/* * Copyright © 2022 Behdad Esfahbod * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #ifndef HB_FT_COLR_HH #define HB_FT_COLR_HH #include "hb.hh" #include "hb-paint-extents.hh" #include FT_COLOR_H static hb_paint_composite_mode_t _hb_ft_paint_composite_mode (FT_Composite_Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_CLEAR: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_CLEAR; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OVER; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST_OVER: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_OVER; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_IN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_IN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST_IN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_IN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_OUT: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OUT; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST_OUT: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_OUT; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_ATOP: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_ATOP; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST_ATOP: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_ATOP; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_XOR: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_XOR; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_PLUS: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_PLUS; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SCREEN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SCREEN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_OVERLAY: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_OVERLAY; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DARKEN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DARKEN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_LIGHTEN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_COLOR_DODGE: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_COLOR_DODGE; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_COLOR_BURN; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HARD_LIGHT; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DIFFERENCE; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_EXCLUSION; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_MULTIPLY; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HSL_HUE: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_HUE; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HSL_SATURATION: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_SATURATION; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HSL_COLOR: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_COLOR; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HSL_LUMINOSITY: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_LUMINOSITY; case FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_MAX: HB_FALLTHROUGH; default: return HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_CLEAR; } } typedef struct hb_ft_paint_context_t hb_ft_paint_context_t; static void _hb_ft_paint (hb_ft_paint_context_t *c, FT_OpaquePaint opaque_paint); struct hb_ft_paint_context_t { hb_ft_paint_context_t (const hb_ft_font_t *ft_font, hb_font_t *font, hb_paint_funcs_t *paint_funcs, void *paint_data, FT_Color *palette, hb_color_t foreground) : ft_font (ft_font), font(font), funcs (paint_funcs), data (paint_data), palette (palette), foreground (foreground) {} void recurse (FT_OpaquePaint paint) { if (depth_left <= 0) return; if (edge_count <= 0) return; depth_left--; edge_count--; _hb_ft_paint (this, paint); depth_left++; } const hb_ft_font_t *ft_font; hb_font_t *font; hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs; void *data; FT_Color *palette; hb_color_t foreground; int depth_left = HB_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL; int edge_count = HB_COLRV1_MAX_EDGE_COUNT; }; static unsigned _hb_ft_color_line_get_color_stops (hb_color_line_t *color_line, void *color_line_data, unsigned int start, unsigned int *count, hb_color_stop_t *color_stops, void *user_data) { FT_ColorLine *cl = (FT_ColorLine *) color_line_data; hb_ft_paint_context_t *c = (hb_ft_paint_context_t *) user_data; if (count) { FT_ColorStop stop; unsigned wrote = 0; FT_ColorStopIterator iter = cl->color_stop_iterator; if (start >= cl->color_stop_iterator.num_color_stops) { *count = 0; return cl->color_stop_iterator.num_color_stops; } while (cl->color_stop_iterator.current_color_stop < start) FT_Get_Colorline_Stops(c->ft_font->ft_face, &stop, &cl->color_stop_iterator); while (count && *count && FT_Get_Colorline_Stops(c->ft_font->ft_face, &stop, &cl->color_stop_iterator)) { color_stops->offset = stop.stop_offset / 16384.f; color_stops->is_foreground = stop.color.palette_index == 0xFFFF; if (color_stops->is_foreground) color_stops->color = HB_COLOR (hb_color_get_blue (c->foreground), hb_color_get_green (c->foreground), hb_color_get_red (c->foreground), (hb_color_get_alpha (c->foreground) * stop.color.alpha) >> 14); else { FT_Color ft_color = c->palette[stop.color.palette_index]; color_stops->color = HB_COLOR (ft_color.blue, ft_color.green, ft_color.red, (ft_color.alpha * stop.color.alpha) >> 14); } color_stops++; wrote++; } *count = wrote; // reset the iterator for next time cl->color_stop_iterator = iter; } return cl->color_stop_iterator.num_color_stops; } static hb_paint_extend_t _hb_ft_color_line_get_extend (hb_color_line_t *color_line, void *color_line_data, void *user_data) { FT_ColorLine *c = (FT_ColorLine *) color_line_data; switch (c->extend) { default: case FT_COLR_PAINT_EXTEND_PAD: return HB_PAINT_EXTEND_PAD; case FT_COLR_PAINT_EXTEND_REPEAT: return HB_PAINT_EXTEND_REPEAT; case FT_COLR_PAINT_EXTEND_REFLECT: return HB_PAINT_EXTEND_REFLECT; } } void _hb_ft_paint (hb_ft_paint_context_t *c, FT_OpaquePaint opaque_paint) { FT_Face ft_face = c->ft_font->ft_face; FT_COLR_Paint paint; if (!FT_Get_Paint (ft_face, opaque_paint, &paint)) return; switch (paint.format) { case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COLR_LAYERS: { FT_OpaquePaint other_paint = {0}; while (FT_Get_Paint_Layers (ft_face, &paint.u.colr_layers.layer_iterator, &other_paint)) { c->funcs->push_group (c->data); c->recurse (other_paint); c->funcs->pop_group (c->data, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OVER); } } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SOLID: { bool is_foreground = paint.u.solid.color.palette_index == 0xFFFF; hb_color_t color; if (is_foreground) color = HB_COLOR (hb_color_get_blue (c->foreground), hb_color_get_green (c->foreground), hb_color_get_red (c->foreground), (hb_color_get_alpha (c->foreground) * paint.u.solid.color.alpha) >> 14); else { FT_Color ft_color = c->palette[paint.u.solid.color.palette_index]; color = HB_COLOR (ft_color.blue, ft_color.green, ft_color.red, (ft_color.alpha * paint.u.solid.color.alpha) >> 14); } c->funcs->color (c->data, is_foreground, color); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_LINEAR_GRADIENT: { hb_color_line_t cl = { &paint.u.linear_gradient.colorline, _hb_ft_color_line_get_color_stops, c, _hb_ft_color_line_get_extend, nullptr }; c->funcs->linear_gradient (c->data, &cl, paint.u.linear_gradient.p0.x / 65536.f, paint.u.linear_gradient.p0.y / 65536.f, paint.u.linear_gradient.p1.x / 65536.f, paint.u.linear_gradient.p1.y / 65536.f, paint.u.linear_gradient.p2.x / 65536.f, paint.u.linear_gradient.p2.y / 65536.f); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_RADIAL_GRADIENT: { hb_color_line_t cl = { &paint.u.linear_gradient.colorline, _hb_ft_color_line_get_color_stops, c, _hb_ft_color_line_get_extend, nullptr }; c->funcs->radial_gradient (c->data, &cl, paint.u.radial_gradient.c0.x / 65536.f, paint.u.radial_gradient.c0.y / 65536.f, paint.u.radial_gradient.r0 / 65536.f, paint.u.radial_gradient.c1.x / 65536.f, paint.u.radial_gradient.c1.y / 65536.f, paint.u.radial_gradient.r1 / 65536.f); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SWEEP_GRADIENT: { hb_color_line_t cl = { &paint.u.linear_gradient.colorline, _hb_ft_color_line_get_color_stops, c, _hb_ft_color_line_get_extend, nullptr }; c->funcs->sweep_gradient (c->data, &cl, paint.u.sweep_gradient.center.x / 65536.f, paint.u.sweep_gradient.center.y / 65536.f, (paint.u.sweep_gradient.start_angle / 65536.f + 1) * (float) M_PI, (paint.u.sweep_gradient.end_angle / 65536.f + 1) * (float) M_PI); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_GLYPH: { c->funcs->push_inverse_root_transform (c->data, c->font); c->ft_font->lock.unlock (); c->funcs->push_clip_glyph (c->data, paint.u.glyph.glyphID, c->font); c->ft_font->lock.lock (); c->funcs->push_root_transform (c->data, c->font); c->recurse (paint.u.glyph.paint); c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); c->funcs->pop_clip (c->data); c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COLR_GLYPH: { FT_OpaquePaint other_paint = {0}; if (FT_Get_Color_Glyph_Paint (ft_face, paint.u.colr_glyph.glyphID, FT_COLOR_NO_ROOT_TRANSFORM, &other_paint)) { bool has_clip_box; FT_ClipBox clip_box; has_clip_box = FT_Get_Color_Glyph_ClipBox (ft_face, paint.u.colr_glyph.glyphID, &clip_box); has_clip_box = 0; if (has_clip_box) c->funcs->push_clip_rectangle (c->data, clip_box.bottom_left.x / 64.f, clip_box.bottom_left.y / 64.f, clip_box.top_right.x / 64.f, clip_box.top_right.y / 64.f); c->recurse (other_paint); if (has_clip_box) c->funcs->pop_clip (c->data); } } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_TRANSFORM: { c->funcs->push_transform (c->data, paint.u.transform.affine.xx / 65536.f, paint.u.transform.affine.yx / 65536.f, paint.u.transform.affine.xy / 65536.f, paint.u.transform.affine.yy / 65536.f, paint.u.transform.affine.dx / 65536.f, paint.u.transform.affine.dy / 65536.f); c->recurse (paint.u.transform.paint); c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_TRANSLATE: { float dx = paint.u.translate.dx / 65536.f; float dy = paint.u.translate.dy / 65536.f; bool p1 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, dx, dy); c->recurse (paint.u.translate.paint); if (p1) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SCALE: { float dx = paint.u.scale.center_x / 65536.f; float dy = paint.u.scale.center_y / 65536.f; float sx = paint.u.scale.scale_x / 65536.f; float sy = paint.u.scale.scale_y / 65536.f; bool p1 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, +dx, +dy); bool p2 = c->funcs->push_scale (c->data, sx, sy); bool p3 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, -dx, -dy); c->recurse (paint.u.scale.paint); if (p3) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p2) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p1) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_ROTATE: { float dx = paint.u.rotate.center_x / 65536.f; float dy = paint.u.rotate.center_y / 65536.f; float a = paint.u.rotate.angle / 65536.f; bool p1 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, +dx, +dy); bool p2 = c->funcs->push_rotate (c->data, a); bool p3 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, -dx, -dy); c->recurse (paint.u.rotate.paint); if (p3) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p2) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p1) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SKEW: { float dx = paint.u.skew.center_x / 65536.f; float dy = paint.u.skew.center_y / 65536.f; float sx = paint.u.skew.x_skew_angle / 65536.f; float sy = paint.u.skew.y_skew_angle / 65536.f; bool p1 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, +dx, +dy); bool p2 = c->funcs->push_skew (c->data, sx, sy); bool p3 = c->funcs->push_translate (c->data, -dx, -dy); c->recurse (paint.u.skew.paint); if (p3) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p2) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); if (p1) c->funcs->pop_transform (c->data); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COMPOSITE: { c->funcs->push_group (c->data); c->recurse (paint.u.composite.backdrop_paint); c->funcs->push_group (c->data); c->recurse (paint.u.composite.source_paint); c->funcs->pop_group (c->data, _hb_ft_paint_composite_mode (paint.u.composite.composite_mode)); c->funcs->pop_group (c->data, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OVER); } break; case FT_COLR_PAINT_FORMAT_MAX: break; default: HB_FALLTHROUGH; case FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_UNSUPPORTED: break; } } static bool hb_ft_paint_glyph_colr (hb_font_t *font, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t gid, hb_paint_funcs_t *paint_funcs, void *paint_data, unsigned int palette_index, hb_color_t foreground, void *user_data) { const hb_ft_font_t *ft_font = (const hb_ft_font_t *) font_data; FT_Face ft_face = ft_font->ft_face; /* Face is locked. */ FT_Error error; FT_Color* palette; FT_LayerIterator iterator; FT_Bool have_layers; FT_UInt layer_glyph_index; FT_UInt layer_color_index; error = FT_Palette_Select(ft_face, palette_index, &palette); if (error) palette = NULL; /* COLRv1 */ FT_OpaquePaint paint = {0}; if (FT_Get_Color_Glyph_Paint (ft_face, gid, FT_COLOR_NO_ROOT_TRANSFORM, &paint)) { hb_ft_paint_context_t c (ft_font, font, paint_funcs, paint_data, palette, foreground); bool is_bounded = true; FT_ClipBox clip_box; if (FT_Get_Color_Glyph_ClipBox (ft_face, gid, &clip_box)) { c.funcs->push_clip_rectangle (c.data, clip_box.bottom_left.x - font->slant_xy * clip_box.bottom_left.y, clip_box.bottom_left.y, clip_box.top_right.x - font->slant_xy * clip_box.top_right.y, clip_box.top_right.y); } else { auto *extents_funcs = hb_paint_extents_get_funcs (); hb_paint_extents_context_t extents_data; hb_ft_paint_context_t ce (ft_font, font, extents_funcs, &extents_data, palette, foreground); ce.recurse (paint); hb_extents_t extents = extents_data.get_extents (); is_bounded = extents_data.is_bounded (); c.funcs->push_clip_rectangle (c.data, extents.xmin, extents.ymin, extents.xmax, extents.ymax); } c.funcs->push_root_transform (c.data, font); if (is_bounded) c.recurse (paint); c.funcs->pop_transform (c.data); c.funcs->pop_clip (c.data); return true; } /* COLRv0 */ iterator.p = NULL; have_layers = FT_Get_Color_Glyph_Layer(ft_face, gid, &layer_glyph_index, &layer_color_index, &iterator); if (palette && have_layers) { do { hb_bool_t is_foreground = true; hb_color_t color = foreground; if ( layer_color_index != 0xFFFF ) { FT_Color layer_color = palette[layer_color_index]; color = HB_COLOR (layer_color.blue, layer_color.green, layer_color.red, layer_color.alpha); is_foreground = false; } ft_font->lock.unlock (); paint_funcs->push_clip_glyph (paint_data, layer_glyph_index, font); ft_font->lock.lock (); paint_funcs->color (paint_data, is_foreground, color); paint_funcs->pop_clip (paint_data); } while (FT_Get_Color_Glyph_Layer(ft_face, gid, &layer_glyph_index, &layer_color_index, &iterator)); return true; } return false; } #endif /* HB_FT_COLR_HH */