[repacker] PairPosFormat2 splitting - fix coverage and classdef splitting.

The old code was splitting based on coverage index, but should have been splitting on class value.
This commit is contained in:
Garret Rieger 2022-08-04 19:21:16 +00:00
parent b154b1e4c3
commit fdd1952c75
4 changed files with 117 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -57,35 +57,22 @@ struct ClassDefFormat2 : public OT::ClassDefFormat2_4<SmallTypes>
struct ClassDef : public OT::ClassDef
template<typename It>
static bool clone_class_def (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,
unsigned class_def_id,
unsigned new_parent_id,
unsigned link_position,
It glyphs)
static bool add_class_def (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,
unsigned parent_id,
unsigned link_position,
It glyph_and_class,
unsigned max_size)
unsigned class_def_size = c.graph.vertices_[class_def_id].table_size ();
auto& class_def_v = c.graph.vertices_[class_def_id];
ClassDef* class_def_table = (ClassDef*) class_def_v.obj.head;
if (!class_def_table->sanitize (class_def_v))
return false;
auto new_class_def =
+ glyphs
| hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_t gid) {
return hb_pair (gid, class_def_table->get_class (gid));
unsigned class_def_prime_id = c.graph.new_node (nullptr, nullptr);
auto& class_def_prime_vertex = c.graph.vertices_[class_def_prime_id];
if (!make_class_def (c, new_class_def, class_def_prime_id, class_def_size))
if (!make_class_def (c, glyph_and_class, class_def_prime_id, max_size))
return false;
auto* class_def_link = c.graph.vertices_[new_parent_id].obj.real_links.push ();
auto* class_def_link = c.graph.vertices_[parent_id].obj.real_links.push ();
class_def_link->width = SmallTypes::size;
class_def_link->objidx = class_def_prime_id;
class_def_link->position = link_position;
class_def_prime_vertex.parents.push (new_parent_id);
class_def_prime_vertex.parents.push (parent_id);
return true;

View File

@ -77,16 +77,26 @@ struct Coverage : public OT::Layout::Common::Coverage
| hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first)
return add_coverage (c, new_parent_id, link_position, new_coverage, coverage_size);
template<typename It>
static Coverage* add_coverage (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c,
unsigned parent_id,
unsigned link_position,
It glyphs,
unsigned max_size)
unsigned coverage_prime_id = c.graph.new_node (nullptr, nullptr);
auto& coverage_prime_vertex = c.graph.vertices_[coverage_prime_id];
if (!make_coverage (c, new_coverage, coverage_prime_id, coverage_size))
if (!make_coverage (c, glyphs, coverage_prime_id, max_size))
return nullptr;
auto* coverage_link = c.graph.vertices_[new_parent_id].obj.real_links.push ();
auto* coverage_link = c.graph.vertices_[parent_id].obj.real_links.push ();
coverage_link->width = SmallTypes::size;
coverage_link->objidx = coverage_prime_id;
coverage_link->position = link_position;
coverage_prime_vertex.parents.push (new_parent_id);
coverage_prime_vertex.parents.push (parent_id);
return (Coverage*) coverage_prime_vertex.obj.head;

