[subset] GDEF Variation Store: step 2
do subset based on variation indices collected in step 1
This commit is contained in:
@ -721,6 +721,12 @@ struct FeatureParamsSize
return_trace (true);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
return_trace ((bool) c->serializer->embed (*this));
HBUINT16 designSize; /* Represents the design size in 720/inch
* units (decipoints). The design size entry
* must be non-zero. When there is a design
@ -771,6 +777,12 @@ struct FeatureParamsStylisticSet
return_trace (c->check_struct (this));
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
return_trace ((bool) c->serializer->embed (*this));
HBUINT16 version; /* (set to 0): This corresponds to a “minor”
* version number. Additional data may be
* added to the end of this Feature Parameters
@ -804,6 +816,15 @@ struct FeatureParamsCharacterVariants
characters.sanitize (c));
unsigned get_size () const
{ return min_size + characters.len * HBUINT24::static_size; }
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
return_trace ((bool) c->serializer->embed (*this));
HBUINT16 format; /* Format number is set to 0. */
NameID featUILableNameID; /* The ‘name’ table name ID that
* specifies a string (or strings,
@ -853,6 +874,19 @@ struct FeatureParams
return_trace (true);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, const Tag* tag) const
if (!tag) return_trace (false);
if (*tag == HB_TAG ('s','i','z','e'))
return_trace (u.size.subset (c));
if ((*tag & 0xFFFF0000u) == HB_TAG ('s','s','\0','\0')) /* ssXX */
return_trace (u.stylisticSet.subset (c));
if ((*tag & 0xFFFF0000u) == HB_TAG ('c','v','\0','\0')) /* cvXX */
return_trace (u.characterVariants.subset (c));
return_trace (false);
const FeatureParamsSize& get_size_params (hb_tag_t tag) const
@ -911,7 +945,7 @@ struct Feature
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out || !c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
out->featureParams = 0; /* TODO(subset) FeatureParams. */
bool subset_featureParams = out->featureParams.serialize_subset (c, featureParams, this, tag);
auto it =
+ hb_iter (lookupIndex)
@ -920,7 +954,8 @@ struct Feature
out->lookupIndex.serialize (c->serializer, l, it);
return_trace (bool (it) || (tag && *tag == HB_TAG ('p', 'r', 'e', 'f')));
return_trace (bool (it) || subset_featureParams
|| (tag && *tag == HB_TAG ('p', 'r', 'e', 'f')));
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c,
@ -2462,6 +2497,41 @@ struct VariationStore
return_trace (true);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
VariationStore *varstore_prime = c->serializer->start_embed<VariationStore> ();
if (unlikely (!varstore_prime)) return_trace (false);
const hb_set_t *variation_indices = c->plan->layout_variation_indices;
if (variation_indices->is_empty ()) return_trace (false);
hb_vector_t<hb_inc_bimap_t> inner_maps;
inner_maps.resize ((unsigned) dataSets.len);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inner_maps.length; i++)
inner_maps[i].init ();
for (unsigned idx : c->plan->layout_variation_indices->iter ())
uint16_t major = idx >> 16;
uint16_t minor = idx & 0xFFFF;
if (major >= inner_maps.length)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inner_maps.length; i++)
inner_maps[i].fini ();
return_trace (false);
inner_maps[major].add (minor);
varstore_prime->serialize (c->serializer, this, inner_maps.as_array ());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inner_maps.length; i++)
inner_maps[i].fini ();
return_trace (bool (varstore_prime->dataSets));
unsigned int get_region_index_count (unsigned int ivs) const
{ return (this+dataSets[ivs]).get_region_index_count (); }
@ -2932,10 +3002,24 @@ struct VariationDevice
hb_position_t get_y_delta (hb_font_t *font, const VariationStore &store) const
{ return font->em_scalef_y (get_delta (font, store)); }
VariationDevice* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
VariationDevice* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
return_trace (c->embed<VariationDevice> (this));
auto snap = c->snapshot ();
auto *out = c->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
