/* * Copyright © 2022 Matthias Clasen * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #if !defined(HB_H_IN) && !defined(HB_NO_SINGLE_HEADER_ERROR) #error "Include instead." #endif #ifndef HB_PAINT_H #define HB_PAINT_H #include "hb.h" HB_BEGIN_DECLS /** * hb_paint_funcs_t: * * Glyph paint callbacks. * * All the callbacks are necessary. * * The callbacks assume that the caller maintains a stack * of current transforms, clips and intermediate surfaces, * as evidenced by the pairs of push/pop callbacks. The * push/pop calls will be properly nested, so it is fine * to store the different kinds of object on a single stack. * * The callbacks also assume that the caller uses * hb_ot_color_palette_get_colors() to obtain colors * from one of the fonts color palettes. * * Since: REPLACEME **/ typedef struct hb_paint_funcs_t hb_paint_funcs_t; HB_EXTERN hb_paint_funcs_t * hb_paint_funcs_create (); HB_EXTERN hb_paint_funcs_t * hb_paint_funcs_reference (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_destroy (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_make_immutable (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs); HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t hb_paint_funcs_is_immutable (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs); /** * hb_paint_push_transform_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @xx: xx component of the transform matrix * @yx: yx component of the transform matrix * @xy: xy component of the transform matrix * @yy: yy component of the transform matrix * @dx: dx component of the transform matrix * @dy: dy component of the transform matrix * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to apply * a transform to subsequent paint calls. * * This transform is applied after the current transform, * and remains in effect until a matching call to the * #hb_paint_funcs_pop_transform_func_t vfunc. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_push_transform_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, float xx, float xy, float yx, float yy, float x0, float y0, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_pop_transform_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo * the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_transform_func_t * vfunc. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_pop_transform_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_push_clip_glyph_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @glyph: the glyph ID * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to clip * subsequent paint calls to the outline of a glyph. * * The coordinates of the glyph outline are interpreted according * to the current transform. * * This clip is applied in addition to the current clip, * and remains in effect until a matching call to the * #hb_paint_funcs_pop_clip_func_t vfunc. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_push_clip_glyph_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_push_clip_rect_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @xmin: min X for the rectangle * @ymin: min Y for the rectangle * @xmax: max X for the rectangle * @ymax: max Y for the rectangle * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to clip * subsequent paint calls to a rectangle. * * The coordinates of the rectangle are interpreted according * to the current transform. * * This clip is applied in addition to the current clip, * and remains in effect until a matching call to the * #hb_paint_funcs_pop_clip_func_t vfunc. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_push_clip_rect_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_pop_clip_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo * the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_glyph_func_t * or #hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_rect_func_t vfuncs. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_pop_clip_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_solid_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @color_index: Index of a color in the fonts selected color palette * @alpha: alpha to apply in addition * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a solid * color everywhere within the current clip. * * The @color_index can be either an index into one of the fonts * color palettes, or the special value #FFFF, which indicates that * the foreground color should be used. * * In either case, the @alpha value should be applied in addition * (i.e. multiplied with) the alpha value found in the color. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_solid_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, unsigned int color_index, float alpha, void *user_data); typedef struct hb_color_line_t hb_color_line_t; typedef struct { float offset; unsigned int color_index; float alpha; } hb_color_stop_t; HB_EXTERN unsigned int hb_color_line_get_color_stops (hb_color_line_t *color_line, unsigned int start, unsigned int *count, hb_color_stop_t *color_stops); typedef enum { HB_PAINT_EXTEND_PAD, HB_PAINT_EXTEND_REPEAT, HB_PAINT_EXTEND_REFLECT } hb_paint_extend_t; HB_EXTERN hb_paint_extend_t hb_color_line_get_extend (hb_color_line_t *color_line); /** * hb_paint_linear_gradient_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @color_line: Color information for the gradient * @x0: X coordinate of the first point * @y0: Y coordinate of the first point * @x1: X coordinate of the second point * @y1: Y coordinate of the second point * @x2: X coordinate of the third point * @y2: Y coordinate of the third point * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a linear * gradient everywhere within the current clip. * * The coordinates of the points are interpreted according * to the current transform. * * See the OpenType spec COLR section (FIXME link) for details on how the * points define the direction of the gradient, and how * to interpret the @color_line. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_linear_gradient_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_radial_gradient_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @color_line: Color information for the gradient * @x0: X coordinate of the first circle's center * @y0: Y coordinate of the first circle's center * @r0: radius of the first circle * @x1: X coordinate of the second circle's center * @y1: Y coordinate of the second circle's center * @r1: radius of the second circle * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a radial * gradient everywhere within the current clip. * * The coordinates of the points are interpreted according * to the current transform. * * See the OpenType spec COLR section (FIXME link) for details on how the * points define the direction of the gradient, and how * to interpret the @color_line. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_radial_gradient_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_sweep_gradient_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @color_line: Color information for the gradient * @x0: X coordinate of the circle's center * @y0: Y coordinate of the circle's center * @start_angle: the start angle * @end_angle: the end angle * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a sweep * gradient everywhere within the current clip. * * The coordinates of the points are interpreted according * to the current transform. * * See the OpenType spec COLR section (FIXME link) for details on how the * points define the direction of the gradient, and how * to interpret the @color_line. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_sweep_gradient_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float start_angle, float end_angle, void *user_data); typedef enum { HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_CLEAR, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OVER, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_OVER, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_IN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_IN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OUT, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_OUT, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_ATOP, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_ATOP, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_XOR, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_PLUS, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SCREEN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_OVERLAY, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DARKEN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_LIGHTEN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_COLOR_DODGE, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_COLOR_BURN, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HARD_LIGHT, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DIFFERENCE, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_EXCLUSION, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_MULTIPLY, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_HUE, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_SATURATION, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_COLOR, HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_HSL_LUMINOSITY, } hb_paint_composite_mode_t; /** * hb_paint_push_group_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to use * an intermediate surface for subsequent paint calls. * * The drawing will be redirected to an intermediate surface * until a matching call to the #hb_paint_funcs_pop_group_func_t * vfunc. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_push_group_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_pop_group_func_t: * @funcs: paint functions object * @paint_data: The data accompanying the paint functions * @mode: the compositing mode to use * @user_data: user data passed to the hb_font_paint_glyph() call * * A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo * the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_group_func_t * vfunc. * * This call stops the redirection to the intermediate surface, * and then composites it on the previous surface, using the * compositing mode passed to this call. * * Since: REPLACEME */ typedef void (*hb_paint_pop_group_func_t) (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_paint_composite_mode_t mode, void *user_data); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_push_transform_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_push_transform_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_push_transform_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_transform_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_transform_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_pop_transform_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_push_clip_glyph_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_push_clip_glyph_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_push_clip_glyph_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_push_clip_rect_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_push_clip_rect_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_push_clip_rect_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_clip_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_clip_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_pop_clip_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_solid_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_solid_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_solid_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_linear_gradient_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_linear_gradient_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_linear_gradient_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_radial_gradient_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_radial_gradient_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_radial_gradient_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_sweep_gradient_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_sweep_gradient_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_sweep_gradient_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_push_group_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_push_group_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_push_group_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); /** * hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_group_func: * @funcs: * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified): * @user_data: * @destroy: (nullable) */ HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_funcs_set_pop_group_func (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, hb_paint_pop_group_func_t func, void *user_data, hb_destroy_func_t destroy); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_push_transform (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, float xx, float yx, float xy, float yy, float dx, float dy); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_pop_transform (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_push_clip_glyph (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_push_clip_rect (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_pop_clip (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_solid (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, unsigned int color_index, float alpha); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_linear_gradient (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_radial_gradient (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_sweep_gradient (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_color_line_t *color_line, float x0, float y0, float start_angle, float end_angle); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_push_group (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data); HB_EXTERN void hb_paint_pop_group (hb_paint_funcs_t *funcs, void *paint_data, hb_paint_composite_mode_t mode); HB_END_DECLS #endif /* HB_PAINT_H */