map) return;
for (unsigned i : subgraph)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < vertices_[i].obj.links.length; j++)
auto& link = vertices_[i].obj.links[j];
if (!id_map.has (link.objidx)) continue;
link.objidx = id_map[link.objidx];
* Updates all objidx's in all links using the provided mapping.
@ -747,6 +834,7 @@ hb_resolve_overflows (const hb_vector_t<hb_serialize_context_t::object_t *>& pac
// TODO(garretrieger): add additional offset resolution strategies
// - Promotion to extension lookups.
// - Isolate the sub graphs of extension sub tables.
// - Table splitting.
Reference in New Issue