if (!layout_variation_idx_map || layout_variation_idx_map->is_empty ()) return_trace (out);
unsigned org_idx = (outerIndex << 16) + innerIndex;
if (!layout_variation_idx_map->has (org_idx))
c->revert (snap);
return_trace (nullptr);
unsigned new_idx = layout_variation_idx_map->get (org_idx);
out->outerIndex = new_idx >> 16;
out->innerIndex = new_idx & 0xFFFF;
return_trace (out);
void record_variation_index (hb_set_t *layout_variation_indices) const
@ -3029,7 +3113,7 @@ struct Device
Device* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
Device* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map=nullptr) const
switch (u.b.format) {
@ -3041,7 +3125,7 @@ struct Device
#ifndef HB_NO_VAR
case 0x8000:
return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Device *> (u.variation.copy (c)));
return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Device *> (u.variation.copy (c, layout_variation_idx_map)));
return_trace (nullptr);
@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ struct CaretValueFormat3
auto *out = c->serializer->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false);
return_trace (out->deviceTable.serialize_copy (c->serializer, deviceTable, this));
return_trace (out->deviceTable.serialize_copy (c->serializer, deviceTable, this, c->serializer->to_bias (out),
hb_serialize_context_t::Head, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map));
void collect_variation_indices (hb_set_t *layout_variation_indices) const
@ -610,22 +611,31 @@ struct GDEF
auto *out = c->serializer->embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false);
out->glyphClassDef.serialize_subset (c, glyphClassDef, this);
bool subset_glyphclassdef = out->glyphClassDef.serialize_subset (c, glyphClassDef, this);
out->attachList = 0;//TODO(subset) serialize_subset (c, attachList, this);
out->ligCaretList.serialize_subset (c, ligCaretList, this);
out->markAttachClassDef.serialize_subset (c, markAttachClassDef, this);
bool subset_ligcaretlist = out->ligCaretList.serialize_subset (c, ligCaretList, this);
bool subset_markattachclassdef = out->markAttachClassDef.serialize_subset (c, markAttachClassDef, this);
bool subset_markglyphsetsdef = true;
if (version.to_int () >= 0x00010002u)
if (!out->markGlyphSetsDef.serialize_subset (c, markGlyphSetsDef, this) &&
version.to_int () == 0x00010002u)
out->version.minor = 0;
subset_markglyphsetsdef = out->markGlyphSetsDef.serialize_subset (c, markGlyphSetsDef, this);
if (!subset_markglyphsetsdef &&
version.to_int () == 0x00010002u)
out->version.minor = 0;
bool subset_varstore = true;
if (version.to_int () >= 0x00010003u)
out->varStore = 0;// TODO(subset) serialize_subset (c, varStore, this);
subset_varstore = out->varStore.serialize_subset (c, varStore, this);
if (!subset_varstore && version.to_int () == 0x00010003u)
out->version.minor = 2;
return_trace (true);
return_trace (subset_glyphclassdef || subset_ligcaretlist || subset_markattachclassdef ||
(out->version.to_int () >= 0x00010002u && subset_markglyphsetsdef) ||
(out->version.to_int () >= 0x00010003u && subset_varstore));
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ struct ValueFormat : HBUINT16
return ret;
void serialize_copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base, const Value *values) const
void serialize_copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base,
const Value *values, const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
unsigned int format = *this;
if (!format) return;
@ -170,10 +171,10 @@ struct ValueFormat : HBUINT16
if (format & xAdvance) c->copy (*values++);
if (format & yAdvance) c->copy (*values++);
if (format & xPlaDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++);
if (format & yPlaDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++);
if (format & xAdvDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++);
if (format & yAdvDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++);
if (format & xPlaDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++, layout_variation_idx_map);