View File

@ -320,6 +320,8 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
" Cloning PairPosFormat2 (%u) range [%u, %u).", split_context.this_index, start, end);
graph_t& graph = split_context.c.graph;
unsigned num_records = end - start;
unsigned prime_size = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallTypes>::min_size
+ num_records * split_context.class1_record_size;
@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
if (pair_pos_prime_id == (unsigned) -1) return -1;
PairPosFormat2* pair_pos_prime =
(PairPosFormat2*) split_context.c.graph.object (pair_pos_prime_id).head;
(PairPosFormat2*) graph.object (pair_pos_prime_id).head;
pair_pos_prime->format = this->format;
pair_pos_prime->valueFormat1 = this->valueFormat1;
pair_pos_prime->valueFormat2 = this->valueFormat2;
@ -340,35 +342,55 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
unsigned coverage_id =
split_context.c.graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &coverage);
graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &coverage);
unsigned class_def_1_id =
graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &classDef1);
auto& coverage_v = graph.vertices_[coverage_id];
auto& class_def_1_v = graph.vertices_[class_def_1_id];
Coverage* coverage_table = (Coverage*) coverage_v.obj.head;
ClassDef* class_def_1_table = (ClassDef*) class_def_1_v.obj.head;
if (!coverage_table->sanitize (coverage_v)
|| !class_def_1_table->sanitize (class_def_1_v))
return false;
Coverage* new_coverage = Coverage::clone_coverage (split_context.c,
start, end);
if (!new_coverage)
auto klass_map =
+ coverage_table->iter ()
| hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_t gid) {
return hb_pair (gid, class_def_1_table->get_class (gid));
| hb_filter ([&] (hb_codepoint_t klass) {
return klass >= start && klass < end;
}, hb_second)
| hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_pair_t<hb_codepoint_t, hb_codepoint_t> gid_and_class) {
// Classes must be from 0...N so subtract start
return hb_pair (gid_and_class.first, gid_and_class.second - start);
if (!Coverage::add_coverage (split_context.c,
+ klass_map | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first),
coverage_v.table_size ()))
return -1;
// classDef1
unsigned class_def_1_id =
split_context.c.graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &classDef1);
if (!ClassDef::clone_class_def (split_context.c,
new_coverage->iter ()))
if (!ClassDef::add_class_def (split_context.c,
+ klass_map,
class_def_1_v.table_size ()))
return -1;
// classDef2
unsigned class_def_2_id =
split_context.c.graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &classDef2);
auto* class_def_link = split_context.c.graph.vertices_[pair_pos_prime_id].obj.real_links.push ();
graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &classDef2);
auto* class_def_link = graph.vertices_[pair_pos_prime_id].obj.real_links.push ();
class_def_link->width = SmallTypes::size;
class_def_link->objidx = class_def_2_id;
class_def_link->position = 10;
split_context.c.graph.vertices_[class_def_2_id].parents.push (pair_pos_prime_id);
split_context.c.graph.duplicate (pair_pos_prime_id, class_def_2_id);
graph.vertices_[class_def_2_id].parents.push (pair_pos_prime_id);
graph.duplicate (pair_pos_prime_id, class_def_2_id);
return pair_pos_prime_id;
@ -450,48 +472,43 @@ struct PairPosFormat2 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat2_4<SmallType
if (count >= old_count)
return true;
graph_t& graph = split_context.c.graph;
class1Count = count;
split_context.c.graph.vertices_[split_context.this_index].obj.tail -=
graph.vertices_[split_context.this_index].obj.tail -=
(old_count - count) * split_context.class1_record_size;
unsigned coverage_id =
split_context.c.graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &coverage);
auto& coverage_v = split_context.c.graph.vertices_[coverage_id];
graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &coverage);
unsigned class_def_1_id =
graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index, &classDef1);
auto& coverage_v = graph.vertices_[coverage_id];
auto& class_def_1_v = graph.vertices_[class_def_1_id];
Coverage* coverage_table = (Coverage*) coverage_v.obj.head;
if (!coverage_table->sanitize (coverage_v))
ClassDef* class_def_1_table = (ClassDef*) class_def_1_v.obj.head;
if (!coverage_table->sanitize (coverage_v)
|| !class_def_1_table->sanitize (class_def_1_v))
return false;
auto new_coverage =
+ hb_zip (coverage_table->iter (), hb_range ())
| hb_filter ([&] (hb_pair_t<unsigned, unsigned> p) {
return p.second < count;
| hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first)
auto klass_map =
+ coverage_table->iter ()
| hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_t gid) {
return hb_pair (gid, class_def_1_table->get_class (gid));
| hb_filter ([&] (hb_codepoint_t klass) {
return klass < count;
}, hb_second)
if (!Coverage::make_coverage (split_context.c, new_coverage, coverage_id, coverage_v.table_size ()))
if (!Coverage::make_coverage (split_context.c,
+ klass_map | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first),
coverage_v.table_size ()))
return false;
// classDef1
coverage_table = (Coverage*) coverage_v.obj.head; // get the new table
unsigned class_def_id = split_context.c.graph.index_for_offset (split_context.this_index,
auto& class_def_v = split_context.c.graph.vertices_[class_def_id];
ClassDef* class_def_table = (ClassDef*) class_def_v.obj.head;
if (!class_def_table->sanitize (class_def_v))
return false;
auto new_class_def =
+ coverage_table->iter ()
| hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_t gid) {
return hb_pair (gid, class_def_table->get_class (gid));
return ClassDef::make_class_def (split_context.c,
class_def_v.table_size ());
+ klass_map,
class_def_1_v.table_size ());
hb_hashmap_t<void*, unsigned>

