/* * Copyright © 2011,2014 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod, Roozbeh Pournader */ #include "hb-private.hh" #include "hb-ot.h" #include "hb-font-private.hh" #include "hb-ot-cmap-table.hh" #include "hb-ot-glyf-table.hh" #include "hb-ot-head-table.hh" #include "hb-ot-hhea-table.hh" #include "hb-ot-hmtx-table.hh" struct hb_ot_face_metrics_accelerator_t { unsigned int num_metrics; unsigned int num_advances; unsigned int default_advance; const OT::_mtx *table; hb_blob_t *blob; inline void init (hb_face_t *face, hb_tag_t _hea_tag, hb_tag_t _mtx_tag, unsigned int default_advance_) { this->default_advance = default_advance_; this->num_metrics = face->get_num_glyphs (); hb_blob_t *_hea_blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (_hea_tag)); const OT::_hea *_hea = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (_hea_blob); this->num_advances = _hea->numberOfLongMetrics; hb_blob_destroy (_hea_blob); this->blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (_mtx_tag)); if (unlikely (!this->num_advances || 2 * (this->num_advances + this->num_metrics) < hb_blob_get_length (this->blob))) { this->num_metrics = this->num_advances = 0; hb_blob_destroy (this->blob); this->blob = hb_blob_get_empty (); } this->table = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (this->blob); } inline void fini (void) { hb_blob_destroy (this->blob); } inline unsigned int get_advance (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { if (unlikely (glyph >= this->num_metrics)) { /* If this->num_metrics is zero, it means we don't have the metrics table * for this direction: return default advance. Otherwise, it means that the * glyph index is out of bound: return zero. */ if (this->num_metrics) return 0; else return this->default_advance; } if (glyph >= this->num_advances) glyph = this->num_advances - 1; return this->table->longMetric[glyph].advance; } }; struct hb_ot_face_glyf_accelerator_t { bool short_offset; unsigned int num_glyphs; const OT::loca *loca; const OT::glyf *glyf; hb_blob_t *loca_blob; hb_blob_t *glyf_blob; unsigned int glyf_len; inline void init (hb_face_t *face) { hb_blob_t *head_blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (HB_OT_TAG_head)); const OT::head *head = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (head_blob); if ((unsigned int) head->indexToLocFormat > 1 || head->glyphDataFormat != 0) { /* Unknown format. Leave num_glyphs=0, that takes care of disabling us. */ hb_blob_destroy (head_blob); return; } this->short_offset = 0 == head->indexToLocFormat; hb_blob_destroy (head_blob); this->loca_blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (HB_OT_TAG_loca)); this->loca = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (this->loca_blob); this->glyf_blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (HB_OT_TAG_glyf)); this->glyf = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (this->glyf_blob); this->num_glyphs = MAX (1u, hb_blob_get_length (this->loca_blob) / (this->short_offset ? 2 : 4)) - 1; this->glyf_len = hb_blob_get_length (this->glyf_blob); } inline void fini (void) { hb_blob_destroy (this->loca_blob); hb_blob_destroy (this->glyf_blob); } inline bool get_extents (hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *extents) const { if (unlikely (glyph >= this->num_glyphs)) return false; unsigned int start_offset, end_offset; if (this->short_offset) { start_offset = 2 * this->loca->u.shortsZ[glyph]; end_offset = 2 * this->loca->u.shortsZ[glyph + 1]; } else { start_offset = this->loca->u.longsZ[glyph]; end_offset = this->loca->u.longsZ[glyph + 1]; } if (start_offset > end_offset || end_offset > this->glyf_len) return false; if (end_offset - start_offset < OT::glyfGlyphHeader::static_size) return true; /* Empty glyph; zero extents. */ const OT::glyfGlyphHeader &glyph_header = OT::StructAtOffset (this->glyf, start_offset); extents->x_bearing = MIN (glyph_header.xMin, glyph_header.xMax); extents->y_bearing = MAX (glyph_header.yMin, glyph_header.yMax); extents->width = MAX (glyph_header.xMin, glyph_header.xMax) - extents->x_bearing; extents->height = MIN (glyph_header.yMin, glyph_header.yMax) - extents->y_bearing; return true; } }; struct hb_ot_face_cmap_accelerator_t { const OT::CmapSubtable *table; const OT::CmapSubtable *uvs_table; hb_blob_t *blob; inline void init (hb_face_t *face) { this->blob = OT::Sanitizer::sanitize (face->reference_table (HB_OT_TAG_cmap)); const OT::cmap *cmap = OT::Sanitizer::lock_instance (this->blob); const OT::CmapSubtable *subtable = NULL; const OT::CmapSubtable *subtable_uvs = NULL; /* 32-bit subtables. */ if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (3, 10); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 6); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 4); /* 16-bit subtables. */ if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (3, 1); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 3); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 2); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 1); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (0, 0); if (!subtable) subtable = cmap->find_subtable (3, 0); /* Meh. */ if (!subtable) subtable = &OT::Null(OT::CmapSubtable); /* UVS subtable. */ if (!subtable_uvs) subtable_uvs = cmap->find_subtable (0, 5); /* Meh. */ if (!subtable_uvs) subtable_uvs = &OT::Null(OT::CmapSubtable); this->table = subtable; this->uvs_table = subtable_uvs; } inline void fini (void) { hb_blob_destroy (this->blob); } inline bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { if (unlikely (variation_selector)) { switch (this->uvs_table->get_glyph_variant (unicode, variation_selector, glyph)) { case OT::GLYPH_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND: return false; case OT::GLYPH_VARIANT_FOUND: return true; case OT::GLYPH_VARIANT_USE_DEFAULT: break; } } return this->table->get_glyph (unicode, glyph); } }; struct hb_ot_font_t { hb_ot_face_cmap_accelerator_t cmap; hb_ot_face_metrics_accelerator_t h_metrics; hb_ot_face_metrics_accelerator_t v_metrics; hb_ot_face_glyf_accelerator_t glyf; }; static hb_ot_font_t * _hb_ot_font_create (hb_face_t *face) { hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = (hb_ot_font_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (hb_ot_font_t)); if (unlikely (!ot_font)) return NULL; unsigned int upem = face->get_upem (); ot_font->cmap.init (face); ot_font->h_metrics.init (face, HB_OT_TAG_hhea, HB_OT_TAG_hmtx, upem>>1); ot_font->v_metrics.init (face, HB_OT_TAG_vhea, HB_OT_TAG_vmtx, upem); /* TODO Can we do this lazily? */ ot_font->glyf.init (face); return ot_font; } static void _hb_ot_font_destroy (hb_ot_font_t *ot_font) { ot_font->cmap.fini (); ot_font->h_metrics.fini (); ot_font->v_metrics.fini (); free (ot_font); } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_codepoint_t *glyph, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { const hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = (const hb_ot_font_t *) font_data; return ot_font->cmap.get_glyph (unicode, variation_selector, glyph); } static hb_position_t hb_ot_get_glyph_h_advance (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { const hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = (const hb_ot_font_t *) font_data; return font->em_scale_x (ot_font->h_metrics.get_advance (glyph)); } static hb_position_t hb_ot_get_glyph_v_advance (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { const hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = (const hb_ot_font_t *) font_data; return font->em_scale_y (-(int) ot_font->v_metrics.get_advance (glyph)); } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_h_origin (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data HB_UNUSED, hb_codepoint_t glyph HB_UNUSED, hb_position_t *x HB_UNUSED, hb_position_t *y HB_UNUSED, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* We always work in the horizontal coordinates. */ return true; } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_v_origin (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* TODO */ return false; } static hb_position_t hb_ot_get_glyph_h_kerning (hb_font_t *font, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t left_glyph, hb_codepoint_t right_glyph, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* TODO */ return 0; } static hb_position_t hb_ot_get_glyph_v_kerning (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data HB_UNUSED, hb_codepoint_t top_glyph HB_UNUSED, hb_codepoint_t bottom_glyph HB_UNUSED, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* OpenType doesn't have vertical-kerning other than GPOS. */ return 0; } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_extents (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *extents, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { const hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = (const hb_ot_font_t *) font_data; bool ret = ot_font->glyf.get_extents (glyph, extents); extents->x_bearing = font->em_scale_x (extents->x_bearing); extents->y_bearing = font->em_scale_y (extents->y_bearing); extents->width = font->em_scale_x (extents->width); extents->height = font->em_scale_y (extents->height); return ret; } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_contour_point (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, unsigned int point_index, hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* TODO */ return false; } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_name (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, hb_codepoint_t glyph, char *name, unsigned int size, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* TODO */ return false; } static hb_bool_t hb_ot_get_glyph_from_name (hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED, void *font_data, const char *name, int len, /* -1 means nul-terminated */ hb_codepoint_t *glyph, void *user_data HB_UNUSED) { /* TODO */ return false; } static hb_font_funcs_t * _hb_ot_get_font_funcs (void) { static const hb_font_funcs_t ot_ffuncs = { HB_OBJECT_HEADER_STATIC, true, /* immutable */ { #define HB_FONT_FUNC_IMPLEMENT(name) hb_ot_get_##name, HB_FONT_FUNCS_IMPLEMENT_CALLBACKS #undef HB_FONT_FUNC_IMPLEMENT } }; return const_cast (&ot_ffuncs); } /** * Since: 0.9.28 **/ void hb_ot_font_set_funcs (hb_font_t *font) { hb_ot_font_t *ot_font = _hb_ot_font_create (font->face); if (unlikely (!ot_font)) return; hb_font_set_funcs (font, _hb_ot_get_font_funcs (), ot_font, (hb_destroy_func_t) _hb_ot_font_destroy); }