]> The HarfBuzz object model
An overview of data types in HarfBuzz HarfBuzz features two kinds of data types: non-opaque, pass-by-value types and opaque, heap-allocated types. This kind of separation is common in C libraries that have to provide API/ABI compatibility (almost) indefinitely. Value types: The non-opaque, pass-by-value types include integer types, enums, and small structs. Exposing a struct in the public API makes it impossible to expand the struct in the future. As such, exposing structs is reserved for cases where it’s extremely inefficient to do otherwise. In HarfBuzz, several structs, like hb_glyph_info_t and hb_glyph_position_t, fall into that efficiency-sensitive category and are non-opaque. For all non-opaque structs where future extensibility may be necessary, reserved members are included to hold space for possible future members. As such, it’s important to provide equal(), and hash() methods for such structs, allowing users of the API do effectively deal with the type without having to adapt their code to future changes. Important value types provided by HarfBuzz include the structs for working with Unicode code points, glyphs, and tags for font tables and features, as well as the enums for many Unicode and OpenType properties.
Objects in HarfBuzz Object types: Opaque struct types are used for what HarfBuzz loosely calls "objects." This doesn’t have much to do with the terminology from object-oriented programming (OOP), although some of the concepts are similar. In HarfBuzz, all object types provide certain lifecycle-management APIs. Objects are reference-counted, and constructed with various create() methods, referenced via reference() and dereferenced using destroy(). For example, the hb_buffer_t object has hb_buffer_create() as its constructor, hb_buffer_reference() to reference, and hb_buffer_destroy() to dereference. After construction, each object's properties are accessible only through the setter and getter functions described in the API Reference manual. Key object types provided by HarfBuzz include: blobs, which act as low-level wrappers around binary data. Blobs are typically used to hold the contents of a binary font file. faces, which represent typefaces from a font file, but without specific parameters (such as size) set. fonts, which represent instances of a face with all of their parameters specified. buffers, which hold Unicode code points for characters (before shaping) and the shaped glyph output (after shaping). shape plans, which store the settings that HarfBuzz will use when shaping a particular text segment. Shape plans are not generally used by client programs directly, but as we will see in a later chapter, they are still valuable to understand.
Object lifecycle management Each object type in HarfBuzz provides a create() method. Some object types provide additional variants of create() to handle special cases or to speed up common tasks; those variants are documented in the API reference. For example, hb_blob_create_from_file() constructs a new blob directly from the contents of a file. All objects are created with an initial reference count of 1. Client programs can increase the reference count on an object by calling its reference() method. Whenever a client program is finished with an object, it should call its corresponding destroy() method. The destroy method will decrease the reference count on the object and, whenever the reference count reaches zero, it will also destroy the object and free all of the associated memory. All of HarfBuzz's object-lifecycle-management APIs are thread-safe (unless you compiled HarfBuzz from source with the HB_NO_MT configuration flag), even when the object as a whole is not thread-safe. It is also permissible to reference() or to destroy() the NULL value. Some objects are thread-safe after they have been constructed and set up. The general pattern is to create() the object, make a few set_*() calls to set up the object, and then use it without further modification. To ensure that such an object is not modified, client programs can explicitly mark an object as immutable. HarfBuzz provides make_immutable() methods to mark an object as immutable and is_immutable() methods to test whether or not an object is immutable. Attempts to use setter functions on immutable objects will fail silently; see the API Reference manual for specifics. Note also that there are no "make mutable" methods. If client programs need to alter an object previously marked as immutable, they will need to make a duplicate of the original. Finally, object constructors (and, indeed, as much of the shaping API as possible) will never return NULL. Instead, if there is an allocation error, each constructor will return an “empty” object singleton. These empty-object singletons are inert and safe (although typically useless) to pass around. This design choice avoids having to check for NULL pointers all throughout the code. In addition, this “empty” object singleton can also be accessed using the get_empty() method of the object type in question.
User data To better integrate with client programs, HarfBuzz's objects offer a "user data" mechanism that can be used to attach arbitrary data to the object. User-data attachment can be useful for tying the lifecycles of various pieces of data together, or for creating language bindings. Each object type has a set_user_data() method and a get_user_data() method. The set_user_data() methods take a client-provided key and a pointer, user_data, pointing to the data itself. Once the key-data pair has been attached to the object, the get_user_data() method can be called with the key, returning the user_data pointer. The set_user_data() methods also support an optional destroy callback. Client programs can set the destroy callback and receive notification from HarfBuzz whenever the object is destructed. Finally, each set_user_data() method allows the client program to set a replace Boolean indicating whether or not the function call should replace any existing user_data associated with the specified key.
Blobs While most of HarfBuzz's object types are specific to the shaping process, blobs are somewhat different. Blobs are an abstraction designed to negotiate lifecycle and permissions for raw pieces of data. For example, when you load the raw font data into memory and want to pass it to HarfBuzz, you do so in a hb_blob_t wrapper. This allows you to take advantage of HarffBuzz's reference-counting and destroy callbacks. If you allocated the memory for the data using malloc(), you would create the blob using hb_blob_create (data, length, HB_MEMORY_MODE_WRITABLE, data, free) That way, HarfBuzz will call free() on the allocated memory whenever the blob drops its last reference and is deconstructed. Consequently, the user code can stop worrying about freeing memory and let the reference-counting machinery take care of that.