/* * Copyright © 2022 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Garret Rieger */ #ifndef GRAPH_MARKBASEPOS_GRAPH_HH #define GRAPH_MARKBASEPOS_GRAPH_HH #include "split-helpers.hh" #include "coverage-graph.hh" #include "../OT/Layout/GPOS/MarkBasePos.hh" #include "../OT/Layout/GPOS/PosLookupSubTable.hh" namespace graph { struct AnchorMatrix : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::AnchorMatrix { bool sanitize (graph_t::vertex_t& vertex) const { // TODO return false; } unsigned clone (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index, const hb_hashmap_t& pos_to_index, unsigned start, unsigned end) { // TODO return -1; } }; struct MarkArray : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkArray { bool sanitize (graph_t::vertex_t& vertex) const { // TODO return false; } unsigned clone (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index, const hb_hashmap_t& pos_to_index, hb_set_t& marks) { // TODO return -1; } }; struct MarkBasePosFormat1 : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkBasePosFormat1_2 { bool sanitize (graph_t::vertex_t& vertex) const { int64_t vertex_len = vertex.obj.tail - vertex.obj.head; unsigned min_size = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkBasePosFormat1_2::min_size; if (vertex_len < min_size) return false; // TODO return true; } hb_vector_t split_subtables (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index) { hb_set_t visited; const unsigned base_coverage_id = c.graph.index_for_offset (this_index, &baseCoverage); const unsigned base_size = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::PairPosFormat1_3::min_size + c.graph.vertices_[base_coverage_id].table_size (); hb_vector_t class_to_info = get_class_info (c, this_index); unsigned partial_coverage_size = 4; unsigned accumulated = base_size; hb_vector_t split_points; unsigned class_count = classCount; for (unsigned klass = 0; klass < class_count; klass++) { class_info_t& info = class_to_info[klass]; partial_coverage_size += OT::HBUINT16::static_size * info.marks.get_population (); unsigned accumulated_delta = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkRecord::static_size * info.marks.get_population (); // TODO this doesn't count up null offsets. accumulated_delta += OT::Offset16::static_size * info.child_indices.length; for (unsigned objidx : info.child_indices) accumulated_delta += c.graph.find_subgraph_size (objidx, visited); accumulated += accumulated_delta; unsigned total = accumulated + partial_coverage_size; if (total >= (1 << 16)) { split_points.push (klass); accumulated = base_size + accumulated_delta; partial_coverage_size = 4 + OT::HBUINT16::static_size * info.marks.get_population (); visited.clear (); // node sharing isn't allowed between splits. } } const unsigned mark_array_id = c.graph.index_for_offset (this_index, &markArray); const unsigned base_array_id = c.graph.index_for_offset (this_index, &baseArray); split_context_t split_context { c, this, this_index, std::move (class_to_info), c.graph.vertices_[mark_array_id].position_to_index_map (), c.graph.vertices_[base_array_id].position_to_index_map () }; return actuate_subtable_split (split_context, split_points); } private: struct class_info_t { hb_set_t marks; hb_vector_t child_indices; }; struct split_context_t { gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c; MarkBasePosFormat1* thiz; unsigned this_index; hb_vector_t class_to_info; hb_hashmap_t mark_array_links; hb_hashmap_t base_array_links; unsigned original_count () { return thiz->classCount; } unsigned clone_range (unsigned start, unsigned end) { return thiz->clone_range (*this, this->this_index, start, end); } bool shrink (unsigned count) { return thiz->shrink (*this, this->this_index, count); } }; hb_vector_t get_class_info (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index) { hb_vector_t class_to_info; unsigned class_count= classCount; class_to_info.resize (class_count); auto mark_array = c.graph.as_table (this_index, &markArray); if (!mark_array) return hb_vector_t (); unsigned mark_count = mark_array.table->len; for (unsigned mark = 0; mark < mark_count; mark++) { unsigned klass = (*mark_array.table)[mark].get_class (); class_to_info[klass].marks.add (mark); } for (const auto& link : mark_array.vertex->obj.real_links) { unsigned mark = (link.position - 2) / OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkRecord::static_size; unsigned klass = (*mark_array.table)[mark].get_class (); class_to_info[klass].child_indices.push (link.objidx); } unsigned base_array_id = c.graph.index_for_offset (this_index, &baseArray); auto& base_array_v = c.graph.vertices_[base_array_id]; for (const auto& link : base_array_v.obj.real_links) { unsigned index = (link.position - 2) / OT::Offset16::static_size; unsigned klass = index % class_count; class_to_info[klass].child_indices.push (link.objidx); } return class_to_info; } bool shrink (split_context_t& c, unsigned this_index, unsigned count) { /* DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " Shrinking PairPosFormat1 (%u) to [0, %u).", this_index, count); unsigned old_count = pairSet.len; if (count >= old_count) return true; pairSet.len = count; c.graph.vertices_[this_index].obj.tail -= (old_count - count) * SmallTypes::size; unsigned coverage_id = c.graph.mutable_index_for_offset (this_index, &coverage); unsigned coverage_size = c.graph.vertices_[coverage_id].table_size (); auto& coverage_v = c.graph.vertices_[coverage_id]; Coverage* coverage_table = (Coverage*) coverage_v.obj.head; if (!coverage_table || !coverage_table->sanitize (coverage_v)) return false; auto new_coverage = + hb_zip (coverage_table->iter (), hb_range ()) | hb_filter ([&] (hb_pair_t p) { return p.second < count; }) | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first) ; return Coverage::make_coverage (c, new_coverage, coverage_id, coverage_size); */ return -1; // TODO } // Create a new PairPos including PairSet's from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). // Returns object id of the new object. unsigned clone_range (split_context_t& sc, unsigned this_index, unsigned start, unsigned end) const { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, " Cloning MarkBasePosFormat1 (%u) range [%u, %u).", this_index, start, end); // TODO graph_t& graph = sc.c.graph; unsigned prime_size = OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkBasePosFormat1_2::static_size; unsigned prime_id = sc.c.create_node (prime_size); if (prime_id == (unsigned) -1) return -1; MarkBasePosFormat1* prime = (MarkBasePosFormat1*) graph.object (prime_id).head; prime->format = this->format; prime->classCount = this->classCount; unsigned base_coverage_id = graph.index_for_offset (sc.this_index, &baseCoverage); graph.add_link (&(prime->baseCoverage), prime_id, base_coverage_id); graph.duplicate (prime_id, base_coverage_id); hb_set_t marks; for (unsigned klass = start; klass < end; klass++) { + sc.class_to_info[klass].marks.iter () | hb_sink (marks) ; } if (!Coverage::add_coverage (sc.c, prime_id, 2, + marks.iter (), marks.get_population () * 2 + 4)) return -1; auto mark_array = graph.as_table (sc.this_index, &markArray); if (!mark_array) return -1; unsigned new_mark_array = mark_array.table->clone (sc.c, mark_array.index, sc.mark_array_links, marks); graph.add_link (&(prime->markArray), prime_id, new_mark_array); auto base_array = graph.as_table (sc.this_index, &baseArray); if (!base_array) return -1; unsigned new_base_array = base_array.table->clone (sc.c, mark_array.index, sc.base_array_links, start, end); graph.add_link (&(prime->baseArray), prime_id, new_base_array); return prime_id; } }; struct MarkBasePos : public OT::Layout::GPOS_impl::MarkBasePos { hb_vector_t split_subtables (gsubgpos_graph_context_t& c, unsigned this_index) { switch (u.format) { case 1: return ((MarkBasePosFormat1*)(&u.format1))->split_subtables (c, this_index); #ifndef HB_NO_BORING_EXPANSION case 2: HB_FALLTHROUGH; // Don't split 24bit PairPos's. #endif default: return hb_vector_t (); } } bool sanitize (graph_t::vertex_t& vertex) const { int64_t vertex_len = vertex.obj.tail - vertex.obj.head; if (vertex_len < u.format.get_size ()) return false; switch (u.format) { case 1: return ((PairPosFormat1*)(&u.format1))->sanitize (vertex); #ifndef HB_NO_BORING_EXPANSION case 2: HB_FALLTHROUGH; #endif default: // We don't handle format 3 and 4 here. return false; } } }; } #endif // GRAPH_MARKBASEPOS_GRAPH_HH