if (format & yPlaDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++, layout_variation_idx_map);
if (format & xAdvDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++, layout_variation_idx_map);
if (format & yAdvDevice) copy_device (c, base, values++, layout_variation_idx_map);
void collect_variation_indices (hb_collect_variation_indices_context_t *c,
@ -241,7 +242,8 @@ struct ValueFormat : HBUINT16
return *static_cast<const OffsetTo<Device> *> (value);
bool copy_device (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base, const Value *src_value) const
bool copy_device (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base,
const Value *src_value, const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
Value *dst_value = c->copy (*src_value);
@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ struct ValueFormat : HBUINT16
*dst_value = 0;
c->push ();
if ((base + get_device (src_value)).copy (c))
if ((base + get_device (src_value)).copy (c, layout_variation_idx_map))
c->add_link (*dst_value, c->pop_pack ());
return true;
@ -321,7 +323,8 @@ template<typename Iterator>
static void SinglePos_serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src,
Iterator it,
ValueFormat valFormat);
ValueFormat valFormat,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map);
struct AnchorFormat1
@ -420,14 +423,17 @@ struct AnchorFormat3
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && xDeviceTable.sanitize (c, this) && yDeviceTable.sanitize (c, this));
AnchorFormat3* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
AnchorFormat3* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
if (!layout_variation_idx_map) return_trace (nullptr);
auto *out = c->embed<AnchorFormat3> (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
out->xDeviceTable.serialize_copy (c, xDeviceTable, this);
out->yDeviceTable.serialize_copy (c, yDeviceTable, this);
out->xDeviceTable.serialize_copy (c, xDeviceTable, this, 0, hb_serialize_context_t::Head, layout_variation_idx_map);
out->yDeviceTable.serialize_copy (c, yDeviceTable, this, 0, hb_serialize_context_t::Head, layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (out);
@ -479,13 +485,13 @@ struct Anchor
Anchor* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
Anchor* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
switch (u.format) {
case 1: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Anchor *> (u.format1.copy (c)));
case 2: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Anchor *> (u.format2.copy (c)));
case 3: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Anchor *> (u.format3.copy (c)));
case 3: return_trace (reinterpret_cast<Anchor *> (u.format3.copy (c, layout_variation_idx_map)));
default:return_trace (nullptr);
@ -539,6 +545,7 @@ struct AnchorMatrix
bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
unsigned num_rows,
AnchorMatrix const *offset_matrix,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map,
Iterator index_iter)
@ -550,7 +557,10 @@ struct AnchorMatrix
auto *offset = c->embed (offset_matrix->matrixZ[i]);
if (!offset) return_trace (false);
offset->serialize_copy (c, offset_matrix->matrixZ[i], offset_matrix, c->to_bias (this));
offset->serialize_copy (c, offset_matrix->matrixZ[i],
offset_matrix, c->to_bias (this),
return_trace (true);
@ -588,15 +598,18 @@ struct MarkRecord
return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && markAnchor.sanitize (c, base));
MarkRecord *copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base,
unsigned dst_bias, const hb_map_t *klass_mapping) const
MarkRecord *copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src_base,
unsigned dst_bias,
const hb_map_t *klass_mapping,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
auto *out = c->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
out->klass = klass_mapping->get (klass);
out->markAnchor.serialize_copy (c, markAnchor, base, dst_bias);
out->markAnchor.serialize_copy (c, markAnchor, src_base, dst_bias, hb_serialize_context_t::Head, layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (out);
