/* * Copyright © 2018 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod */ #ifndef HB_MAP_HH #define HB_MAP_HH #include "hb.hh" /* * hb_hashmap_t */ template struct hb_hashmap_t { HB_DELETE_COPY_ASSIGN (hb_hashmap_t); hb_hashmap_t () { init (); } ~hb_hashmap_t () { fini (); } static_assert (hb_is_integral (K) || hb_is_pointer (K), ""); static_assert (hb_is_integral (V) || hb_is_pointer (V), ""); struct item_t { K key; V value; uint32_t hash; void clear () { key = kINVALID; value = vINVALID; hash = 0; } bool operator == (const K &o) { return hb_deref (key) == hb_deref (o); } bool operator == (const item_t &o) { return *this == o.key; } bool is_unused () const { return key == kINVALID; } bool is_tombstone () const { return key != kINVALID && value == vINVALID; } bool is_real () const { return key != kINVALID && value != vINVALID; } hb_pair_t get_pair() const { return hb_pair_t (key, value); } }; hb_object_header_t header; bool successful; /* Allocations successful */ unsigned int population; /* Not including tombstones. */ unsigned int occupancy; /* Including tombstones. */ unsigned int mask; unsigned int prime; item_t *items; void init_shallow () { successful = true; population = occupancy = 0; mask = 0; prime = 0; items = nullptr; } void init () { hb_object_init (this); init_shallow (); } void fini_shallow () { hb_free (items); items = nullptr; population = occupancy = 0; } void fini () { hb_object_fini (this); fini_shallow (); } void reset () { successful = true; clear (); } bool in_error () const { return !successful; } bool resize () { if (unlikely (!successful)) return false; unsigned int power = hb_bit_storage (population * 2 + 8); unsigned int new_size = 1u << power; item_t *new_items = (item_t *) hb_malloc ((size_t) new_size * sizeof (item_t)); if (unlikely (!new_items)) { successful = false; return false; } for (auto &_ : hb_iter (new_items, new_size)) _.clear (); unsigned int old_size = mask + 1; item_t *old_items = items; /* Switch to new, empty, array. */ population = occupancy = 0; mask = new_size - 1; prime = prime_for (power); items = new_items; /* Insert back old items. */ if (old_items) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < old_size; i++) if (old_items[i].is_real ()) set_with_hash (old_items[i].key, old_items[i].hash, old_items[i].value); hb_free (old_items); return true; } bool set (K key, V value) { return set_with_hash (key, hb_hash (key), value); } V get (K key) const { if (unlikely (!items)) return vINVALID; unsigned int i = bucket_for (key); return items[i].is_real () && items[i] == key ? items[i].value : vINVALID; } void del (K key) { set (key, vINVALID); } /* Has interface. */ static constexpr V SENTINEL = vINVALID; typedef V value_t; value_t operator [] (K k) const { return get (k); } bool has (K k, V *vp = nullptr) const { V v = (*this)[k]; if (vp) *vp = v; return v != SENTINEL; } /* Projection. */ V operator () (K k) const { return get (k); } void clear () { if (items) for (auto &_ : hb_iter (items, mask + 1)) _.clear (); population = occupancy = 0; } bool is_empty () const { return population == 0; } explicit operator bool () const { return !is_empty (); } unsigned int get_population () const { return population; } /* * Iterator */ auto iter () const HB_AUTO_RETURN ( + hb_array (items, mask ? mask + 1 : 0) | hb_filter (&item_t::is_real) | hb_map (&item_t::get_pair) ) auto keys () const HB_AUTO_RETURN ( + hb_array (items, mask ? mask + 1 : 0) | hb_filter (&item_t::is_real) | hb_map (&item_t::key) | hb_map (hb_ridentity) ) auto values () const HB_AUTO_RETURN ( + hb_array (items, mask ? mask + 1 : 0) | hb_filter (&item_t::is_real) | hb_map (&item_t::value) | hb_map (hb_ridentity) ) /* Sink interface. */ hb_hashmap_t& operator << (const hb_pair_t& v) { set (v.first, v.second); return *this; } protected: bool set_with_hash (K key, uint32_t hash, V value) { if (unlikely (!successful)) return false; if (unlikely (key == kINVALID)) return true; if (unlikely ((occupancy + occupancy / 2) >= mask && !resize ())) return false; unsigned int i = bucket_for_hash (key, hash); if (value == vINVALID && items[i].key != key) return true; /* Trying to delete non-existent key. */ if (!items[i].is_unused ()) { occupancy--; if (items[i].is_tombstone ()) population--; } items[i].key = key; items[i].value = value; items[i].hash = hash; occupancy++; if (!items[i].is_tombstone ()) population++; return true; } unsigned int bucket_for (K key) const { return bucket_for_hash (key, hb_hash (key)); } unsigned int bucket_for_hash (K key, uint32_t hash) const { unsigned int i = hash % prime; unsigned int step = 0; unsigned int tombstone = (unsigned) -1; while (!items[i].is_unused ()) { if (items[i].hash == hash && items[i] == key) return i; if (tombstone == (unsigned) -1 && items[i].is_tombstone ()) tombstone = i; i = (i + ++step) & mask; } return tombstone == (unsigned) -1 ? i : tombstone; } static unsigned int prime_for (unsigned int shift) { /* Following comment and table copied from glib. */ /* Each table size has an associated prime modulo (the first prime * lower than the table size) used to find the initial bucket. Probing * then works modulo 2^n. The prime modulo is necessary to get a * good distribution with poor hash functions. */ /* Not declaring static to make all kinds of compilers happy... */ /*static*/ const unsigned int prime_mod [32] = { 1, /* For 1 << 0 */ 2, 3, 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381, 32749, 65521, /* For 1 << 16 */ 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573, 2097143, 4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859, 134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789, 2147483647 /* For 1 << 31 */ }; if (unlikely (shift >= ARRAY_LENGTH (prime_mod))) return prime_mod[ARRAY_LENGTH (prime_mod) - 1]; return prime_mod[shift]; } }; /* * hb_map_t */ struct hb_map_t : hb_hashmap_t {}; #endif /* HB_MAP_HH */