View File

@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ static unsigned add_extension (unsigned child,
// Adds coverage table fro [start, end]
static unsigned add_coverage (char start, char end,
hb_serialize_context_t* c)
@ -167,24 +168,29 @@ static unsigned add_coverage (char start, char end,
return add_object (coverage, 10, c);
static unsigned add_class_def (uint8_t start_glyph,
uint16_t class_count,
// Adds a class that maps glyphs from [start_glyph, end_glyph)
// to classes 1...n
static unsigned add_class_def (uint16_t start_glyph,
uint16_t end_glyph,
hb_serialize_context_t* c)
unsigned count = end_glyph - start_glyph;
uint8_t header[] = {
0, 1, // format
0, start_glyph, // startGlyphID
(uint8_t) ((class_count >> 8) & 0xFF),
(uint8_t) (class_count & 0xFF), // count
(uint8_t) ((start_glyph >> 8) & 0xFF),
(uint8_t) (start_glyph & 0xFF), // start_glyph
(uint8_t) ((count >> 8) & 0xFF),
(uint8_t) (count & 0xFF), // count
start_object ((char*) header, 6, c);
for (uint16_t i = 1; i <= class_count; i++)
for (uint16_t i = 1; i <= count; i++)
unsigned klass = start_glyph + 10 + i;
uint8_t class_value[] = {
(uint8_t) ((klass >> 8) & 0xFF),
(uint8_t) (klass & 0xFF), // count
(uint8_t) ((i >> 8) & 0xFF),
(uint8_t) (i & 0xFF), // count
extend ((char*) class_value, 2, c);
@ -1216,19 +1222,27 @@ populate_serializer_with_large_pair_pos_2 (hb_serialize_context_t* c,
unsigned* device_tables = (unsigned*) calloc (num_pair_pos_2 * num_class_1 * num_class_2,
// Total glyphs = num_class_1 * num_pair_pos_2
for (int i = num_pair_pos_2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
unsigned start_glyph = 5 + i * num_class_1;
if (num_class_2 >= num_class_1)
class_def_2[i] = add_class_def (10, num_class_2, c);
class_def_1[i] = add_class_def (5 + i * num_class_1, num_class_1, c);
class_def_2[i] = add_class_def (11,
10 + num_class_2, c);
class_def_1[i] = add_class_def (start_glyph + 1,
start_glyph + num_class_1,
} else {
class_def_1[i] = add_class_def (5 + i * num_class_1, num_class_1, c);
class_def_2[i] = add_class_def (10, num_class_2, c);
class_def_1[i] = add_class_def (start_glyph + 1,
start_glyph + num_class_1,
class_def_2[i] = add_class_def (11,
10 + num_class_2, c);
coverage[i] = add_coverage (5 + i * num_class_1,
5 + (i + 1) * num_class_1 - 1,
coverage[i] = add_coverage (start_glyph,
start_glyph + num_class_1 - 1,
if (with_device_tables)