@ -655,13 +668,14 @@ struct MarkArray : ArrayOf<MarkRecord> /* Array of MarkRecords--in Coverage orde
hb_requires (hb_is_source_of (Iterator, MarkRecord))>
bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const hb_map_t *klass_mapping,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map,
const void *base,
Iterator it)
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false);
if (unlikely (!c->check_assign (len, it.len ()))) return_trace (false);
c->copy_all (it, base, c->to_bias (this), klass_mapping);
c->copy_all (it, base, c->to_bias (this), klass_mapping, layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (true);
@ -717,7 +731,8 @@ struct SinglePosFormat1
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src,
Iterator it,
ValueFormat valFormat)
ValueFormat valFormat,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
auto out = c->extend_min (*this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return;
@ -726,7 +741,7 @@ struct SinglePosFormat1
+ it
| hb_map (hb_second)
| hb_apply ([&] (hb_array_t<const Value> _)
{ valFormat.serialize_copy (c, src, &_); })
{ valFormat.serialize_copy (c, src, &_, layout_variation_idx_map); })
auto glyphs =
@ -751,7 +766,7 @@ struct SinglePosFormat1
bool ret = bool (it);
SinglePos_serialize (c->serializer, this, it, valueFormat);
SinglePos_serialize (c->serializer, this, it, valueFormat, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (ret);
@ -830,7 +845,8 @@ struct SinglePosFormat2
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src,
Iterator it,
ValueFormat valFormat)
ValueFormat valFormat,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
auto out = c->extend_min (*this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return;
@ -840,7 +856,7 @@ struct SinglePosFormat2
+ it
| hb_map (hb_second)
| hb_apply ([&] (hb_array_t<const Value> _)
{ valFormat.serialize_copy (c, src, &_); })
{ valFormat.serialize_copy (c, src, &_, layout_variation_idx_map); })
auto glyphs =
@ -872,7 +888,7 @@ struct SinglePosFormat2
bool ret = bool (it);
SinglePos_serialize (c->serializer, this, it, valueFormat);
SinglePos_serialize (c->serializer, this, it, valueFormat, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (ret);
@ -920,7 +936,8 @@ struct SinglePos
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src,
Iterator glyph_val_iter_pairs,
ValueFormat valFormat)
ValueFormat valFormat,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (u.format))) return;
unsigned format = 2;
@ -929,9 +946,9 @@ struct SinglePos
u.format = format;
switch (u.format) {
case 1: u.format1.serialize (c, src, glyph_val_iter_pairs, valFormat);
case 1: u.format1.serialize (c, src, glyph_val_iter_pairs, valFormat, layout_variation_idx_map);
case 2: u.format2.serialize (c, src, glyph_val_iter_pairs, valFormat);
case 2: u.format2.serialize (c, src, glyph_val_iter_pairs, valFormat, layout_variation_idx_map);
@ -962,8 +979,9 @@ static void
SinglePos_serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src,
Iterator it,
ValueFormat valFormat)
{ c->start_embed<SinglePos> ()->serialize (c, src, it, valFormat); }
ValueFormat valFormat,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
{ c->start_embed<SinglePos> ()->serialize (c, src, it, valFormat, layout_variation_idx_map); }
struct PairValueRecord
@ -979,6 +997,7 @@ struct PairValueRecord
const ValueFormat *valueFormats;
unsigned len1; /* valueFormats[0].get_len() */
const hb_map_t *glyph_map;
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map;
bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
@ -990,8 +1009,8 @@ struct PairValueRecord
out->secondGlyph = (*closure->glyph_map)[secondGlyph];
closure->valueFormats[0].serialize_copy (c, closure->base, &values[0]);
closure->valueFormats[1].serialize_copy (c, closure->base, &values[closure->len1]);
closure->valueFormats[0].serialize_copy (c, closure->base, &values[0], closure->layout_variation_idx_map);
closure->valueFormats[1].serialize_copy (c, closure->base, &values[closure->len1], closure->layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (true);
@ -1122,7 +1141,8 @@ struct PairSet
