The table can now compile independently too. If we cannot make it work
on MSVC, we can always generate the data and distribute it.
The code now compiles cleanly with:
gcc -c -xc -std=c99 -Werror -pedantic hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-win1256.hh
g++ -c -xc -std=c++1x -Werror -pedantic hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-win1256.hh
a97f537cec (commitcomment-7218736)
Bug 1045139 - The Arabic text with "MS Sans Serif" font is rendered bad
This is only enabled on Windows platforms, and requires support from
Uniscribe to work. But for clients that do hook up to Uniscribe, this
fixes shaping of Windows-1256-encoded bitmap fonts like "MS Sans Serif".
The code and table together have just less than a 1kb footprint when
UNTESTED. I might even have broken regular Arabic fallback shaping.