#!/usr/bin/env python # Runs a subsetting test suite. Compares the results of subsetting via harfbuz # to subsetting via fonttools. from __future__ import print_function import io import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile from subset_test_suite import SubsetTestSuite def cmd(command): p = subprocess.Popen ( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait () print (p.stderr.read (), end="") # file=sys.stderr return p.stdout.read (), p.returncode def read_binary(file_path): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: return f.read() def fail_test(test, cli_args, message): print ('ERROR: %s' % message) print ('Test State:') print (' test.font_path %s' % os.path.abspath(test.font_path)) print (' test.profile_path %s' % os.path.abspath(test.profile_path)) print (' test.unicodes %s' % test.unicodes()) expected_file = os.path.join(test_suite.get_output_directory(), test.get_font_name()) print (' expected_file %s' % os.path.abspath(expected_file)) return 1 def run_test(test): out_file = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), test.get_font_name() + '-subset.ttf') cli_args = [hb_subset, "--font-file=" + test.font_path, "--output-file=" + out_file, "--unicodes=%s" % test.unicodes()] print (' '.join(cli_args)) _, return_code = cmd(cli_args) if return_code: return fail_test(test, cli_args, "%s returned %d" % (' '.join(cli_args), return_code)) expected_ttx, return_code = run_ttx(os.path.join(test_suite.get_output_directory(), test.get_font_name())) if return_code: return fail_test(test, cli_args, "ttx (expected) returned %d" % (return_code)) actual_ttx, return_code = run_ttx(out_file) if return_code: return fail_test(test, cli_args, "ttx (actual) returned %d" % (return_code)) expected_ttx = strip_check_sum (expected_ttx) actual_ttx = strip_check_sum (expected_ttx) if not actual_ttx == expected_ttx: return fail_test(test, cli_args, 'ttx for expected and actual does not match.') return 0 def run_ttx(file): cli_args = ["ttx", "-o-", file] return cmd(cli_args) def strip_check_sum (ttx_string): return re.sub ('checksumAdjustment value=["]0x(\d+)["]', 'checksumAdjustment value="0x00000000"', ttx_string, count=1) args = sys.argv[1:] if not args or sys.argv[1].find('hb-subset') == -1 or not os.path.exists (sys.argv[1]): print ("First argument does not seem to point to usable hb-subset.") sys.exit (1) hb_subset, args = args[0], args[1:] if not len(args): print ("No tests supplied.") sys.exit (1) _, returncode = cmd(["which", "ttx"]) if returncode: print("TTX is not present, skipping test.") sys.exit (77) fails = 0 for path in args: with io.open(path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: print ("Running tests in " + path) test_suite = SubsetTestSuite(path, f.read()) for test in test_suite.tests(): fails += run_test(test) if fails != 0: print (str (fails) + " test(s) failed.") sys.exit(1) else: print ("All tests passed.")