const PairValueRecord *record = &firstPairValueRecord;
@ -1408,17 +1428,17 @@ struct PairPosFormat2
+ hb_range ((unsigned) class1Count)
| hb_filter (klass1_map)
| hb_apply ([&] (const unsigned class1_idx)
+ hb_range ((unsigned) class2Count)
| hb_filter (klass2_map)
| hb_apply ([&] (const unsigned class2_idx)
unsigned idx = (class1_idx * (unsigned) class2Count + class2_idx) * (len1 + len2);
valueFormat1.serialize_copy (c->serializer, this, &values[idx]);
valueFormat2.serialize_copy (c->serializer, this, &values[idx + len1]);
+ hb_range ((unsigned) class2Count)
| hb_filter (klass2_map)
| hb_apply ([&] (const unsigned class2_idx)
unsigned idx = (class1_idx * (unsigned) class2Count + class2_idx) * (len1 + len2);
valueFormat1.serialize_copy (c->serializer, this, &values[idx], c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map);
valueFormat2.serialize_copy (c->serializer, this, &values[idx + len1], c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map);
const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->_glyphset_gsub;
@ -1524,14 +1544,17 @@ struct EntryExitRecord
(src_base+exitAnchor).collect_variation_indices (c);
EntryExitRecord* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const void *base) const
EntryExitRecord* copy (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
const void *src_base,
const void *dst_base,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map) const
auto *out = c->embed (this);
if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (nullptr);
out->entryAnchor.serialize_copy (c, entryAnchor, base);
out->exitAnchor.serialize_copy (c, exitAnchor, base);
out->entryAnchor.serialize_copy (c, entryAnchor, src_base, c->to_bias (dst_base), hb_serialize_context_t::Head, layout_variation_idx_map);
out->exitAnchor.serialize_copy (c, exitAnchor, src_base, c->to_bias (dst_base), hb_serialize_context_t::Head, layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (out);
@ -1675,7 +1698,10 @@ struct CursivePosFormat1
template <typename Iterator,
hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, Iterator it, const void *base)
void serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
Iterator it,
const void *src_base,
const hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
if (unlikely (!c->extend_min ((*this)))) return;
this->format = 1;
@ -1683,7 +1709,7 @@ struct CursivePosFormat1
for (const EntryExitRecord& entry_record : + it
| hb_map (hb_second))
c->copy (entry_record, base);
c->copy (entry_record, src_base, this, layout_variation_idx_map);
auto glyphs =
+ it
@ -1710,7 +1736,7 @@ struct CursivePosFormat1
bool ret = bool (it);
out->serialize (c->serializer, it, this);
out->serialize (c->serializer, it, this, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map);
return_trace (ret);
@ -1900,8 +1926,8 @@ struct MarkBasePosFormat1
return_trace (false);
out->markArray.serialize (c->serializer, out)
.serialize (c->serializer, &klass_mapping, &(this+markArray), + mark_iter
| hb_map (hb_second));
.serialize (c->serializer, &klass_mapping, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map, &(this+markArray), + mark_iter
| hb_map (hb_second));
unsigned basecount = (this+baseArray).rows;
auto base_iter =
@ -1931,7 +1957,7 @@ struct MarkBasePosFormat1
out->baseArray.serialize (c->serializer, out)
.serialize (c->serializer, base_iter.len (), &(this+baseArray), base_indexes.iter ());
.serialize (c->serializer, base_iter.len (), &(this+baseArray), c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map, base_indexes.iter ());
return_trace (true);
@ -2277,8 +2303,8 @@ struct MarkMarkPosFormat1
return_trace (false);
out->mark1Array.serialize (c->serializer, out)
.serialize (c->serializer, &klass_mapping, &(this+mark1Array), + mark1_iter
| hb_map (hb_second));
.serialize (c->serializer, &klass_mapping, c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map, &(this+mark1Array), + mark1_iter
| hb_map (hb_second));
unsigned mark2count = (this+mark2Array).rows;
auto mark2_iter =
@ -2308,7 +2334,7 @@ struct MarkMarkPosFormat1
out->mark2Array.serialize (c->serializer, out)
