/* * Copyright © 2011,2012 Google, Inc. * Copyright © 2018 Ebrahim Byagowi * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod */ #ifndef HB_OT_OS2_TABLE_HH #define HB_OT_OS2_TABLE_HH #include "hb-open-type.hh" #include "hb-ot-os2-unicode-ranges.hh" #include "hb-ot-cmap-table.hh" #include "hb-set.hh" /* * OS/2 and Windows Metrics * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2 */ #define HB_OT_TAG_OS2 HB_TAG('O','S','/','2') namespace OT { struct OS2V1Tail { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } public: HBUINT32 ulCodePageRange1; HBUINT32 ulCodePageRange2; public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (8); }; struct OS2V2Tail { bool has_data () const { return sxHeight || sCapHeight; } const OS2V2Tail * operator -> () const { return this; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } public: HBINT16 sxHeight; HBINT16 sCapHeight; HBUINT16 usDefaultChar; HBUINT16 usBreakChar; HBUINT16 usMaxContext; public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (10); }; struct OS2V5Tail { inline bool get_optical_size (unsigned int *lower, unsigned int *upper) const { unsigned int lower_optical_size = usLowerOpticalPointSize; unsigned int upper_optical_size = usUpperOpticalPointSize; /* Per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#lps */ if (lower_optical_size < upper_optical_size && lower_optical_size >= 1 && lower_optical_size <= 0xFFFE && upper_optical_size >= 2 && upper_optical_size <= 0xFFFF) { *lower = lower_optical_size; *upper = upper_optical_size; return true; } return false; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } public: HBUINT16 usLowerOpticalPointSize; HBUINT16 usUpperOpticalPointSize; public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (4); }; struct OS2 { static constexpr hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_OS2; bool has_data () const { return usWeightClass || usWidthClass || usFirstCharIndex || usLastCharIndex; } const OS2V1Tail &v1 () const { return version >= 1 ? v1X : Null (OS2V1Tail); } const OS2V2Tail &v2 () const { return version >= 2 ? v2X : Null (OS2V2Tail); } const OS2V5Tail &v5 () const { return version >= 5 ? v5X : Null (OS2V5Tail); } enum selection_flag_t { ITALIC = 1u<<0, UNDERSCORE = 1u<<1, NEGATIVE = 1u<<2, OUTLINED = 1u<<3, STRIKEOUT = 1u<<4, BOLD = 1u<<5, REGULAR = 1u<<6, USE_TYPO_METRICS = 1u<<7, WWS = 1u<<8, OBLIQUE = 1u<<9 }; bool is_italic () const { return fsSelection & ITALIC; } bool is_oblique () const { return fsSelection & OBLIQUE; } bool use_typo_metrics () const { return fsSelection & USE_TYPO_METRICS; } enum width_class_t { FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED = 1, /* 50% */ FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED = 2, /* 62.5% */ FWIDTH_CONDENSED = 3, /* 75% */ FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = 4, /* 87.5% */ FWIDTH_NORMAL = 5, /* 100% */ FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED = 6, /* 112.5% */ FWIDTH_EXPANDED = 7, /* 125% */ FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED = 8, /* 150% */ FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED = 9 /* 200% */ }; float get_width () const { switch (usWidthClass) { case FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED:return 50.f; case FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED:return 62.5f; case FWIDTH_CONDENSED: return 75.f; case FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED: return 87.5f; default: case FWIDTH_NORMAL: return 100.f; case FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED: return 112.5f; case FWIDTH_EXPANDED: return 125.f; case FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: return 150.f; case FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: return 200.f; } } bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SUBSET (this); OS2 *os2_prime = c->serializer->embed (this); if (unlikely (!os2_prime)) return_trace (false); hb_set_t unicodes; if (!c->plan->glyphs_requested->is_empty ()) { hb_map_t unicode_glyphid_map; OT::cmap::accelerator_t cmap; cmap.init (c->plan->source); cmap.collect_mapping (&unicodes, &unicode_glyphid_map); cmap.fini (); if (c->plan->unicodes->is_empty ()) unicodes.clear (); else hb_set_set (&unicodes, c->plan->unicodes); + unicode_glyphid_map.iter () | hb_filter (c->plan->glyphs_requested, hb_second) | hb_map (hb_first) | hb_sink (unicodes) ; } /* when --gids option is not used, no need to do collect_mapping that is * iterating all codepoints in each subtable, which is not efficient */ uint16_t min_cp, max_cp; find_min_and_max_codepoint (unicodes.is_empty () ? c->plan->unicodes : &unicodes, &min_cp, &max_cp); os2_prime->usFirstCharIndex = min_cp; os2_prime->usLastCharIndex = max_cp; _update_unicode_ranges (unicodes.is_empty () ? c->plan->unicodes : &unicodes, os2_prime->ulUnicodeRange); return_trace (true); } void _update_unicode_ranges (const hb_set_t *codepoints, HBUINT32 ulUnicodeRange[4]) const { HBUINT32 newBits[4]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) newBits[i] = 0; hb_codepoint_t cp = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; while (codepoints->next (&cp)) { unsigned int bit = _hb_ot_os2_get_unicode_range_bit (cp); if (bit < 128) { unsigned int block = bit / 32; unsigned int bit_in_block = bit % 32; unsigned int mask = 1 << bit_in_block; newBits[block] = newBits[block] | mask; } if (cp >= 0x10000 && cp <= 0x110000) { /* the spec says that bit 57 ("Non Plane 0") implies that there's at least one codepoint beyond the BMP; so I also include all the non-BMP codepoints here */ newBits[1] = newBits[1] | (1 << 25); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ulUnicodeRange[i] = ulUnicodeRange[i] & newBits[i]; // set bits only if set in the original } static void find_min_and_max_codepoint (const hb_set_t *codepoints, uint16_t *min_cp, /* OUT */ uint16_t *max_cp /* OUT */) { *min_cp = hb_min (0xFFFFu, codepoints->get_min ()); *max_cp = hb_min (0xFFFFu, codepoints->get_max ()); } /* https://github.com/Microsoft/Font-Validator/blob/520aaae/OTFontFileVal/val_OS2.cs#L644-L681 */ enum font_page_t { FONT_PAGE_HEBREW = 0xB100, /* Hebrew Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_SIMP_ARABIC = 0xB200, /* Simplified Arabic Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_TRAD_ARABIC = 0xB300, /* Traditional Arabic Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_OEM_ARABIC = 0xB400, /* OEM Arabic Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_SIMP_FARSI = 0xBA00, /* Simplified Farsi Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_TRAD_FARSI = 0xBB00, /* Traditional Farsi Windows 3.1 font page */ FONT_PAGE_THAI = 0xDE00 /* Thai Windows 3.1 font page */ }; font_page_t get_font_page () const { return (font_page_t) (version == 0 ? fsSelection & 0xFF00 : 0); } unsigned get_size () const { unsigned result = min_size; if (version >= 1) result += v1X.get_size (); if (version >= 2) result += v2X.get_size (); if (version >= 5) result += v5X.get_size (); return result; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (version >= 1 && !v1X.sanitize (c))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (version >= 2 && !v2X.sanitize (c))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (version >= 5 && !v5X.sanitize (c))) return_trace (false); return_trace (true); } public: HBUINT16 version; HBINT16 xAvgCharWidth; HBUINT16 usWeightClass; HBUINT16 usWidthClass; HBUINT16 fsType; HBINT16 ySubscriptXSize; HBINT16 ySubscriptYSize; HBINT16 ySubscriptXOffset; HBINT16 ySubscriptYOffset; HBINT16 ySuperscriptXSize; HBINT16 ySuperscriptYSize; HBINT16 ySuperscriptXOffset; HBINT16 ySuperscriptYOffset; HBINT16 yStrikeoutSize; HBINT16 yStrikeoutPosition; HBINT16 sFamilyClass; HBUINT8 panose[10]; HBUINT32 ulUnicodeRange[4]; Tag achVendID; HBUINT16 fsSelection; HBUINT16 usFirstCharIndex; HBUINT16 usLastCharIndex; HBINT16 sTypoAscender; HBINT16 sTypoDescender; HBINT16 sTypoLineGap; HBUINT16 usWinAscent; HBUINT16 usWinDescent; OS2V1Tail v1X; OS2V2Tail v2X; OS2V5Tail v5X; public: DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (78); }; } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* HB_OT_OS2_TABLE_HH */