diff --git a/docs/usermanual-integration.xml b/docs/usermanual-integration.xml
index b8a52c9f7..9fd94c85a 100644
--- a/docs/usermanual-integration.xml
+++ b/docs/usermanual-integration.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
text-rendering pipeline, and will discuss the APIs available to
integrate HarfBuzz with contemporary Linux, Mac, and Windows
software. It will also show how HarfBuzz integrates with popular
- external libaries like FreeType and International Components for
+ external libraries like FreeType and International Components for
Unicode (ICU) and describe the HarfBuzz language bindings for
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
#include <hb-ft.h>
- FT_New_Face(ft_library, font_path, index, &face);
+ FT_New_Face(ft_library, font_path, index, &face);
FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, 1000, 0, 0);
hb_font_t *font = hb_ft_font_create(face);
@@ -303,16 +303,101 @@
Uniscribe integration
+ If your client program is running on Windows, HarfBuzz can
+ integrate with the Uniscribe engine.
+ Overall, the Uniscribe API covers a broader set of typographic
+ layout functions than HarfBuzz implements, but HarfBuzz's
+ shaping API can serve as a drop-in replacement for the shaping
+ functionality. In fact, one of HarfBuzz's design goals is to
+ accurately reproduce the same output for shaping a given text
+ segment that Uniscribe produces — even to the point of
+ duplicating known shaping bugs or deviations from the
+ specification — so you can be sure that your users'
+ documents with their existing fonts will not be affected by
+ switching to HarfBuzz.
+ At a basic level, HarfBuzz's hb_shape()
+ function replaces both the ScriptShape()
+ and ScriptPlace() functions from
+ Uniscribe.
+ However, whereas ScriptShape() returns the
+ glyphs and clusters for a shaped sequence and
+ ScriptPlace() returns the advances and
+ offsets for those glyphs, hb_shape()
+ handles both. After hb_shape() shapes a
+ buffer, the output glyph IDs and cluster IDs are returned as
+ an array of hb_glyph_info_t structures, and the
+ glyph advances and offsets are returned as an array of
+ hb_glyph_position_t structures.
+ Your client program only needs to ensure that it coverts
+ correctly between HarfBuzz's low-level data types (such as
+ hb_position_t) and Windows's corresponding types
+ (such as GOFFSET and ABC). Be sure you
+ read the
+ chapter for a full explanation of how HarfBuzz input buffers are
+ used, and see for the
+ details of what hb_shape() returns in the
+ output buffer when shaping is complete.
+ Although hb_shape() itself is functionally
+ equivalent to Uniscribe's shaping routines, there are two
+ additional HarfBuzz functions you may want to use to integrate
+ the libraries in your code. Both are used to link HarfBuzz font
+ objects to the equivalent Windows structures.
+ The hb_uniscribe_font_get_logfontw()
+ function takes a hb_font_t font object and returns
+ a pointer to the LOGFONTW
+ "logical font" that corresponds to it. A LOGFONTW
+ structure holds font-wide attributes, including metrics, size,
+ and style information.
+SCRIPT_CACHE holds context, including LOGFONT https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/Intl/script-cache
+ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-logfontw
+ The hb_uniscribe_font_get_hfont() function
+ also takes a hb_font_t font object, but it returns
+ an HFONT — a handle to the underlying logical
+ font — instead.
+ LOGFONTWs and HFONTs are both needed
+ by other Uniscribe functions.
+ As a final note, you may notice a reference to an optional
+ uniscribe shaper back-end in the section of the HarfBuzz manual. This
+ option is not a Uniscribe-integration facility.
+ Instead, it is a internal code path used in the
+ hb-shape command-line utility, which hands
+ shaping functionality over to Uniscribe entirely, when run on a
+ Windows system. That allows testing HarfBuzz's native output
+ against the Uniscribe engine, for tracking compatibility and
+ debugging.
+ Because this back-end is only used when testing HarfBuzz
+ functionality, it is disabled by default when building the
+ HarfBuzz binaries.
CoreText integration
@@ -323,6 +408,21 @@