.serialize (c->serializer, mark2_iter.len (), &(this+mark2Array), mark2_indexes.iter ());
.serialize (c->serializer, mark2_iter.len (), &(this+mark2Array), c->plan->layout_variation_idx_map, mark2_indexes.iter ());
return_trace (true);
@ -3303,8 +3303,9 @@ struct GSUBGPOS
unsigned int feature_count = hb_min (get_feature_count (), (unsigned) HB_MAX_FEATURES);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < feature_count; i++)
if (get_feature (i).intersects_lookup_indexes (lookup_indexes))
feature_indexes->add (i);
const Feature& f = get_feature (i);
if ((!f.featureParams.is_null ()) || f.intersects_lookup_indexes (lookup_indexes))
feature_indexes->add (i);
#ifndef HB_NO_VAR
if (version.to_int () >= 0x00010001u)
@ -318,38 +318,6 @@ hb_ot_layout_get_glyphs_in_class (hb_face_t *face,
return face->table.GDEF->table->get_glyphs_in_class (klass, glyphs);
#ifndef HB_NO_VAR
* hb_ot_layout_collect_variation_indices:
* @face: The #hb_face_t to work on
* @layout_variation_indices: (inout): The #hb_set_t set of var indexes in all Device
* tables
* Fetch and remap a list of variation indices in all Device tables referenced
* in the specified face's GDEF table and GPOS tables that are going to be
* retained in the final subset
hb_ot_layout_collect_variation_indices (hb_face_t *face,
const hb_set_t *glyphset,
const hb_map_t *gpos_lookups,
hb_set_t *layout_variation_indices /* OUT */,
hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map /* OUT */)
if (!face->table.GDEF->table->has_data ()) return;
OT::hb_collect_variation_indices_context_t c (layout_variation_indices, glyphset, gpos_lookups);
face->table.GDEF->table->collect_variation_indices (&c);
if (hb_ot_layout_has_positioning (face))
face->table.GPOS->table->collect_variation_indices (&c);
face->table.GDEF->table->remap_layout_variation_indices (layout_variation_indices, layout_variation_idx_map);
* hb_ot_layout_get_attach_points:
@ -121,13 +121,6 @@ hb_ot_layout_get_glyphs_in_class (hb_face_t *face,
hb_ot_layout_glyph_class_t klass,
hb_set_t *glyphs /* OUT */);
hb_ot_layout_collect_variation_indices (hb_face_t *face,
const hb_set_t *glyphset,
const hb_map_t *gpos_lookups,
hb_set_t *layout_variation_indices /* INOUT */,
hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map /* INOUT */);
/* Not that useful. Provides list of attach points for a glyph that a
* client may want to cache */
HB_EXTERN unsigned int
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#include "hb-ot-cmap-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-glyf-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-layout-gdef-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-cff1-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-color-colr-table.hh"
#include "hb-ot-var-fvar-table.hh"
@ -137,7 +139,25 @@ static inline void
hb_set_t *layout_variation_indices,
hb_map_t *layout_variation_idx_map)
hb_ot_layout_collect_variation_indices (face, glyphset, gpos_lookups, layout_variation_indices, layout_variation_idx_map);
hb_blob_ptr_t<OT::GDEF> gdef = hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<OT::GDEF> (face);
hb_blob_ptr_t<OT::GPOS> gpos = hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<OT::GPOS> (face);
if (!gdef->has_data ())
gdef.destroy ();
gpos.destroy ();
OT::hb_collect_variation_indices_context_t c (layout_variation_indices, glyphset, gpos_lookups);
gdef->collect_variation_indices (&c);
if (hb_ot_layout_has_positioning (face))
gpos->collect_variation_indices (&c);
gdef->remap_layout_variation_indices (layout_variation_indices, layout_variation_idx_map);
gdef.destroy ();
gpos.destroy ();
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
expected/layout.gsub6 \
expected/layout.gdef \
expected/layout.context \
expected/layout.gdef-varstore \
expected/cmap \
expected/cmap14 \
expected/sbix \
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ DISABLED_TESTS = \
tests/layout.gsub6.tests \
tests/layout.gdef.tests \
tests/layout.context.tests \
tests/layout.gdef-varstore.tests \
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Reference in New Issue